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« Tenders »
Open DEMAT Account in 24 hrs
 Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
 Raipur Smart City Ltd., Raipur (C.G.)
 Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority, Vijayawada, A.P.
 Odisha Power Generation Corporation Limited, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
 Corrigendum Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port, Kolkata, West Bengal
 Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited, Ranchi, Jharkhand
 Assam Health Infrastructure Development and Management Society, Guwahati, Assam
 Uttar Pradesh Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
 25 LPA Opening Auditor Fund Management
 Punjab National Bank, Gurugram, Haryana
 M.P. Water and Land Management Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

Andrew Yule And Company Limited, West Bengal
May, 28th 2019
                                 ANDREW YULE & COMPANY LIMITED
                                 (A Government of India Enterprise)
                                           General Division
                                    8, Dr.Rajendra Prasad Sarani
                                          Kolkata ­ 700 001
                                        NOTICE INVITING TENDERS

   ANDREW YULE & CO. LTD. invites e-Tender from bona fide CA/CMA Firms for conducting Internal
   Audit of its 7 Tea Estates in Assam, situating in Dibrugarh, Jorhat & Golaghat Districts., 05 Tea Estates
   in West Bengal (Tea Estates include outgardens attached to them wherever applicable), situating in
   Jalpaiguri, Aliporeduar & Darjeeling Districts and Tea Division's Head Office (HO) in Kolkata, in Two-
   part system (Techno-Commercial Bid and Financial Bid); the details of which regarding eligibility
   criteria, scope of work, method of evaluation etc. are mentioned in the tender documents, hereinafter.
   Interested CA/CMA Firms who comply with the eligibility criteria mentioned hereinafter, may quote as
   per the specified instructions furnished hereinafter.

   A. Index of contents:

 Sl.No. Particulars                                                        Page No.    Annexure
   1       (A) NIT Introduction & Index                                        1
   2       (B) Brief background of the Company                                 1             -
   3       (C) Schedule of Tender (SOT)                                        2             -
   4       (D) Minimum Eligibility Criteria                                   2-3
   5       (E) Our Bank Details for EMD Payment                                3
   6       (F) Pre-Bid meeting                                                 3
   7       (G) List of Annexures                                               3            -
   8       Important instructions for E procurement                           4-6       Annexure-I
   9       Detailed Profile of the Firm                                        7       Annexure-II
   10      Detailed Scope of Work                                            8-14      Annexure-III
   11      General Terms & Conditions (including Evaluation Criteria)        15-17     Annexure-IV
   12      Technical/Un-priced Bid Scoring Sheet                              18        Annexure V
   13      Format for Financial Bid                                           19       Annexure-VI
   14      Declaration of Non-Ineligibility                                   20       Annexure-VII

Tender documents may be downloaded from MSTC website or Corrigendum, addendum or clarifications, if any, shall be hosted on the above
mentioned websites only.
AYCL reserves the right to accept or reject any tender, without assigning any reason for same.

   B. Brief Background of the Company:

   Andrew Yule & Company Ltd (AYCL) is an Indian manufacturing and industrial conglomerate, with
   majority shareholding by Government of India and headquartered in Kolkata (formerly Calcutta). It
   became a Central Public Sector Enterprise (CPSE) in 1979 and is presently having three major Divisions,
   viz., Engineering (having Factory near Kolkata), Electrical (having Factories in Kolkata and Chennai) and
   Tea (12 Estates in Assam and West Bengal). The Company maintains a Co-ordination Office in New Delhi.
   The Annual Turnover of the Company is around Rs.400 Crores and more than 50% of it is generated from
   Tea business and the rest through other businesses of the Company i.e. electrical equipment
   manufacturing as Transformer, AVR's, Industrial Fans etc. as well as various service activities.

   Tea Division of the Company produces around 117 lakh KG CTC and Orthodox Tea annually which is
   mainly sold mainly through Tea Auction. However, the Company is also engaged in Export of bulk tea,
   open market sale of tea in domestic market and retail sale of packet tea.
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                                       C. Schedule of Tender (SOT)
    1.     TENDER NO.                                    AYCL/Internal Audit/19-20/1
                                                         Dated: 27.05.2019
    2.     MODE OF TENDER                                E-tendering System,
                                                         Online submission of Part-1 Techno-
                                                         Commercial Bid and Part-2 Financial Bid
                                                         The intending bidders are required to submit
                                                         their offer electronically through this e-
                                                         tendering portal.
    3.     E-Tender No. / Event No.                      AYCL/General Division/2/19-20/ET/63
    4.     Date of publication of e-Tender through       27th May, 2019 at 14.00 Hrs.
           publication MSTC/AYCL websites and
           Central Public Procurement Portal
    5.     Date of availability of NIT to the Vendors    27th May, 2019 at 14.00 Hrs.
           for downloading
    6.     Earnest Money Deposit (to be converted         1.     "Earnest Money Deposit" of Rs
           to Security Deposit without bearing any        15000/- may be paid by NEFT/RTGS
           interest thereon for successful Bidder         favoring Andrew Yule & Co Ltd, payable at
           and to be refunded without interest to         Kolkata in a manner as mentioned
           others on finalization of the work order)      hereinafter. The offer without EMD will
           & Other documents                              summarily be rejected.
                                                          2. Other documents as specified in Annexures

    7.     Last date of submission of EMD and other      17th June, 2019 at 18.00 Hrs.
           documents to AYCL Ltd.
    8.     Date of starting of e-Tender for              To be intimated to the eligible vendor
           submission of online Techno-Commercial        separately by e mail as well as through
           bid and Price bid at                          corrigendum in website.
    9.     Date of closing of online e-Tender for        To be intimated to the eligible vendor
           submission of Techno-Commercial bid           separately by e mail as well as through
           and Price bid at                              corrigendum in website.
    10     Date & time of Opening of Part-1 Techno-      To be intimated to the eligible vendor
           Commercial bid                                separately by e mail as well as through
                                                         corrigendum in website.
    11     Date & time of Opening of Part-2,             To be intimated to the eligible vendor
           Financial Bid                                 separately by e mail as well as through
                                                         corrigendum in website.

