An Autonomous Institution under Ministry of Education, Govt. of India Mohanpur Campus, PO:Mohanpur, Pin: 741 246, West Bengal
IISER KOLKATA invites tender from Kolkata in and around based Chartered Accountant/Cost Accountant Firms for conducting Internal Audit of the Institute for the financial year 2020-21, which can further be extended on satisfactory services.
The firms should have experience of doing similar kind of work (i.e. audit of Central Government Autonomous bodies / Central Government funded organization / Institution or public sector undertakings).
The detail terms and conditions and prescribed forms can be downloaded from the websites and completed forms should reach the Institute on or before 17.12.2020 upto 15.00 hrs. .
Registrar :: 1 ::
(An Autonomous Institution under Ministry of Education, Govt. of India)
Internal Audit of IISER KOLKATA For the financial year 2020-21
Contd…P/2 :: 2 ::
Sl. Particulars Page No. No. 3
1 Bid-Data Sheet 4 5 2 Terms of Reference 6 2.1 Background 6 2.2 Scope of work 7 2.3 Time Period 2.4 Support and Inputs to the Firm 7 - 8 2.5 Prequalification Criteria 2.6 Payment Terms 8 2.7 Performance Security 8 9 - 15 3 Submission and Evaluation of the Tender 16 3.1 Submission of Tender 3.2 Tender Fees and Earnest Money Deposit Contd…P/3 3.3 Tender Queries 3.4 Last Date of Submission of Tender 3.5 Date of opening of Tender 3.6 Evaluation of Tender
4 EVALUATION OF TECHNICAL AND FINANCIAL PROPOSAL ANNEXURE B: FINANCIAL BID 1) BID-DATA SHEET :: 3:: Tender Number & Date Issue of Tender Forms 148/G/ADM/20-21 Earnest Money Deposit ( EMD) Date: 25.11.2020
Tender Documents / forms can be Downloaded from the Institute’s website
Intending Bidders should submit Earnest money of ₹5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only) through online payments including RTGS or NEFT. Copies of transactions details of online payments should submit along with the Tender Documents. Earnest money is refundable. Payment through any other mode will not be accepted. BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS OF THE INSTITUTE AS FOLLOWS:
Last Date of Submission of Tender 17.12.2020 upto 15.00 hrs. Opening of Tender Contact Person 18.12.2020 at 14.00 hrs.
Contact Address Deputy Registrar Finance & Accounts Section Contact Phone Number (s) IISER KOLKATA E-mail Address Website Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata, Mohanpur Campus, Near Mohanpur Gate No 07, District: Nadia, Pin: 741 246, West Bengal [Nearest Rly. Station: Kalyani]
Contd…P/4 :: 4 ::
2) TERMS OF REFERENCE 2.1 Background
Indian Institute of Science Education & Research-Kolkata (IISER Kolkata) was established in 2006 by the Ministry of Education (erstwhile Ministry of Human Resource Development), Government of India and has been recognized as an Institute of National Importance by an Act of Parliament vide Gazette Notification dated 7th June 2012. IISER Kolkata is designed to reach the prestigious position in the global setting that IISc, IIMs and IITs presently enjoy. The central focus of the institute is to promote and integrate quality education with research in basic sciences so that undergraduate teaching as well as doctoral and postdoctoral research work could be carried out in symbiosis.
Books of Accounts of the Institute are being maintained in the Finance & Accounts Section (F&A) including Research & Development (R&D) project accounts. IISER Kolkata is maintaining its accounts on accrual basis following the applicable Indian Accounting Standards. The expenditure of the Institute is attributed to two major heads- Recurring and Non-Recurring. The expenditure related to construction works, purchase of equipments and books etc. are recording under Non-recurring head and expenditure like salary and other maintenance etc. are recording under recurring head. Both Recurring and Non- Recurring expenditure are further sub-divided into different minor-heads as per the nature of the expenditure. All payments relate data (average about 1000 voucher entry per month) are entered into the tally software (Tally ERP.9), which is being used for recording of the transactions.
The accounts of the Institute are prepared as per the prescribed format issued by the Ministry of Education, GoI applicable to the Central Government Autonomous Bodies.
Most of the payments like salary, scholarships and others etc. made to the employees/ students of the Institute are done by directly transferring on DBT mode. Payments to vendors and contractors are made by Cheques/PFMS/Electronic transfers (RTGS/NEFT). Receipts on account of student admission are directly received into the banks.
