100 , 1 Masterstroke @narendramodi
A masterstroke by PM @narendramodi ji. This historic move will eliminate fake currency, black money & terror funding.
Absolute #Masterstroke by our PM @narendramodi wiping out #BlackMoney in one move..let's welcome a cleaner future for #india . Jai Hind.
Masterstroke PM @narendramodi ji
Masterstroke by @PMOIndia . Now India has a PM who can take such brave decisions too Commendable step @narendramodi #span>BlackMoney
Just when we thought that US election would take the headlines of tomorrow's newspaper #masterstroke @narendramodi
Now a Surgical Strike on #BlackMoney ...another Masterstroke by @narendramodi ...Respect
A Masterstroke by our Hon'ble PM @narendramodi ji ,This is the bold step taken Indian government ever! #BlackMoney #FightAgainstCurruption
Masterstroke against corruption #BlackMoney #TransformingIndia #CheckMate by @narendramodi
Woah!! What a masterstroke by @narendramodi didn't see that one coming. Opposition as usual crying foul
Citizens, quit cribbing over all inconveniences caused, bear a couple of hours for a better India!Masterstroke by ingenious @narendramodi
#IndiaFightsCorruption What a masterstroke @narendramodi. The nation is with you on the fight against corruption.
Full power & Respect to @narendramodi Masterstroke for India.
As usual @INCIndia is cornered by this & somewhere in their heart they know it's a masterstroke by @narendramodi #IndiaFightsCorruption
Masterstroke by PM @narendramodi to tackle #BlackMoney!
The pain of #NDTVBan lifting by @MVenkaiahNaidu more than balanced by @narendramodi with this Masterstroke on BlackMoney
#RIP INR 500 INR 1000 notes! #MASTERSTROKE @narendramodi #ThisIsBig #surgicalattack #fightcorruprion Watch out who screams more!
#IndiaFightsCorruption Black Money masterstroke...
Excellent move by @narendramodi. A quick summary ! #MasterStroke
Sapnakapse Retweeted Surgical Sandeep
A masterstroke of @narendramodi to tackle EVILS of Black Money Corruption Fake Currency Terror Funding We R Proud of Namo
Sapnakapse added,
Great masterstroke by PM @narendramodi Ji. One of the boldest moves in the recent years! Scrapping of Rs.500/1000 notes. Salute to you Sir!
No 500 and 1000 rupees, masterstroke or #tughlakiFarman by @narendramodi ?
Masterstroke by @narendramodi people with blackmoney in Rs 500 and 1000 note won't even get time to dispose it.
Masterstroke @narendramodi ji!
Masterstroke by @narendramodi. All black money is now null & void. #IndiaFightsCorruption
#Masterstroke #Stopblackmoney thats really a bold decision by PM @narendramodi . Ready to support in this challenging phase. Well done
Masterstroke by the Narendra Modi led government in dealing with #BlackMoney. No legal tender of 500 & 1000 notes in effect by mid night.
RIP Black money holders, Hats off Narendra Modi, "Rs 500 and Rs 1000 Notes" - Banned Pure *GOLD* Masterstroke
#Masterstroke @narendramodi that's how #indiafightscorruption bans 500 & 1000 notes.
#Modi #BlackMoney This is what is called #masterstroke @narendramodi #IndiaAgainstCorruption 500 and 1000 bills are invalid from tonight
Super masterstroke by @narendramodi to tackle black money issue! We surely will see positive consequences. #NarendraModi #
Masterstroke @narendramodi !
MasterStroke from @PMOIndia @narendramodi #CashlessEconomy
PM @narendramodi announces that 500 and 1000 Rs. notes are illegal from today midnight. MASTERSTROKE! Hats off to him for this BOLD step.
#500_1000 looks like PM is going to ban them today masterstroke if done !! @narendramodi