   D. Minimum Eligibility Criteria
      a) The prospective bidding Firm should be registered with ICAI/ICMAI for at least last 10 Years as on
         due date of this Tender.
      b) The firm should have Internal Audit experience of at least 5 years (as on due date of this Tender)
         in the respective Industry i.e. Tea cultivation, production & marketing Industry.
      c) The firm should have net average annual revenue receipts of at least Rs 25 Lakhs in last 3 financial
         years (2016-17 to 2018-19).
      d) The firm should have minimum 3 full time Partners .

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      e) The firm should have Internal/Statutory Audit experience in at least one Central/State PSU, listed
         with any Stock Exchange in India.
      f) The Firm should not be banned/de-listed/barred from conducting any audit work in last three Fin.
         Yr. (2016-17 to 2018-19) by any Central/State PSU and/or Central/State Govt. Dept.
      g) The firm should have Head office in Kolkata and preference will be given to firms having Branch
         offices in Siliguri & Dibrugarh.

      Firms fulfilling the above mentioned minimum eligibility criteria only need to quote by
      participating in the Online bidding BUT are required to submit the following documents Offline
      to the Manager (F&A), Andrew Yule, General Division, Head Office, 8 Dr. Rajendra Prasad
      Sarani, Kolkata 700001 Unit, in a sealed envelope super scribe as "Internal Auditor for the
      Financial Year 2019-20" before the closing date and time of online bid submission as
      mentioned hereinbefore. Any non-compliance with this condition will tantamount to rejection
      of the offer. As such, the documents mentioned above should be sent well in advance so that the
      chances of bid rejection on account of any postal/communication delay can be avoided.

       1. Photocopy of NEFT/RTGS document with regard to payment of EMD
       2. Duly filled in and signed & sealed Annexures-II, III, IV, and VII
       3. Documents required as per Annexure-V with signature and seal
       4. Duly signed & stamped Cancelled/Photocopy of a Cheque leaf pertaining
           to Firm's Bank Account.

   E. Our Bank Details for making Online EMD payment:

     Bank Name and Address               UNITED BANK OF INDIA, 10, CLIVE ROW,
                                         KOLKATA, WEST BENGAL ­ 700001
     IFSC Code                           UTBI0NSR122
     Account No                          0101050013341
     Account Name                        ANDREW YULE & COMPANY LIMITED

   F. Pre-Bid meeting:
      Since the appointment of Internal Auditor for Tea Division requires industry specific skills, in this
      regard a pre-bid meeting will be organized on 19th June 2019 at 11.00am to 12.00pm in the Head
      Office of the Company, to address the expected queries from prospective bidders.

   G. List of Annexure

      Important Instructions for E-procurement ­                              Annexure-I

      Detailed Profile of the Firm ­                                          Annexure-II

      Detailed Scope of work-                                                 Annexure-III

      General Terms & conditions-                                             Annexure-IV

      Technical Evaluation Criteria-                                          Annexure-V

      Format for Financial Bid-                                               Annexure-VI

      Declaration for Non-Ineligibility-                                      Annexure-VII

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                                   ANDREW YULE & COMPANY LIMITED
                                            General Division
                              Important Instructions for E-procurement
                            Ref. E Tender No. AYCL/General Division/2/19-20/ET/63
                               Ref. Tender no. AYCL/Internal Audit/19-20/1

This is an e-procurement event of ANDREW YULE & COMPANY LIMITED (AYCL)

Bidders are requested to read and agree to all the Terms & Conditions (Annexure- I, II, III, IV & V) of
the Tender Document while submitting the online Bid. Bidders who do not comply with the
conditions with documentary proof (wherever required) will not qualify in the tender for opening of
Price Bid.

Process of E-Tender:

      Registration:- The process involves vendor's registration with MSTC e-procurement portal
which is free of cost. Only after registration the vendors can submit his/their bids electronically.
Techno-commercial and Price bid will be submitted electronically
       SPECIAL NOTE: The Price Bid And The Commercial Bid Has To Be Submitted On-Line at
       1)        Vendors are required to register themselves online with e-
                 Procurement  PSU / Govt. depts.  Register as Vendor under AYCL- Filling up details
                 and creating own user id and password  Submit.
       2)        Vendors will receive a system generated mail confirming their registration in their
                 email which has been provided during filling the registration form.
In case of any clarification, please contact MSTC/AYCL (before the scheduled time of the e-Tender).
Contact person ( ANDREW YULE & COMPANY LTD):
1. Mr.Rohit Jain                            2) Mr.    Mrs. Kalpna
   Manager (Finance)          .                       Dy. Manager(Finance)ger (
   Ph. No: 033-22428210            . No.: (033) 2     Phone Number: 033-22428210
   Email:                   Email:

