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 Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
 Raipur Smart City Ltd., Raipur (C.G.)
 Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority, Vijayawada, A.P.
 Odisha Power Generation Corporation Limited, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
 Corrigendum Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port, Kolkata, West Bengal
 Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited, Ranchi, Jharkhand
 Assam Health Infrastructure Development and Management Society, Guwahati, Assam
 Uttar Pradesh Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
 25 LPA Opening Auditor Fund Management
 Punjab National Bank, Gurugram, Haryana
 M.P. Water and Land Management Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

UCO Bank, Sarani, Kolkata
September, 05th 2018
                            qE,) +o,        UCO BANK
                         AUDIT & INSPECTION DEPARTMENT
                               H EAD    OFFICE, KOLKATA


                                                                               30ilr   Aug, 20lg

UCO Bonk invites online opplicotions from procticing firms of Chortered
          in lndio for emponelment os Concurrent Auditors to undertoke
Concurrent Audit ossignment in designoted bronches/ offices in lndio.

The Bonk is swilching over   lo compu*er bosed online Concurrenl oudit of bronches
for the oudit yeor commencing from 01.10.2018.1n the lst phose 100 bronches wilt
be token up for online Concurrent oudit from 0l .10.2018 ond in remoining bronches
will be rolled over to online oudit by 01.0l.20I9.During the role over to online mode
there will be simultoneous monuol os well os online reporling for these Bronches.

The firms who ore willing lo under lqke the oudit in online environmenl with NO
Additionol fees oiher ihon lhe prescribed oudit fees fixed by the Bonk only hove to
qpply for Concurrent oudit lhrough online opplicotion porlol.


o) CA firrn should preferobly be o portnership concern hoving experience in the
   field. The Bonk moy olso consider the sole proprietorship concerns ond in thot
   cose they would be required to submit o declorotion thot they ore full time
   procticing Chortered Accountonts ond ore not employed elsewhere ond do
     not hove ony other business interest.
b) Audit firms should preferobly hove quolified lnformotion System Auditor
   (CISA/DISA) with necessory exposure of system oudit. Since oll the bronches of
     the Bonk ore fully computerized, system oudit sholl form on integrol port of oudit
     of the bonk.
c) Audit firm should not hove been disquolified by ony Bonk IBA/RBUlCAl, while
     toking-up oudit work on eorlier occosions.
d) Weightoge would be given to the CA firms where the portners themselves ore
     ex-bonkers or the firm(s) hos got iie-up with ex-bonkers with requisite experience
     ond exposure.
e)   It is to be ensured thot the oudii firm or ony sister / ossociote concern / network
     firm is not conducting the stotutory oudit of ihe Bonk or ony of its bron-ches.

                                                                     lr4   r

                                         Page 1   of7
f) Weightoge will be given to o firm hoving exposure in conducting               concurrent
     oudit of the Bonk bronches for public sector      / mojor privote sector bonks.

g)   The firm should hove necessory office set up ond       odequote personnel to ensure
     proper deployment ond timely completion of the ossignments. The Heodquorter
     or bronch of the CA firm should be locoted of the ploce for which they wish to
     ioke up oudit work. Preference would be given to CA firms which ore locoted ot
     the ploces of our Bonk's Bronches.

h) The ossignment should be corried out in o professionol monner ond in cose of
   ony misconduct or negligence, the Bonk is free to report the motter of ony time
   to lCAl / IBA/RBI. This will be in oddition to the disengogement from the
     Concurrent Audit ossignment.

i)   The firm will not be ollowed to sub-controct the oudit work ossigned to ony
     outside firm or other persons even though such persons ore quolified chortered

j)   A declorotion to be furnished by the firm thot credit focilities ovoiled by the firm
     or portners of firm in which they ore portners or directors, including ony focility
     ovoiled by o third porty for which the firm or its portners ore guorontor/s, hove
     not turned non performing osset or ore existing non- performing ossets, os per
     the prudentiol norms of RBl. ln cose the declorotion is found incorrect, the
     ossignment would be immediotely terminoted, besides the firm being lioble for
     ony oction under ICAU RBI/lBA guidelines.

k)   The firm should execute undertoking of fidelity ond secrecy on its letter heod in
     the formot prescribed by the Bonk.

l)   Concurrent Auditors would hove to sign Do's & Don'fs stotement in order to
     hove proper orms length relotionship with the Bronch/ Deportment of which they
     ore conducting Concurrent Audii. Such undertoking would be submitted

m) Any other terms    ond conditions of the ossignment os decided by the Bonk from
     time to time.


0.l. Areos covered in the Bonk's Stondord formot/module for Concurrent Audit
     specify the scope of Concurrent Audit. Concurrent Auditor would exomine oll
     the tronsoctions ond identify the ones which ore not os per the Bonk's loid
     down rules/circulors ond guidelines/instructions received from regulotors &
     outhorities like Govt. of lndio, Reserve Bonk of lndio & SEBI eic. from time to
                                                                       ,'r  ,

                                         Page 2 of 7
02. Every quorter Concurrent ouditor would olso check if there is ony wide voriotion
    in the cost of deposits ond yield on odvonces os compored to the previous
    periods os well os Zonol overoge figures. A copy of the guidelines on the
    monner of conducting the oudit will be provided to the firm of the time of
    ollotment of bronches ond thereofter from time to time.