Contd…P/5 :: 5 ::
2.2 Scope of work The nature of work of the Chartered Accountant/Cost Accountant Firm shall be as follows.
1. Internal audit of books of accounts and ancillary records and submission of report on quarterly basis.
2. Report risk management issue and internal control deficiencies identified and provide recommendation for improving Institute’s operation.
3. Review of all statutory obligation compliances such as GST,TDS. P.Tax, NPS, Income Tax etc. 4. Review of quarterly and annual returns of statutory payment. 5. Review and checking of the Grants-in-aid received and its utilization as per the terms and
conditions. 6. Review of additions to fixed assets, fixed assets register and physical Verification. 7. Suggestions for improvement of the existing system of accounting/internal control/checks and
management information system etc. may needs to provide. 8. To assist the Institute in preparation of Final Accounts. 9. Evaluation and assess the procurement of goods/services transactions of the Institute. 10. To assess and examine the construction activities of Internal Works Division (IWD) of the
Institute. 11. To assess and examine the activities relates to recruitment (both teaching & Non- teaching etc.), 12. To assess and examine the process of students admission and other related works etc. 13. To assess and examine the Security and safety measures etc of the Institute. 15. If any checks/controls which may fit to the Institute.
2.3 Time Period The Chartered Accountant/Cost Accountant firm will be required to provide the desired services initially for a period of one year i.e. FY 2020-2021 which can be extended on satisfactory performance.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein above, the Institute reserves the right to discontinue the services of Chartered Accountant/Cost Accountant firm in the event their services are evaluated as unsatisfactory at any time during the period.
Contd…P/6 :: 6 ::
2.4 Support and Inputs to the Firm The Institute shall provide adequate office space to the Firm to perform its services. In terms of hardware the Institute may provide the same subject to requirement from the Firm,(if any). The Institute will provide all primary data to the firm for carrying out the jobs listed in the scope of work.
2.5 Pre-qualification Criteria
The firm eligible for the bidding process must satisfy the following eligibility criteria:
1. The Chartered Accountant Firm/Cost Accountant firm should be based in and around Kolkata
and should have a branch(s) to the extant.
2. The Chartered Accountant Firm/Cost Accountant Firm should have at least three partners.
3. The Chartered Accountant/Cost Accountant Firm should be registered with The Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI)/ The Institute of Management Accountants of India
(erstwhile ICWAI) and have Income Tax Permanent Account Number (PAN) with GST
4. The Firm should have been in operation for at least 5 years after its registration;
5. The Firm should be empanelled with Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C&AG);
6. Average Annual Income (i.e. Average Gross Professional Fees earned during the last 3 years) of
the Firm in the last 3 financial years ending on March 31st 2020 must be equal to or more
than ₹20/-(Twenty) lakhs.
7. The Firm should have experience in handling Internal Audit at least 3 Public Sector
Undertakings or Government Organization, during the last five years, one of which should be
an Educational Institutes like IISER, IIM, IIT, NIT etc. The Director may at his discretion relax
any of the above conditions in order to encourage greater participation.
2.6 Payment Terms
The payment shall be made against the services provided by firm as per the nature of work, subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. The payment during the entire contract period shall be made in accordance with the financial bid submitted by the selected bidder and accepted by the Institute. No price variation would be allowed during the contract period.
Contd…P/7 :: 7::
2. In case of any revision of statutory liabilities during the contract period, the same will be applicable and borne by the Institute to the extent.
3. The Institute reserves the right to deduct amount from the bill as may be considered reasonable for unsatisfactory services or delay in providing of services. The decision of the Institute will be final in this regard.
5. The Service Provider will raise the quarterly bills in duplicate on submission of the quarterly audit report to the Institute.
2.7 Performance Security
The successful bidder will be required to deposit of ₹ 5000/- towards Performance Security by transferring the same to the bank account stated earlier by NEFT/RTGS. The same will be kept for 2 months beyond the completion of contract period.
3.1 Submission of Tender
The interested firms meeting the pre-qualification criteria are required to submit their
Tender in sealed envelopes. The Tender should contain the following documents:
i) Prequalification-cum-technical bid in Annexure-A along with all supporting documents
ii) Financial Bid in Annexure –B;
iii) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of ₹ 5000/-.
All the pages of the Tender document including the annexure and copy of certificates should be signed
by the authorized person of the Firm, along with seal of the firm. The envelope should be super scribed:
Submitted by: (Name, Address, E-mail and Telephone Number of the Firm)
Submitted To: The Registrar IISER Kolkata, Mohanpur Campus PO: Mohanpur, District: Nadia Pin: 741 246, West Bengal
Contd…P/8 :: 8 ::
The Applicant can submit the Tender by registered post /courier/Speed post or submit the same in person, so as to reach the designated address by the time and date stipulated. No delay in the submission of the Tender for any reason will be entertained. Any Tender received by the Institute after the deadline shall not be opened. 3.2 Earnest Money Deposit The Tender document will be downloaded from the website of the Institute ( Earnest Money Deposit of ₹5000/- through online payments including RTGS or NEFT should be submitted along with the bid. The EMD amount will be returned to unsuccessful firms after finalization of the bid. In respect of the successful bidder the EMD will be returned after execution of agreement.
