Charging interest for non-payment of advance tax-MAT assessment
The Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) was liable on book profits that could be determined only after the end of the relevant previous year. Therefore, the provisions of s.207 to s.210 of the Income Tax Act 1961 were not applicable in such a case and no interest under s.234B or s.234C was leviable in case of MAT assessments.
Supreme Court CIT vs Kwality Biscuits Ltd. Citation 155 Taxman 658 195 Taxation 229 205 CTR 122 284 ITR 434 Affirmed Kwality Biscuits Ltd. vs CIT 243 ITR 519 Not followed by CIT vs Geetha Ramakrishna Mills (P) Ltd. 205 CTR 365; LexReported
S.115J, s.207, s.209, s.210, s.234B and s.234C of the Income Tax Act 1961
Supreme Court of India
CIT vs Kwality Biscuits Ltd.
Civil Appeals Nos. 1284 and 1285 of 2001. Appeals by special leave from the judgment and order dated November 30, 1999, of the Karnataka High Court in I. T. R. C. Nos. 51 and 52 of 1996. The judgment of the High Court is reported as Kwality Biscuits Ltd. v. CIT [2000] 243 ITR 519 (Karn).
Ruma Pal and Dalveer Bhandari JJ
26 April 2006
Mohan Parasaran, Additional Solicitor-General of India (Mohit Chaudhary, Ms. Sushma Suri and B. V. Balram Das, Advocates, with him) for the Appellant Dhruv Mehta, Harsh Vardhan Jha and Yasraj Singh Deora, Advocates, for the Respondent
The appeals are dismissed.