03. Concurrent Auditors will olso get reciified oll the irregulorities identified by them
    during the course of the oudii. Monthly Concurrent Audit reports should reoch
    Bronch/ Zonol Office / Field lnspectorote by the lOth doy of the month
    succeeding the month of reporting under monuol environment but under online
    reporting releose the report on 4th - Sth working doy of succeeding month,
    pointing out the remoining irregulorities/deficiencies for rectificotion, with
    reosons os to why these were not rectified"

04. Comment on Bonk's policies or Evoluotion of the decisions token by Bronch
    Monogers/outhorized officiols ore beyond the scope of concurrent oudit.
    However, ony violotion of delegoted powers os loid down by the bonk ond
    violotions of loid down policies, system & procedures of ihe Bonk ore within the
    scope of the Concurrent oudit.


l.   Bonk would provide to the concurrent ouditors o suggestive/illustrotive checklist
     of items/oreos to be checked doily/weekly/monthly/quorterly ond concurrent
     ouditors should identify the deficiencies/irregulorities in occordonce with the

2. Concurrent Auditors sholl be required to get rectified oll the         irregulorities
     identified by them during the course of Audit ond report only those irregulorities,
     which remoined un-rectified, with reosons os to why the some were not rectified
     ond submit the Concurrent Audit Report within 10 doys of the month succeeding
     the month of reporiing under monuol environment but under online reporting
     releose the report on or before 5th working doy of succeeding month, io
     Bronch/Zonol Office/Field nspectorote.

3. The concurrent ouditor would olso be required to report immediotely to the
   Bonk's higher outhorities wherever ony serious irregulority or tronsoctions
   involving molofide, corrupt proctices ond gross indiscipline or ony froudulent
     tronsociion   is   detected by them.

4. The Monthly Audit Reports sholl be required to be submitted in on opproved
   structured formot, which would be provided to the ouditors by the Bonk. The
   reports should be submitted within l0 doys from the end of the month to which
     the report relotes under monuol environment but under online reporting releose
     the report on or before 5th working doy of succeeding month. Suitoble penol
                                                                     LV'..-,     ,i   .:   @,
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                                            Page 3 of   T
        provisions would be opplicoble for deloyed submission of oudit reports. The firms
        should strictly odhere to the formot/ Online module ond the time limit.

5. ln the event of Online computer bosed ouditing the              instructions / guidelines
        (regording ouditing , reporting etc ) to be issued by the Bonk sholl be odhered io
        by the ouditors.


(o) Emponelment:

Applicotions received from the Chortered Accountont firms in response to the
notificotion, within the given time limit ond in the given formot fulfilling the
prescribed eligibility criterio sholl be emponelled by the Bonk. The ponel sholl
remoin volid for o period of one yeor i.e. from 01.10.2018 io 30.09.2019 unless
olhenrvise odvised in writing.

(b) Engogemenl of Concurrenl Audilors & olher condilions

(i) Suitoble firms would be identified for eoch ossignment ond be opproved toking
    into occount their experience ond exposure, similor octivity corried out for the
    Bonk or other bonks, ovoilobility of odequote troined resources, locotion of the
    oudit unit etc. Such opproved Concurrent Auditor's firms would be issued letters
    of engogement by the Audit & lnspection Deportment.

(ii) The tenure     of the concurrent ouditor would be initiolly for one yeor ond would
        be subject to renewol every yeor ond con be extended moximum up to                 o
        period of 3 yeors overoll of bonk's discretion

(iii)   After completion of specified moximum period of three yeors, cooling period of
        one yeor would be observed for o firm to become eligible for engogement. This
        will be purely of the discretion of the Bonk ond no rights whotsoever occrue to
        the firm for such engogement.

(iv)The concurrent ouditors should odhere to the oudit coveroge strictly os per the
    scope os moy be decided by the Bonk from time to time.

(v) The     concurrent ouditors should not undertoke ony other octivities     / ossignment
        on beholf of the bronch or unit, other thon the octivities for which they ore
        engoged, without obtoining the concurrence of the Heod Office, Audit &
        lnspection Deportment in writing.

                                            Page 4 of 7
(c) Period of Audit/Assignmenl:

Externol Audit firms emponelled/selected would be engoged for o period of one
yeor i.e. from 0l .10.2018 to 30.09 .20'19 for the bronchesloffices identified for monthly
concurreni oudit.

(d) Performonce Review:
The performonce of the emponelled firms would be periodicolly reviewed, of leost
once o yeor ond if found unsotisfoctory, the Bonk moy remove the nome of the
Concurrent Audit firm from the ponel of the bonk .

(e) De-emponelmenl:

The emponelled firms moy be de-emponelled          of the Bonk's sole discretion. lf the
performonce of the concurrent ouditor is found unsotisfoctory or ony serious oct of
omission or commission is noticed in their working, their engogement moy be
concelled of ony point of time. lf felt necessory, the motter moy be reported to lCAl
ond/or RBI/lBA for necessory oction.

(f)Applicotion processes   :

Applicolions ore to be mqde Online. Auditors hove to submit o preference of lhree
bronches from ihe enclosed list of bronches idenlified for oudit during lhe yeor
0l .10.2018 to 30.09 .2019.

The online opplicolion poriol will remoin open from 30.08.2018               lo   12.09.2018
(23:59:59 hrs)

Pleose nole ihot while filling up online opplicotion. the system will disptoy the
APPLICATION ID   ond PASS WORD of lhe top of second poge of online opplicolion
i.e.otter clicking SAVE & NEXT button of first poge. Pleose nole ihe some
immediolely for your fulure reference.