Contact person (E-Commerce, MSTC Ltd):
   1. Mr. Pritam Biswas,                               2. Mr. Mayank Jain,
      Assistant Manager (ERO)                        Assistant Manager (ERO)
        Mobile- 9903248755,                           Mobile- 9721277969
      email-                 email-

  3. Mr. Vikash Kumar Jaiswal,                       4. HELP LINE NO. (033) 2290 1004
     Regional Manager (ERO)
     Mobile- 9903042449,

System Requirement:
           i)    Windows XP-SP3 or above / Windows 7 Operating System
           ii)   IE-7 or above Internet browser.
           iii) Signing & Encryption type digital signature
           iv) JRE 7 update 79 software to be downloaded and installed in the system. Security level
                should be medium

Page | 4
                v)   To enable ALL active X controls and disable `use pop up blocker' under Tools 
                     Internet Options  custom level (Please run IE settings from the page

     1.   Submission of EMD & Other documents:

             Part-1 Within specified Date & Time mentioned at Sl.No. 7 of SOT the vendor must submit
             Annexure-II duly filled and signed, General terms & conditions duly accepted & stamped as per
             Annexure-IV, documents required as per Annexure-V and Earnest Money Deposit as mentioned at Sl.
             No. 6 of the SOT in the form of NEFT/RTGS payment favoring Andrew Yule & Co. Ltd. Payable at
             Kolkata to Manager (F&A) General Division, Andrew Yule & Co. Ltd., 8, Dr, Rajendra Prasad Sarani,

             In case of failure to submit any of the above mentioned Documents, RTGS payments etc within
             stipulated time, the bid will be considered as rejected.

           Part-II:- On the basis of submission of documents mentioned in Part-1, the list of vendors who will
           participate in online commercial and Price Bid submission will be finalized. Only those qualified
           bidders will be eligible to submit On line Techno-Commercial and Price Bid.

     Bidding in e-Tender:
a.   No interest will be paid on EMD. EMD of the unsuccessful bidder(s) shall be refunded by ANDREW YULE &
     COMPANY LTD.EMD to be paid along with the Document within the last date as mentioned in SOT.
b.   The process involves Electronic Bidding for submission of Techno Commercial Bid as well as Price Bid.
c.   The bidder(s) who have submitted the EMD to AYCL will be shortlisted by AYCL and those qualified bidders
     can only submit their Commercial Bid and Price Bid through Internet in MSTC website having Tab links, e-procurement - PSU Govt. dept- Login under AYCL -My Menu -
     Auction Floor - Manage Live event Section of the live event.
d.   The bidder should allow to run an application namely an Apple by accepting the risk and clicking on run.
     This exercise has to be done twice immediately after opening of Bid floor. Then they have to fill up Common
     terms /Commercial specification and save the same. After that clicking on the Techno-Commercial bid, if this
     application is not run then the bidder will not be able to save / submit his Techno-Commercial bid.
e.   After filling the Techno-Commercial Bid, bidder should click `save' for recording their Techno-Commercial
     bid. Once the same is done, the Price Bid link becomes active and the same has to filled up and then bidder
     should click on "Save" to record their Price Bid. Then once both the Techno-Commercial bid & Price Bid has
     been saved, the bidder can click on the "Submit" button to register their bid.
f.   Vendors are instructed to use link in My Menu to Upload Documents in document library. Multiple
     documents can be uploaded. Maximum size of single document for upload is 5 MB.
g.   Once documents are uploaded in the library, vendors can attach documents through Attach Document link
     against the particular tender. For further assistance, please follow instructions of vendor guide.
h.   In all cases, bidder should use their own ID and Password along with Digital Signature at the time of
     submission of their bid.
g.   During the entire e-tender process, the bidders will remain completely anonymous to one another and also
     to everybody else.
h.   The e-tender floor shall remain open from the pre-announced date & time and for as much duration as
     mentioned above.
i. Techno-Commercial bid will be opened electronically on specified date and time as given in the NIT. Bidder(s)
    can download Technical Comparative statement.
j.   Price bid will be opened electronically on specified date and time given in the NIT. Bidder(s) can download
     Price Comparative statement.
k.   All entries in the tender should be entered in online Technical & Commercial Formats without            any

     Page | 5
l.        All electronic bids submitted during the e-tender process shall be legally binding on the bidder. Any bid will
          be considered as the valid bid offered by that bidder and acceptance of the same by the Buyer will form a
          binding contract between Buyer and the Bidder for execution of supply. Such successful tenderer shall be
          called hereafter BIDDER.
m. It is mandatory that all the bids are submitted with Digital Signature Certificate otherwise the same will not
   be accepted by the system.
n.        Buyer reserves the right to cancel or reject or accept or withdraw or extend the tender in full or part as the
          case may be without assigning any reason thereof.
o.        No deviation of the terms and conditions of the tender document is acceptable. Submission of bid in the e-
          tender floor by any bidder confirms his acceptance of terms & conditions for the tender.
p.        Unit of Measure (UOM) is indicated in the e-tender Floor. Rate to be quoted should be in Indian Rupee as per
          UOM indicated in the e-tender floor/tender document.
q.        E-tender cannot be accessed after the due date and time mentioned in NIT.
r. All notices / corrigendum and correspondence to the bidder(s) shall be sent by email only during the process
   till finalization of tender by ANDREW YULE& COMPANY LTD/MSTC LTD. Hence the bidders are required to
   ensure that their corporate email I.D. provided is valid and updated at the stage of registration of vendor
   with MSTC. Bidders are also requested to ensure validity of their DSC (Digital Signature Certificate).
     s. Any order resulting from this e-tender shall be governed by the terms and conditions mentioned therein. No
        deviation to the technical and commercial terms & conditions are allowed.
     t. ANDREW YULE & COMPANY LTD has the right to cancel this e-Tender without assigning any reason thereof.
     u. The online tender should be submitted strictly as per the terms and conditions and procedures laid down in
        the website of MSTC Ltd.

