Government of National Capital Territory of
Directorate of Education Delhi
Tender Notice for Selection of Chartered
Accountants Firms/ LLP of Chartered
Accountants to inspect the records of the
Private Unaided Recognized Schools
NIT for selection of Consultants/ Auditing Firms. Page 1
1. Though adequate care has been taken while issuing this tender, the Applicants
should satisfy itself / himself that the document is complete in all respects. Intimation
of any discrepancy shall be given to this office (as mentioned below) immediately. If
no intimation is received by this office within 3 days from the date of issue of the
tender notice, then this office shall consider that the document uploaded is complete
in all respects and that the Applicants are satisfied that the tender is complete in all
2. The Director of Education reserves the right to change any or all of the provisions of
this tender before the date of submission. Such changes would be uploaded on the
website: before date of submission.
3. The Director of Education reserves the right to reject any or the entire Proposal
without assigning any reasons whatsoever. No correspondence will be entertained
on this account.
The Director,
Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi,
Old Secretariat,
NIT for selection of Chartered Accountants Firm/ LLP of Chartered Accountants Page 2
Tender Notice ................................................................................................................. 4 and 5
INTRODUCTION: ...................................................................................................................6
1.1 About Directorate of Education and Tender:- .................................................................. 6
1.2 AboutNotice Inviting Tender ........................................................................................ 7
1.3 Modification and Withdrawal of Tender ........................................................................7
1.4 Submission of bids ...................................................................................................... 7
1.5 Earnest Money ................................................................................................................ 8
2 General Conditions ......................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Forfeiture of Earnest Money Deposit/ Performance Guarantee ...................................... 8
2.2 Performance Securities ................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Declaration by Authorized Applicant................................................................................ 9
2.4 Following Documents shall be submitted by the Bidder .................................................. 9
2.5 Notarized Affidavit regarding ......................................................................................... 10
2.6 Extension of Order ........................................................................................................ 10
2.7 Consequences of Default .............................................................................................. 10
2.8 Indemnity for Losses .......................................................................................10
2.9 Termination of contract....................................................................................10
2.10 Blacklisting/ Debarment..................................................................................11
2.11 Penalty.......................................................................................................12
2.12 General......................................................................................................12
2.13 Jurisdiction of Court.......................................................................................12
2.14 Force Majeure............................................................................................13
Special Conditions:.............................................................................................................. 13
3.1 Minimum Qualifications and Skill Requirements:- ......................................................... 13
3.2 Scope of work: ........................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Period of Audit ........................................................................................................... 14
3.4 Evaluation of bids .......................................................................................................... 14
3.5 Technical Bid Evaluation ............................................................................................... 14
3.6 Financial Bid Evaluation ................................................................................................ 15
3.7Total Bid Evaluation ....................................................................................................... 15
3.8 Requisite Information .................................................................................................... 15
3.9 Time lines for completion of work: ................................................................................. 15
3.10 Terms of Payment ....................................................................................................... 16
3.11 Paying Authority .......................................................................................................... 16
3.12 Officer in charge: ......................................................................................................... 16
3.13 Work Place. ................................................................................................................. 16
NIT for selection of Chartered Accountants Firm/ LLP of Chartered Accountants Page 3
Schedule of Date of Tender Notice
Engagement of Chartered Accountant
1. Name of the work
Firms/LLP of Chartered Accountants
2. Mode of Submission of Bid Online ( Open Tender)
2,52,00,000 (Two Crores Fifty two lacs only) i.e.
3. Estimated Cost of Project
84,00,000 to each CA Firm/ LLP
Earnest Money will be Rs.1,68,000 ( 2% of the
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
4. estimated project cost i.e. Rs. 84,00,000 for
each CA firm/ LLP)
5. No. of Districts 13 Districts
Total Thirty (30) Chartered Accountants shall be
hired with a ceiling of 10 Chartered Accountants
6. Staff Required
from one Chartered Accountant Firm/ LLP of
Chartered Accountant
Three firm/ LLP with the highest
aggregated marks shall be selected for
award of the contract.
The contract shall be awarded to all the
Three successful bidders at the lowest
7. Selection Procedure
price found amongst the selected bidders
as above. In case any successful bidder
refuses to accept the lowest bid price, the
negotiation with next qualified bidder will
be done.
