Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai
Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) for Statutory Audit
EOI Opening Date: 05.10.2021 EOI Closing Date: 19.10.2021 Interested Firms may visit the Website and download the EOI. Filled in form complete in all respects may be forwarded by Email: and Registered/speed Post or hand delivery to The Registrar, Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai, 2nd Floor CETTM-MTNL Building, Hiranandani Gardens, Technology Street Powai, Mumbai – 400 076. The envelope containing the documents as above should clearly mention sender’s name address, telephone number and e-mail address, along with website if any, and superscribed EOI FOR Statutory Audit. Please read General Instructions carefully. Documents must reach on or before 17:00 hours of Friday, October 22 2021.
(Established by Government of Maharashtra under Act VI of 2014)
Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) for Statutory Audit
INTRODUCTION: Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai was established under Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai Act (VI of 2014) of the Government of Maharashtra. It is a teaching and research University of National character with deep regional ethos. Professor (Dr.) Dilip Ukey is the Vice-Chancellor.
Currently, Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai is operating from 2ndFloor, CETTM-MTNL, Building, Hiranandani Gardens, Technology Street, Powai, Mumbai – 400 076.
The University invites expression of interest (EOI) from eligible vendors for Statutory Audit. Supplier(s), which are located in Mumbai and regularly supply for Government offices, Public Sector Units (PSUs), banks and higher educational institutions are requested to respond.
The objective of this EOI Document is to provide information to the interested parties about requirements of University. This EOI Document does not claim to contain all the information as may be required at the time of execution of work. Each Bidding Entity is advised to conduct its own survey for commissioning the work and check the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the information in this EOI Document and obtain independent advice from appropriate sources as deemed necessary. University makes no representation or warranty and shall incur no liability under any law, statute, rules or regulations as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of this EOI Document. University may, at their absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, update, amend and supplement the information in this EOI Document.
MNLU Mumbai: EOI for Auditors 2021-22 Page 1 Expression of Interest from CA firms having experience in conducting Statutory audit of premier higher education institutions for at least one term of three years is invited to conduct the statutory audit of Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai for the year 2021-22 at the first instance which may be extended up to a maximum of two subsequent annual audit cycles.
The minimum Audit Fees would be Rs.180,000/- (plus applicable taxes) per year of engagement. Qualified firms are requested to respond (in the format attached) to Registrar, Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai via email by 19/10/2021.
Hard copy of the letter of response may be addressed to
The Registrar Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai, Post box No. 8401, Powai, Mumbai – 400 076
For further details, please contact (022) 25703188
Mumbai, 5th October 2021.
MNLU Mumbai: EOI for Auditors 2021-22 Page 2 Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai
Expression of Interest for Appointment of Statutory Auditors. SECTION ‘A’
Status of Firm Partnership Sole Proprietorship Other Statutory Bodies
1. (a) Name of the firm/organization (in capital letters )......................................................
(b) Address of the Head Office
(Please also give telephone no.)
(E-mail address):
(c) PAN of the firm/organization
(d) TAN of the firm/organization
2. ICAI Registration No. ................... Region Name..................... Region Code No. ......................
3. (a) Date of constitution of the firm/organization:
(b) Date since when the firms has full time FCA
4. Full - Time Partners of the firm as on 01-01-2019 (Please fill up Annexure A-1)
Sl. Years of continuous association in the Number of FCA Number of ACA No. firm/organisation (a) Less than one year (b) 1 year or more but less than 5 years (c) 5 years or more but less than 10 years (d) 10 years or more but less than 15 years (e) 15 years or more
5. Numbers of Part Time Partners /others if any, as on 01-01-2019............................................... (Please fill up Annex A-2)
6. Numbers of full Time Chartered Accountant on 01-01-2019 (Please fill up Annex A-3)
MNLU Mumbai: EOI for Auditors 2021-22 Page 3 7. Number of audit staff employed full- time with the firm (a) Articles / Audit Clerks................................................................... (b) Other Audit Staff (With knowledge of book keeping and accountancy)....................................... (c) Other Professional Staff (Please specify)...........................................................
(Please fill up Annex A-4) 8. No. of Branches (Please fill up Annex- B)................................................................
Fees earned by the firm 2019 - 20 2018- 19 2017 - 18 2016 - 17 2015 - 16 for last 5 years In respect of : (i) Statutory / Branch Audit /Audit Review
(ii) Statutory / Concurrent Audit
(iii) Total of (i) and (ii) above
9. Whether the firm /organization is engaged in any Statutory / concurrent Yes / No audit or any other services of any Central / State autonomous bodies Yes / No Yes / No If yes, details of experiences in Annex-D & work in hand in Annex - C may be given.