     v. The bidders must upload all the documents required as per terms of NIT. Any other document uploaded
        which is not required as per the terms of the NIT shall not be considered.

     w.     Bidders are requested to read the vendor guide and see the video in the page
 of MSTC Ltd. to familiarize them with the system before

     x. Offers to be kept valid for acceptance for 180 days from the due date of the Tender or as may be
        extended mutually thereafter.

                                              Andrew Yule & Company Ltd

          Page | 6
                          Ref. E Tender No. AYCL/General Division/2/19-20/ET/63
                                 Ref. Tender no. AYCL/Internal Audit/19-20/1
                                     Detailed Profile of the Intended Firms
                   (This document should be dully filled up and attached along with EMD)

Sl.No.            Particulars                                     Details
   1   Name of the Firm
   2   Address Head Office
   3   Address of Branches
   4   Phone. No.
   5   Email ID
   6   Name of the Authorized
       Signatory of the Bid
   7   Contact No. of the Authorized
   8   Firm Registration No.
   9   Date of Incorporation
  10   PAN of the Firm
  11   GSTN of the Firm
  12   No. of Partners along with the
       membership no. and name
  13   No of DISA qualified partner
  14   No. of qualified assistants with
       name and membership no.
  15   No. of semi qualified assistants,
       Article assistants and other
       Audit staff
  16   Bank details of the bidder for      Bank Name:
       return of EMD to the                Branch Name & Address:
       unsuccessful bidders                IFSC Code:

I/we hereby certify that the particulars furnished by me/us above are true to the best of my / our knowledge
and belief and mis-representations of facts will render me/us liable to my/our action as may be deemed fit
by Andrew Yule & Co. Ltd. (General Division) & have the sole discretion to reject or accept my/our

                                                             (Signature of the Authorized Signatory)
                                                                       Office Stamp/Seal.
Place          :

Date           ;


                                       Detailed Scope of Work
Page | 7
                   Ref. E Tender No. AYCL/General Division/2/19-20/ET/63
                          Ref. Tender no. AYCL/Internal Audit/19-20/1
                MAJOR AREAS OF AUDIT TO BE COVERED ­ 2019-20, Phase-1
    (To be done on concurrent basis to the extent possible and has to be completed by
                                     Nov,30th 2019)
[A]: Tea Estates
      1. Checklist for Internal Financial Control

Sl.                      Area of activity                     Compliance   Reasons for   Remarks
No.                                                                           Non
                                                              Yes   No

1       Verification of bills of daily rated employees,
        medical and hospitalization bills, loans &
        advances to employees, workload agreements
        implementation etc.

2       Verification of system of engagement of casual
        workers with reference to rate of wages & other
        benefits extended to them

3       Verification of accuracy of PF and ESI deduction

4       Verification of other statutory deductions as GST,
        TDS, Professional tax etc

5       Verification of Capital purchases against indent by
        user Departments and within the Capital budget
        approved for concerned Financial Year by the

6       To verify whether proper authorization has been
        taken from appropriate authority for
        purchase/sale/transfer of fixed assets during the
        period of Audit and the same has been properly
        recorded in the books of Accounts.

7       Whether Fixed Asset register has been maintained
        & updated and physically verified on regular basis

8       Ensure correctness of order placed with most
        economical party after due comparison and due

9       To check & verify expenditure on projects and all
        other expenses (including of Guest Houses, if any)
        against their appropriate approvals.

10      To verify as payables are as per contract and no
        undue benefit is passed on to the

Page | 8

11    Whether GST TDS has been deducted as per the
      GST Law and IT TDS as per IT Law.

12    To verify whether bank reconciliation statements
      are prepared at due intervals

13    To verify compliance of employees leave rules,
      medical rules, final settlement, pay & allowance

14    To verify in case of cancellation of PO, if any
      would be done by original approving authority on
      the assent of TC.

15    Whether the Company has a policy to recognise
      bad debts in case they are not received within 3

16    Whether the realizations from auctions are
      received in time as per the terms & conditions

17    Whether the performance of auctioneers/brokers
      are reviewed by comparing the total realization
      over a period of time.

18    In case a item is purchased in bulk quantity and
      the same is divided between L-1 and L-2,L-3 etc at
      L-1 rates, the same should be clearly written in
      the terms of NIT.

      Also in case of Open Market Sale/Export/Scrap
      Sales etc., the offer is suitably analysed and
      highest available offer is accepted. Whether
      reasons/justifications are recorded/approved for
      any deviation.

19    Whether the retention money is being deducted
      running bills to cover up the defect liability

20    Whether the amount debited by bank towards
      charges for various services to the Unit/Division
      is as per correct rates and an entry has been
      passed in books simultaneously.

