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« Tenders »
Open DEMAT Account in 24 hrs
 Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
 Raipur Smart City Ltd., Raipur (C.G.)
 Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority, Vijayawada, A.P.
 Odisha Power Generation Corporation Limited, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
 Corrigendum Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port, Kolkata, West Bengal
 Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited, Ranchi, Jharkhand
 Assam Health Infrastructure Development and Management Society, Guwahati, Assam
 Uttar Pradesh Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
 25 LPA Opening Auditor Fund Management
 Punjab National Bank, Gurugram, Haryana
 M.P. Water and Land Management Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
 Belagavi Smart City Limited, Belagavi, Karnataka
 Reserve Bank of India, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
 Assam Petrochemicals Limited, Dibrugarh, Assam
 Institutional Strengthening of Gram Panchayats (ISGP) Program-II , Kolkata, West Bengal

Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited, Ranchi, Jharkhand
December, 15th 2022


Office of the General Manager (IA & FM)- Internal Audit Engineering Building, HEC Dhurwa, Ranchi- 834004 Email Id:




NIT NO.: 183/PR/JBVNL/22-23 Issued on 09/12/2022 FOR





Empanelment of Firms for „Internal Audit‟ in accordance with Sec-138(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 13 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 and any Specific Audit assignment as decided by the JBVNL



Financial Year‟s 2021-2022 and valid up to 2022-23 & 2023-24




Section - I


  1. Introduction


Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited (JBVNL), a wholly owned subsidiary of Jharkhand Urja Vikas Nigam Limited (JUVNL), hereinafter referred to as Company is engaged in Distribution of power in the state of Jharkhand. JBVNL has its Head Office (HO) at Ranchi (Jharkhand) and functions with the field offices layered into jurisdictional hierarchy of Seven Electric Supply Area‟s (ESA‟s), Fifteen Electric Supply Circle‟s (ESC‟s), Forty Four Electric Supply Division‟s (ESD‟s), One Hundred Nineteen Electric Supply Sub-Division‟s (ESSD‟s), supported with Section‟s (ESS‟s) and Power Sub-stations (PSS‟s). Additionally, an ESC also houses one Central Store (CS), one Transformer Repair Workshop (TRW) and one Meter Relay Testing (MRT) unit.

At Headquarters (Hqrs.), there are various departments such as Finance, HR, IT, Civil, S&D, S&P, C&R, Planning, Inspection and Projects (RE, APDRP, R-APDRP). Each department is headed by General Manager and the project departments are supported by respective finance wings. The Finance function at the Hqrs. is sub-divided into various functional departments / sections e.g. Accounts & Revenue, Project and Financial Management, Internal Audit & Fund Management etc. under the overall control of respective General Manager‟s (F&A).

Each ESA is headed by General Manager-cum-Chief Engineer (GM cum CE) and the Circle office is under the overall control and supervision of Electrical Superintending Engineer (ESE). The Divisions are headed by Electrical Executive Engineer (EEE), sub-divisions by the Assistant Electrical Engineer (AEE) and sections by Junior Electrical Engineer (JEE). The Drawing and Disbursing Officer (DDO) at each ESA is Senior Manager (F&A) and Manager (F&A) is the DDO at Circle office, while at ESD the function of DDO is performed by the EEE.

Most of the departments at HO along with the ESAs, Circles and divisions are established as the accounting units. The transactions of the Divisions1 are being consolidated at the respective Circle offices. Revenue accounting is done at the level of Division and is incorporated in the Circle Accounts. ESAs and ESCs submit their accounts to the HO for consolidation of accounts for JBVNL as a whole. Accounts are being maintained in TALLY accounting software along with manual books of accounts. However , the organization is in the process of implementation of SAP software hence the Firms are expected to consider this before their participation in the empanelment process.

