Uttar Pradesh Assembly today passed the supplementary budget to the tune of Rs 5,461 crore for the financial year 2010-11 .
The Mayawati government had yesterday tabled the same in the state assembly. This was the first supplementary grant sought by the government after the 2010-11 state budget.
While the government plans to mop up Rs 2,382 crore through different tax revenue streams, the remaining Rs 3,079 crore would be met through austerity measures and freezing surplus fund allocated in plan outlay.
In the tax-free state budget tabled in the Assembly on February 4, 2010, the government had projected a deficit of Rs 9,022 crore against revenue and capital expenditure of Rs 153,199 crore and total receipts of Rs 144,177 crore.
It had not proposed new taxes to bridge the deficit and adjusted Rs 7,002 crore from the Public Account leaving a balance of Rs 2,020 crore.