Small Industries Development
Bank of India
Request for Proposal (RfP)
Concurrent Audit of
Operations of Branch Office, SIDBI
Small Industries Development Bank of India
Audit Vertical
LUCKNOW - 226001
Website :
Tender No.2020OCT03/T000175423
Critical Information Summary
1) SIDBI reserves the sole right for carrying out any amendments/ modifications / changes
including any addendum to this RfP. Such amendments / modifications / changes including
any addendum to this RfP shall be notified on SIDBI's website and these will be
binding on the bidders.
2) Bidders are advised to study the tender document carefully. Submission of bids shall be
deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of the tender document with
full understanding of its implications.
3) Any clarifications from bidder or any change in requirement will be posted on SIDBI website.
Hence, before submitting bids, bidder must ensure that such clarifications / changes have
been considered by them. SIDBI will not have any responsibility in case some omission is
done by any bidder.
4) In case of any clarification required by SIDBI to assist in the examination, evaluation and
comparison of bids, SIDBI may, at its discretion, ask the bidder for clarification. The
response / Clarification shall be in writing and no change in the price of substance of the
bid shall be sought, offered or permitted.
5) Please note that all the information required as per the bidding document needs to be
provided. Incomplete information in these areas may lead to non-selection.
6) Modification And/ Or Withdrawal of Bids:
Bids once submitted will be treated as final and no further correspondence will be
entertained. No bid shall be modified after the deadline for submission of bids. No bidder shall
be allowed to withdraw the bid, if bidder happens to be the successful bidder.
7) SIDBI has the right to reject any or all bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever.
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RfP CA of Branch Operations 2019
Schedule of events:
No. Bid Reference: Tender No.2020OCT03/T000175423
1 Purpose Concurrent Audit of Operations of Branch Office
One (1) Envelope for 1 Branch office
No. of Envelopes (Non-window,
sealed) to be submitted 1 set of Hard copy should be submitted in sealed
single envelope for 1 Branch office.
3 Last date of submission of Bids November 06, 2019 at 2:00 p.m (Wednesday)
Venue, Date and Time of opening of November 06, 2019 (Tuesday) at 3:00 p.m at the
Bids. address given at Sr. No. 8.
5 Date of pre-bid meeting October 22, 2019 (Monday) at 4:00 p.m
Response to clarifications sought
6 /pre-bid meeting queries to be put October 21, 2019 (Wednesday) at 5:00 p.m
on website.
7 Bid Validity 6 months from the last date of submission of Bids.
The General Manager
Audit & Fraud Management Vertical
SIDBI, 4th Floor
8 Address for submission of Bids
LUCKNOW - 226001
Ph : 0522-2288546-50
Contact Persons:
Name & Designation Phone e-mail
K.R Samuel [DGM] 0522-4259735
Arup Kumar [M] 0522- 4259788
If a holiday is declared on the dates mentioned above, the effective date would be the next
working day at the same time specified above and at the same venue unless communicated
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Introduction and Disclaimers :
1.1 Purpose of RfP
The purpose of RfP is to shortlist experienced professional firm/ Limited Liability Partnership
(LLP) of Chartered Accountants, for undertaking Concurrent Audit of Operations of Branch Office
(BO) of SIDBI at the following locations.
Table I
Direct Credit O/s Tentative date for
Sl. Branch Office Regional as on May 31, commencement of
No. (BO) Office (RO) 2019 Concurrent Audit
(` in Crore)
3 JALLANDHAR BO CHANDIGARH 34.17 January 01, 2020
1.2 Information Provided:
The Request for Proposal document contains statement derived from information that is
believed to be relevant at the date but does not purport to provide all the information
that may be necessary or desirable to enable an intending contracting party to determine
whether or not to enter into a contract or arrangement with SIDBI. Neither SIDBI nor any
of its employees, agents, contractors or advisors give any representation or warranty,
express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of any information or statement
given or made in this document. Neither SIDBI nor any of its employees, agents,
contractors, or advisors has carried out or will carry out an independent audit or
verification exercise in relation to the contents of any part of the document.
1.3 Disclaimer:
Subject to any law to the contrary, and to the maximum extent permitted by law, SIDBI
and its officers, employees, contractors, agents and advisors disclaim all liability from
any loss or damage (whether foreseeable or not) suffered by any person acting on or
refraining from acting because of any information includingforecasts, statements,
estimates or projections contained in this RfP document or conduct ancillary to it
whether or not the loss or damage arises in connection with any negligence, omission,
default, lack of care or misrepresentation on the part of SIDBI or any of its officers,
employees, contractors, agents, or advisers.
1.4 Costs to be borne by Applicants:
All costs and expenses incurred by Applicants in any way associated with the
development, preparation, and submission of responses, including but not limited to the
attendance at meetings, discussions, demonstrations, etc. and providing any additional
information required by SIDBI, will be borne entirely and exclusively by the Applicant.
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1.5 No Legal Relationship:
No binding legal relationship will exist between any of the applicants and SIDBI until
execution of a contractual agreement.
1.6 Applicant Obligation to Inform Itself:
The applicant must conduct its own investigation and analysis regarding any information
contained in the RfP document and the meaning and impact of that information.
1.7 Evaluation of Offers:
Each applicant acknowledges and accepts that SIDBI may in its absolute discretion apply
selection criteria specified in the document for evaluation of proposals for shortlisting /
selecting the eligible Concurrent Auditor(s). The RfP document will not form part of any
contract or arrangement, which may result from the issue of this document or any
investigation or review carried out by a Recipient.
1.8 Maintaining Secrecy and Confidentiality:
The applicant shall be liable to maintain secrecy and confidentiality of all the information
/ data / operations, etc. of SIDBI.
1.9 Errors and Omissions
Each applicant should notify SIDBI of any error, omission, or discrepancy found in this
RfP document.
