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Open DEMAT Account in 24 hrs
 Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
 Raipur Smart City Ltd., Raipur (C.G.)
 Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority, Vijayawada, A.P.
 Odisha Power Generation Corporation Limited, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
 Corrigendum Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port, Kolkata, West Bengal
 Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited, Ranchi, Jharkhand
 Assam Health Infrastructure Development and Management Society, Guwahati, Assam
 Uttar Pradesh Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
 25 LPA Opening Auditor Fund Management
 Punjab National Bank, Gurugram, Haryana
 M.P. Water and Land Management Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

Airports Authority Of India, Guwahati
May, 07th 2019
                      INTERNAL AUDIT DEPARTMENT

                       Tender id:- 2019_AAI_25714_1

Notice inviting Technical & Financial bids from Empanelled
CA/CMA firms of North Eastern Region (NER) for conducting
Internal Audit of Guwahati Airport , Airports Authority of India,
Guwahati for the Financial Year 2018-19 (01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019).

AAI invites Technical & financial bids from empanelled CA/CMA firms for
conducting Internal Audit of Guwahati Airport , Guwahati for the Financial Year
2018-19 (01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019).
 The Estimated Cost is mentioned in Annexure-IV. Self elp files/FAQ &
System Settings (Annexure-V) is also available at E-tender portal with URL

It is further informed that during the empanelment of CA/CMA firms the bids were
received through AAI e-tender portal, which has now become obsolete and the new
portal is in vogue. The unconditional acceptance letter is a prerequisite document of
Technical bid and for call of financial bids. In case of any deficiency it should be
fulfilled by the firms before the opening of financial bids (Envelope - II) otherwise
financial bids will not be opened to that firm(s).

                                                                     (Lala Ram)
                                                            AGM - FINANCE (IA)
                                                AIRPORT AUTHORITY OF INDIA
                                                       NEW OFFICE COMPLEX
                                                      SAP, NEW DELHI-110003
                                     PH. NO. 01124629346, 01124632950 Ext.3324

                                       Page 1
E-bids shall be submitted in two bid system as follows :

                    TECHNICAL BID ENVELOPE - I
The technical bids shall contain Unconditional acceptance letter as per Annexure- VI
which is required to be duly signed and stamped by the Authorized signatory of the
firm and submit under the technical bid folder in the form of scanned copy for
Qualifying the technical bid and opening the financial bid of the firm.

                    FINANCIAL BID ENVELOPE - II
This Financial Bid is called through the electronic process and can be downloaded
from       the     e-tender     portal    of      AAI      with   URL     address The Financial Bid is also available on AAI
website Please note that the submission of the Financial Bid is
essential      and    can    only    be    uploaded      through   the   E-tender

The last date of submission of financial bid is 10.05.2019 by 1100 hrs. And the same
shall be opened on 13.05.2019 at 1130 hrs.

                                                                        (Lala Ram)
                                               AGM - FINANCE (IA) / BID MANAGER
                                                  AIRPORT AUTHORITY OF INDIA
                                                          NEW OFFICE COMPLEX
                                                         SAP, NEW DELHI-110003
                                                            PH. NO. 01124629346

                                      Page 2
              General Information and Guidelines
1. AAI reserves to itself the right to reject the conditional tenders without
   assigning any reason thereto. Further AAI reserves to itself the right to
   reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof and to
   call for any other detail or information from any of the tender(s).
2. CA/CMA firms shall be awarded the Internal Audit work for maximum 2 (two) Audit
   work of this Region.

3. In case, any firm found to be the lowest in 2 (two) stations, the same will not be
   considered eligible for the remaining Region/Airports.

4. The above bid amount is inclusive of professional fees, TA/DA, local conveyance,
   lodging & boarding etc. except GST/applicable taxes. No other payment shall be made
   except quoted above. The payment shall be released after acceptance of the report by
   the Competent Authority.
5. Period of Assignment: The internal audit work assigned is required to be
   completed within a period of 21(Twenty one) working days from the date of
   commencement of Audit.
   6. Terms of Payment: The payment will be released after approval of the Internal
   Audit report by the competent Authority and you must quote your GST number in
   the bill / invoice.
7. Others:
   I. In case of any disputes arising out of the assignment, the decision of Member
   (Finance), Airports Authority of India shall be final and binding on both the parties.
   II. For clarifications, if any, the matter may be addressed to the Executive Director
   (F&A)-IA, Airports Authority of India, New Office Complex, Safdarjung Airport, New

8. Cover-I , Bidder should quote the rates in Downloaded BOQ-sheet from the portal.

9. Other terms & conditions as mentioned in the EOI dated 18/01/2017 / Technical bid shall
remain same.

                                                                         (Lala Ram)
                                                AGM - FINANCE (IA) / BID MANAGER
                                                   AIRPORT AUTHORITY OF INDIA
                                                           NEW OFFICE COMPLEX
                                                          SAP, NEW DELHI-110003
                                                             PH. NO. 01124629346

                                       Page 3

Airport, Guwahati WITH ESTIMATED COST:

S.NO. NAME OF THE                                ESTIMATED COST
      AIRPORT/STATION/REGIONAL OFFICE                 (Rs.)