3.3 Tender Queries
The interested Firms may seek clarification on Tender document from the Deputy Registrar (Finance & Accounts). The firms can also go through the Annual Accounts of the Institute and Common Format of Accounts which will be made available to them on receipt of request. The Firms can visit the Finance & Accounts Section between 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. on any working day before 17.12.2020. 3.4 Last Date of Submission of the Tender
Last date of submission of the Tender is 17.12.2020 up to 15.00 hours. 3.5 Date of opening of the Tender
The Tender will be opened for technical and financial evaluation on 18.12.2020 at 14.00 hours in the Administrative building of the Institute. The authorized representatives of the firms (Applicants) may choose to attend the Tender opening meeting. The authorized representatives must carry authorization letter, if they wish to attend the bid opening. 3.6 Evaluation of the Tender The Tender will be evaluated by Tender evaluation committee constituted by the Director, IISER KOLKATA. The detailed evaluation method for Prequalification-cum-Technical and Financial bid is specified in herewith. The technical and financial bid will be given weightage marks of 60 and 40 respectively. The combined score of technical and financial bids will be taken into consideration for finalizing the firm for award of contract. The firm scoring maximum marks will be declared as successful bidder. However mere scoring of maximum marks does not entitle the firm for award of contract.
Contd…P/9 :: 9::
Technical and Financial Evaluation Criteria
01. Firm’s Experience 40
Firm’s Existence in years after its registration
5 Years ≤7 years 1 5
> 7 Years ≤10 years 3
> 10 Years 5
Average Annual Income of the Firm (in the last three
financial years) ended on March 31st 2020≤ 10
₹20 Lakhs ≤ ₹30 Lakhs 3
>₹ 30 Lakhs ≤ ₹50 Lakhs 6
>₹50 Lakhs 10
Experience of handling accounting and financial services
involving Internal Audit of at least 3 (three) PSU/Govt. 10
Organization during last Five
3 Organizations ≤5 Organizations 2
> 5 Organizations ≤10 Organizations 6
> 10 Organizations 10
Experience of handling similar work in Govt. Educational
Institution during last five years 15
Preparation of accounts on Cash Basis 5
Preparation of Accounts on Accrual Basis 15
02. Key Experts and Manpower 20 Number of Partners’ in the Firm 5 10 ≤3 Partners 10 > 3 Partners Number of paid staff (Full Time) on the roll of 10 establishment 5 5 Staff ≤10 Staff 7 >10 Staff ≤20 Staff 10 >20 Staff 03. Total Technical Score (01+02) 60 04. Score on Financial Proposal 40 Grand – Total (03+04) 100
Formula for calculation of Financial Proposal
The lowest evaluated financial proposal will be given maximum score of 40. The score of other firms would be calculated as per the formula: F (other than lowest bidder) = (price quoted by lowest bidder/ price quoted
by the bidder) X 40
Contd…P/10 :: 10::
Sl. Criterion Firm’s Strength & Capacity
Name of The Firm
Address of the Firm
1. The Firm should be based at
Kolkata or have a branch at
(Submit supporting document Address of Branch at regarding address) Kolkata
Name and address of the authorized official
Telephone No Mobile: E-mail:
The CA/CMA Firm should be - Registered with
2. registered with the Institute ICAI/ICWAI,
of Chartered Accountants of If yes then mention
India (ICAI)/ Institute of Cost Registration Number
and Works Accountants of
India(ICWAI) and must PAN of the CA/CMA
possess permanent account Firm number (PAN) under Income
Tax and registration under
Service Tax Service Tax
(Provide all registration certificates) Registration No.
The CA/CMA Firm should be- Empanelled with Yes/ No.: _________________________________ 3. empanelled with Comptroller C&AG
& Auditor General of India (C&AG)
(Provide registration certificate)
Year of Registration/
Starting of operation
4. The CA /CMAFirm should be
in operation for at least 5 Nos. of years in
years after its registration operation after
(Provide necessary evidence) (in years)
Average Annual Income (i.e. Average Gross Professional Fees received / earned) of
5. Average Annual Income of the the CA/CMA Firm in last 3 (three) years ending on 31st March, 2020) CA/CMA Firm for the last 3
(three) years ending on 31st {……………………………………………………………….…… … (in figure)
March, 2020 [Must be equal to
or greater than {15 (Fifteen) { (in words) ………………………………........................................................................................................
