( F. No. 370142/9/2018-TPL
Government of India
Circular No. 9... /2019
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Direct Taxes
TPL Division
New Delhi, dated the 14th May, 2019
Order under section 119 of the Income-tax Act. 1961
Section 44AB of the Income-tax Act, 1961 ('the Act') read with rule 6G of the
Income-tax Rules, 1962 ('the Rules') requires specified persons to furnish the Tax Audit
Report along with the prescribed particulars in Form No. 3CD. The existing Form No.
3CD was amended vide notification no. GSR 666(E) dated 20th July, 2018 with effect
from 20th August, 2018. However, the reporting under clause 30C a nd clause 44 of the
Tax Audit Report was kept in abeyance till 31st March, 2019 vide Circular No. 6/2018
dated 17.08.2 018.
Representations were received by the Soard that the impl ementation of
reporting requirements under clause 30C (pertaining to General Anti-Avoidance Rules
(GAARlJ and clause 44 (pertaining to Goods and Services Tax (GST) compliance) of the
Form No. 3CD may be deferred further.
The matter has been examined and it has been decided by the Soard that the
reporting under clause 30C and clause 44 of the Tax Audit Report sha ll be kept in
abeyance till 31st March, 2020. ~ ~
(Saurabh Gupta)
Under Secretary (TPL)-Ill
Copy to:
1. PS to FM/OSD to FM/PS to MoS(F)/OSD to MoS(F)
2. PS to Secretary (Revenue)
3. Chairman, CSDT
4. All Members, CSDT
5. All Pro DGslT /Pr. CCslT
6. All Joint Secretaries/CslT, CSDT
7. Directors/Deputy Secretaries/Under Secretaries of CSDT
8. DlT (RSP&PR)/Systems, New Delhi
9. The C&IG of India (30 copies)
10. The JS & Legalldviser, Ministry of Law & Justice, New Delhi
11. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ind ia
12. All Chambers of Commerce
13. CIT (M&TP), Official Spokesperson of CSDT
14. % Pro DGIT (Systems) for uploading on official website
15. JClT (Database Cell) for uploading on departmental website