Atter Finol SUBMISSION of lhe opplicotion, lhe syslem will not ollow to edit or modity
your opplicotion. Pleose toke lhe prinl of your submitled opplicotion immediotely
ofter clicking FINAt SUBMISSION for your fulure reference ond record.
(g) Documents to be submitted with the opplicolion:

No documenls need lo be submitted with online opplicotion. But in lhe evenl of ony
Firm being selecled for engogement os concurrenl oudilor of ony of our
bronches.lhey ore required to furnish prinled copy of online opplicolion duly signed
by lhe oulhorised person, self ottested photocopies of oll documenls olong with
Originol documenls in supporl of their credentiols furnished in opplicotion lo lheir
respeclive Field inspeclorole for verificotion ond record. The originol will be
relurned ofier verificolion.
                                                                        tatl':         @
                                        Page 5 of 7
In cose ony of lhe informolion furnished by the Firm in opplicotion found lo be
inconsislent wilh Originol documenls, lhe seleclion of the Firm will be concelled
forthwith. Further, if ony such inconsislency(ies) noliced subsequenl to engogement
even posl verificoiion of documenls, lhe engogemenl will be disconlinued wilh
oppropriole reporling of Firms nome to RBUIBA/ICAI etc.

The Bonk sholl send engogement letiers to oll selected Chortered Accountont firms
through respective Field inspectorotes hoving   jurisdiction over the concerned
bronches. However, CA firms which do not  get our letter of engogement ore to be
treoted os " NOT SEIECTED" ond no furlher correspondence sholl be enterloined in
respect of fote of their opplicolion.


(h) Evoluotion of opplicolions;

The opplicotion received by the bonk would be screened by o Committee of
Executives constiiuted for this purpose, which will consider emponelment of CA
firms on o scoring system bosed on their experience, CISA /DISA quolificotions
number of portners, seniority, CA firms hoving tie-up with Ex-Bonkers etc. ond ony
other foctor considered necessory by the committee for which the decision of the
Committee sholl be finol.

Merely meeling the eligibility criterio sholl not oulomolicolly enlille lhe firm for
emponelmenl. After emponelment, the work will be ollotled os ond when need
orises of lhe sole discreotion of ihe Bonk. The emponelmenl will not give ony right to
the emponelled firms for corrying oul lhe ossignment. The Bonk reserves its right to
concel ony or ollthe offers withoul ossigning ony reoson whotsoever.

(i) Selection of Concurrent Audilors;

Selection of Concurrent Auditors sholl be mode omong the opplicotions received
from the chortered occountont firms by the Audit & lnspections deportment on the
bosis of o scoring system. The opprovol of the selected concurrent ouditors would
be done by o committee consisting of three Generol Monogers. The Generol
Monoger (Audit & lnspection) sholl be the choirmon of the committee. The list of
selected concurrent ouditors would be ploced before ihe top monogement of the
Bonk i.e. Executive Directors ond Monoging Director & CEO for finol opprovol.

V. Poymenl Terms;

The oudit fee shollbe poid to the firm os decided by the Bonk from time to time
ond mentioned in offer letter for ollotment of ossignment, on submission of the
relevont oudit reports ond the relevont bill olong with supporting documents. The
                                                               8q.",, -   , ,-

                                        Page 5 of 7
following schedule of fees being poid by the Bonk depending on the volume of
odvonces of the bronch.

No out of pocket expenses or troveling ollowonce/ holting ollowonce would be
poid to the concurrent Auditors. However, Goods & Service Tox etc. would be poid
os opplicoble in oddition to the Audit Fees. The poyment io Concurrent Auditors
would be subject to TDS of the opplicoble rotes.


The Fees structure w. e. f. 0,|.,l0.20,l8 is os under:

s.N   Ronge of Advonce level of lhe Bronch                   Audit Fee (Rs.)
l     Advonce   up to Rs 25 Crores                           Rs 15000/-
2.    Advonce   obove Rs 25 Crores & upto         Crores     Rs 18000/-
3.    Advonce   obove Rs       Crores & upto 200 Crores      Rs 20000/-
4.    Advonce   obove Rs 200 crores & upto          crores   Rs 25000/-
5.    Advonce   obove Rs        crores                       Rs 30000/-
6.    Grid Service Bronch- Chennoi, New Delhi & CBO          Rs 15000/-
      Kolkoto (monthly)
7.    Grid Service Bronch-Mumboi with AIBD(mon               Rs 20000/-
7.    Treosury Bronch                                        Rs 30000/-
B.    Corporote       Deportment H.O. (For 213               Rs 25000/-
Quqrterly Concurrent Audit Bronches/ Office;
I    AMB,SME Loon Hub, RLH & CPPC, Nogpur                    Rs 20000/-
2.   Deposiiory Services Bronch                              Rs 15000/-

For ony query on submission of opplicoiion emoil to
Pleose furnish your Mobile No . in the query request for eosy ond quick resolution of
                                                                   t44         6n"