12 months
8. Period of Engagement
Documents can be downloaded from
9. Availability of NIT Document
Start date:20/11/2019
NIT for selection of Chartered Accountants Firm/ LLP of Chartered Accountants Page 4
27/11/2019 upto 01:00 PM
Last date for submission of pre bid
10. Queries shall be submitted on the email ID:
Date, Time and place of pre bid Time: 04:00 PM
Venue: Conference Hall , Room No. 13,
Directorate of Education
Manner: Online at e-procurement website:
Manner, Last date and time for
submission of Bids( Bid Due date) Last Date: 11.12.2019
Time Upto: 02.00 PM
Date: 11.12.2019
Submission of Original DD for EMD,
Time Upto: 02.00 PM
13. affidavit, undertaking and signed
documents Venue: Private School Branch, Directorate of
Education, GNCT of Delhi, Old Secretariat
Date: 11.12.2019
Date, Time and Venue of Technical Time: 04:00 PM
Bid Opening
Venue: Conference Hall , Room No. 13,
Directorate of Education
15. Help line No. 01123890008
1. All eligible interested bidders are required to get enrolled on e-procurement website;
2. Directorate of Education shall not be responsible for non submission of bids due to
internet/website related problems.
Director of Education
Directorate of Education, GNCT of Delhi,
Old Secretariat, Delhi-54
NIT for selection of Chartered Accountants Firm/ LLP of Chartered Accountants Page 5
1.1 About Directorate of Education and Notice Inviting Tender:-
Education holds the key to economic growth, social transformation, modernization and
national integration. Keeping this in mind, The National Policy on Education was formulated
in 1986 and modified in 1992 aiming to provide education of a comparable quality up to a
given level to all students irrespective of their caste, creed, residence or sex. It aims at
promotion of a nation, a sense of common citizenship and composite culture and national
integration. It lays stress on the need for a radical transformation of the education system to
improve its quality at all stages and gives much greater attention to Science and
Technology. All children are proposed to be provided free and compulsory education up to
14 years of age. The Directorate of Education earnestly endeavors to implement the policy.
It is one of the India's largest school education system.
The educational facilities are provided in stages i.e. pre-primary, primary, middle,
secondary, senior secondary and university level. Pre-primary and primary educations are
mainly the responsibility of the local bodies. Middle, secondary and senior secondary
education is primarily looked after by Directorate of Education, Government of Delhi.
Although pre-primary and primary education is mainly the responsibility of the local bodies,
the Govt. of Delhi has converted its 326 schools into composite schools now known as
Sarvodaya Vidyalayas having classes from I to XII. At the University level, Govt. of Delhi is
running 28 Degree Colleges being funded by UGC and Delhi Govt. NDMC, though mainly
concerned with primary education, is also running a selected number of middle, secondary,
senior secondary schools in its areas at present. Apart from this a number of private
organizations are also engaged in imparting education at all levels of schooling. These
organizations are given grant-in-aid by Govt. of Delhi to meet the expenditure on education.
Besides these, recognized unaided schools are also being run in Delhi by registered trusts
and societies.
Currently there are approximately 1,800 private unaided recognized schools running in
Delhi, which includes 365 private unaided recognized schools running on lands allotted by
the DDA/ other land owing agencies with the stipulated condition in their allotment letter. In
this regard Consultant/Audit firms are invited to examine/scrutinize the financial record of
the schools submitted in the form of fee statement required to be filed by the Private
Unaided Recognized School Under Section 17(3) of DSEAR,1973 and ensure the
compliance with the Act and Rules.
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1.2 About Notice Inviting Tender (NIT)
Notice Inviting Tender is invited from the reputed & experienced chartered
accountants firms or LLP of Chartered accountants (hereinafter referred as Bidder)
Tender documents etc. are available in downloadable form at website:
All the correspondence about this tendering shall be made with Deputy Director
(Education), Directorate of Education, PSB Branch, Old Secretariat, Delhi-110054 E-
mail id:
The Technical & Commercial Part will be opened on the date and at time stated in
the notice, in the Conference Hall , Room No. 13, Directorate of Education, in the
presence of the tenderers or their authorized representatives.