21    To verify whether the payment of various bills is
      made only after approval from appropriate

22    To verify whether for transportation of materials

Page | 9
         both incoming and outgoing appointment of
         transport contractor has been done following the
         tendering process at the beginning of the
         Financial Year.

23       To check liquid assets (like Bank Term Deposit
         Receipt, any other Investment Certificate etc.) if

          In case some information needs to be obtained from Tea Division/Corporate Office for the purpose of
          checklist for Internal Financial Control the same is to be done.

2. Detailed scope of work

[1]      Follow-up of previous Internal Auditor observations/suggestions.

 [2]         i) Land productivity:
                      a) Calculation of overall yield/Hect. And comparison of the same for the last 3 years
                      b) Calculation of yield of section having ages 10-15 years.
             ii) Pluckers productivity, factory productivity and overall productivity analysis
             III)     Analysis of last 3 years recovery %

[3]      Attendance/absenteeism record for staff, sub-staff and worker. Physically verify (surprise) at least one
         day in the field whether allotted workers are present as per programme of Kamjari for the day.
[4]      Action taken by garden management for habitual absenteeism.
[5]      Reconciliation between wage sheet and Kamjari book.
[6]      Checking of deployment in case of spraying pesticides/insecticides in comparison with budgeted fig of
         the same.
[7]      Factory deployment of casual workers, records of overtime work, shift working vis-a-vis overtime
[8]      Checking procedure of payment of advance to staff, sub-staff, worker and management staff and vis-a-v-s
         recovery of advance and records maintained therein.
[9]      Checking fire wood and tea issued to worker/staff.

[10] Physical verification of cash as surprise check.
[11] Physical verification of stores items on test check basis from various group of materials such as fertilizer,
     pesticides, machinery repair, fuel (e.g. Coal, LPG etc) etc. and checking records maintained for the
     purpose. Frequency of physical verification made and necessary documentation. Report on slow moving
     and non moving of stock and reasons thereof.

[12] Checking of scrap records for both generation as well as disposal.

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[13] Detail checking of bought leaf operation with special emphasis on different aspects of purchase of green
     leaf, fixation of rate and checking of fine leaf count vis-à-vis instruction from HO relating to Fine leaf
     count of the purchase. Recovery percentage achieved out of such green leaf vis-a-vis targeted percentage.

[14a Checking of deduction of Income Tax for various payments made to contractors as per provision of the
]    Act and timely deposit of the same before the authority.
[14b Checking all GST related matter- Collection, Deposit, Deduction etc as per applicable statute
[14    Making a list of major pending Legal Cases and status of same.
[14d Implementation status of various administrative policies/instructions issue by higher authorities.

[15] [i]     Building repair ­
             [a]    System of undertaking the job of repair.
             [b]    Payment and booking of repair expenses.
             [c]    Maintenance of records in respect of repair.
             [d]    Physical verification, if possible.
             [e]    Trend of expenses over last 5 years.

[16] To verify payment position of contribution, recovery of loan and interest thereon. Actual date of
     disbursement of PF loan and subsequent recovery of such loan in this regard.

[17] Issue of foodstuff ­ whether distributed as per DBITA/ABITA norms, deduction for absenteeism.
[18] Comparison of ration book with census records.
[19] Physical verification of stock of foodstuff.
[20] Checking of percentage of handling loss on monthly basis with an eye on standard permitted loss.

[21] System of awarding contracts ­ Selection of contractors or suppliers fixation of rate etc.
[22] System of payments of contractors/suppliers including payment of advance.
[23] Review of liability list including system of liability booking and also payment against liability.

[24] Coal, HSD Oil, TD Oil, Electricity.
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[25] Generator Log Book
[26] Vehicle Log Book ­ per KM consumption for each vehicle.

[27] Checking of hospital records vis-a-vis leave records regarding sick and maternity leave.
[28] Checking of payment of sick allowance and maternity benefits from hospital records as well as works
     accounts records including system of payment.
[29] Scrutiny of expenses incurred for cost of medicine including cost for outside treatment, cost of food etc.

[30] Overview of IT System & Process Control relating to any/all the above activities, as appropriate

[B]       :Tea H.O.
   [1]           Checking of replantation subsidy claimed/claimable & actual receipt against each claim

[2]        [a]   Procedure & suggestions for improvement (if any) for open market sale including its
           [b]   Checking of packet tea sales operations with suggestions for improvement.
   [3]           Physical verification of stock in designated warehouses
   [4]           Insurance claims vis-à-vis actual receipt of payment against the same and follow up
                 report on pending claims
   [5]           Checking of sale proceeds through auction sales.
   [6]           Review of purchase proposals specially where procured quantity is based on annual
                 requirement as fertilizers, pesticides, coal, paper & woven sacks etc.
   [7]           Review of budgetary control process
   [8]           Checking the basis of charges charged by the Bank alongwith interest calculation.
   [9]           Same as Sl.No. 14[a] to 14[d], 21,22,23 &30 of scope of work of Tea Estates.

                   MAJOR AREAS OF AUDIT TO BE COVERED ­ 2019-20, Phase-2,
   (To be done on concurrent basis to the extent possible and has to be completed by
                                   April 15th, 2020)
[A]: Tea Estates
         1. Checklist for Internal Financial Control

Sl.                          Area of activity                        Compliance         Reasons for        Remarks
No.                                                                                        Non
                                                                      Yes       No

1 to       Same as Phase I

         In case some information needs to be obtained from Tea Division/Corporate Office for the purpose of
         checklist for Internal Financial Control the same is to be done.