                                           PageT   of7
          List   of bronches identified for fresh Emponelmenl of Concurreni Auditors for 20I8- l 9
                                                                       Business       Audit
st          Zone NAME        SollD              Bronch Nome        Cotegory        Frequency               Applicont lype
      I   AHMEDABAD               128 PORBANDAR                                   Monthly      CA   firm
     z    AHMEDABAD               859 ELLISBRIDGE                  VL             Monthly      CA   firm
          AHMEDABAD           r0t   6 DIGJAM                                      Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     I    AHMEDABAD           7008 AHMEDABAD                       RLH            Quorierly    CA   firm
       BHOPAL                      t0 VIDISHA                      L              Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     ( BHOPAL                     r36 M ROAD BHOPAL                               Monthly      CA   firm
     7 BHOPAL                     185                              VL             Monthly      CA firm
      8 BHOPAL                    74( HIGH COURT ROAD              VL             Monthly      CA firm
      9 BHOPAL                r   035 BABAI                        L              Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     IC BHOPAL                I 153 SEHRAI                         L              Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
                                        CIVIC CENTRE
 il       BHOPAL              1   492                              L              Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     2 BHOPAL                 2177 SHIVPURI                        L              Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     3 BHOPAL                 3r 6C CHHATARPUR                                    Monthly      CA   firm/ Reiired Bonk Officer
  4 BHOPAL                    7013 JABALPUR                        RLH            Quorierly    CA   firm
  ( INDORE                         76 SANYOGITAGANJ                VL             Monthly      CA   firm
  6 INDORE                        206 RATLAM                       L              Monthly      CA firm/    Retired     Bonk O
  7 INDORE                      294 SEHORE                         L              Monthly       A firm/    Retired     Bonk O icer
  8 INDORE                      49C MAHARANI ROAD                  L              Monthly      CA firm/    Retired     Bonk O icer
  9 INDORE                    r 285 GHONSLA                        L              Monthly      CA firm/    Retired     Bonk O tcer
 20 INDORE                    1286 MAKDON                          L              Monthly      CA firm/    Retired     Bonk Officer
 21 INDORE                    1717 DARIYAPUR                                      Monthly      CA firm/    Retired     Bonk Officer
 22 INDORE                    2064 MIG INDORE                      L              Monthly       A firm/    Retired     Bonk Officer
 IJ SURAT                       92 NAVSARI                         L              Monthly      CA firm/    Retired     Bonk Officer
 24 SURAT                      177 SALABATPURA                                    Monthly      CA   firm
 25 SURAT                      266 STATION ROAD SURAT              VL             Monthly      CA   firm
 26 SURAT                     203i MC-VADODARA                     EL-I           Monthly      CA   firm
 27 SURAT                     3200 MANDVI                                         Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
 28 SURAT                     3333 VESU                            S              Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
 29 BANGALORE                   24 BANGALORE CITY                                 Monthly      CA   firm
 3C BANGALORE                     328   HUBLI                      L              Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
 3',r BANGALORE               1   136 PEENIYA IND ESTATE           L              Monihly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
 J2 BANGALORE                 2104 HESARGHATTA                     L              Monthly      CA   firm/ Reiired Bonk Officer
                                        ASSET                 BR
 33 BANGALORE                 2117                                 AMB            Quorterly    CA firm
 34 BANGALORE                 2443 HOSKOTE                                        Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
 35 BANGALORE                 2B0s RAMANAGARA                      L              Monihly      CA   firm/ Reiired Bonk Officer
 36 HENNAI                      41  HENNAI MAIN                    EL-I           Monthly      CA   firm
 J/  HENNAI                     59 PONDICHERRY MAIN                EL-I           Monthly      CA   firm
 38 HENNAI                        100 PURASAWALKAM                 VL             Monthly      CA   firm
           HENNAI                 157    HETPUT                    VL             Monthly      CA   firm
 4C       CHENNAI                 590 ORAIYUR                      L              Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
 41       CHENNAI                 724 SEETHANAGAR                  L              Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
 42       CHENNAI                 969 MC-T NAGAR                                  Monthly      CA   firm
 43       CHENNAI                 972 AFT, PONDICHERRY             L              Monthly      CAfirm/     Retired     Bonk Officer
 44       CHENNAI             212( VALASARAWAKKAM                  L              Monthly      CAfirm/     Retired     Bonk Officer
 45       CHENNAI             236( MOGAPPAIR                       L              Monthly      CAfirm/     Retired     Bonk Officer
 46       CHENNAI             2935 THIRUVALLUR                                    Monthly      CA rml      Retired     Bonk Officer
 47       CHENNAI             7032 CHENNAI                         RLH            Quorterly    CA rm
 48       COIMBATORE            3C COIMBATORE                      VL             Monthly      CA   firm
 49 CO MBATORE                 509 TIRUNELVELI                     L              Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
 5C CO MBATORE                    848    RODE                      L              Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
 5l CO MBATORE                1   177 KK NAGAR                     L              Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk,Officer
 52 CO MBATORE                I 331     COONOOR                    L              Monthly      CA   f irm / Retired,SbrlK${fl cer

                                                                                                            l     ;itt' l' ,'t"",':'ffi
                                                                                                            t[t.    z)r_r.r--r.c:l.t
                                                                    Business      Audit
sl          Zone NAME   SollD               Bronch Nome         Cotegory        Frequency               Applicont Type
     E?    COIMBATORE    1       656 NAVALURKOTTAPPATTU         L              Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer

 54 COIMBATORE           1694 DINDIGUL                          L              Monihly       A firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
 (( COIMBATORE           1795 TIRUPPUR                          VL             Monthly      CA firm
                              GOVT ARTS COLLEGE
 5i COIMBATORE           1973                                   L              Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
 57 OIMBATORE            r   990 RAJAPALAYAM                    L              Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
 58 COIMBATORE           2043 COIMBATORE                        L              Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     49    COIMBATORE    2552 PERUMANALLUR                                     Monthly      CA   firmi Retired Bonk Officer
     60 ERNAKULAM                r09 COCHIN                                    Monthly      CA   firm
     61 ERNAKULAM                17 MAVOOR                      L              Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     oz ERNAKULAM        IJJ.: TIRUVALLA                        L              Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     63 ERNAKULAM        r 66C FORT         COCHIN              L              Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     64 ERNAKULAM        2238 BALARAMPURAM                      L              Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     65 ERNAKULAM        2549 NEERAMANKARA                                     Monthly      CA firm/ Reiired Bonk Officer
     AI ERNAKULAM        2907 KODUNGALLUR                                      Monthly       A firmi Retired Bonk Officer
     67 ERNAKULAM        3199 KOITHOORKONAM                     S              Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer

     68 HYDERABAD                il8   VISAKHAPATNAM MAIN                      Monthly      CA firm

     69 HYDERABAD                476 THOTAVALLURU                              Monihly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer

     7C    HYDERABAD             680 SD RD SECUNDERABAD                        Monthly      CA firm

     71    HYDERABAD             745 WANAPARTHY                 L              Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
           HYDERABAD             950 RAJAHMUNDRI                L              Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     73 HYDERABAD        1239                                   L              Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     74    HYDERABAD     r       588 BALACHERUVU                L              Monthly      CA   firmi Reiired Bonk Officer
     75    HYDERABAD     1628 MALAKPET                                         Monthly      CA   firm
     76    HYDERABAD     1       67C MALKAJGIRI                 L              Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     77    HYDERABAD     17       46 SURYANAGAR                                Monthly      CA   firm
                                       BANDLAGUDA, GSI
     78 HYDERABAD            r   885                                           Monthly      CA firm
                                       FLAGSHIP CORPORATE,
     79 HYDERABAD        2268                                   EL-II          Monthly      CA firm

     8C    HYDERABAD     227 4ONGOLE                            L              Monthly       A firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     8l HYDERABAD        2402 KARMANGHAT                        L              Monthly       A firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     6t HYDERABAD        2464 NALGONDA                                         Monthly       A firm/ Reiired Bonk Officer
     83 BALASORE                 371 SORO                       VL             Monihly      CA firm
     84 BATASORE                 432 NILGIRI                    L              Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     85 BALASORE                 741 DHARAMSALA                                Monthly      CA firm
     86 BALASORE                 778 BALIAPAL                       L          Monthly      CA firm/ Reiired Bonk Officer
     87    BALASORE              779 KHAIRA                         L          Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     88    BALASORE              835 PARADIP                                   Monthly      CA firm
     89    BALASORE          ilil      BHOGARAI                     L          Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     90    BALASORE          1   197 LANGALESWAR                    L          Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     91 BALASORE             1291 GANESWARPUR IND         EST       L          Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     92 BALASORE             I 351     BANSADA                                 Monihly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     93 BHUBANESWAR               55 CUTTACK MAIN                   VL         Monthly      CA firm

     94 BHUBANESWAR              77C ATHGARH                        L          Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer

     95 BHUBANESWAR              87( BAJRAKABATI                VL             Monthly      CA firm

     96 BHUBANESWAR          2947 BALIGUDA                                     Monthly      CA firm/-Retired Bonk Officer
                                                       Business       Audit
st     Zone NAME    SollD         Bronch Nome          Coleoorv    Frequency                Appliconl Type
 97 BHUBANESWAR     7023 BHUBANESWAR               RLH            Quorterly    CA firm
 98 SAMBALPUR           195 RAJGANGPUR MAIN        VL             Monthly      CA   firm
 99 SAMBALPUR           435 DHERA                                 Monthly      CA   firm
10c SAMBALPUR           440 DHENKANAL                             Monthly      CA   firm
 0 SAMBALPUR            638 BARGARH                L              Monthly      CA   firml Reiired Bonk Officer
 02 SAMBALPUR           727   BOLANGIR             L              Monthlv      CA   firmi Retired Bonk Officer
 03 SAMBALPUR                 BHARATPUR COLLIERY   VL             Monthly      CA   firm
 04 SAMBALPUR       2165 TITILAGARH                               Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
 nE SAMBALPUR       2220 BHAWANIPATNA                             Monthly      CA   firm/ Reiired Bonk Officer
 0c CHANDIGARH          r03 PATIALA                EL-I           Monthly      CA   firm
 07 CHANDIGARH       r35 BHATINDA                  L              Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
108 CHANDIGARH       445 MOHALI                                   Monthly      CA   firm
 09 CHANDIGARH       534 CIVIL LINES LUDHIANA      VL             Monthly      CA   firm
 IC CHANDIGARH       927 MUNICIPAL CCRPN           L              Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
 I    CHANDIGARH    7005 CHANDIGARH                RLH            Quorterly    CA   firm
112 DHARAMASALA         463 BILASPUR               L              Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer

il3 DHARAMASALA         832 MANDI                  L              Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer

114 DHARAMASALA     r   823 UNA                    L              Monthly        A firm/ Retired Bonk Officer

il5   DHARAMASALA   2227 GAGRET                    L              Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer

lt6   HARYANA           287 AMBALA CANTONMENT      L              Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
117 HARYANA         I 852 PANCHKULA                EL-I           Monthly      CA firm
il8   HARYANA       2489 JULANA                                   Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
il9   HARYANA       2492 BANDAHERI                                Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
120 JALANDHAR         166                                         Monthly      CA firm
 2l JALANDHAR           5ZO BHOGPUR                L              Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
 22 JALANDHAR           919 BATALA                 VL             Monthly      CA firm
 23 JALANDHAR       7007 JALANDHAR                 RLH            Quorierly    CA    rm
 24 SHIMLA           565 KASUMPTI                                 Monthly      CA    rm
 25 SHIMLA              649 SOLAN                                 Monthly      CA    rm
 26 SHIMLA              654 BAROTIWALA             VL             Monthly      CA    rm
 27 SHIMLA              rBc NERWA                  L              Monthly      CA   irm/ Retired Bonk Officer
 28 SHIMLA              329 THEOG                  L              Monthly      CA    rml Retired Bonk Officer
 29 SHIMLA              38r ANTI                   L              Monthly      CA    rml Retired Bonk Officer
 3C SHIMLA              EET
                            HPMIDC SHIMLA          VL             Monthly      CA   rrm
 3l SHIMLA              853 BADDI,SOLAN,H.P                       Monthly      CA   firm
 32 SHIMLA          233(      JUBBAL               L              Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
      AGARTALA          551 IMPHAL                                Monthly      CA   firm
 34   AGARTALA        854 BISHENPUR LOKTAK         L              Monthly      CA   firm/ Reiired Bonk Officer
 35   AGARTALA      r 838 TRTC- KRISHNANAGAR       VL             Monthly      CA   firm
 36   AGARTALA      2s06 GANDACHERRA                              Month        CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
 37   AGARTALA      2557 CHURACHANDPUR                            Month        CA   fim/ Retired Bonk Officer
 3B GUWAHATI          45 GUWAHATI MAIN             VL             Month        CA firm
 39 GUWAHATI          89 SHILLONG                                 Month        CA firm
 40 GUWAHATI            366 BONGAIGAON             L              Month         A firm/     Retired      Bonk         Officer
 41 GUWAHATI            505 GOSSAIGAON             L              Month         A firm/     Retired      Bonk         Officer
 42 GUWAHATI            625 DUDHNAI                L              Monthly      CA firm/     Retired      Bonk         Officer
 43 GUWAHATI            822 KARIMGANJ              L              Monthly      CA firm/     Retired      Bonk         Officer
 44 JORHAT              183 DIBRUGARH              VL             Monthly      CA firm
 45 JORHAT              244 TEZPUR                 VL             Monthly      CA firm
 4C JORHAT              422 RANGAPARA              L              Monthly      CA firm/     Retired,Boilk Officer
 47 JORHAT              512 UDALGURI               L              Monthly      CA f irm /   Retire,diB:5h[Off icer

                                                                                                  .i     , ,,,".--.
                                                                     Business Audit
sl          Zone NAME   SollD           Bronch Nome               Cotegory Frequency                Applicont Type
 48 JORHAT                   805 KHAIRABARI                      L         Monthly          CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
 49 JORHAT               1   45( DOKOMOKA                                 Monthly              firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
 5C JORHAT                    KHAGRABARI
                         17 18,                                  L         Monthly           A firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
 5t JORHAT               1812 DIGBOI                             L         Monthly          CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
                                   l. lnternotionol,
                              Treosury &
152 HO                   7107 Bonkossuronce                      HO Deptt       Monthly     CA firm
                              2. Corporote
     53    BURDWAN           r89 BURDWAN                         VL             Monthly     CA firm
     54 HOOGHLY              442 KHARAR                          L              Monthly     CA firm/ Reiired          Bonk Officer
     55 HOOGHLY              706 SERAMPUR                        VL             Monthly     CA firm
     56 HOOGHLY              827 MIDNAPUR                        VL             Monthly     CA firm
     q7 HOOGHLY          1064 HALDIA                             VL             Monthly     CA firm
     58 KOLKATA              219 GC AVENUE                       L              Monthly     CA firm/ Retired          Bonk Officer
     59 KOLKATA              256 KOLKATA-BAGHBAZAR               L              Monthly     CA firm/ Retired          Bonk Officer
     6C KOLKATA              530 SHYAMBAZAR                      VL             Monthly     CA firm
     6l KOLKATA              586 KOLKATA-BELGACHIA                              Monthly     CA firm/ Retired          Bonk Officer
     62 KOLKATA              703 PARK STREET                                    Monthly     CA firm
     63 KOLKATA              880 DIAMOND HARBOUR                 L              Monthly     CA firm/ Retired          Bonk Officer
                                   SERVICE BRANCH
164 KOLKATA              1   801                                                Monthly     CA firm
                                   ASSET MANAGEMENT         BR
 165 KOLKATA             2195                                    AMB            Quorterly   CA firm
     66 KOLKATA          7038 KOLKATA                            RLH            Quorterly   CA firm
     a-7   SALT LAKE         537 SALT LAKE SECTOR       I        EL-I           Monthly     CA firm
     68 SALT LAKE            65    BAKSHARA                      L              Monihly     CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     69 SALT LAKE            671 BADU                                           Monthly     CA firm
     7C    SALT LAKE         754 BALTIKURI                       VL             Monthly     CAfirm
     71 SALT LAKE            798 BAKULTALA                                      Monthly       A firm
     72 SALT LAKE        I   985 NEW BARRACPORE                  L              Monthly      A   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     7     SURI              210 SILIGURI                        VL             Monthly     CA   firm
     74 SURI                 757 NALHATI                         L              Monthly     CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
           SURI              817 BERHAMPORE                      VL             Monthly     CA   firm
     76 SURI                 828 COOCHBEHAR                                     Monthly     CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
           SURI              898 RAMPURHAT                       VL             Monthly     CA   firm
     1a SURI             1293 GANGTOK                            L              Monthly     CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     79 SURI             1422 RAMGANJ                            L              Monthlv     CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     80 DEHRADUN          364 GADARPUR                           L              Monthly     CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     8l DEHRADUN                   RUDRAPUR                      VL             Monthly     CA   firm
     82 DEHRADUN         7049 DEHRADUN                           RLH            Quorterly   CA   firm
     6J KANPUR               30c ACHENERA                        L              Monthly     CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     84 KANPUR               384 ARMAPUR       ESTATE                           Monthly     CA   firm
     o( LUCKNOW          2281 RAE BARELLY                        L              Monthly     CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     85 LUCKNOW          7035 LUCKNOW                            RLH            Quorterly   CA   firm
     87 MEERUT            338 MUZAFFARNAGAR                                     Monthly     CA   firm
                              SHASTRI NAGAR,
 r88 MEERUT              2544                                    L              Monthly     CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
     89 VARANAS               r65 ROBERTSGANJ                    L              Monthly     CA firm/ Retired          Bonk Officer
     9C    VARANAS           65:   GHORAWAL                      L              Monthly      A firm/ Retired          Bonk Officer
     I     VARANAS           732 RENUSAGAR                       L              Monthly      A firm/ Retired          Bonk Officer
     92 VARANAS              758 GAGAHA                          L              Monthly     CA firm/ Retired          Bonk Officer
     93 VARANASI         197 4 SHIVPUR, VARANASI                 L              Monthlv     CA firm/ Retired          Bonk Officer
     94 MUMBAI                 4 KALBADEVI                       L              Monthly     CA firm/ Retired          Bonk Officer
     95 MUMBAI                90 CHOWPATTY                                      Monthly     CA firm
     96 MUMBAI               692 DADAR                                          Monthly     CA firm
     9 MUMBAI                1269 JUHU VILE PARLE WEST                          Monthly     CA.firrn:-
     98 MUMBAI               1 657 KANDIVLI WEST                 L              Monthly       O.ffi'l*.etired         Bo   nk officer