1.10 Acceptance of Terms
An applicant will, by responding to SIDBI for RfP, be deemed to have accepted the terms
of this Introduction and Disclaimer.
2. Lodgement of RfP:
2.1 RfP submission:
RfP document submission is required to be done by November 06, 2019 (2.00 PM) as
Hard copy should be submitted at the following address in sealed single envelope
superscribed at the top of the envelope "Request for Proposal (RfP) for Concurrent
Audit of Operations of ________________ BO".
The General Manager
Audit & Fraud Management Vertical
Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI)
SIDBI Tower, 15- Ashok Marg,
Lucknow 226001 (U. P.)
Telephones: (0522) 2288546-50
Email :
RfP must be submitted on or before the aforementioned closing date and time.
Fax / e-mail copies of any submission are not acceptable and will be rejected by
the Bank.
Copy of Bids and attachments must be provided in a sealed envelope.
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The person(s) signing the Bids shall initial all pages of the RfP. The Bids shall contain no
erasures or overwriting except as necessary to correct errors made by the applicant, in which
case corrections shall be initialed by the person(s) signing the Bids.
If the submission does not include all the information required or is incomplete, the proposal
is liable to be rejected.
All submissions, including any accompanying documents, will become the property of SIDBI.
Applicants shall be deemed to license, and grant all rights to SIDBI to reproduce the whole or
any portion of their submission for the purpose of evaluation, to disclose the contents of the
submission to other Respondents and to disclose and / or use the contents of the submission
as the basis for any resulting RfP process, notwithstanding any copyright or other intellectual
property right that may subsist in the submission or accompanying documents.
2.2 RfP Validity Period:
The proposal must remain valid and open for evaluation according to its terms for a
period of at least six (6) months from the time the RfP closes on the deadline for
lodgment of RfP.
2.3 Cost of Bid Document
No cost has been prescribed for the RfP Document.
2.4 One Bid / application per applicant:
Applicant can submit application for engagement as concurrent auditor for
branches where applicant has a regular office set-up, either Head Office or branch
office, at respective locations of SIDBI branches (In case of Chinchwad BO and
Kishangarh BO, the applicants from Pune and Ajmer respectively shall also be
As a matter of policy, SIDBI shall engage services of a firm/ LLP for carrying out
concurrent audit of one branch only, at a time. Accordingly, in case, if the
applicant applied for multiple branches and found suitable, they may be
considered for one branch only, at the sole discretion of SIDBI.
Firms already engaged with SIDBI:
SIDBI shall engage the services of a firm / LLP for carrying out Concurrent Audit of
only one Branch Office (BO) at a time. Accordingly, in case the applicant has
already been engaged as Concurrent Auditor by SIDBI for any of its BO and / or HO
Verticals, such Firm/LLP will not be eligible under this RfP.
Such firms/LLP only after completion of specific period (continuous three years),
cooling period of one year would be observed for considering the services of the CA
firm again for its BO or HO Vertical, subject to fulfilling eligibility criteria by such
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2.5 Late Applications:
Any RfP / application received after the deadline for submission of the RfPs /
applications will be treated as "Late Application" and such late applications shall not be
considered at all for competitive consideration.
2.6 Request for Proposal (RfP)
SIDBI may, in its absolute discretion, seek additional information or material from any
applicants after the RfP closes and all such information and material provided must be
taken to form part of that Applicant's response.
Applicants should provide details of their contact persons, Fax, Telephone, email and full
address(s) to ensure that replies to Bids could be conveyed promptly.
If SIDBI, in its absolute discretion, deems that the originator of the question will gain an
advantage by a response to a question, then SIDBI reserves the right to communicate
such response to all Applicants.
SIDBI may, in its absolute discretion, engage in discussion or negotiation with any
Applicant (or simultaneously with more than one Applicant) after the Bids closes to
improve or clarify any response.
2.7 Notification:
SIDBI will notify all short-listed Applicants in writing as soon as practicable about the
outcome of their Bids. SIDBI is not obliged to provide any reasons for any such
acceptance or rejection.
Any form of canvassing / lobbying / influence / query regarding shortlisting, status, etc.
will lead to disqualification.
3. About SIDBI
3.1 Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), set up on April 2, 1990 under an Act
of Indian Parliament, is the Principal Financial Institution for the Promotion, Financing
and Development of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) sector and for Co-
ordination of the functions of the institutions engaged in similar activities.
SIDBI provides its services through a network of Branch Offices located all over India.
Detailed information on the functions of SIDBI is provided on the website,
3.2 SIDBI offers several financial products and services for catering the financial needs of
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) through its field level offices. These
include the following broad areas:
Direct Finance
Bills Finance
International Finance
Promotion and Development
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4. Project Particulars
4.1 Project Objective and Scope of Operations of SIDBI's Branches
SIDBI's Branch Office(s) functions include credit dispensation under Direct Credit
and other day to day operations of the Bank. The selected Chartered Accountants
would undertake the concurrent audit of operations of the Branch (es) on daily/
regular basis and based on their findings also regularly suggest measures to
improve the functioning of operations of Branch of SIDBI. Assignment would also
include verification and confirmation on the adequacy of internal controls and IT
system for sustaining operations. The staff deputed by the firm / LLP of Chartered
Accountants for carrying out the audit should be qualified Chartered Accountant
and experienced in the area of work.