         2. Detailed scope of work

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[1]   Follow up of previous Internal Auditor Suggestions
[2]   Tax/Legal/Admin/IT Matters ­ Same as Sl.No. 14 of Phase I

[3]   Verification of master roll, payroll vis-à-vis actuarial valuation list of gratuity with PF records.
[4]   Checking of computation of Bonus and statement L
[5]   Basis of deployment of Casual Workers
[6]   Deployment in comparison with budget.
[7]   Checking procedure for disbursement of wages, maintenance of records for unpaid wages/bonus and
      subsequent disbursement.
[8]   Checking of voucher payment of labour and examine whether such payments are made as per sanction of
      appropriate authority.

[9]   Maintenance of documents including stores records for receipt and issue of Plants.
[10] Nursery records, Scrutiny of unadjusted balance of Nursery advance shown in the garden Accounts.
[11] Examination of Nursery cost ­ Comparative analysis of Plant cost with previous years.
[12] Mortality % of Plants

[13] Same as Sl.No. 10 of Phase-1
 [14] Same as Sl.No. 11 of Phase-1

 [15] Transport Repair ­
       [a]    System of vehicle repair, System of undertaking any repair and how selection of supplier is being
              made whether vehicle wise repair register is maintained and expenses incurred from year to year
              are recorded therein.
       [b]    Whether the parts replaced are entered in the scrap register.
       [c]    Trend of Expenses in last 5 years.

[16] Same as 16 of Phase-1

[17] Verification of gratuity payments ­ Whether gratuity calculation is made as per payment of gratuity act.
[18] Maintenance of statutory records for gratuity payments showing date of birth, date of joining and date of
     retirement as per PF statements, LIC ID etc.

 [19] System procedure
 [20] Verification of asset with respect to capital expenditure for Current Year & Previous Year

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[B]       :Tea H.O.
    [1]           Checking of replantation subsidy claimed/claimable & actual receipt against each claim

 [2]      [a]     Procedure & suggestions for improvement (if any) for open market sale including its
          [b]     Checking of packet tea sales operations with suggestions for improvement.
    [3]           Physical verification of stock in designated warehouses
    [4]           Insurance claims vis-à-vis actual receipt of payment against the same and follow up
                  report on pending claims
    [5]           Checking of sale proceeds through auction sales.
    [6]           Review of purchase proposals specially where procured quantity is based on annual
                  requirement as fertilizers, pesticides, coal, paper & woven sacks etc.
    [7]           Review of budgetary control process
    [8]           Checking the basis of charges charged by the Bank alongwith interest calculation.
    [9]           Same as Sl.No. 14[a] to 14[d], 21,22,23 & 30 of Phase-1 scope of work of Tea Estates
                  and Sl no. 1,17,18,19 & 20 of Phase-2 scope of work of Tea Estates .

 Information regarding payment of Statutory Dues and submission of Statutory Return is to be
 given in Annexure-1, the format of the same is given hereunder and the statement is to be
 prepared on half yearly basis by taking month wise data from April to Sept & Oct to March.
                Part of Audit Report- Statement showing Payment of Statutory dues

                      For the Month of ______________                             Attachment

Sl.No.       Statutory Payments           Amount        Due date      Actual date            Remarks
                                           due             of         of payment

1           Provident Fund

2           ESI

3           TDS

4           GST

5           Custom Duty

6           Electricity Bill

7           Others (Please

                                                                              (Seal & Signature of the Bidder)


                                        Andrew Yule & Company Limited
Page | 14
                      Ref. E Tender No. AYCL/General Division/2/19-20/ET/63
                             Ref. Tender no. AYCL/Internal Audit/19-20/1
                                     General Terms & conditions

  1. Firms are required to submit their detailed profile in the format enclosed in Annexure-II.
  2. Location of Site: as mentioned at page 1 of the Tender document.

  3. Firms fulfilling the minimum eligibility criteria and having the supporting documents as required as
     per Annexure-V, are only eligible to quote

  4. Any Firm already engaged in any type of Audit of Andrew Yule & Company Limited during the
     Financial Year, 2019-20 not to participate in this tender and in case of any such participation the
     same will not be considered (The term `Firm' includes any or all of it's partners jointly and/or
     separately, if they are in profession in any other Name or Firm) .
  5. The assignment of Internal Audit shall be carried out by a team comprising of a Chartered Accountant/
     Cost Accountant & two semi qualified accountants, whereas the qualified CA/CMA should be a partner
     in the Firm.
  6. Internal Audit report is to be given phase wise (to be addressed to Director-Finance through a
     Confidential Sealed Cover) and the Auditor should ensure that there should be at least one visit at
     each garden in each of the phases, where as any garden requires more than one visit per phase, that
     should be done only on the discretion of the Management.
  7. Audit should be done on concurrent basis and for the same it is not necessary for the Internal Auditor
     to visit the gardens only at the end of any phase they can plan their visits accordingly.
  8. The financial bid should clearly mention the audit fee without GST garden wise for the Tea Estates in
     the prescribed format at Annexure-VI.
  9. Duration of the Contract: Appointment of Internal Audit Firms will be for a period of One-year (FY
     2019-20) subject to performance of the Firm as mentioned in clause no 14, But mutually extendable
     for One more year at same rate, terms and conditions.
  10. Documents required as per Clause D (Page No. 2-3) of Minimum eligibility criteria kept in an closed
     envelope should be addressed to Manager (F&A), M/s Andrew Yule & Company Limited, Yule House, 8,
     Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sarani, Kolkata-700001 subscribing on the envelope "Internal Audit Financial
     Year 2019-20 of Tea Division" by 17.06.2019.
  11. Resolution of disputes: In the event of any dispute, question of difference arising during the
      contractual period i.e. upto March 2020, efforts will be first made to settle the dispute by amicable
      settlement through discussion, failing which the decision of the Chairman and/or Director-Finance,
      Andrew Yule & Company Limited will be considered as final. All the disputes are subjected to Kolkata
      jurisdiction only.