Validity Period of Tender: - Tenderer should specify the validity period of their offer
which should be valid for a minimum period of 120 days from the date of opening the
tender. The offers which are not kept valid for at least 120 days from the date of
opening the tender will be rejected outright.
Pre-Bid Meeting
Pre bid meeting will be held with prospective chartered accountants firm or LLP
of Chartered Accountants or their authorized representatives to clarify doubts
and concerns and to seek clarification prior to submission of Bid.
In case any change in Bid documents is required, the same will be
communicated to those who attended pre-bid meeting and also put on the
Adequate time will be allowed between pre-bid meeting and bid opening,
whenever held, to allow prospective bidders to adequately address the
clarifications / issues discussed in the pre-bid meeting.
Non-attendance in the pre-bid meeting, if conducted, shall not be a reason for
disqualification of consultants.
1.3 Modification and Withdrawal of Tender
a. The Bidders may modify or withdraw their tender after submission but before
expiry of the last date & time for submission of tender, provided a tender
withdrawal/ modification notice is issued within the tender submission date and
b. The intimation for bid withdrawal/ modification received after last date & time for
bid submission shall be ignored and bid already submitted shall be deemed to be
a validly submitted bid.
c. No bid will be withdrawn/ modified after the last date & time for submission of bid
till bid validity period
d. Withdrawal or modification of bid after bid submission date and time during bid
validity period will result in forfeiture of EMD.
1.4 Submission of bids
NIT for selection of Chartered Accountants Firm/ LLP of Chartered Accountants Page 7
The bidder will have to submit their proposals as per Notice Inviting Tender in two parts
a. Technical Proposal (as per Annexure I, II and III formats);
b. Financial Proposal (as per Annexure IV and V formats).
1.5Earnest Money/Bid Security
Tender must be accompanied with an Earnest Money/Bid Security of Rs.
1,68,000/ from each Chartered Accountants Firm/ LLP of chartered
accountants failing which the tender will be out rightly rejected.
The Earnest Money/Bid Security should be deposited with the Directorate of
Education, Delhi, in the shape of Bank Guarantee/F.D.R. drawn in favor of Director
of Education, GNCT of Delhi,payable at Delhi.
No Earnest Money/Bid Security will be accepted after opening of the tender.
The Earnest Money/Bid Security deposit will be refunded to each of the
unsuccessful bidders on application. In case of successful Bidder, it will be retained
and no interest on Earnest Money will be payable.
In the event, if the successful Bidder fail to sign the contract agreement with
Directorate of Education within one week after receiving notice of award of contract
and fail to submit a Performance Guarantee as specified in this document, the
Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited to compensate damage / loss caused to
Directorate of Education. The Earnest Money of the successful bidders shall be
returned after they furnish the Performance Guarantee.
This Earnest Money/Bid Security is required to protect the rights of the Directorate
of Education against the risk of the bidder's conduct which would warrant the
forfeiture of the Earnest Money under the conditions detailed in the specification.
General Terms for the Selection of Consultants/Auditing firms to inspect the record
of the private unaided schools
2 General Conditions
2.1 Performance Guarantee
It should be clearly understood that in the event of the bidders failing to accept and execute
the work order, if it is placed within the validity period of the offer, then the full amount of
Performance Guarantee will be forfeited and the decision of Directorate of Education in this
respect shall be final and binding on successful bidder.
Prices quoted in the bid document shall be firm and not subject to adjustment during
the performance of the contract due to any changes in the cost of service or
NIT for selection of Chartered Accountants Firm/ LLP of Chartered Accountants Page 8
2.2 Performance Securities
An amount of 10% (Ten percent) of each contract value will have to be deposited by the
successful Bidder in following manner:-
a. Bank Guarantee of the amount equivalent to 10% (Ten percent) of each contract
value shall be deposited after receipt of Letter of Intent (LOI) and before the
execution of the agreement.
b. The Bank Guarantee shall be in the approved format of Directorate of Education.
c. The Bank Guarantee shall be issued from a Nationalized/scheduled Indian Bank
and shall become acceptable to the Directorate of Education only after
verification by Directorate of Education, which will be valid for a minimum
period of 90 days after date of completion of work .i.e. up to at least 90
days beyond the expected date of completion of the work.
d. The selected bidder shall have to extend the validity period of the Bank
Guarantee beyond 90 days after date of completion, in case, the actual date of
completion of the work is delayed due to any reason.
e. No Bank charges or interest shall be payable against the Bank Guarantees.