Concurrent Audit covers the Branch Operations including its core functions such as
credit appraisal, pre-sanction and post-sanction supervision mainly under Direct
Credit, Working Capital, Receivable Finance, Refinance and other day to day
operations, various lists/ statements being submitted to SIDBI towards finance
availed by them and other Companies/ Banks/ Institutions covered under resource
support business of the Bank. The objective and scope of the Concurrent Audit to be
undertaken in the above centre are as under:
A. Objectives and Work areas of Concurrent Audit
The main objectives and Work areas of the concurrent audit are as follows:
a. Verifying whether sanctions for advances and disbursement thereof is obtained from
competent authority.
b. Scrutinizing the completeness of documents submitted for availing advances and
other facilities.
c. Ensuring compliance of laid down systems, procedures and policies.
d. Examining books of accounts, records and / or registers to ensure that they are
maintained in accordance with the prescribed systems/ reconciled with general
e. Physical checking of stocks financed under working capital scheme at relevant
f. Detection and arresting of leakage of income, if any.
g. To follow up with authorities to ensure timely rectification of irregularities reported
with regard to the operations of the branch and rectified on the spot/ during audit
period itself.
h. Verify prompt, timely and regular submission of the periodical and statutory returns.
i. Any violation of procedure is brought to light.
j. Reporting any irregularity in working which may result in financial or other loss to
the Bank.
k. Feedback on regulatory compliances.
l. Physical checking of live Bills under MSME-Receivable Finance Scheme.
m. Verification of Daily Liability Register under MSME-Receivable Finance Scheme.
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n. Physical verification of approvals granted for discounting of Bills under MSME-
Receivable Finance Scheme.
o. Any other areas on the operations of the Bank which are vital, in nature.
B. Scope
a) Whether the transactions or decisions are within the policy parameters laid down by the
Head Office.
b) Sanction and disbursement of loans & advances are within the policy parameters laid
down by the Bank. All the loan disbursements are to be checked / verified by the
concurrent auditors before actual disbursements and all the disbursement notes need to
be signed off by the concurrent auditors (CA Partner/ Authorised Chartered Accountant)
c) Verify whether pre-sanction / pre-disbursement / post-disbursement visits are
undertaken and reports are available on record.
d) Sanctions / disbursements are within the delegated authority.
e) Sanctions / disbursements do not violate the instructions or policy prescriptions of the
RBI / other regulators.
f) Compliance to RBI guidelines relating to defaulters list / Caution Advice / CIBIL List / IBA
caution list for Third Party Entity / fraudulent borrowers list, KYC / AML, etc. is done
g) DoP has been exercised properly and Post Sanction Reporting (PSR), wherever applicable,
is sent to Post Sanction Reporting Authority (PSRA).
h) Security creation has been done properly. All the prescribed and necessary documents
are collected from borrowers.
i) Verify whether all charges of SIDBI on the assets mortgaged/ hypothecated are registered
with Registrar of Companies (ROC)/CERSAI.
j) Pre-disbursement conditions are duly complied with. Deviations made, if any, are within
the guidelines issued from time to time.
k) Verify the end use of term loan disbursed by the Branch for the purpose it is meant for.
l) Undertake visits, wherever necessary, to the projects under implementation and
observation, if any, in terms of time over-run/ reasons for delay in implementation of the
project, bring to the notice of the authority of the Branch.
m) All the receipts have been properly accounted for/ appropriated as per Bank's accounting
n) All regulatory provisions/ guidelines are duly complied with (e.g. areas including TDS and
service tax / professional tax/GST etc).
o) Whether in all cases where the statements/ documents (stock statement, No-lien account
statement, project completion report, final list of machinery, Balance Confirmation
Certificate, Acknowledgment of Debt, Annual report etc.) are not received even after a
reasonable time, prompt action is taken by the Branch to get the same.
p) Verify whether there is any mis-utilisation of the loans and whether there are instances
indicative of diversion of funds.
q) Detection & prevention of revenue leakages in the operation of the Branch through close
examination of income and expenditure.
r) Verify whether there are any borrowal accounts (other than those reported by the
Branch) which are showing early warning signals or symptoms of sickness and/or can be
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classified as NPAs. If so, ascertain the reasons therefore and analyse the steps taken by
the branch in the matter.
s) Verify whether the classification of loan assets of the Branch have been done properly and
income recognition norms have been followed as per Bank's guidelines and procedure/
RBI norms by the respective Branch.
t) Verify whether subsidy claims like CLCSS/TUFS etc. are as per the respective scheme and
lodged timely with govt. authorities by the Branch through Head Office.
u) Verify whether claims submitted by Branch to CGTMSE and ECGC are in time.
v) Carrying out Credit Audit in respect of the eligible cases, as per the extant guidelines of
the Bank.
w) Verify whether guarantee fee for coverage under CGTMSE is collected and deposited with
Credit Guarantee Trust Fund.
x) Verify the ratings (including CART ratings) and submission of a certificate in writing
that the ratings (including CART ratings) are found to be correct. The discrepancies, if
any, should be brought to the notice of the bank.
y) Verify the updation of CIBIL data and report the status in the monthly audit report.
z) Verify the details of flow of applications, time taken for appraisal of proposals, pending
applications etc. with Express Loan Service Centre (ELSC) of the RO concerned / located
at the same place and report the status in the monthly audit report.
aa) Verify whether assets have been verified by the BO within 30 days from the date of
classification of account as NPA.
bb) Verify whether the proposals covered under JICA Line of Credit Scheme for Energy
Saving Projects in MSME sector and KfW Energy Efficiency LoC Assistance for Energy
Efficiency Products, respectively have been properly flagged in the DFS/ Flex Package.
Also to verify whether the requisite Annexures prescribed for the purpose have been
obtained and kept on record.
cc) Verify whether interest rate is charged as per approved rate of Interest.
dd) To verify whether the Memorandum of Entry for creation of mortgage has been
prepared/ pasted on Register.
ee) Concurrent Auditors shall invariably look into updation of security value (primary and
collateral movable & immovable) in the (Recovery and NPA Management System) RNMS
in respect of all loans.
