Introduction ...................................................................................... 1
Objectives ......................... .............................................................. 2
Requirements .................................................................................... 3
Explanatory Comments ...................................................................... 4
Effective Date ................................................................................... 5
This Standard on Internal Audit (SIA) 320, "Internal Audit Evidence,"
issued by the Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
should be read in conjunction with the "Preface to the Standards on
Internal Audit," "Framework Governing Internal Audits" and "Basic
Principles of Internal Audit" issued by the Institute.
Note: This Standard on Internal Audit (SIA) supersedes Standard on Internal Audit (SIA) 10,
Internal Audit Evidence , issued in January, 2009.
1. Introduction
1.1 "Internal Audit Evidence" refers to all the information used by the
Internal Auditor in arriving at the conclusions on which the auditor's
opinion is based. It includes both information collected from underlying
entity records and processes, as well as information from the
performance of various audit activities and testing procedures.
1.2 Gathering appropriate and reliable audit evidence is a critical part of
the internal audit process. This Standard explains certain key
requirements in the process of collection, retention and subsequent
review of internal audit evidence.
1.3 Scope: This Standard applies to all internal audit assignments.
However, the manner in which the audit evidence is to be gathered
from the performance of audit activities and testing procedures (e.g.,
sampling techniques, data analytics, etc.) are not subject matter of
this Standard and the Internal Auditor should refer to specific
Standard on Internal Audit for that subject. Types of audit evidence
and its possible sources are therefore not covered in this Standard.
2. Objectives
2.1 The objectives of gathering appropriate and reliable audit evidence
are to:
(a) confirm the nature, timing and sufficiency of the audit
procedures undertaken as per the internal audit plan and terms
of engagement;
(b) aid in the supervision and review of the internal audit work; and
(c) establish that the work performed is in conformance with the
applicable pronouncements of the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India.
2.2 The overall objective of obtaining appropriate and reliable evidence is
to allow the Internal Auditor to form an opinion on the outcome of the
audit procedures completed. The evidence collected must stand on its
own and not require any follow-up clarification or additional
information to arrive at the same conclusion.
Standard on Internal Audit (SIA) 320
3. Requirements
3.1 The Internal Auditor shall obtain sufficient and appropriate audit
evidence which can form the basis of audit findings and allow reliable
conclusions to be drawn from those findings. Evidence collected
through various audit procedures shall be complementary and relevant
to the objectives of the audit procedure conducted. (refer Para. 4.1).
3.2 The evidence shall be obtained from reliable sources with consistency
between various evidences collected. (refer Para. 4.2).
3.3 All audit evidence collected shall be recorded and the internal audit
function shall maintain a written process explaining the manner in
which audit evidence is to be gathered, reviewed, documented and
stored as per Standards of quality and in conformance to the
Standards on Internal Audit. (refer Para. 4.3).
4. Explanatory Comments
4.1 Nature of Evidence (refer Para. 3.1): Evidence is collected either
from the underlying company's books, records, systems and
processes or through the performance of audit activities and testing
procedures. Documents supporting transactions (e.g., bills/invoices) or
business arrangements (e.g., contracts/agreements) are evidences in
the nature of the former. Evidences for the latter are collected by
performing one or more of the following audit procedures, i.e.,
checking, inspection, observation, inquiry, confirmation, computation,
re-performance, analytical review and using the help of experts.
Sufficiency and appropriateness are inter-related and apply to
evidence obtained. Sufficiency refers to the quantity or quantum of
evidence gathered while appropriateness relates to its quality or
relevance and reliability. Normally, the internal audit evidence is
persuasive on its own and a number of evidential matters in
aggregate, help make it conclusive in nature.
4.2 Reliability and Consistency of Evidence (refer Para. 3.2): The
reliability of the audit evidence depends on its source - internal or
external, its type and thoroughness and, may also depend on the
timing of the audit procedures conducted. When the Internal Auditor
has doubts over the reliability of information collected, or the internal
audit evidence obtained from one source is inconsistent with that
Internal Audit Evidence
obtained from another, the Internal Auditor shall evaluate how the
audit procedures need to be modified or expanded to resolve the
doubt or conflict.
4.3 Evidence Collection and Recording Process (refer Para. 3.3): All
audit evidence shall be recorded in such a manner that it can be
reproduced (if in digital form) and reviewed independently of the
Internal Auditor. It shall meet certain basic standards of quality to
achieve internal audit objectives. Details of these quality standards,
the manner in which audit evidence shall be gathered, reviewed for
sufficiency and appropriateness, validated for authenticity and
reliability and stored as part of internal audit documentation, shall be
written in the form of an internal audit process (as part of the Internal
Audit Manual).
4.4 Documentation: To confirm compliance of audit procedures with this
SIA, the list of the documents required is as follows:
(a) Written policy and process on audit evidence, as part of the
Internal Audit Manual.
(b) Details of the evidence collected, relevance to the audit
findings and opinion being formed, cross referenced to the
Internal Audit Program, where appropriate.
5. Effective Date
5.1 This Standard is applicable for internal audits beginning on or after a
date to be notified by the Council of the Institute.