About us |
This website is developed by a group of Finance Professionals such as CPA, CA, MBA and others who are interested to promote general welfare of the profession to develop a spirit of brotherhood, sense of belonging and high professional standards.
The objective of this website is to make available to the members all information concerning the profession, opportunities, assistance, latest circulars, case laws, judgements, news, views and thoughts of other professional colleagues. It is expected that with the increased participation of the members in the website members will be more informed of day-to-day activities, social activities and also increase cooperation among the members themselves. As more and more members become aware of each other there will obviously be greater activities and social gatherings and an attachment to help other members in case of need.
It is proposed to reach all organizations whether they are providing ancillary services or supply to the profession or they are providing general services or supply such as mediclaim, insurance, credit card, books, stationery etc and to seek quantity discount and rebate for the members.
The recognised institutions and bodies have their own limitations. As such, it was thought that as a group these can be taken up so that there is no restriction or limitation of any sort. Of course, ethical standards and professional ethics wherever applicable will be maintained.
This is a site for the general welfare of the Finance Professionals such as CPA, CA, MBA and others without any charges or cost and there is no contractual obligation whatsoever. The information provided on this website is as collected from various sources and provided by members. | |
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