C. Accounting
a) The maintenance and balancing of accounts, ledgers and registers is proper.
b) Bank reconciliation Verification of transaction both credit and debit is based on
legitimate instruments. Comments/Confirmation on whatever reconciliation undertaken
by the dealing offices is in order.
c) Independently verify the transactions and accounts viz. receipts & payments validated
through instruments, verify the process of reconciliation undertaken by BO of various
sensitive accounts viz. Sundry, Suspense, Receipts Pending Appropriation, bank
reconciliation etc., instead of reporting merely based on the certificates / statements by
the branch officials.
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d) Early reconciliation of entries outstanding in the Branch with regard to inter-branch and
inter bank accounts, Suspense Account, Sundry Deposits Account, etc. Ensure early
adjustment of entries in the Branch.
e) To ensure that all the transactions viz. receipts, payments, journal vouchers are validated
by proper instruments/ approval note, etc.
f) To ensure that all the accounting transactions are carried out in accordance with the
extant guidelines of the Bank.
g) To scrutinize quarterly trial balance codes and verify the quarterly closing returns
prepared by the Branch Office and sign off.
h) To examine and verify the appropriations done by the branch office for the repayments
received during the month. The objective is to ensure that the appropriations done by the
branches are correctly captured in the system and are in order so that correct position of
overdues / dues / RPA etc. is reflected at the time of quarterly and annual closing of
accounts as on March 31.
D. Additional Scope for Working Capital Cases:
To ensure that margin on stock/ book debts; Rate of Interest & Drawing Power is
considered / fixed as per the terms of sanction.
To ensure that the limits have not been made operational beyond the validity period,
without approval of the competent authority for extension of the validity period.
To ensure that the periodic visits to the borrower units have been undertaken as per the
Scheme guidelines. The auditor may also undertake some sample visits along with BO
officials on random basis and/ or on the basis of criticality of the account.
To ensure that the monthly stock statement from the borrower is obtained in time and
duly updated in the system.
To scrutinize the monthly stock statements to ensure correct valuation/ calculation of
drawing power (e.g. by exclusion of non-moving / obsolete stocks for calculation of DP
and by excluding old & doubtful book debts, margins. etc.).
To ensure that the inventories/ fully paid stocks as mentioned in the Stock statement
furnished by borrowers for calculating drawing powers are correct and as per the books
of borrower.
To ensure that the CA certified book debt statements from the borrowers are obtained
on half-yearly basis.
To ensure that stocks are adequately insured as per the extant guidelines of the bank and
are in the joint names / with bank clause and the policies are renewed on timely basis.
To ensure that Quarterly Information System (QIS) statements & other financial
statements are obtained, wherever applicable and indicate the observations on the
general business operations / profitability etc.
To ensure that stock audit is undertaken, wherever applicable and to ensure that the
compliance of stock audit observations are met.
To check the correctness of upfront fee, interest / penal interest, etc.
To examine the overdue accounts closely (in terms of operations in the a/c, Stock & Book
Debt statement, Credit Summation, QIS & other statements, Renewal, Cheque Bouncing
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To ensure compliance of extant guidelines, in case of multiple current accounts and / or
multiple banking arrangement.
To verify the correctness of security (primary & collateral), Legal compliance, ROC search
E. Additional Scope for MSME-RFS Cases
To ensure end use by undertaking visits & verification of documents of the MSME seller
To verify MSME category of vendors & verify seller's certificates including KYC
To ensure that the visits to the vendors' units have been undertaken as per the extant
guidelines of the bank. The auditor may also undertake some sample visits along with
BO officials on random basis and / or on the basis of criticality of the transactions.
To verify, due date-wise, live Bills under MSME-Receivable Finance Scheme.
To verify whether Daily Liability Register is showing correct picture under MSME-
Receivable Finance Scheme.
To undertake visit to purchaser companies to verify the invoces under Trade
Receivables Engine for E-discounting (NTREES).
To verify seller / KYC documents under Trade Receivables Engine for E-discounting
Safe custody verification as per extant guidelines.
F. Further Scope for Letters of Credit (LC) / Bank Guarantee (BG)
Check whether LCs are for genuine trade transactions and necessary vouchers reflecting
LC opening are passed by BO.
Check whether the Letters of Credit issued by the branch are within the delegated
Check that LC commission is taken correctly and necessary vouchers passed.
Check whether LCs are retired in time and necessary reversal vouchers are passed by BO.
Check whether Guarantees are issued after vetting by Legal Department and guarantee
number is auto generated from Direct Finance System.
Check whether bank guarantees issued are properly worded and recorded in the register
of the bank. Whether they have been promptly renewed on the due dates.
Check that correct Guarantee commission is taken and necessary vouchers passed and
Guarantee commission is appropriated quarterly.
Check that Guarantees are closed and reversed in time as per extant guidelines.
G. Scope for Follow up & Monitoring
Verify whether Registration of charge(s) under Central Registry for all eligible cases has
been done.
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Verify whether RAM / CART ratings are approved and printouts of the same are available
on record.
Verify whether Annual Review and Re-rating of the accounts as per guidelines has been
Verify whether demand advices are raised correctly and sent in time as per extant
Verify whether Safe Custody verification is being carried out by BO as per the extant
Verify whether insurance cover for the assets charged to SIDBI has been obtained/
Verify whether validation of sanction / review of undisbursed sanctions has been carried
out as per extant guidelines.
To verify / review the interim disbursements / final security creations.
The above areas of operation are illustrative and not exhaustive.
4.2 The CA will have to submit the following reports to the Management:
(A) Reports relating to Operations in Branch
(i) Monthly reports covering Branch's day-to-day operations including its core
functions such as credit appraisal, pre-sanction and post-sanction supervision
mainly under Direct Credit, Working Capital, Receivable Finance and other
operations towards finance availed with regard to their correctness, compliance
to the terms and conditions of sanction, post disbursement, supervision,
documentation, review/renewal of limits, bills discounting, KYC norms,
monitoring of business risks, compliance of Delegation of Powers, etc.