JBVNL, in order to comply the requirements of Companies Act, 2013, invites Request for Proposal (RFP), applications from firms who intends to get empaneled as Internal Auditors for the financial year 2021-22 onwards. Further, the validity of initial selection is for the financial year 2021-22 i.e. 1 year and provision for further extension of 2 Financial years i.e. 2022-23 & 2023-24 respectively. If the performance is not satisfactory, then empanelment of the firm be cancelled after the concerned assignment. The objective of this RFP is to identify and empanel eligible Firms having requisite capability, experience & expertise in Annexure „A‟ and are interested in providing services to JBVNL as detailed in this document.













1Divisions aggregate the expenditure of the sub-divisions under its jurisdiction.


2. Important Dates


a) The schedule of issue, submission and opening of RFP documents are given hereunder:-







Date of Publication of Notice in Newspaper



Start date & time for downloading the tender documents

From 09/12/2022 at 10:00 Hrs.


Last date of raising clarification

Time for response to clarification, if any on the document

for pre-bid meeting / Pre-bid Queries (Through E-mail Only)

Upto 04/01/2023 at 11:30 Hrs


Upto 04/01/2023 at 11:30 Hrs


Last date & time of receipt of bid documents (Online)

Upto 10/01/2023 at 17:00 Hrs.


Last date of physical submission of Tender Fee of Rs. 10,000 + GST@18%(Non-refundable) through DD (original) in favour of “Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited” payable at Ranchi.


-Payment through NEFT/RTGS of the Tender Fee of Rs. 10000 + GST @18%(Non-refundable), account details for the same


Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited A/c No.: XXXX


Bank Name: XXXX


Upto 10/01/2023 at 17:00 Hrs.


Due date for opening of Technical Bid



3. Qualifying Criteria (Eligibility conditions)-“Annexure-A”


Sl Nos.

Eligibility Criteria

Minimum Criteria





Registration with the appropriate authority

Registered and empaneled with CAG for major audits for at least 1 years out

of past 3 years.

Letter /Documents of Empanelment for Major audit

from CAG


The structure of Firm

Partnership /LLP Firm

Certificate of Incorporation


Presence in Jharkhand

Having an Office/H.O. in Jharkhand for last 5 consecutive years.

Certificate of Incorporation


Minimum existence of the Firm

10 Years

Certificate of Incorporation


Number of Partners with valid COP as on date

At least 2 Partners (ACA/FCA)

Copy of COP documents and

Certificate of Incorporation


Prior Experience in Power sector in last 10 years

At least 5 of years‟ experience as Internal Auditor out of which minimum 3 years‟ experience in state/central *PSUs -(Power

distribution Utility)

Work Order/Completion certificate in support for the Internal Audit work/assignment


Sl Nos.

Eligibility Criteria

Minimum Criteria



Annual audited turnover of the firm should not be less than Rs.100 lacs for each year during the preceding three financial years (2018-19, 2019-20

and 2020-2021).


Audited Annual Financial statements/ITR filed for the related Financial Years



Valid PAN

Valid GSTIN Registration

No criminal proceedings are pending

w.r.t the firm/Partners/members in any court of Law in India or before any Disciplinary committee of

ICAI/ICSI/ICAI (erstwhile ICWAI) or any professional body

Copy of PAN

Copy of GSTIN Registration Affidavit

*PSU to be clarified to mean the State/Central Authority/Company/Corporation/Department

Note: Bidders who are meeting the eligibility criteria shall only be considered for evaluation stage


  1. Evaluation Criteria for Selection of Internal Auditor (Selection Criteria)


Evaluation Criteria for selecting the auditor are mentioned below:

Sl Nos.

Criteria for evaluation

Basis of Marks




Firm Existence

Year of establishment of Firm(s) since date of Registration of Firms


14 Marks if completed 10 or more Years.




Overall PSU- experience in the last 5 Years

(4 marks for each year of Internal audit experience subject to maximum score of 20.)

Note: For counting Overall Experience the Internal audit assignment will only be considered, other experience may not be counted for the same e.g. Work related to only Physical verification/Counting of Stock or Fixed Assets, Statutory audit )

3 marks per each year of experience in state/central

*PSU, and 1 additional marks for internal audit exp in Power Distribution utility for each year.



