Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), a Navratna Company, is a Govt. of India Undertaking under the Ministry of Defence. It was set up in 1954 at Bangalore to make the country Selfreliant in Defence Electronics. It has 9 units spread across the Country. BEL is a Listed Company. BEL recorded a turnover of Rs 12,608 Crores during 2019-20. BEL is now India’s foremost Defence Electronics Company. For more details, please visit The turnover of BEL Machilipatnam Unit for the FY 2019-20 was Rs.1050 Crores. (Projected Turnover for the Financial Year 20-21 is Rs.1313 Crores.
BEL is a multi-product, multi-technology, multi-Unit conglomerate having products in the areas of Radars, Missile Systems, Military communications, Naval Systems, Electronic Warfare & Avionics, C41 Systems, Electro Optics, Tank Electronics & Gun/Weapon System Upgrade in the Defence Segment and the non-Defence segment include Homeland Security & Smart Cities, Solar Satellite Integration & Space Electronics, Railways, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Software as a Service, Energy Storage Products and Electronic Voting Machines ( EVMs) besides Composite Shelters & Masts
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