Monthly reports shall cover comments on adherence to regulatory, internal
policy, procedure, guidelines, compliance of Delegation of Powers and areas of
audit as indicated at para 4.1.
(ii) Any other related report as may be required by SIDBI from time to time.
(iii) The CA shall be accountable, on its part, for wrongly verifying any document or
signing off disbursement notes or such other important documents based on
which the Bank takes a decision.
The above reports with regard to operations of the respective Branch Office in the area
of credit dispensation and other day to day operations shall be submitted in the
following manner to the Regional Offices concerned.
Name of the
Name of the Branch Office
Sl. No. Regional Office Remarks
1 Ahmednagar BO Pune i. Monthly Concurrent Audit
Report shall be submitted
2 Chinchwad BO Pune in the Audit Software by 7th
of the following month.
ii. Duly signed hard copy shall
3 Jallandhar BO Chandigarh be submitted to BO and RO.
iii. Scanned copy of duly
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4 Jodhpur BO Jaipur signed and stamped report
shall be forwarded to
A&FMV by mail i.e.
5 Kishangarh BO Jaipur
6 Kochi BO Chennai
Details of operating guidelines will be provided to the concurrent auditors. Necessary
training/ consultation required would be provided to them for enhancing the quality of
the audit. They would be made aware of the guidelines and circulars issued subsequent
to commencement of assignment and having impact on the concurrent audit, to keep
them abreast of the changes in the operational and regulatory guidelines.
SIDBI will prescribe structured formats for the audit reports and also stipulate the time
limits for submission of the reports. The audit formats would be reviewed on annual
basis. The firm/ LLP should strictly adhere to the format and the time limit. SIDBI may
prescribe different periodicity for different reports of the same branch.
5. Fixed Fee Structure
The fee structure / inclusion / exclusion of the BOs under this mechanism are based
on the outstanding portfolio of the BO as at the end of previous financial year. The
award of contract to CA firms / LLPs to undertake concurrent audit will be as per fee
structure issued by the Bank from time to time. The present five slab fee structure,
based on the outstanding portfolio size, is indicated below:
Basic Fee Payable
Outstanding Portfolio BOs covered
Per Month
(MSME Direct Credit) under each slab
(excluding GST)
Upto ` 100 crore ` 15,000/- Ahmednagar, Jallandhar
Chinchwad, Jodhpur, Kishangarh
Above ` 100 crore ` 20,000/- Kochi.
upto ` 150 crore
i. Maximum upto 5% annually enhancement in remuneration may be considered,
if the Direct Credit balance outstanding of the BO is within the existing slab
and the contract is renewed, after one year, provided the performance is
found satisfactory.
ii. The professional fee thus fixed will continue till the next renewal. At the time
of renewal, any increase or decrease in direct credit balance outstanding of
the BO will be reckoned for fixing the professional fee.
No out of pocket expenses or traveling allowance / halting allowance would be paid to
the concurrent audit firm / LLP for carrying out the audit. However, the service tax,
education cess/GST, etc. would be paid by the Bank, as applicable, in addition to the basic
fees. The payment to the concurrent auditors would be subject to deduction of tax at
source, at applicable rates.
The Outstanding Portfolio (MSME Direct Credit) of the BOs are given at Table I at
Para 1.1
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6. Selection Criteria for Concurrent Audit of BOs.
6.1 Selection Process:
This RfP will be assessed on the following Selection process: -
Invite Request for Proposal (RfP) wherein Technical Evaluation is submitted in sealed
Technical evaluation:
a) The Applicant is required to submit the details of its proposal in a sealed envelope. The
envelope should be superscribed "For Technical Evaluation" for the said Concurrent Audits
and should contain detailed statement giving the various technical particulars of the
proposal covering aspects of the applicant like name and location, year of establishment,
names of its partners, staff, their qualification / experience, registration number of the firm /
LLP, details of ICAI membership / Certificate of Practice details, methodology proposed and
all other such relevant particulars in the format given in Annexure I.
b) A pre-evaluation meeting would be held to clarify on points, if any, if desired by the
intending applicants.
c) After the expiry of time for submission of Bids / application, the envelope containing the
compliance on the "Technical Evaluation" would be opened in respect of all the applicants to
verify the compliance of the applicants with the prescribed Technical Evaluation
d) The Technical Evaluation of Bids/ Application would be carried out by SIDBI. The list of
technically qualified applicants would be short listed.
Pre-Requisite for Applying:
The Applicant should:
furnish proof of Valid registration / Certificate of Practice from the Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).
be a Partnership firm/ LLP of Chartered Accountants with minimum 3 partners of
which at least 2 partners should be FCA(s). At least one partner should have a
continuous association with the firm of a minimum of 5 years and another partner
should have a continuous association with the firm of a minimum of 3 years.
has minimum five years of previous track record of carrying out concurrent audits in
other Financial Institutions / Public/private Sector Banks mainly in the area of
credit dispensation under Direct Credit and other day to day operations of the bank
(with documentary proof).
CA firm should get Min Score 50 Marks in Rating Chart.
CA firm has its HO or Branch office at SIDBI's Branch location (In case of Chinchwad
BO and Kishangarh BO, the applicants from Pune and Ajmer respectively shall also
be considered).
Without compliance of the above pre-requisites, the applicant will not be eligible for
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RfP CA of Branch Operations 2019
The Rating Chart is given below:
Sl. Criteria Marks
No. (Weightage)
i Year of establishment of Chartered Accountant firm/ Limited Liability Partnership
(LLP) of Chartered Accountants.