2.3 Declaration by Authorized Applicant
Sl. No Description To be filled by the Applicants
1 Name of Authorized Applicant of the
2 Designation of Applicant
3 Name of the Firm/LLP
4 Head Office Address (in detail,
including phone no, email id and web
I hereby certify that all information and data furnished by me with regard to Notice
Inviting Tender are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I further certify
that I am duly authorized representative of the above mentioned Firm/ LLP and a
valid power of Attorney (if applicable) to this effect is enclosed.
Signature of Authorized Applicant
(With Name and Address)
2.4 Following Documents shall be submitted by the Bidder
1. Audited Annual Accounts: - Audited Annual Accounts of previous three (3)
financial years to establish the capability of the bidder to successfully perform the
NIT for selection of Chartered Accountants Firm/ LLP of Chartered Accountants Page 9
2. Self-Attested copy of PAN Card.
3. Self-Attested copy of Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration certificate.
2.5 Notarized Affidavit regarding
1. The bidder should enclose an undertaking on their letter head with the tender
disclosing their status regarding Blacklisting by Govt. undertaking/ Govt. department
failing which their tender shall not be accepted.
2. Bidder has to submit an undertaking on their letter head for the effect that the
documents submitted by them are TRUE & GENUINE along with they are presently
not debarred/ blacklisted by any institution/Department.
2.6 Extension of Order
(i) The circumstances may arise where due to time constraints or any other factor, the
extension Order against an existing order is to be placed without inviting further offer
of Price. Such orders are called Extension Orders which may be placed against
previous orders (except those placed on single Bidder) without further going
through the normal inviting price offer after taking approval of competent authority as
per the Delegation of Powers (DoP).
(ii) Extension order will be placed duly recording the reasons leading to placement of
Extension order and the proposal for extension orders will be on existing terms,
conditions and specifications.
(iii) A reasonable assessment and certification by the competent authority, that there has
been no downward trend in prices, shall be made before giving repeat order.
Extension Order shall not be placed more than once.
(iv) The performance of the Chartered Accountants Firm/ LLP of Chartered Accountants
must be satisfactory.
2.7 Consequences of Default
(a) If an Event of Default occurs and would be continuing, Directorate of Education may
forthwith terminate the Contract by giving written notice.
(b) In the Event of Default, Directorate of Education may, without prejudice to any other
right granted to it by law, or the Contract, take any or all of the following actions:
· Recover any losses and / or additional expenses, which the Directorate of
Education may incur as a result of Consultant's default.
2.8 Indemnity for Losses
The successful bidder, its successor and assignee shall indemnify to Directorate of
Education from all current & future liabilities/losses that may arise out of contract entered
into between the Bidder & the Directorate of Education.
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2.9 Termination of contract
(i) In case a successful bidder is falling behind in its responsibility to progress with a
contract or part thereof as per agreed work schedule, the officer in charge, immediately
on noticing of such slippage, shall send detailed communication to the Contractor to
expedite the contract.
(ii) In case the successful bidder persistently fails to expedite the contract despite various
reminders, it shall be considered sufficient default, for initiating Termination procedure
in terms of default clauses of General Conditions of Contract.
(iii) Before initiating Termination process, it shall be ensured that the successful bidder has
been given fair and equitable chance to make good on its default and sufficient
documentary evidence exists against the successful bidder for not working to the
satisfaction of officer in charge to merit Termination on justifiable grounds.
(iv) Successful bidder shall be given a final fifteen days' notice to make good the Default. In
case it fails to remedy the Default and expedite the work on contract during the period
to the satisfaction of officer in Charge, then a seven day final notice for intention to
terminate the Contract shall be issued to the successful bidder by the concerned officer
in charge.