  12. Assignment of Contract: The bidder shall not assign the contract or any part thereof to anyone else.

  13. Obligations of the firm:
      a)The Firm undertakes to perform the Services with the highest standards of professional and ethical
      competence and integrity. The Firm shall promptly replace any employees assigned under this
      Contract that the Client considers unsatisfactory.
      b)The Firm and his Personnel shall not, disclose any proprietary or confidential information relating
      to the Services, this Contract, or the Client's business or operations without the prior written consent
      of the Client during the term.

  14. Performance of the Firm:

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      a) Performance of Internal Audit Firm will be reviewed by Committee of functional Directors and/or
         Audit Committee on 6 months basis for their continuation during the tenure of the appointment.
         The appointment can be terminated by AYCL in case, such performance is not satisfactory.
      b) In case of unsatisfactory performance of Internal Audit, considered by the Management, within
         the tenure of the contract for any reason thereof, the same shall be liable for penal action as
         decided by AYCL Management.
      c) In case of discontinuation by the Firm selected the additional cost (incidental/consequential) of
         engagement of fresh Audit Firm is to be borne by the defaulter Firm.

  15. Submission of report: Initially the draft internal audit report (with confidential copy to Director-
      Finance) is to be discussed with the respective garden managers as well as group accountant wherein
      Manager(F&A) or his representative and partner as the firm representative shall be present to obtain
      their responses to each audit observation, duly supported by the Minutes of the meetings signed by
      the garden management and firms representative. It is mandatory to incorporate the response of the
      garden management as well as suggestions of Manager(F&A) or his representative in the report. Once
      the report is finalized incorporating the observations, suggestions, gardens response etc. the final
      report should be submitted within 1 week of completion of audit and the same should be addressed
      to Director(Finance).

  16. Payment terms: Bill is to be raised within a week of submission of Final Internal Audit report for
      each of the phases to Tea Division (Finance) and the same will be paid within 30 days.

  17. Minimum Fee quote: As required by the latest guideline issued by the Institute of Chartered
      Accountants of India, there is a requirement to specify the minimum fee for the assignment in Tender,
      to comply with the same a minimum quotes of Rs 2,00,000/- (in totality for the FY. 2019-20) for the
      annual assignment has been fixed and the prospective bidders will not be able to quote below the

  18. Evaluation Criteria:
     a) Composite score will be calculated by adding the weighted technical and financial bid score by
      applying the weightage of 60% and 40% to technical and financial scores respectively.
      b) The bidder securing the highest composite score will be considered as the most responsive bidder
      and will be earmarked as L-1 bidders for award of subject work However, AYCL here reserves the
      right for price negotiation with that Firm, if required. Calculation of Composite score will be as

            Cs=Ts X 0.60+ Fs X 0.40

                      i)     Cs= Composite Score
                      ii)    Ts= Technical Score
                      iii)   Fs= Normalized Financial Score
                      iv)    Ranks of Bidders will be decided based on Composite Score.
     c)Among the qualified bidders the bidder with lowest Financial bid will be awarded 100% financial
      score and financial score % of others will be reduced proportionately in comparison with their price
      quotes as against the lowest quote. Thus, Financial Scores for bidders other than L-1 will be evaluated
      using the formula mentioned below:

            Fs (Normalized Financial score of the bidder) =

            (Lowest Financial bid /Financial bid of the bidder) X 100 (adjusted to 2 decimal places)

  19. In the event of the composite bid are in tie, the bidder scoring the highest technical score will be
      adjudicated as the best value bidder for selection.

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  20. Bid rejection terms and conditions:
          1. Bids received after the last date & time mentioned above.
          2. EMD of the abovementioned value not submitted along with the bid.
          3. Bidders not submitting the required documents as per the tender document.
          4. Bidders not fulfilling the minimum eligibility terms and conditions as specified under
             relevant Clause.
          5. Bidders banned/de-listed/debarred by any PSU/Govt. Dept. during last 3 years (included in
             Minimum Eligibility Criteria).

  21. The bidders are required to give a declaration in Annexure-VII to the fact that the bidding
      Firm/Company has not been banned/de-listed/debarred by any PSU/Govt. Dept during last 3(three)

  22. Offers to be kept valid for acceptance for 180 days from the due date of the Tender or as may be
      extended mutually thereafter.

  23. The Selected Firm or it's employees/representatives will not commit any criminal offence under the
      relevant Anti Corruption Laws of India; further the Selected Firm or it's employees/representatives
      will not use improperly, for purposes of competition or personal gain, or pass on to others, any
      information provided by AYCL as part of the business relationship, regarding plans technical
      proposals and business details, including information contained or transmitted electronically.