Upto 5 years- 10 Marks
5 to 10 years 12 Marks
10 to 15 years-15 Marks
More than 15 years-20 Marks
ii. Firms/Liability Partnership (LLP) of Chartered Accountants with minimum 3
partners of whom at least two should be FCA. At least one partner should have a
continuous association with the firm of a minimum of 5 years and another
partner should have a continuous association with the firm of a minimum of 3
years. (20 Marks)
In addition to the above, firm having a retired commercial banker as Partner /
Employee. (With Documentary proof)
( One Banker - 6 marks) 40
( 2 Bankers - 8 marks)
( 3 or more Bankers - 10 marks)
Experience of key personnel assigned (as per the curriculum viate)
1.5 marks to be awarded for each additional partner (over and above 3
partner) of the firm and 01 mark for full time CA employee (Maximum marks-
iii Minimum five years of previous track record of carrying out such audits in other
Financial Institutions / Public/private Sector Banks mainly in the area of credit
dispensation under Direct Credit and other day to day operations of the Financial
Institution / bank (with documentary proof). 15 Marks
In addition to the above, firm having previous track record in the area of credit
dispensation under MSME Additional 5 marks.
iv. Whether the firm/ LLP empanelled with RBI as
Statutory Central Auditor 10 Marks
Statutory Branch Auditor (Category I) 7 Marks
Statutory Branch Auditor (CategoryII) 5 Marks
Availability of suitable infrastructural facilities including office set up, adequate
manpower who are specialized in the area of audit of Branch Operations mainly in the
area of credit dispensation under Direct Credit and other day to day operations of the
Bank. Presence in India-number of offices and permanent manpower along with regular
set-up, either Head Office or full-fledged Branch Offices, at respective locations (locally)
of SIDBI branches (In case of Chinchwad BO and Kishangarh BO, the applicants from
Pune and Ajmer respectively shall also be considered).
Branch (locally) - 5 marks
Head Office (locally) - 10 marks
Maximum technical score 100
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The applications received would be examined by "Applications Opening and
Evaluation Committee" which would be cnstituted at Head Office Level at
All applicants scoring 50 marks and more (in technical Evaluation) will be
selected as the Technically Qualified Applicant. The top 3 applicants as the case
may be getting the maximum marks in Technical Evaluation will be given
Due diligence will be carried out for the top three applicants getting the maximum
Preference would be given to the applicants where the partners themselves are ex-
bankers with requisite experience and exposure and the firms having qualified
Information System Auditor (CISA/ DISA) with necessary exposure of systems audit.
On the recommendation of the Committee, name of the successful applicant
would be identified and empanelled for the Branch.
The final selection of the successful applicants from the technically qualified
applicants will be done, based on marks scored in Rating
Chart and due diligence carried out by SIDBI.
In case the applicant with the highest marks declined the assignment for
concurrent Audit or discontinued the contract for whatsoever reasons by the
Bank, the next applicant with second highest marks would be
assigned/empanelled from the empanelled list.
7. Terms of the contract:
The selected firm/ LLP of Chartered Accountant would initially be assigned the
contract for a period of one year upto June 30, 2020 extendable for further two
more years (extended for one year, at a time), provided the performance is found to
be satisfactory on review and on sole discretion of SIDBI, with not more than 5%
increase in professional fee. The proposed assignment would be subject to periodical
review at the discretion of SIDBI and is liable to be terminated at any time, if not
found satisfactory, by giving a written notice of 15 days.
8. Terms & Conditions:
The applicant appointed as concurrent auditor shall nominate a CA or retired bank
officer who will head the concurrent audit team as the "Designated Auditor" duly
authorised by the FCA partner of the CA firm/LLP to act on behalf of the firm. The
Designated Auditor would be required to submit his/her identity proof and address
proof together with specimen signatures with a request to be allotted biometric
enabled unique login ID for access to the system. The Designated Auditor would
require to log in and log out of the system each working day. The Designated
Auditor would require to surrender the login ID on completion of the concurrent
audit tenure or on any change in the Designated Auditor by the firm/LLP.
The audit team composition for Concurrent Audit and attendance requirements
should be specified as under:
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RfP CA of Branch Operations 2019
a) The designated FCA partner of the firm / LLP who shall visit the branch office at
least 4 days in a month.
b) Chartered Accountant / Retired Bank Officer who shall visit the branch
preferably on all working days but for a minimum of 20 days in a month.
c) Chartered Accountant / Retired Bank Officer who lead the concurrent team
should have the authority to sign off the disbursement notes.
d) Audit assistant who shall visit the branch preferably on all working days but for a
minimum of 20 days in a month.
A declaration to be furnished by the applicant that credit facilities availed by the firm
or partners or firms in which they are partners or directors including any facility
availed by a third party for which the firm or its partners are guarantor/s have not
turned or are existing as non-performing assets as per the prudential norms of RBI.
In case the declaration is found incorrect, the assignment would get terminated
besides the firm being liable for any action under ICAI / RBI guidelines.
The applicant must submit an undertaking that the firm / LLP does not have any
professional relationship with any of the borrowers of SIDBI nor will it in future
accept professional relationship with any of the borrowers of SIDBI during the
period during which the firm / LLP acts as the concurrent auditor for SIDBI.
On appointment, the Applicant shall execute an undertaking of fidelity and secrecy
on its letterhead in the format prescribed by the Bank.
The concurrent auditor should adhere to the audit coverage strictly as per the scope
as may be decided by the Bank from time to time.
The concurrent auditors should not undertake any other activities / assignment on
behalf of the branch without obtaining the concurrence of the Audit & Fraud
Management Vertical at Head Office, in writing.
The CA should attend Preventive Vigilance Committee (PVC) in the Bank which
discusses and deliberates on various operational and administrative aspects
concerning Vigilance administration in the ROs/ BOs. The meeting of the PVC takes
place at least once in a quarter in the succeeding month of every quarter at the
concerned Regional Office of the Bank.