[Provide copies of the Audited ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
Financial Statements for all the 3
(Three) years upto 31st March, 2020
along with a Certificate in A-5
proforma as per annexure]
Contd…P/11 :: 11::
The CA/CMA Firm should
6. have experience in Internal Nos. of Govt. Organizations/ PSUs where similar Service was provided in the last 5
Audit, of at least 3 PSUs/ Govt. (Five) years
Organizations, in the last 5
years Nos (in words)………………………………………………………………………………………….……………
(Details to be provided in proforma Nos. (in figure) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… A-6. Attach copies of works Order/
works completion as evidence)
Whether similar services as
7. mentioned in provided Nos. of Govt. Educational Institutes where similar Service was provided in the last 5 to the Govt. Educational (Five) years
Institutes in the last 5 years
Nos (in words)………………………………………………………………………………………….……………
(Details to be provided in proforma
A-7. Attach copies of works order/ Nos. (in figure) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… works completion as evidence)
8. CA/CMA Firm should have Nos. of Partners
minimum 3 (Three) partners
Nos (in words)………………………………………………………………………………………….……………
(Submit the proof of the Ownership
pattern & registration certificates Nos. (in figure) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… along with details of the Chief
Functionary (s) of the CA firm
provided in Performa A-8)
9. Nos. of Payroll staff (Full i) No. of Payroll Staff (Full Time) : _________________________________________________________________
Time)/ Article ship ii) Nos. of Article-ship Incumbent : _________________________________________________________________
incumbent/ Apprentices
(if any) iii) Nos. of Apprentice : _______________________________________________________________________________
Certified that the above particulars are correct. In the event of any information found to be incorrect the Institute is at liberty to reject the proposal of the CA/CMA Firm.
Date: Signature : Place Name & Designation : __________________________________
Contd…P/12 :: 12::
Proforma to Annexure-A
Details of CA/CMA Firm’s Professional Income [Gross Professional Fees earned]
Particular Financial Year Financial Year Financial Year Average Annual 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 Income Annual Income* (₹ in Lakhs)
* Furnish the Audited Accounts of the Firm along with copy of the acknowledgement of Income Tax return for the all 3 (three) years
Date: Signature : ______________________________________
Place: Name & Designation : ______________________________________
Contd…P/13 :: 13::
Details of CA /CMA Firm’s Experience of Similar Services [During last 5(five) years]
Sl. Name of the Project Duration of the Name of the Client Nature of the Nature of the No Project [Start date Assignments & Supporting / End date] services provided Documents provided (Please specify
whether the work
involved Internal
Audit )
* Furnish the copy of the documentary evidence in support of the information provided above
Date: Signature : ______________________________________
Place: Name & Designation : ______________________________________
Contd…P/14 :: 14::
Details of CA/CMA Firm’s Experience of Similar Services in Govt. Educational Institutions [During last 5(five) years]
Sl. Name of the Project Duration of Name of the Govt. Nature of the Nature of the Project Educational Assignments ( the No [Start date / Institutions End date] Pl specify Supporting whether work Documents provided involved Internal Audit)
* Furnish the copy of the documentary evidence in support of the information provided above
Date: Signature : ______________________________________
Place: Name & Designation : ______________________________________
Contd…P/15 :: 15::
PROFORMA: A8 Details of CA/CMA Firm’s Partners, Name and Registration Nos.
Sl. Name of the Member Designation Membership No. Status Remarks (FCA/ACA) No
* Furnish the copy of the documentary evidence in support of the information provided above
Date: Signature : ______________________________________
Place: Name & Designation : ______________________________________
Contd…P/16 :: 16:: ANNEXURE B
Sl. Description of Fees Fees Payment
No. Rupees in Rupees in words Schedule
A. Fees for the Financial Year 2020-21 ** The service Provider will
raise the
B. Add: GST as per applicable rate on the quarterly bills services provided in duplicate on submission of
the quarterly
C. Total Fees to be paid Audit Report to (including Service Tax (A+B) the Institute
** The quoted fee should be inclusive of all the expenses.
N.B.: Statutory Changes deductions shall be made by the Institute as per the norms wherever
We undertake that the rates quoted above by us will not change during the Contract period and accept the payment schedule as described in the appropriate column.
Date: Signature : ______________________________________ Place: Name & Designation : ______________________________________