No of Partners

(5 marks per each partner)

5 Marks for each associate/fellow members with

a valid COP



Office in Jharkhand - Presence in Jharkhand for at least in last 5 consecutive years for any type of offices, if any.

(Out of total 16 Marks ,6 Marks for office/branch in Ranchi)

10 marks for having Office/H.O. in Jharkhand and

6 additional marks for office in Ranchi.



Clientele handled in last 5 years

(The turnover of the PSU/Power Distribution utility handled should not be less than Rs.100 Crores for each year of experience in Internal Audit. The Turnover considered should not include a Branch/Division audited)

6 marks for each year of experience

(AFS or Auditor certificate for validating the Rs.100 Crores Turnover is required )



Major audit empanelment document issued by CAG with Unique ID mentioned and acknowledged by the bidder firm for any

1 Year out of Past 3 years

Maximum 10 Marks for 1 year of supporting documents for CAG empanelment



Total Marks



*PSU to be clarified to mean the State/Central Authority/Company/Corporation/Department

In case several firms get qualified then, JBVNL reserves the right to empanel suitable number of firms as per the requirements. The minimum qualifying marks is set at 50 out of total 100 marks.



5. Process before submission of Proposals


  1. Raising of pre-bid queries/clarifications on Request for Proposal document: Applicants requiring any clarification on this document may submit their queries on by 04/01/2023 at 11:30 Hrs.
  2. Modification in Request for Proposal document: JBVNL may modify any part of this document at any time prior to the deadline for submission of Proposals. Such change(s) if any may be in the form of an addendum/corrigendum and will be uploaded on website All such change(s) will automatically become part of this Request for Proposal and binding on all applicants. Interested applicants are advised to refer JBVNL‟s URLs referred above regularly.
  3. Extension of date of submission of Proposals: Request for extension of date for submission of Proposals will not be entertained. However, JBVNL at its discretion may extend the deadline in order to allow prospective applicants a reasonable time to take the amendment/changes, if any, into account.


6. Submission of RFP



Bid submission/opening will be through e-tendering norms only.


Any Demand Draft/NEFT should reach/credited to the JBVNL before 10/01/2023 at 17:00 Hrs.


Bidder shall submit the General, Qualification and Technical details as part of Technical Bid through


Bidder shall submit the Technical Bid for this Tender and the consolidated rates from the Consultants may be called as per the discretion and requirements of JBVNL


The Bidder shall submit their eligibility and qualification details, etc, in the online standard formats displayed in e-Procurement website. The bidder shall upload the scanned copies of all the relevant certificates, documents etc., in support of their eligibility criteria/technical bids and other certificates/documents in the e-Procurement web site. The Bidder shall electronically sign on the statements, documents, certificates, uploaded by him, owning responsibility for their correctness/authenticity. The Bidder shall attach all the required documents of the specific Tender after uploading the same during the Bid submission as per the tender notice and Bid document.


Bidders who wish to participate in this Bid will have to register on http:// and have to procure Digital Signature Certificate.

For information on Registration with e-procurement and online Bid submission, bidder may contact help desk of e-Procurement system at the following web address:


The complete Tender documents have been published on for the purpose of downloading. No hard copy of the Tender documents will be provided to the Bidders through this office.


  1. Scope of Work


a) The Scope of the Internal Audit will have coverage under entire business operations of Revenue & Expenditure, which are related to electricity distribution business of the DISCOM. Final scope of


work shall be shared upon finalization of empanelment and assignment of Audit work to the selected Firms/consultants. Furthermore, the organization is in the process of implementation of software for SAP. As such, the firms need to consider this fact at the time of submission of bids.


8. Tenure of Engagement


The tenure of empanelment shall be for three financial years of 2021-22, 2022-23 & 2023-24.