The concurrent auditors will co-operate with investigative body, regarding
processing or execution of the consultancy contract or any matter related with
discharge of contractual obligations.
No out of pocket expenses or traveling allowance / halting allowance would be paid
to the concurrent auditors for carrying out the audit. However, the service tax,
education cess / GST etc. would be paid as applicable from time to time in addition to
the basic fees. The payment to the concurrent auditors would be subject to
deduction of tax at source at appropriate rates.
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The concurrent auditors would give rating or grade to the Branch, if desired by
Necessary arrangement would be made for providing space, workstation and access
to systems (viewing rights only) to the concurrent auditors for ensuring smooth
conduct of the audit. This would be the responsibility of the Bank. The Branch In-
charge will shoulder the responsibility of the arrangements.
The Applicant shall ensure that the audit firm/ LLP or any sister / associate concern,
is not conducting the statutory audit of the Bank or any of its branches.
The Applicant shall ensure that the audit be carried out in a professional manner and
in case of any misconduct & negligence, the Bank may approach the concerned
professional bodies with complaints of professional misconduct, if any, on the part of
any professional engaged by the Bank. Accordingly, we may also recommend their
name to ICAI / RBI /IBA or any other authority, for suitable action thereon by them.
The Applicant shall ensure that it will not sub-contract the audit work assigned to
any outside firm/ LLP or other persons even though such persons are qualified
Chartered Accountants.
The concurrent auditor shall be granted read only access to the systems at the
branch office.
The concurrent audit report shall be pre formatted and available on the SIDBI's
systems to the Designated Auditor who shall be required to enter the audit findings
into the system on a day-to-day basis.
The concurrent auditor shall not be allowed to carry any mass storage device such as
pen drive/flash drive/thumb drive or any lap top inside the branch premises as
these devices will not be required for the job. Concurrent auditors shall be provided
with computer system with disabled USB ports by the concerned branches
The concurrent auditors are required to plan the audit that it results in gradual
shortening of the interval between a transaction and its examination by an
independent person. The concurrent auditor shall perform substantive checking in
key areas and emphasis should be on `on the spot' rectification of deficiencies. The
concurrent auditor shall daily go through all the vouchers and books of the branch
for the previous day and identify areas to be scrutinised in detail.
Should maintain and keep back up papers in support of observations made.
Any other terms and conditions of the assignment would be decided by the Bank on
a case-to-case basis.
9. Guidelines & Instructions
i. SIDBI will endeavour to make available all relevant information in the RfP. In case of
need of any further information or clarification during the application period, the
applicant must contact only the Contact Officer named above. On no account should
the Applicants communicate directly with any other SIDBI personnel. Failure to
comply with this requirement may result in the disqualification of the applicant from
this process of bidding.
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RfP CA of Branch Operations 2019
ii. Government Tax
Applicants are responsible for establishing the status of the Services for the purpose of
any government tax including GST, cess etc.
iii. Alterations to Application
Any manuscript or other alteration to the RfP / Application must be countersigned and
dated by the person submitting the RfP / application.
iv. Letters and Declaration to Accompany Applications:
The RfP / Application must be accompanied by a letter on Firm/ LLP letter head
showing the full registered name(s), registered office address of the applicant. It
should be signed by a person of suitable authority to commit the applicants to a
binding contract.
v. Packaging and Delivery of Applications:
Applications must be delivered in a double sealed envelope clearly labeled with the
1. Selection of CA for operations at ___________ BO.
2. Application Due Date
3. Applicant's Name
SIDBI accepts no responsibility for the premature opening of any incorrectly marked
Applications must be received at Audit & Fraud Management Vertical, Small
Industries Development Bank of India, SIDBI Tower, 15, Ashok Marg, Lucknow
226001 (U. P.) for the attention of The General Manager by 2.00 PM on the due date.
Late applications will not be accepted under any circumstances and will be returned
unopened. No special pleadings will be accepted. Fax or e-mail applications will not be
vi. Conflict of Interest:
Applicants must disclose in their application, details of any circumstances, including
personal, financial and business activities that will, or might, give rise to a conflict of
interest; this includes any sub-contractor, if they were awarded this contract. Where
applicants identify any potential conflicts they should state how they intend to avoid
such conflicts. SIDBI reserves the right to reject any application which, in SIDBI's opinion,
gives rise or could potentially give rise to a conflict of interest.
vii. Disclosures:
The applicant must disclose:
a. If they are or have been the subject of any proceedings or other arrangements
relating to bankruptcy, insolvency or the financial standing of the applicant
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including but not limited to the appointment of any officer such as a receiver in
relation to the applicant's personal or business matters or an arrangement with
creditors or of any other similar proceedings.
b. If they are OR any of the applicant's staff have been convicted of, or are the subject
of any proceedings, relating to:
a criminal offence or other offence, a serious offence involving the activities of a
criminal organisation or found by any regulator or professional body to have
committed professional misconduct.
corruption including the offer or receipt of any inducement of any kind in
relation to obtaining any contract, with SIDBI, or any contracting authority.
failure to fulfill any obligations in any jurisdiction relating to the payment of
taxes or social security contributions.
Disclosure extends to any entity in the same group of the applicant (including but not
limited to parent subsidiary and sister companies, and companies with common
shareholders whether direct or indirect and parties with whom the applicant is
associated in respect of this application / RfP).
