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Invitation for ISA-AT Question Bank
November, 11th 2013

Invitation for contributions towards ISA-AT Question Bank (to be hosted on
Institute website and published in the `The Chartered Accountant Journal'
December, 2013 issue)

The Information Systems Audit Assessment Test (ISA-AT) is an objective type test
having multiple choices and contains 200 questions carrying 200 marks. The time
allowed for answering 200 questions is four hours. The aforesaid Test is meant for the
members of the Institute to enable them to develop understanding in the field of
Information Systems Audit.

With a view to develop the Question Bank for the various Modules spread over the
Syllabus of the ISA-AT, it has been decided to invite questions from Chartered
Accountants/experts working in various organizations/ institutions. The titles of these
Modules prescribed in the Syllabus are given hereunder:

Module      Module Title
1           Information Technology Infrastructure & Communication/Networking Technologies

2           Protection of Information Assets
3           Systems Development Life Cycle & Application Systems
4           Business Continuity Planning
5           Information Systems Organization &Management
6           Information Systems Control & Audit Process

The contributor can contribute as many questions as he/she can, but in a lot of minimum
of 50 questions on the aforesaid modules in the following manner:-

                       Question and Answer
                                            Answer(for example)
       Q. no.          Option
                       Question description
                          A) Option A
       01                 B) Option B       C
                          C) Option C
                          D) Option D

While framing the questions, the contributors have to prepare the questions for individual
modules in separate files/documents. The questions should cover all the sub chapters or
aspects of the syllabus and be free from any ambiguity, doubt etc. The question should
convey the same meaning which you intend to convey. It is also essential that proper care
is taken in framing the questions and options (answers) provided below the questions.
The solution (correct answer) to each option (answer) given as per the above format. The
copyrights of the questions as well as answers so submitted shall vest with the Council of
the Institute. The contributor of the questions shall ensure that the questions so submitted
to the Institute are not parted with by him/her to any other Body/Person and shall be
meant only for the exclusive use by the Council of the Institute. It may please be noted
that the questions framed by you should be original and not already published in some
books or journals or study material of the Institute or reference/text books available in the
market or also from question papers of any other examinations or material distributed by
any coaching institution. The requirement is the questions that are original and framed
with the meticulous care.

For each question framed and forwarded and accepted by the Council of the Institute for
developing a Question Bank of ISA-AT, `500/- per question selected/accepted will be
paid as honorarium. In addition to honorarium payable towards questions selected,`100/-
(fixed) will be paid as contingent expenses. The questions may be sent in a sealed
envelope superscribing "Question Bank ­ ISA-AT" to Shri G. Somasekhar, Additional
Secretary (Exams), The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, "ICAI Bhawan",
Indraprastha Marg, New Delhi ­ 110002 by post or by e-mail to Soft copy of the contributions should be in word format for
windows. The font should be Times New Roman, size12.

While sending the questions by post/mail, please mention your name, e-mail id, complete
postal address, PAN No. , Name of Bank, Bank A/c no., IFSC code along with type of
Bank Account- savings or current along with contact details including mobile number.
All correspondence on the subject should be treated as secret.

Interested persons may kindly contribute towards Question Bank of ISA-AT.

(G. Somasekhar)
Additional Secretary (Exams.)
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