                                                                                                 ....' - ,.r:';J-""
                                                                                                 , .l_.-.: -' .i i
                                                          Business       Audit
st     Zone NAME   SollD           Bronch Nome        Colegory        Frequency                Appliconl Type
199 MUMBAI          1791 DAHISAR EAST                 VL             Monthly      CA firm
                              ASSET              BR
20c MUMBAI         2129                               AMB            Quorterly    CA firm
201 NAGPUR          291 SITABULDI NAGPUR              VL             Monthly      CA   firm
    NAGPUR          699 AKOLA                                        Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
203 NAGPUR         219 WARDHA                                        Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
204 NAGPUR         2384 LATUR                                        Monthly      CA   firml Retired Bonk Officer
205 NAGPUR         701 8 NAGPUR                       RLH            Quorierly    CA   firm
206 PUNE                 68 PUNE      CAMP            VL             Monthly      CA   firm
207 PUNE                264 SOLAPUR                   VL             Monthly      CA   firm
208 PUNE                327 KALAMB                                   Monihly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
209 PUNE                BB3 HADAPSAR                                 Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
2 C PUNE           1292 ARTILLERY CENTRE                             Monthly      CA   firm
2 I PUNE           i 54C TILAK ROAD                                  Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
2     PUNE         r 565 SANGVI                                      Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
2     PUNE         1 684 MUKUNDANAGAR                                Monthly      CA   firm
2 4 PUNE           222 ICHALKARANJI                                  Monthly      CA   firml Retired Bonk Officer
2   PUNE           7044 PUNE                          RLH            Quorterly    CA   firm
2 6 RAIPUR          8il CHARODA                                      Monthly      CA   firm
2 7 RAIPUR          005 TRI JUNCTION
                    I                                 VL             Monthly      CA   firm
2 8 RAIPUR              NEHRUNAGAR
                    r 55C                                            Monthly      CA   firm
2 9 RAIPUR         2579 JAGDALPUR                                    Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
22C AJMER           333 STATION ROAD AJMER            VL             Monthly      CA   firm
221 AJMER           379 SADRI                                        Monihly      CA   firm/   Reiired Bonk O ficer
222   AJMER         497 MERTA CITY                                   Monihly      CA   firm/   Retired   Bonk   O ficer
223   AJMER         591 SC KOTA                                      Monthly      CA   firm/   Retired   Bonk   O ficer
224   AJMER        1934 MBS HOSPITAL, KOTA                           Monihly      CA   firm/   Retired   Bonk   O ficer
225   JAIPUR            14t   KHAIRTHAL                              Monthly      CA   firm/   Retired   Bonk   Officer
22( JAIPUR              159 MI ROAD JAIPUR                           Monthly      CA   firm/   Retired   Bonk   Officer
227 JAIPUR            376 BANI PARK                   VL             Monthly      CA   firm
228 JAIPUR            486 KOTPUTLI                                   Monthly      CA   firm
ll>   JAIPUR        I 084 MANDHA BHIMSINGH                           Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
23C JAIPUR          il18      LALSOT                  VL             Monihly      CA   firm
231 JAIPUR          r   385 GANDHI CIRCLE             VL                  hlv     CA   firm
232 JAIPUR          1996 SHRI KRISHNA SATSANG                        Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
233   JAIPUR       7033 JAIPUR                        RLH            Quorterly    CA   firm
234   JODHPUR       343 JETSAR                                       Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
235   JODHPUR       374 HANUMANGARH                   L              Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
236   JODHPUR       553 MANDORE                       VL             Monthly      CA   firm
237   JODHPUR       88r BAP                           L              Monthly      CA   firm/   Retired   Bonk   O   ficer
238   JODHPUR       095 HAMU                          t              Monthly      CA   firm/   Retired   Bonk   O   ficer
239   JODHPUR       200 BORANADA                      L              Monthly      CA   firm/   Retired   Bonk   O   rcer
24C   JODHPUR       229 BALOTRA                       L              Monthly      CA   firm/   Retired   Bonk   O   ficer
241   JODHPUR       762 NEHRU PARK                    VL             Monthly      CA   firm
242   JODHPUR      2127 JAISALMER                     L              Monihly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
243   JODHPUR      2779 HIRNAWALI                                    Monthly      CA   firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
244   JODHPUR      7028 JODHPUR                       RLH            Quorterly    CA   firm
245   NEW DELHI         117 PATEL NAGAR                              Monthly      CA firm
246   NEW DELHI         r53 DEFENCE COLONY                           Monthly      CA firm
247   NEW DELHI         240 KRISHAN NAGAR             VL             Monthly      CA firm