If an applicant or related entity or any individual discloses details of any previous
misconduct or complaint, SIDBI will seek an explanation and background details from
them. At the sole discretion of SIDBI and assessment as to whether the applicant will be
allowed to submit an application, decision will then be made by SIDBI.
viii. Indemnity
The successful applicant shall exercise reasonable skill, care and diligence in the
performance of the assignment and indemnify and keep SIDBI indemnified in respect of
any loss, damage or claim howsoever arising out of or related to breach of contract,
statutory duty or negligence by the firm/ LLP or its staff, agents or sub-contractors in
relation to the performance or otherwise of the Services to be provided under this
ix. Assigning to Others
The successful applicant shall not, without the prior written consent of SIDBI, assign or
transfer or cause to be assigned or transferred, whether actually or as the result of take
over, merger or other change of identity or character of the CAs, any of its rights or
obligations under the Contract or any part, share or interest therein. Upon any such
assignment or transfer, this engagement may forthwith be terminated by SIDBI.
x. Termination
SIDBI may, at its sole discretion and at any time after giving 15 days notice can terminate
the Contract and inform the CAs of SIDBI's decision by written instruction to that effect.
In the event of the Contract being so terminated, the firm/ LLP shall take such steps as
are necessary to bring the Services to an end, (including terminating any sub-contracts
placed by the firm/ LLP) in a cost effective, timely and orderly manner. No further
corespondence will be entertained in this regard.
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Annexure I
Technical Evaluation for Concurrent Audit of Branch Operations
A) Audit Firm / LLP Details:
Sl. No. Requirements Remarks
1 Name of the Chartered Accountant Firm/ LLP with year of establishment.
2 Registration Number / Certificate of Practice from the Institute of Chartered Accountants
of India (furnish documentary proof, Registration should be valid).
3 Knowledge and experience in carrying out audit of Branch Operations mainly in the area
of credit dispensation under Direct Credit and other day to day operations.
4 Details of every partner including experience, qualification etc. and their Registration
number with CA Institute (furnish a detailed list of all the partners)
Sl. Name of the Age Educational Experience Period of
No. Partner Qualification Association with
the firm
5 Previous track record of carrying out such audits in other Financial Institutions / Public
Sector /Private Sector Banks mainly in the area of credit dispensation under Direct
Credit/MSME for last 5 Financial Years and other day to day operations of the Financial
Institution / bank (furnish documentary proof)
6 Whether the firm/LLP empanelled with RBI (furnish documentary proof).
7 Availability of suitable infrastructural facilities including office set up (Branch office/
Head office at location of SIDBI's Branch may be specifically indicated), adequate
manpower who are specialized in the area of audit of Branch Operations mainly in the
area of credit dispensation under Direct Credit and other day to day operations of the
Financial Institution / bank. Competence and qualification of key professional staff who
shall carry out the assignment in a time bound manner (furnish a detailed list of all the
skilled / semi skilled employees / staff).
8 Whether the firm has a retired commercial banker as Partner/ Employee. If `YES' furnish
details as under :-
Sl. Name of Name of Designation Presen Qualification Experience Period of
No. the the bank at the time t Age Associatio
Partner/ from of n with the
Employee where retirement firm
9 Whether the audit firm/ LLP or any sister / associate concern is conducting the statutory
audit of SIDBI or Concurrent Audit in any of SIDBI branches.
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RfP CA of Branch Operations 2019
1. All the relevant details & documentary evidences are to be furnished. The above is
only a format. Information may be submitted in additional sheets.
2. The following declaration/ undertaking shall be furnished by the firm
a) The firm/ LLP shall agree to execute undertaking of fidelity and secrecy on its letterhead
in the format prescribed by the Bank, if the contract assigned.
b) A declaration to be furnished by the firm that credit facilities availed by the firm or
partners or firms in which they are partners or directors including any facility availed by
a third party for which the firm or its partners are guarantor/s, have not turned or are
existing as non-performing assets as per the prudential norms of RBI. In case the
declaration is found incorrect, the assignment would get terminated besides the firm
being liable for any action under ICAI / RBI guidelines.
c) The firm / LLP must submit an undertaking that the firm / LLP does not have any
professional relationship with any of the borrowers of SIDBI nor will it in future accept
professional relationship with any of the borrowers of SIDBI during the period during
which the firm / LLP acts as the concurrent auditor for SIDBI.
B) Details of Concurrent Audit of Branch Operations mainly in the area of credit
dispensation done in banks / FIs.
1. Details of Statutory Branch Audits (Category I / II) of various banks' branches
Year of Audit / Period (From -
Name of the Bank Branch To) [Data required for the past
10 years of your firm]
2. Details of Concurrent Audits of various banks' branches
Year of Audit / Period (From -
Name of the Bank Branch To) [Data required for the past
10 years of your firm]
3. Details of Statutory Central Audits (Category - I) of various Banks
Year of Audit / Period (From -
Name of the Bank Branch To) [Data required for the past
10 years of your firm]
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(to be furnished in the letter head of the firm/ LLP)
We hereby declare that the information submitted above is complete in all
respect and true to the best of our knowledge. We understand that in case of any
discrepancy or inconsistency or incompleteness is found in the information submitted
by us, our application is liable to be rejected.
Date: Authorised Signatory
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Declaration of Eligibility
(to be furnished in the letter head of the firm/ LLP)
I/We _______________________________Chartered Accountants hereby declare that I/We
comply with the eligibility conditions specified established under the Chartered Accountants Act,
1949, and I/We declare that:
None of the Partners of the firm have any disciplinary proceedings under the Chartered
Accountants Act, 1949 pending against him/her or any disciplinary action under the Chartered
Accountants Act, 1949 / penal action under any other law taken / pending against him/her.
It is further confirmed that the firm is not the Statutory Auditor of Small Industries Development
Bank of India (SIDBI).
None of the Partner of the firm holds any shares or other securities (including options or
futures) in Small Industres Development Bank of India (SIDBI).
Our firm will continue to satisfy the eligibility norm for appointment of Chartered Accountants
as Concurrent Auditors as prescribed by the Bank from time to time.
I/ We understand that any breach of the provisions regarding eligibility shall
be considered as gross negligence and may result in appropriate action under the Chartered
Accountants Act, 1949.
For ________________________
Chartered Accountants
Place: ______________
Date: _______________
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