(v) In case of fresh presentation by successful bidder, if officer in charge is convinced of
successful bidder's intent and capability to make good the lost time, the seven day
notice may be withdrawn.
(vi) In case, the successful bidder fails to remedy the Default even in the seven day notice
period, then the contract shall be terminated after giving a final 48 hours' notice to
successful bidder to wind up and clear the site free of all encumbrances.
(vii) On or before Termination, Director of Education shall forfeit and encash performance
The powers, referred above are in addition to the rights and remedy available to the
Directorate of Education under the General Law of India relating to contracts. The decision
of the Directorate of Education shall be final as regards the acceptability of the work as
done by the successful bidder and the Directorate of Education shall not be required to give
any reason in writing or otherwise at any time for the rejection of works performed by the
successful bidder.
2.10 Blacklisting/ Debarment
Debarment /Banning of Business Dealings with successful bidder will normally be resorted
to in the event of serious lapses in performance or misdemeanour such as abandoning,
repeated failures in timely execution of the contracts, resorting to unfair means (including
false certification), adoption of unethical business practices, furnishing manipulated
documents, gross misconduct or misbehaviour with utility executives.
NIT for selection of Chartered Accountants Firm/ LLP of Chartered Accountants Page 11
Debarment/ Blacklisting dealings shall be done in a transparent manner after careful
evaluation of the performance, facts and circumstances of the case by a duly constituted
committee after issue of show cause notice.
If debarred/ blacklisted successful bidder feels that they have justifiable reasons to defend
their case, they may appeal to Secretary(Education) before going for litigation.
2.11 Penalty
a. Usual term of penalty is @ 0.5 % per week of total value of contract or part thereof
subject of maximum ceiling of 10%. In case successfully bidder fails to perform the
services as per scope of work.
b. If monthly reports submitted the appointed Chartered Accountants are not found
satisfactory, penalty of Rs. 10,000 may be levied for each such report.
c. The Contractor has to accept the penalty clause as stated above otherwise the
tender will be considered as invalid.
d. The Directorate of Education reserves the right to cancel the work order/contract in
part or in full for default or delayed in execution of the assigned work.
e. The Directorate of Education reserves the right to reject part or whole of any or all
the tenders without assigning any reason.
f. Events Of Default:- Each of the following events or occurrences shall constitute an
event of default ("Event of Default") under the Contract:
o Successful bidder fails or refuses to pay any amount due under the Contracts.
o Successful bidder fails or refuses to deliver work conforming to his Bid
document/ specifications, or fails to execute the works assigned to them
within the period specified in Terms of reference of the contract or any
extension thereof.
o Successful bidder becomes insolvent or unable to pay its debts when due, or
commits any act of bankruptcy, such as filing any petition in any bankruptcy,
winding-up or reorganization proceeding, or acknowledges in writing its
insolvency or inability to pay its debts; or the contractor's creditors file any
petition relating to bankruptcy of contractor.
o Successful bidder otherwise fails or refuses to perform or observe any term or
condition of the Contract and such failure is not remediable or, if remediable,
continues for a period of 30 days after receipt by the Contractor of notice of
such failure from Directorate of Education.
2.12 General
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Please again note that the incomplete Bid not having specific comments on all the points of
our specification and not supported by various information desired in our specification may
be rejected .All paper certificates, documents, etc. submitted with the EOI must be signed
and stamped by the consultant (Self authenticated).
2.13 Jurisdiction of Court:
The Civil Court of Delhi shall alone have an exclusive jurisdiction to decide any
differences/dispute/claim for and against Directorate of Education /Contactor arising out in
respect of the said notice inviting tender, contract agreement or Work order.
2.14 Force Majeure
In the event, service provider delays in performing their obligations under the contract, and
such delay is caused by force majeure, including but not limited to war, civil insurrection,
fire, floods, epidemics, earthquakes, quarantine restrictions and freight embargoes, such
delay may be excused and the period of such delay may be added to the time of
performance of obligation delayed. If a force majeure situation arises, the Service provider
shall notify to officer in charge at once.
Special Terms for the Selection of Chartered Accountants Firms or LLP of Chartered
Accountants to inspect the records of the school and other financial related matters.