24t   NEW DELHI       488     MODEL BASTI             VL             Monthly      CA firm
249   NEW DELHI       Bs0     GHAZIABAD               VL             Monthly      CA firm
25C   NEW DELHI       95r     NOIDA                                  Monthly      CA firm
251   NEW DELHI     1044      GURGAON                 L              Monthly       A firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
252   NEW DELHI     1 553     DELHI HIGH COURT        EL-I           Monthly      CA firm
253   NEW DELHI     1944      MC-NEHRU PLACE          EL-I           Monihly      CA firm
                                                    Business      Audit
SI     Zone NAME   SollD          Bronch Nome   Coieoorv        Frequency           Appliconl Type
254 NEW DELHI       2007                        L              Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
                         VASUNDRA -
255 NEW DELHI       2868                        L              Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
25(   BEGUSARAI         037 KOCHADHAMAN                        Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk O tcer
257 BEGUSARAI           300 SANJAT              L              Month        CA firm/ Retired Bonk O ficer
258 BEGUSARAI           360 SADANANDPUR                        Month        CA firm/ Retired Bonk O rcer
259 BEGUSARAI           363 BANWARIPUR          L              Month        CA firm/ Retired Bonk O tcer
26C BEGUSARAI           575 KHORAMPUR                          Month         A firm/ Retired Bonk O ficer
261 BEGUSARAI           619 GOASI                              Month        CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
26i   BEGUSARAI         661 MANIKPUR                           Month        CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
263 BHAGALPUR           487 SABOUR              L              Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
264 BHAGALPUR           894 KATORIA             L              Monihly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
265 BHAGALPUR           128 SUIYA               L              Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk O ficer
266 BHAGALPUR           214 VIJAYHAT                           Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk O ficer
267 BHAGALPUR           246 SAJOUR                             Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk O tcer
268 BHAGALPUR           295 ENGLISH - MORE                     Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk O ficer
269 BHAGALPUR           297 PACHRUKHI                          Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
27C BHAGALPUR           379 NANDLALPUR                         Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
271 BHAGALPUR           41    KAUSHALPUR                       Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
272 BHAGALPUR           479   DUMRAWAN          L              Monthly       A firm/ Reiired Bonk Officer
273 BHAGALPUR           677   GORODIL                          Monihly       A firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
274 BHAGALPUR           683   BHANRA                           Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
275 BHAGALPUR           799   BANKA                            Monthly      CA firm
276 BHAGALPUR           940 KAHALGAON           L              Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
277 PATNA               il9   MUZAFFARPUR       L              Monihly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
278 PATNA               401 SURAJGARHA                         Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
279 PATNA               508 FRASER ROAD PATNA   L              Monthly      CA firm/ Retired Bonk Officer
284 PATNA               576 BOCHAHA                            Monthly      CA firm/   Retired   Bonk Officer
281 PATNA               597 GIDHAUR             L              Monthlv      CA firm/   Retired   Bonk Officer
282 PATNA           1072 ARRAH                  L              Monthly      CA firm/   Retired   Bonk Officer
283 PATNA           I 587 SAHUR                                Monthly      CA firm/   Retired   Bonk Officer
284 PATNA           I 636 SALEMPUR                             Monthly      CA firm/   Retired   Bonk Officer
285 PATNA           177 5 BELAYAKUB                            Monthly      CA firm/   Retired   Bonk Officer
28( PATNA           1814 HAJIPUR                L              Monthly      CA firm/   Retired   Bonk Officer
287 PATNA           1821 SASARAM                L              Monthly      CA firm/   Retired   Bonk Officer
288 PATNA           2119 BAHEA                                 Monthly      CA firm/   Retired   Bonk Officer
289 PATNA           2t 33 BIHARSHARIF                          Monthly      CA firm/   Retired   Bonk Officer
29C PATNA           2350 LAKHISARAI                            Monthly      CA firm/   Retired   Bonk Officer
291 PATNA           23s3 BALISONBARSHA                         Monthly      CA firm/   Retired   Bonk Officer
292 PATNA           7001 PATNA                  RLH            Quorterly    CA firm
293 RANCHI            28 DEOGHAR                               Monthly      CA firm
294 RANCHI              r68 JHARIA              L              Monthly      CA firm/   Retired   Bonk   Officer
295 RANCHI              t9t   HIRAPUR           L              Monthly       A firm/   Retired   Bonk   Officer
291 RANCHI              295 SAHIBGANJ                          Monthly       A firm/   Retired   Bonk   Officer
297 RANCHI              730 BALIAPUR            L              Monthly      CA firm/   Retired   Bonk   Officer
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