9. Responsibility of Bidder


a) The bidder is expected to examine and confirm to all instructions, forms, terms and specifications in the RFP document before submission of RFP. Failure to furnish and / or not complying with RFP conditions towards all the instructions, forms, terms and specifications in the bidding document may be treated as non-responsive and result into rejection of the RFP without seeking any clarification.


b) It shall be sole responsibility of the bidder to determine and satisfy themselves by such means as they consider necessary or desirable for all matters pertaining to this RFP including, in particular, all factors that may affect the cost, duration and execution of the work.


c) The bidder shall entirely & exclusively bear all costs and expenses associated with attending Pre- RFP conference, discussions, presentations etc and providing any additional information, development, preparation and submission of RFP Document. JBVNL will in no case shall be held liable for those costs and expenses regardless of the outcome of the bid.


10. Evaluation and Empanelment process


a) Based on the Evaluation of technical requirements (Evaluation criteria as per Clause 4 of this document), JBVNL shall shortlist the bidders for empanelment.


b) The empanelment shall be done on the quoted L-1 Consolidated rates, quoted as per Annexure C of this RFP. The consolidated man-day rate submitted by Firm/ Agency as their “financial quote”, shall be inclusive of all Out of Pocket expenses (travel, boarding, lodging, printouts, stationary etc.) but exclusive of GST/ applicable statutory taxes.


c) The Agency quoting the lowest rate (i.e. L-1 Agency) shall be selected, while other participating Agency shall be given an opportunity to match the L-1 Rate to secure their empanelment.


d) The JBVNL reserves the right to reject any/or all bids or part thereof without assigning any reasons, whatsoever. Any overlapping activity/ task/ meeting for specific audit shall be dealt separately.


e) Even after empanelment and agreement thereof the JBVNL, may cancel the empanelment/contract at any stage due to non-performance of compliance with laid out audit points.


11. Formation of Cartel & Penal Measures


a) Any form of canvassing / lobbying / influencing etc. by the bidder / participant will result into disqualification of such bidder.


b) Any evidence of unfair trade practices, including overcharging, price fixing, cartelization etc, as defined in various statues, will automatically disqualify the bidder / participant.


c) Occurrence of such evidence shall be viewed seriously by JBVNL authority and penal measure as deemed fit; barring from present & future bidding process, along with referring the matter to disciplinary committee of the respective Institute could be considered.


12. Language of RFP


The RFP submitted by the bidder shall be in „English‟ language and all correspondences between the Bidder and JBVNL shall be in „English‟ / „Hindi‟ language.


13. Currency in RFP


Bidders should quote consolidated rates in Indian rupee only. Rates quoted in any other currency shall not be considered.


14. Termination/Debarment of Engagement of Consultants


a) In case a firm fails to commence the stipulated audit within one month from the date of award of the contract, JBVNL shall have right to terminate the contract awarded to the concerned firm by giving a notice of termination. All costs associated in this regard will be recovered from the firms.


b) If JBVNL comes across any observation/finding, through reasonable diligence & efforts for any auditable unit and such observation/finding is not found/reported by the relevant Internal Audit firm in its reports, then such Internal Audit Firm shall not be assigned any work in the subsequent year. In case gross negligence/violation is observed, then such Internal Audit firm shall be debarred


15. Audit Reports


a) The Internal Audit Reports must be submitted in triplicate along with Audit Programme, Sign-off Checklists, Issue Summary Sheet, Audit working papers & other documents forming part of the report, within 15 (fifteen) days from the scheduled date of completion of field work of Audit. A soft copy of the report in a DVD / USB drive also needs to be submitted.


b) The report to be included with an Executive Summary of the critical issues/ findings that requires attention of the senior management by providing financial involvement, wherever applicable. The report should be structured in a manner giving the observations / weaknesses, the implications, suggestions for improvement and the auditee comments. The status of the actions taken by the management on the recommendations of the previous report should also be provided.


c) The Internal Audit report as submitted is subject to review of their intended coverage and focus on


the existence, design & operating effectiveness of internal control. In course of review of submitted Audit Reports, if those were found incomplete / deficient / partial and thus forming an opinion on the design / operating effectiveness of control and / or the business process could not be formed for management reporting, those shall not be accepted and returned back for necessary revision / rectification and resubmission. The Company shall not be liable for any cost & expenses as may be incidental for carrying out such revision / rectification and will be borne by the relevant firm only.


d) For the FY 2021-22 annual audit report might be submitted, however, for the FY‟s 2022-23 and 2023-24, quarterly audit reports need to be submitted.