Special Conditions:
3.1 Minimum Qualifications and Skill Requirements:-
The selected Chartered Accountants Firm/ LLP of Chartered Accountants should
have knowledge of and access to a range of professional skills relevant to the
aforesaid Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) in an Indian environment.
The bidder firm must be empanelled with CAG.
The team of Chartered Accountants in fulltime employment and/or associate of
Chartered Accountants Firm/ LLP of Chartered accountants and should have
experience of similar work in the education sector and having comprehensive
understanding of the legal and performance issues involved in special inspection
under such contracts.
Firm should have valid GST Registration and Permanent Account Number
The Bidder should submit the CVs of Chartered Accountants and firm's
experience as given in Annexure III (A) and III (B).
Qualifications for the Project Manager and Team Members: Team members
should be Chartered Accountant as recognized by ICAI with experience of
minimum 03 years and should have good communication and writing skills in
English language. Experience in education sector is preferable.
NIT for selection of Chartered Accountants Firm/ LLP of Chartered Accountants Page 13
3.2 Scope of work:
The appointed Chartered Accountants shall in the direct supervision of the Deputy Directors
Education/ Regional Directors/ Special Directors Education/ Additional Directors and
undertake the examination/scrutiny of the financial records submitted by the schools in the
light of provisions of Delhi School Education Act and Rules, 1973 (DSEAR, 1973) and other
circulars, orders & notifications etc. issued from time to time and shall submit its report to
the concerned Supervising Officer of DoE.
The appointed Chartered Accountants shall also look into the other financial matters as well
as inspections of schools as referred to them by the Directorate of Education.
3.3 Period of Engagement
The period of engagement shall be12 months from the date of award of contract.
3.4 Evaluation of bids
The evaluation of bids would be done on QCBS basis, with 70% weightage being given to
the Technical Proposal score and 30% weightage being given to the Financial Proposal
The technical proposal submitted by the bidder will be evaluated by committee formed by
the competent authority.
The Experience certificate of each consultant must be issued by the head of the
organization/ competent authority.
3.5 Technical Bid Evaluation
Sr. No. Criteria
The Bidder must have working experience of at least Five years in
Auditing and Advisory services. And should be empanelled with
1. 15
The bidder must have been successfully completed at least 3
assignments of education sector in India.
2. 15
(5 marks for each assignment, subject to a maximum of 15 marks)
The Bidder should have a minimum average annual turnover of INR
05Crores (Five Crores only) in last three (3) financial years (i.e.
3. 10
2016-17 to 2018-19) from Auditing &Advisory services from Indian
Team Members*(10 CAs from each of 3 CA Firms/LLP of Chartered
4. Accountants): CA having minimum experience of 03 years 60
preferably in Audit and Advisory services.(10 CAs *4 marks= 40
NIT for selection of Chartered Accountants Firm/ LLP of Chartered Accountants Page 14
Sr. No. Criteria
*Note: 2 additional mark for each CAs having relevant experience in
Audit and advisory services in education sector of India ( subject to
a maximum of 20 marks)
After scrutiny and evaluation of technical bids, firm / LLP who have secured minimum 60
marks shall be qualified for opening the financial proposal.
3.6 Financial Bid Evaluation
· The financial bids of the short listed bidders will be opened in presence of the bidders or
their authorized representative(s) who wish to be present.
· The financial bid with lowest quoted total bid price for Directorate of Education will be
given a financial score of 100. All Other financial bids of the bidder shall be given
financial score as under:
(Lowest bid price quoted by bidder / highest bid price quoted by bidder) X 100
3.7 Total Bid Evaluation
The total score shall be obtained by weighing the technical and financial scores and adding
them. The weight given to the technical and financial proposals are:
Technical Proposal: 0.70
Financial Proposal: 0.30
The bid will be awarded to the Highest Mark achiever as per the formulae below:-
Aggregate Marks Calculation = (Technical Marks *0.70) + (Financial Marks *0.30)
Three firm/ LLP with the highest aggregated marks shall be selected for award
of the contract.
The contract shall be awarded to all the Three successful bidders at the lowest
price found amongst the selected bidders as above. In case any successful
bidder refuse to accept the lowest bid price, the negotiation with next qualified
bidder will be done.
