Invitation for contributions towards CPT question bank (to be hosted on Institute's
website and published in the `The Chartered Accountant' journal December, 2013 issue)
The Common Proficiency Test (CPT) is an entry level test meant for 10+2 students to the
Accountancy Profession having multiple choice objective questions. The level of knowledge
is basic knowledge with the objective to develop conceptual understanding of the subject
With a view to augment the Question Bank in the Subjects of Accounting/Mercantile
Laws/General Economics/Quantitative Aptitude of Common Proficiency Test, it has been
decided to invite questions from Chartered Accountants/Subject experts working in various
pursuing Chartered Accountancy Course etc.The contributor can contribute as many questions
as he/she can, but in a lot of minimum of 10 questions in the subjects of
Accounting/Mercantile Laws/General Economics/Quantitative Aptitude in the following
The questions should be of objective type with four probable answers for each
question. The correct answer for each question is also required to be given.
Fill in the blanks having four alternative answers.
Small paragraph containing two to three lines followed by a question having four
alternative answers.
Numerical having four alternative answers (in Fundamentals of Accounting,
Mathematics and Statistics).
Simple worded Case studies involving multiple concepts be also prepared. The case
study could be something like a practical situation described in 3 to 4 lines in
simple language with application of single/multiple concepts and requiring students
to choose one answer from amongst four answers whereby the analytical/ logical
ability and intelligence of the students is tested. Since the CPT is an entry level
Test meant for 10+2 students, the level of knowledge expected is basic knowledge
and the questions should be aimed at testing the conceptual understanding and
fundamentals of the subject than merely testing the memory of candidates.
The difficulty level of the questions should be of 10+2 level and capable of being
answered/solved in about one minute. While framing the questions, the questions be framed
in such a manner that each one of the four answers given for a particular question, per
se, appear to be the right answer thereby requiring the candidate to use his analytical
ability to find the correct answer.
The language of the questions to be sent should be in English only and is clear,
correct, unambiguous and free from any doubt. The language conveys the same meaning
as was intended by you.
The copyrights of the questions so submitted shall vest with the Council of the
Institute. The contributor of the questions shall ensure that the questions so
submitted to the Institute are not parted with by him/her to any other Body/Person
and shall be meant only for the exclusive use by the Council of the Institute.
The contributor can contribute as many questions, but in a minimum lot of 10 questions in
the following manner:-
Question and Answer Option Answer(for example)
Q. no.
Question description
A) Option A
01 B) Option B C
C) Option C
D) Option D
Separate files/documents are to be prepared for the various subjects mentioned above.
It may please be noted that the questions framed by you should be original and not already
published in some books or journals or study material of the Institute or reference/ text books
available in the market or also from question papers of any other examinations or material
distributed by any coaching institution. The requirement being the questions are original and
framed with the meticulous care and genuinity.
For each question framed and forwarded and accepted by the Council of the Institute for
augmentation of the Question Bank of CPT, `250/- per question selected/accepted will be
paid as honorarium. In addition to honorarium payable towards questions selected, `100/-
(fixed) will be paid as postal/stationery charges. The questions may be sent in a sealed
envelope by Registered/Speed Post superscribing "Question Bank CPT" to Shri G.
Somasekhar, Additional Secretary (Exams),The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
Indraprastha Marg, New Delhi 110002 by name or by e-mail to
Soft copy of the contributions should be in word format for windows. The font should be Times New
Roman, size12.
While sending the questions by post/mail, please mention your name, e-mail id, complete
postal address, PAN No. , Name of Bank, Bank A/c no, Type of account i.e saving or
current. IFSC code along with contact details including mobile number. All correspondence
on the subject should be treated as secret.
Interested persons may kindly contribute to the Question Bank of CPT.
(G. Somasekhar)
Additional Secretary (Exams)