16. Ownership of Material


a) Any study report or other documented material, presentation, graphics, software or otherwise prepared / developed by the Audit firm exclusively for the purpose of conducting internal audit as per engagement under this RFP shall belong to and remain the property of the Company.


b) Publication and/or any other form of use by the Audit firm of those documented material, presentation, graphics, software or otherwise prepared / developed cannot be made without written permission of the Company.


17. Completion Time


a) Timely completion with satisfactory performance of each audit assignment including submission of report is the essence of contract. Internal Audit Report to be submitted within 15 (fifteen) days from the scheduled date of completion of field work of Audit.


18. Penalty


a) An yearly basis review on the performance of the Internal Auditor, inter-alia covering the, quality of the observations, coverage of the TOR by the Auditor, overall performance including follow up of recommendations, etc will be done. Furthermore in relation to the above a provision of Penalty on the non adherence may be applicable on the Consultants as decided by the JBVNL.


b) The Firms should submit the Internal Audit Report within 45 (forty-five) days of commencement of the Audit. If there is delay in submission of Internal Audit Report Penalty shall be imposed @ 1/2% (half percent) per week or part of delay subject to a maximum of 10% (ten percent) of the professional fees w.r.t. each Audit.


19. Performance Standards


a) The Audit firm should perform the Audit with the highest standards of professional and ethical competence and integrity.


b) It is expected that compliance to different standards of auditing as may have been issued time to time by professional institutes / bodies etc with particular emphasis on Risk Assessment & Internal Control including Information Technology General Control (ITGC) shall be harmoniously exercised while carrying the audit work under the engagement.


c) Regular review of audit performances shall be conducted in assessment of improvement in quality of services and effective utilization.


d) The Internal Audit firm shall examine all the issues mentioned in terms of references and checklist if any provided. In case where there is no observations, categorical nil report will have to be given. Internal Audit section at HQ shall maintain records of any lapses by the Internal Auditors and shall take necessary action for reduction of work or debar them from any work with JBVNL. Also performance may be the base for further assigning the work to the Consultants.


20. Controlling Officer


The JBVNL designates General Manager ss(IA & FM) as the Project Administrator. The Project Administrator will co-ordinate all the activities under the engagement viz the acceptance and approval of reports, approving bills for payment and other deliverables.


21. Confidentiality


During the tenure of this engagement and within two years after its expiration, professional firm should not disclose any proprietary or confidential information relating to the Services under this engagement or the JBVNL's business or operations without the prior written consent from the Authorities of JBVNL.


22. Assignments


The firm will not be able to assign any part of the services as contained in the engagement under this RFP to a Third Party and / or any Associates without prior written consent of the Company.


23. Terms of Payment


The payment is subject to completion of each audit assignment in accordance with respective audit programme followed by submission & acceptance of Audit Report. All the Invoices should be GST compliant.


24. Force Majeure


a) In the event of either party to the engagement under this RFP being rendered unable by Force Majeure to perform any obligation required to be performed by them, the relative obligation of the party affected by such Force Majeure shall be suspended for the period during which such cause lasts.


b) The term “Force Majeure‟ as employed herein shall mean acts of God, War, Civil Riots, Fire directly affecting the performance of the engagement, Flood and Acts & Regulations of respective government of the either party to the engagement.


c) Upon the occurrence of such cause and upon its termination, the party alleging that it has been rendered unable as aforesaid thereby, shall notify the other party in writing, the beginning of the cause amounting to Force Majeure as also the ending of the said clause by giving notice to the other party within 72 hours of the ending of the cause respectively. If deliveries are suspended by Force Majeure conditions lasting for more than 2 (two) months, the Company shall have the option of canceling the engagement in whole or part at his discretion without any liability at his part. Time for performance of the relative obligation

 suspended by Force Majeure shall then stand extended by the period for which such cause lasts.


