The Directorate has formulated a proposal for online web-based Electronic Tax Administration system for service tax. This system envisages the facility for online registration, payment of tax, filing of returns, assessment etc. for better tax administration and reducing the officer-assessee interface. M/s. CMC Ltd conducted a system feasibility study for implementation of this proposal. Their report indicates that such a system is not only feasible but could also be implemented at a relatively low cost. A detailed proposal is under preparation. It is anticipated that with the implementation of this system, service tax could be administered as the first e-tax in the country, which could work as a model for other tax administrations.
As decided by the Board, the programme for computerization of Service Tax administration is being worked out by the Directorate of Systems (South Zonal Branch) and Directorate of Service Tax.
Directorate of Systems has worked out the framework for computerization of service tax administration, with the help of NIC. They have introduced software programmes for Allotment of Service Tax Payer Code Number (SAPS) and Service Tax Revenue Monitoring System (STREMS) which are used for registration of assesses and filing of ST-3 returns.
Consequent to the above, the Central Board of Excise and Customs vide Circular No. ST 52/2003 dtd. 1.3.2003 ( in F.No. 137/9/2003-CX4 has allowed E-filing of Service tax Returns-ST-3 from the month of April 2003. Initially, this facility has been extended to only select class or group of service tax providers for services falling under following categories viz.
1. Telegraph Services (TGH)
2. Telephone Services (TSU)
3. Life Insurance Services (LIS)
4. Insurance Auxiliary Services (IAX)
5. General Insurance Business (GIB)
6. Stock Brokers (STB)
7. Advertising Agencies (ADV)
8. Courier Services (COU)
9. Banking & Financial (BFN)
10. Custom House Agent (CHA)
The Central Board of Excise & Customs vide Circular No. 71/01/2004-Central Excise (ST), dated 20.01.2004, has extended this facility of E-filing to all the categories of Services