3.8 Requisite Information
The concerned officer in charge of the districts shall ensure the availability of the required
data for the purpose of carrying out the work.
3.9 Time lines for completion of work:
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The above work shall be carried out on monthly basis and shall continue for a period of 12
months, however will be extendable with the approval of the Competent Authority. Working
reports shall be submitted to the Deputy Director concerned on regular basis.
3.10 Terms of Payment
The fees would be paid to the Successful Bidder on monthly basis on submission of
monthly invoice latest by 7th of the following month.
3.11 Paying Authority
Payment will be made by Directorate of Education against submission of quadruplicate bill
duly verified by the officer in charge of the District concerned.
3.12 Officer in charge:
The concerned Deputy Directors/ Regional Director/ Special Directors/ Additional Directors
of Education of the districts shall be the officer in charge.
3.13 Work Place.
Seal & Signature of Bidder. Directorate of Education
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To, Date:
The Director of Education,
Directorate of Education,
Old Secretariat,
Dear Sir,
With reference to the present notice inviting tender document, we the undersigned have
examined the Bid Documents, including scope of work as detailed above. We would like to
offer the required services as detailed in notice inviting tender Document.
Uploading of the Proposal in line with the requirement of the Bid Documents, we have
upload the following documents to the Bid Form:
Until a formal Contract is prepared and executed between us, this bid, together with
your written acceptance thereof in the form of your Notifications of Award shall
constitute a Bid Contract between us for all legal purpose.
We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid that you may receive
or might have received.
We, hereby, declare that the persons or firms interested in this proposal are named herein
and that no person or firms other than mentioned herein have any interest in this proposal
or in the Contract to be entered into, if the award is made on us. This proposal is made
without any connection with any other person, firm or party likewise submitting a proposal of
their own, and without any collusion or fraud.
Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,
Dated this __________day of ____________
(Authorized Signature)
(Name & Title of Signatory)
Name and Address of the Firm
NIT for selection of Chartered Accountants Firm/ LLP of Chartered Accountants Page 17
Sl. No. Name Position Task(s)
Dated this __________day of ____________
(Authorized Signature)
(Name & Title of Signatory)
Name and Address of the Firm
NIT for selection of Chartered Accountants Firm/ LLP of Chartered Accountants Page 18
Name of Staff:
Date of Birth:
Name of the Firm:
Position in the Firm:
Jobs Handled:
Years of Service with Firm:
Membership in Professional Societies:
Detailed Tasks Assigned
Professional Qualifications:
[Give an outline of staff member's relevant experience and training pertinent this
Describe degree of responsibility held by staff member on relevant previous assignments
and give dates and locations. Use about half a page]
[Summarize college/university and other specialized education of staff member,
Employment Record:
For experience in last ten years, also give types of activities performed and client reference]
[For each language indicate proficiency, excellent, good, fair, or poor in speaking, reading,
and writing]
Whether CA having relevant experience in Audit and Advisory services in Education
sector of India: Yes/No
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, these data
Correctly describe me, my qualifications, and my experience.
Date: _______________
[Signature of staff member and authorized representative of the Firm] Day/Month/Year
Full Name of staff member:
Full name of authorized representation:
NIT for selection of Chartered Accountants Firm/ LLP of Chartered Accountants Page 19
[Using the format below, provide information on each assignment for which your firm/LLP
was legally contracted either individually or as a firm/ LLP, for carrying out services similar
to the one requested under this assignment.]
Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract (in INR ):
Country: Duration of assignment(months):
Location within country:
Name of Owner: Total No. of man-months of the
Address: Approx. value of the services provided
by your firms/ LLP under the contract (in
INR ):
Start date (month/year): No.... of professional man-months
Completion date provided by the consultants/ auditing
(month/year): firms
Name of Partner or Auditing firms, if any: Name of senior regular full-time
employees of...........your firm involved
and functions performed (indicate most
significant profiles such as Project
Director / Coordinator)
Narrative description of Project:
Description of actual services provided in the assignment:
NIT for selection of Chartered Accountants Firm/ LLP of Chartered Accountants Page 20
Annexure III (C) Checklist for submission of Requisite Documents
[Attach Copy of the documents mentioned as under]
S No. Name of the Document Whether Copy
attached or not
1. Scanned copy of EMD/bid Security
2. Declaration by Authorized Applicant( as mentioned at point
3. Audited Annual Accounts of Previous 03 financial years to
establish the capacity of the bidder to successfully perform
the work. ( as mentioned at point 2.4)
4. Self-Attested Copy of PAN Card( as mentioned at point
5. Self Attested Copy of Goods and Service Tax(GST)
Registration Certificate. ( as mentioned at point 2.4)
6. Certificate/Work order regarding work experience of the
bidder firm in Auditing and Advisory Services. ( as
mentioned at point 3.5)
7. Certificate in support of the claim that bidder successfully
completed at least 03 assignment of education sector in
India. ( as mentioned at point 3.5)
8. An undertaking on letter head of the Firm with the tender
disclosing their status regarding Blacklisting by Govt.
undertaking/ Govt. department failing which their tender
shall not be accepted, as mentioned in point 2.5.
9. Dully filled and signed Annexure-I, II,III(a) , III(b), III(c)
(Authorized Signature)
(Name & Title of Signatory)
Name and Address of the Firm
NIT for selection of Chartered Accountants Firm/ LLP of Chartered Accountants Page 21
To, Date:
The Director of Education,
Directorate of Education,
Old Secretariat,
Dear Sir,
We, the undersigned, offer to provide the services related to various activities as
mentioned in the scope of work of the notice inviting tender regarding inspection of school
regards and other matters related thereto in accordance with your notice inviting tender
dated [insert Date]and our Technical Proposal.
Our attached Financial Proposal is for the sum of [insert amount(s) in words and
The breakup of our costs and fees has been provided in Annexure V - BREAKUP OF
FINANCIAL OFFER. Our Financial Proposal shall be binding upon us subject to the
modifications resulting from Contract negotiations, up to expiration of the validity period of
the Proposal, i.e. before 120 days from the bid submission date.
We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.
Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,
Dated this __________day of ____________
(Authorized Signature)
(Name & Title of Signatory)
Name and Address of the Firm
NIT for selection of Chartered Accountants Firm/ LLP of Chartered Accountants Page 22
Amount in Rupees
No. of Unit Lump-sum Fixed
Particulars (Person/CA) fee per CA per Total Amount
year(12 Months)
(A) (B) (C) =(A)X(B)
Engagement of Chartered 10
Total quoted price
Note: The above quoted amount/fee will be inclusive of all applicable taxes, GST etc.
Dated this __________day of ____________
(Authorized Signature)
(Name & Title of Signatory)
Name and Address of the Firm
NIT for selection of Chartered Accountants Firm/ LLP of Chartered Accountants Page 23
To, Date:
The Director of Education,
Directorate of Education,
Old Secretariat,
Dear Sir,
We, the undersigned, offer to provide the services related to various activities as
mentioned in the scope of work of the notice inviting tender regarding inspection of school
regards and other matters related thereto in accordance with your notice inviting tender
dated [insert Date]and our Technical Proposal.
Our attached Financial Proposal is for the sum of [insert amount(s) in words and
The breakup of our costs and fees has been provided in Annexure V - BREAKUP OF
FINANCIAL OFFER. Our Financial Proposal shall be binding upon us subject to the
modifications resulting from Contract negotiations, up to expiration of the validity period of
the Proposal, i.e. before 120 days from the bid submission date.
We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.
Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,
Dated this __________day of ____________
(Authorized Signature)
(Name & Title of Signatory)
Name and Address of the Firm
NIT for selection of Chartered Accountants Firm/ LLP of Chartered Accountants Page 22
Amount in Rupees
No. of Unit Lump-sum Fixed
Particulars (Person/CA) fee per CA per Total Amount
year(12 Months)
(A) (B) (C) =(A)X(B)
Engagement of Chartered 10
Total quoted price
Note: The above quoted amount/fee will be inclusive of all applicable taxes, GST etc.
Dated this __________day of ____________
(Authorized Signature)
(Name & Title of Signatory)
Name and Address of the Firm
NIT for selection of Chartered Accountants Firm/ LLP of Chartered Accountants Page 23