25. Dispute Resolution


a) Applicable Laws: - This contract shall be governed as per relevant provision of Applicable Laws of India.


b) Amicable settlement of dispute. Efforts be made by the parties to resolve the disputes amicably through mutual negotiation.


c) If the matter still unsettled, then either party can invoke arbitration as per relevant provision of Arbitration & conciliation Act‟1996. (including Subsequent amendments) Place of Arbitration shall be in Ranchi


d) In case of litigation, between the parties, it will be within the jurisdiction of High Court, Ranchi or any competent Subordinate Courts.


26. General Terms & Conditions


a) The empanelment under this RfP document shall be governed by the relevant sections for appointment of Internal Auditors under Companies Act- 2013, CAG Guidelines, or any other applicable Statutory rules, regulations, and amendments thereof.


b) All the sections of Technical Bid & Annexure-C: Consultants consolidated rate indicative of GST (Whenever required)has to be filled in. Any section left blank would be considered as zero for evaluation. Please write “Not Applicable” wherever necessary.


c) Any RFP document submitted in a manner other than as set out in this RFP document and / or attaching any condition shall not be treated as eligible and rejected in the selection process.


d) This Request for Proposal (RFP) document has been prepared solely to enable JBVNL for framing Risk Based Internal Audit model for further strengthening Internal Controls in the company. The RFP document is not a recommendation offer or invitation to enter into a contract, agreement or other arrangement in respect of the services.


e) Participation in this RFP in the form of a Consortium and/or Joint Venture is not allowed.


f) No binding relationship will exist between any of the Bidders and the Company until constitution of the contract.


g) The Internal Auditors engaged under this RFP will not be eligible to take-up any other Job/Services/Work for the Company till the Internal Audit work/Specific audit or any related work is assigned and till its continuance.


h) No preference based on size and geographical location will be considered for the purpose of selection. All participants to the RFP will be treated with same status.


 i)The Audit firm to be engaged as the Internal Auditor of the Company will not render an attestation or assurance report or assurance report opinion under the engagement, but may include:


  1. An audit, review or examination of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted


accounting standards,


  1. An examination of prospective financial statements in accordance with applicable professional standards,


  1. A review to detect fraud or illegal acts


  1. Any Specific audit assigned or related work ,if any.


j) Non-solicitation of Personnel: - During the tenure of engagement and for subsequent 12 (twelve) months following its termination for any reason, the Audit firm will not solicit for employment, or hire, any personnel of the Company.


k) The Audit Firm, including any Partner or other personnel in the firm will not solicit for a position on the Company‟s Board of Directors, nor hire, any present professional employee of the Company, if such solicitation, hiring or employment may impair the independence of the Company under ANY other law, regulation, rule, listing requirement or professional standards governing the independence of accountants. Without limiting the foregoing, the Internal Auditors agrees not to solicit, hire or employ, without the prior written consent of the Company, any present professionally qualified employee of the Company.


l) The Company reserves the right to accept / reject any or all the RFPs without assigning any reason whatsoever.


m) The Company also does not bind itself to accept the lowest quotation.


n) Financial Bids/Consolidated Rates shall be asked from the empaneled firms ,assignment wise.


  • o) The minimum qualifying marks for the purpose of empanelment is 50 out of total 100 marks.

























Section - 2


(In the Letter Head of Firm)





1a. Name of the Firm.


1b. Date of establishment

(in dd/mm/yyyy format)


1c. Firm's Registration Number


1d. Address of the Firm (Head Office) with

contact details.


1e. Address of the Branch Office (if any)

with contact details.


