Procurement Tender Details
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Tender No: X01AL18009
Engagement of Consultant for Revision of Internal Audit
Brief Description:
Category: Consultancy
Approximate Quantity: AS PER TENDER
Contract Period in case of
Tender Originating Location : Delhi
Type of tender: Indigenous
Cost of tender document(IN INR): NIL
Cost of tender document(IN FC): N/A
Earnest money Deposit(IN INR): Rs. 1,58,060/-
Earnest money Deposit(IN FC): N/A
24 Oct 2018 10:00am
Issue / Sale of Tender document:
To 5 Nov 2018 5:30pm
MM ONGC,Floor II,A-Wing,PDU Urja Bhawan,Vasant
Any vendor who meets the PQC but is not included in the
above list, may forward their request for issuance of tender
Tender Document selling offices: - enquiry, along with relevant documents (to establish their
Other: compliance with the pre-qualification criteria). The firms
meeting the PQC will be considered for issue of tender
document against the tender. However, such requests for
issue of tender enquiry must be received on or before
05.11.2018 at 1730 Hrs.
Last Date of receipt of queries for
Pre-bid Conference:
Pre-bid Conference Venue:
Pre-bid Conference: Not Applicable
Closing of tender: 26 Nov 2018 2:00pm
Opening of Tender: 26 Nov 2018 3:00pm
Office of the DGM (MM) - I/C MM, 1st Floor, Tower-A,
Place of submission of tender: Deendayal Urja Bhawan, 5, Nelson Mandela Marg, Vasant
Kunj, New Delhi-110070
Office of the DGM (MM) - I/C MM, 1st Floor, Tower-A,
Place of Opening of tender: Deendayal Urja Bhawan, 5, Nelson Mandela Marg, Vasant
Kunj, New Delhi-110070
Estimated Cost: NA
Job completion time:
Site Location:
Pre Qualification criteria: 1. The bidder (i.e. Single bidder/ Indian Joint Venture
Company Incorporated) should have a strong
understanding of upstream/downstream business of oil &
gas industry and satisfy the following: a) The bidder (i.e.
Single bidder/ Indian Joint Venture Company
Incorporated) should have prepared/updated at least one
internal audit manual in Oil & Gas industry under SAP
environment or carried out internal audit for two years in
Oil & Gas industry under SAP environment in the last five
years. b) Annual turnover of the client in above cases
should be over Rs. 3000 (Three thousand) crore.
(Documentary evidence e.g. Audited Annual Report for
the year for which the work was executed, needs to be
submitted) To this effect, bidder should submit copies of
respective contracts, along with documentary evidence in
respect of satisfactory execution of each of those contracts,
in the form of copies of any of the documents (indicating
respective contract number and type of services), such as -
(i) Satisfactory completion / performance report (OR) (ii)
proof of release of Performance Security after completion
of the contract (OR) (iii) proof of settlement / release of
final payment against the contract (OR) (iv) any other
documentary evidence that can substantiate the
satisfactory execution of each of the contracts cited above.
2. Bidder should have expertise in using SAP and should
have knowledge of auditing through development of
internal tools in SAP environment. In order to revise the
internal audit manual, at least two qualified SAP experts
should be employed with the bidder as on the date of
submission of bid. Bidder should furnish an undertaking
that at least two such experts will be attached with the
team for the revision of internal audit manual of ONGC.
The bidder must provide a list of such professionals with
their qualification and experience along with the bid. 3.
The bidder should meet the experience criteria detailed at
para 1 and 2 above. In case the bidder is an Incorporated
Indian Joint Venture Company, registered in India and
incorporated under the Companies Act 1956 and any
amendments thereunder, then the experience criteria
should be met as under: i. The Joint Venture Company by
itself should meet the experience criteria; or ii. The Joint
Venture Partner (who can be either an Indian or a foreign
company) having a stake of at least 26% in the Joint
Venture Company should meet the experience criteria on
its own and cannot rely on any other arrangement such as
Consortium or Supporting Company of the JV Partner for
meeting the experience criteria. Documentary evidence in
support of the above should be submitted. In case of (ii)
above, an undertaking from the Joint Venture partner,
based on whose experience the JV seek qualification, shall
be submitted stating they shall maintain minimum 26%
shareholding in the JV till the execution of the contract.
List of Vendors meeting the Pre-Qualification Criteria
(PQC): The above Pre-Qualification criteria is met by five
(05) vendors as shown below: (i) M/s Pricewaterhouse
Coopers Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon (Vendor Code: 859878) (ii)
M/s Deloitte Haskins & Sells, Gurgaon (Vendor Code:
156643) (iii) M/s Ernst & Young LLP, Gurgaon (Vendor
Code: 803111) (iv) M/s KPMG, Gurgaon (Vendor Code:
854990) (v) M/s T R Chadha & Co. LLP (Vendor Code:
910180) Any vendor who meets the PQC but is not
included in the above list, may forward their request for
issuance of tender enquiry, along with relevant documents
(to establish their compliance with the pre-qualification
criteria). The firms meeting the PQC will be considered
for issue of tender document against the tender. However,
such requests for issue of tender enquiry must be received
on or before 05.11.2018 at 1730 Hrs.
For other details of this tender including corrigendum if
any, (please logon to ONGC web site
and (for e-bid) and refer RFx No.
X01AL1809. In case of exigencies ONGC at its option
Other details: may decide to extend tender sale/Techno-commercial bid
closing/ opening date/ time in future which will be posted
on the above referred website for information. Bidders
should regularly visit ONGC tender website for the latest
information in this regard.
Click Here For More Details
For any query related to this tender please contact : AMIT YADAV PH:-01126751035