Admit cards CPT December 2016
24th November, 2016
Admit cards in respect of candidates admitted to the CPT December 2016 examination, with their
photographs and signatures on them, are hosted on
Candidates may print their admit cards from the said website.
For downloading/printing of the admit cards, candidates will have to login to their Single-Sign-On
account at as under:
1. Visit
2. Login using your registration number and password
3. Click on link in front of Admit Card
In terms of the decision of the Examination Committee of the Institute, physical admit cards are
being sent by post, only to those who submitted physical examination forms ( i.e. OMR ). The
practice of sending physical admit cards by post, to those who had submitted their exam forms
online, is discontinued with effect from May 2014 examination onwards.
Physical admit cards sent by post as well as those printed from the website are valid for admission
to the examination.
For any further clarifications, write to/contact
Help Line Telephone numbers: 0120 3054 851, 852, 853, 854 and 835
0120 4953 751,752, 753 and 754
Fax 0120 3054 841, 843
Examination Dept.