  24. The Selected Firm and/ or it's employees/representatives shall maintain utmost
      confidentiality at all times (even beyond the contract/service period) of information and/or data
      obtained from or about AYCL in connection to this Tender as well as the service provided/to be
      provided (unless demanded in writing by any Govt/Statutory/Court of Law Authority).

  25. The prospective bidders having doubts/queries with regard to the subject NIT may attend Pre-Bid
      meeting, schedule of the same is mentioned at point no. (F) at page 3 of the Tender Document.

                                                                       (Seal & Signature of the Bidder)

                                ANDREW YULE & COMPANY LIMITED
                      Ref. E Tender No. AYCL/General Division/2/19-20/ET/63
Page | 17
                                 Ref. Tender no. AYCL/Internal Audit/19-20/1


                                  Technical/Un-priced Bid Scoring Sheet
Sl.     Technical             Evaluation        Points                   Max.   Documents            to       be
No      Criteria                                                         Points submitted

1       Firm should be registered with        2      points      per     12      Self certified copy of Firms
        ICAI/ICMAI for at least 10 years      completed         year             registration certificate
                                              beyond 10 years
2       The Firm should have Internal Audit a) 4 points per year         a) 20   a)Self certified copies of
        experience of at least 5 years in the    exceeding 5                     Work Orders/ Job
        respective industry (Tea).               completed years                 Completion Certificate
                                                 of internal audit
                                                 experience in Tea

                                                b)  5 points per No.     b) 20   b) Self certified copies of
                                                    of Tea Company               work orders /job
                                                    Audited beyond               completion certificates..
                                                    Minimum One
3       The Firm should have Average            5 points per increase    20      Certificate of said Net
        Annual Net revenue receipts of at       of Rs 5 lakhs on                 revenue receipts issued by
        least Rs 25 Lakhs in last 3 FYs         account      of    net           a     practicing    Chartered
        (2016-17 to 2018-19)                    revenue receipts (not            Accountant      other than a
                                                in part) beyond Rs 25            Partner/Associate/Employee
                                                Lakhs.                           of the bidding Firm.
4       Firm should have at least 3 Partners    3 point per partner      6       A self-declaration signed by
                                                exceeding 3 partner              all    Partners    with   Full
                                                                                 Names, Membership No. (of
                                                                                 ICAI/ICMAI, as applicable),
                                                                                 date from which his/her
                                                                                 partnership is effective etc.,
                                                                                 affixing the Firm's official
5       DISA/CISA qualified partners            1 point per qualified    5       Self certified copy of the
                                                partner                          certificate issued from ICAI
6       Having     Statutory/Internal  Audit    2 points per No. of      6       Self certified copy of letter
        Experience in any Central/State         such       Company               of         appointment/Work
        PSU, listed with any Stock Exchange     Audited      beyond              Order/Job          Completion
        in India.                               Minimum         One              Certificate

7.      No.    of    Qualified    Assistants/   1 point per such         5       Self      certified    letter
        Associates with the Firm, who will be   Assistant/Associate              mentioning the name of
        engaged in such Audit                                                    qualified assistant engaged
                                                                                 in Audit.

8       Firms having Branch offices at          a) 3     points    for   6       Self certified copy of branch
            a) Siliguri                            Siliguri                      addresses alongwith details
            b) Dibrugarh                        b) 3     points    for           of the Partner heading the
                                                   Dibrugarh                     Branch

                                                         TOTAL           100

    Page | 18
                                        ANDREW YULE & COMPANY LIMITED
                            Ref. E Tender No. AYCL/General Division/2/19-20/ET/63
                                   Ref. Tender no. AYCL/Internal Audit/19-20/1

             Format for submission of Financial Bid ( on the letter head of the Firm)

Internal Audit of Tea Division for the F.Y. 2019-20                                   Rs(In Lakhs)
 Sl.                               Location                                      Audit Fee
 No.                                                                          (For Two Phases
                                                                              Together- Equally
1       Khowang      -Assam
2       Desam      - Assam
3       Tingkong     - Assam
4       Rajgarh     - Assam
5       Hoolungoorie -, Assam
6       Murphulani -, Assam
7       Basmatia - Assam
8       Karballa     - WB
9       Banarhat     - WB
10      New Dooars - WB
11      Choonabhuti - WB
12      MIM (Darjeeling)- WB
13      Tea HO -Kolkata
(Total Rupees ..................                                                 Only)


Name & Designation of the Authorized Signatory:

Seal of the Firm:
Date______________     Place ________________

             Local conveyance, Boarding and Lodging for Out Station Trips will be provided by AYCL as
             per it's travel rules (Bidder need not quote). In case the selected Firm is having Branch
             near the Tea Estates then primary members of the Audit Team should be from that Branch
             only unless otherwise agreed by the Competent Authority (Director-Fin., AYCL or his/her
             nominated officer)

             GST will be paid extra as applicable. Bidder need not quote.

             TDS will be deducted from payments as per applicable law.

             The above highlighted items will not be considered for bid evaluation.

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                                    ANDREW YULE & COMPANY LIMITED
                        Ref. E Tender No. AYCL/General Division/2/19-20/ET/63
                               Ref. Tender no. AYCL/Internal Audit/19-20/1


                             Declaration of Non-Ineligibility (By the Bidder)

I/ We, M/s ....................................... (Name of bidder) hereby certify that I/we have not been
banned/de-listed/de-barred from business by any PSU/Govt. Department during last 03 (three)

                                                                            (Seal & Signature of the Bidder)

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