1f. Nature of the Firm

(CA/CMA/Any other)


2a. Total number of Partners(as on 31st March of respective year)







2b. Details of Partners as on 31.12.2021 (enclose required documents in the manner as specified in the RFP)

Full Name of the Partner

Membership number with date



Date of admission as Partner in the current firm (dd/mm/yyyy)









3. Annual Turnover of the firm (in Rs and as per audited financial statements & Return of Income)







4. Experience of the firm in Internal Audit(enclose required documents in the manner as specified in the RFP)

Name of the Auditee Organization

Type of Organisation

Date of engagement (please mention from most


Concerned Financial Year

Turnover of concerned Financial Year

Is the Auditee Organisation engaged in Power Distribution? (Yes / No)












  1. PAN number of the Firm:
  2. GST Registration number of the Firm:
    1. Whether any criminal proceedings are pending w.r.t. the firm and/or Partner in any Court of Law in India or before any Disciplinary Committee of ICAI / ICAI (erstwhile ICWAI) / ICSI or any other professional institutes / bodies: YES/NO [Please Tick (√) appropriately]
    2. List of documents uploaded attested with name & designation under common seal of the Firm.


Please Tick (√) appropriately:

a) Copy of Incorporation Certificate and / or Constitution Certificate by the institute YES / NO

b) Copy of Firms Registration Certificate YES / NO

c) Copy of Certificate of Membership (refer point 2 & 4 above) YES / NO

d) Copy of Certificate of Practice of all the Partners (refer point 2 above) YES / NO

e) Copy of latest Certificate of Reconstitution of Firm (if any) YES / NO

f) Copies of Audited Financial Statements

1. FY 2018-19 YES / NO

2. FY 2019-20 YES / NO

3. FY 2020-21 YES / NO

g) Copies of Income Tax Returns for the period –

1. FY 2018-19 YES / NO

2. FY 2019-20 YES / NO

3. FY 2020-21 YES / NO

h) Copy of PAN card YES / NO

i) Copy of GST Registration Certificate YES / NO

j) Affidavit in original (duly notarized in non-judicial stamp paper of Rs) in support of no criminal proceedings are pending w.r.t. the firm and/or Partner in any Court of Law in India or before any Disciplinary Committee of ICAI / ICAI (erstwhile ICWAI) / ICSI or any other professional institutes / bodies as per template in Section-3 of this RFP YES /



k) Copies of Engagement Letter along with terms of reference/ Work Order/Completion Certificate in support of Internal Audit (refer point 4 above) YES/NO


l) Copies of Certificate for Turnover from Auditee Organization / Audited Financial Statement of Auditee Organization/ITR of the related Financial Years (refer point 4 above) YES/NO








(Signature of the authorized signatory with name & designation under common seal of the Firm)


(In the Letter Head of Firm)


Annexure C

The applicant shall provide consolidated rate for consultants as below.




Consolidated rate





>To be quoted in INR.

>The above prices are exclusive of GST but inclusive of all other government levies as applicable.

> Financial Bids/Consolidated Rates shall be asked from the empaneled firms ,assignment wise.

>The quoted rate for Consultants has to be written in figures as well as in word. In the event of any difference, lower of the two prices would be considered.






  1. Details of the auditable units are as per Annexure - II and will be shared once empanelment process is finalized and Audit work is assigned to the selected bidders.


  1. The bidder is deemed to have thoroughly studied and examined the technical specification, important instructions and general terms and conditions of the tender documents and fully informed as to nature of the work and conditions related to its performance.














(Signature of the authorized signatory with name & Designation under common seal of the Firm)



Non Judicial Stamp Paper – Rs. 10/- Duly Notarized DECLARATION



I Sri ................................... on behalf of M/s. do hereby solemnly affirm

as follows:


  1. I along with my audit team have carefully perused the RFP in its totality and understood its implication.


  1. I along with my audit team have carefully examined the entire RFP and having obtained all requisite information about the assignment. We do hereby propose to provide the desired professional service as detailed in the RFP.


  1. I along with my audit team accept the professional fees earmarked for this assignment as stated in RFP and it should remain firm during the tenure of the audit.


  1. I along with my audit team do state that if JBVNL sustains any damages or loss as a result of negligence on our part, such loss or damages should be mitigated by indemnifying JBVNL without any preconditions and pretext.


  1. I along with my audit team do declare that no criminal proceedings are pending w.r.t. the firm and/or Partner in any Court of Law in India or before any Disciplinary Committee of ICAI / ICAI (erstwhile ICWAI) /ICSI or any other professional institutes / bodies.




Signature of the Authorized



















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