Firms / Companies complying who fulfil above eligibility criteria shall only apply. Detailed Technical offer and Financial offer shall be submitted in separate sealed cover in the prescribed format as per the link given so as to reach the Company at the office address by Regd. AD/Speed post latest by 9 th October, 2020 in separate sealed envelopes duly marked “Offer for Internal Audit & Pre Audit for year 2020-21” and “Financial Offer for Internal Audit & Pre Audit for year 2020-21” addressed to, The Chief Executive Officer, Bahucharaji Rail Corporation Limited (BRCL), Block No.6, 7th Floor, Udyog Bhavan, Sector-11, Gandhinagar-382011.
The Firm / Company appointed shall not be entitled to any other monetary benefits in addition to the professional fees quoted by it. Professional fees should be quoted as per annum inclusive of out of pocket expenses plus taxes as applicable.
Quarterly Internal Audit & Pre Audit report shall have to be submitted within 21 days of the end of the quarter.
Bahucharaji Rail Corporation Limited (BRCL) reserves the right to accept or not to accept lowest responsive offer based on evaluation and to reject any or all offers without assigning any reason.
For more information