  1.   Guwahati Airport, Guwahati             347000/- + GST (as

                                                              (Lala Ram)
                                     AGM - FINANCE (IA) / BID MANAGER
                                        AIRPORT AUTHORITY OF INDIA
                                                NEW OFFICE COMPLEX
                                               SAP, NEW DELHI-110003
                                                  PH. NO. 01124629346

                            Page 4
                        (Help Desk Services)

   a. In order to facilitate the Vendors / Bidders as well as internal users from AAI, Help
      Desk        services       are     available      for       the    e-tender     portal The Help desk services shall be available on all
      working days (except Sunday) between 0800-1900 hours and shall assist users on
      technical issues related to the use of the e-tender portal.

   b. For any technical assistance with regard to the functioning o the portal the bidders
      as well as AAI users may contact according to the escalation matrix as mentioned
      below :

 SL      Support        Escalation                                    Contact
 No      Persons          Matrix            E-Mail Address            Numbers           Timings*
 1.   Help Desk Team                                               011-24632950,      0800-2000
                       Instant          Ext-3512           Hrs.
                       Support                                     (Six Lines)        (MON - SAT)

 2.   Mr. Sanjeev                                    0930-1800
      Kumar            After 4 Hours   or                          011-24632950,      Hrs.
      Mgr.(IT)         of Issue       Ext-3523,3505      (MON-FRI)

 3.   Mrs. S. Nita                                                                    0930-1800
      AGM(IT)          After 12              011-24632950,      Hrs.
                       Hours                                       Ext-3523           (MON-FRI)
 4.   General                                                                         0930-1800
      Manager(IT)      After 03            011-24657900       Hrs.
                       Days                                                           (MON-FRI)

   c. The above mentioned help desk numbers are intended only for queries related to the
      issues on e-tendering portal and help needed on the operation of the portal. For
      queries related to the tenders published on the portal, bidders are advised to contact
      concerned Bid Manager from AAI.

All the CA/CMA firms are requested to submit their Technical & Financial Bid through AAI e-
tender portal by using digital signature of Class III that includes (a) signing and     (b)
encryption within.
In case of any assistance please contact above mentioned person/personnel along with the
undersigned bid manager
Bid Manager : Mr. Lala Ram, AGM (Fin.) Phone No. 011-24645344/ 011-24632950 Ext.
3324/ 9650161222 and email id :

                                                                            (Lala Ram)
                                                   AGM - FINANCE (IA) / BID MANAGER
                                                      AIRPORT AUTHORITY OF INDIA
                                                              NEW OFFICE COMPLEX
                                                             SAP, NEW DELHI-110003
                                                                PH. NO. 01124629346

                                          Page 5
                      TO BE SUBMITTED IN E-TECHNICAL BID
                              ACCEPTANCE LETTER
                         (Scanned copy for technical bids)

                        (Refer Clause for technical bidof NIT)
PH. NO. 01124629346


E-tender documents for the Notice Inviting Technical & Financial bids from
the Empanelled CA/CMA Firms of NER for conducting Internal Audit Work of
Guwahati Airport, Guwahati , AAI for the Financial Year 2018-19 (01.04.2018 to

   1. Has been downloaded by me. I/we hereby certify that I/we have inspected and read
      the entire terms and conditions of the e-tender documents made available to me/us.
      Which shall form part of the contract agreement and I / we shall abide by the
      conditions / Clauses contained therein.

   2. I/We hereby unconditionally accept the e-tender conditions of AAI's e-tender
      documents in its entirety for the above services.

   3. The contents of Clause 1 of General information & guidelines of the Notice Inviting E-
      Tender of the E-Tender Documents has been noted wherein it is clarified that AAI
      reserves the right to reject the e-tenders without assigning any reason thereto.

   4. I/We declare that I/We have not paid and will not pay any bribe to any officer of AAI
      for awarding this contract at any stage during its execution or at the time of payment
      of bills and further if any officer of AAI asks for bribe/gratification, I/We will
      immediately report it to the appropriate authority in AAI.

                                                                             Yours faithfully,
                                                               (Signature of the e-tenderer)
                                                                         With rubber stamp

                                          Page 6
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