10.Whether the firm / organisation is willing to be considered separately for empanelment as Statutory auditors:
11. Whether any court /arbitration /any other legal case is pending against The firm / organisation
(If yes, please attach a brief note of the case indicating its present status)
12. Any other information (details of empanelment etc.)
Date Signature
Full Name
Official Seal
MNLU Mumbai: EOI for Auditors 2021-22 Page 4 SECTION-B
I/we the sole proprietor / following partners / Others of M/S................................................. Chartered Accountants do hereby jointly and severely verify and declare –
i) That the particulars given are complete and correct and that any of the statements made or the information so furnished in the application form is later found not correct or false or there has been suppression of material information, the firm/ organization would not only stand disqualified from allotment but would be liable for disciplinary action under the Chartered Accountants act 1949 and the regulations framed there under:
ii) That the firm/organization, proprietor or partners has not been debarred or cautioned by ICAI during the last three years. (If debarred, give details):
iii) That individual we are not engaged in practice otherwise or in any other activity which would be deemed to be in practice u/s 2(2) of the Chartered Accountants Act 1949:
iv) That the constitution of the firm /organization as on 1st January of 2019 shown in the expression of interest is same as that in the constitution certificate issued by the ICAI.
Sl. Name of the Membership PAN Dates of payment of the fees Signature of No. partner / sole registration no. for membership / of issue of partner / sole certificate or practice proprietor / proprietor/others Other
Place: ................................... (Seal of the Firm/Organization) Date: .................................. Page 5 Enclosures: ................. Pages
MNLU Mumbai: EOI for Auditors 2021-22 (Annex A-1)
1. Firm's / Organization's Name................................................................................................. Details of Full Time Partners/ Others of the firm (Please refer to SI. No. 4 of the Expression of Interest format)
SL. Name of Membership Whether Date of Joining Date of Station Whether Whether has the Firm (full becoming & acknowle ISA NO. the Partner No. FCA / time) / FCA Region dgement (information Organization where of latest systems Audit / Sole ACA residing Income /CISA or any at Tax return other equivalent Proprietor / present Attached qualification, Yes/No specify the Other qualification)if yes please attach a copy of the certificate)
Authorised Signatory (Seal of the Firm/Organization)
MNLU Mumbai: EOI for Auditors 2021-22 Page 6 (Annex A-2) Details of Part time Partners of the Firm/Organization (Please refer to SI. No. 5 of the Expression of Interest Format)
Name of Memb Whether Date of Date of No. of Whethe Whether Whether has the ership FCA becoming Joining other r employed ISA Partners No. FCA Partnership / firm in practici elsewher (lnformation / Other Organization which he ng in e (Yes / systems Audit is partner his own No) /CISA or any name other equivalent qualification, specify the qualification)if any please attach a copy of the certificate)
Authorised Signatory (Seal of the Firm/Organization)
MNLU Mumbai: EOI for Auditors 2021-22 Page 7 (Annex A-3)
Details of Full Time Charted Accountant Employees (Please refer to SI. No. 6 of the Expression of Interest Format)
SL. Name Membershi Whether Date of Whether has ISA Signature NO. p No. FCA Joining the {lnformation systems of the firm / Audit /CISA or any Employee Organisatio other equivalent n as full qualification, specify time the qualification)if employee any please attach a copy of the certificate)
Authorised Signatory (Seal of the Firm/Organization)
MNLU Mumbai: EOI for Auditors 2021-22 Page 8 (Annex A - 4) Details of Audit Staffs (Please refer to Sl. No. 7. of the Expression of Interest Format)
SL. Name Qualification Address Signature of the NO. Employee
Authorised Signatory (Seal of the Firm/Organization)
MNLU Mumbai: EOI for Auditors 2021-22 Page 9 (Annexure - B)
Particulars of Branches
SL. Station at Complete address Name of the Date of Detail Address of NO. Which with Pin & partner/other in opening the branch Telephone No. charge of the branch Located branch
Authorised Signatory (Seal of the Firm/Organization)
MNLU Mumbai: EOI for Auditors 2021-22 Page 10 (Annexure - C)
Details of Statutory Audit work / any other accounting of Central / State Educational Institution in hand with the firm (Please refer to Sl. No. 10 of the Expression of Interest format)
SL. Name of the PSU / Unit Nature of Agreement Year for which Appointed NO.
Authorised Signatory (Seal of the Firm/Organization)
MNLU Mumbai: EOI for Auditors 2021-22 Page 11 (Annexure - D)
Details of experiences (Please refer to Sl. No. 10 of the Expression of Interest Format)
Name of Name of the Year of audit Fees Nature of Name of Name of the the area / company/body e.g. charged for Audit Special full time sector audited (a) 2007 – 08 each of the assignment assignment partner who (a)Co-operative (b) 2006 – 07 assignments viz. supervised Society/PSU/ (c) 2005 – 06 in each year Statutory the audit or autonomous (d) 2004 – 05 audit/or signed the body (e) 2003 – 04 Branch audit financial (b)Companies in statements private sector and who is (c)Banks still working (d)Social Sector in the firm Programmes / Projects (e)Externally aided social sector projects (f)Education Projects / Programmes
Authorised Signatory (Seal of the Firm/Organization)
MNLU Mumbai: EOI for Auditors 2021-22 Page 12