(A Subsidiary of NBCC (India) Limited)
(A Government of India Enterprises) E-6(A), Sector-1, Noida (U.P)-201301
“Bank Reconciliation work OF HSCC (INDIA) LTD For The Period October 2021- September 2022”
• Notice Inviting Bids • Pre-Qualification
• General Instructions to Bidders
HSCC (INDIA) LTD. E-6(A), sector-1, NOIDA(U.P) 201301 (India)
Phone: 0120-2542436-40 Fax: 0120-2542447
Tender No: - HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/2021
HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/21-22
(A Subsidiary of NBCC (India) Limited) E-6 (A), Sector 1, NOIDA -201301 (UP) Notice Inviting e-Tender (Detailed - NIT)
Tender No. HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/21-22 Dated: 03.11.2021
HSCC India Ltd., a Miniratna PSU intends to invite online bids through e-tendering from eligible CA/CMA firm based at Delhi/NCR, having working experiance in Public sector undertaking.
Name & description of the work Last date to fill/upload the Bid Security/ tender through e-Tendering. EMD amount Engagement of firm of Chartered (in Rs.) Accountants/Cost Accountants for Bank 19.11.2021 upto 1400 hrs. Reconciliation of HSCC (India) Ltd for Financial Exempted for the period October 21 - September 2022. Refer- Circular no. F.9/4/2020- PPD dated 12th Nov 2020.
The bidder would be required to register at HSCC e-tender portal http://www.tenderwizard.com/HSCC. The bid document is available online from 03/11/2021. For submission of the bids, the bidder is required to have Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from one of the authorized Certifying Authorities. The bidders are required to submit (a) Original non- refundable Demand Draft of Rs.2000/- (Rs. Two thousand only) as cost of bid, in favour of “ HSCC (India) Ltd.“ payable at Noida/New Delhi with the office of “MANAGER (F&A) Banking, HSCC (India) Ltd., Plot no. E-6(A), Sector-1, Noida (U.P.) Pin-201301, either by registered post or by hand before the date and time fixed for opening of bid failing which the bid will be declared non-responsive. (c) Form of Bid / Letter of Application (Form – A) duly signed & stamped and filled.
The documents to be uploaded online are listed at checklist (Form-B) of Vol.-I.
Complete set of Bid documents comprising of Volumes- I (NIT/ PQ & ITB), Form-C and its Annexures & Vol.- II (Price Schedule/ FORM-D) has been made available at HSCC e-tender portal http://www.tenderwizard.com/HSCC , HSCC website https://www.hsccltd.co.in and Govt. CPP portal website www.eprocure.gov.in. The interested bidders/firms may download the bid documents.
The Bids should be uploaded complete in all respects along with the details of Bid document fee and Bid security on or before the due date and time as mentioned above on http://www.tenderwizard.com/HSCC. HSCC reserves the right to accept or reject any bid without assigning any reason or incurring any liability whatsoever.
Pre-Bid Meeting will be conducted at HSCC head office on 16.11.2021 at 11:30 hrs.
Prospective bidders are advised to regularly scan through HSCC e-tender portal http://www.tenderwizard.com/HSCC & HSCC website https://www.hsccltd.co.in as corrigendum/amendments etc., if any, will be notified on this portal only and separate advertisement will not be made for this.
-sd/- Manager (F&A), HSCC (India) Ltd.
HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/21-22
1. The intending bidder must read the terms and conditions of Notice Inviting Bids and the Bid documents carefully. He should only submit his bid if he considers himself eligible and he is in possession of all the documents required.
2. Information and Instructions for bidders posted on website shall form of bid document.
3. The bid document and the set of terms and conditions of the contract to be complied with and other necessary documents can be seen and downloaded from website http://www.tenderwizard.com/HSCC free of cost.
4. But the bid can only be submitted after uploading the mandatory scanned documents such as Demand Draft of any Scheduled Bank towards cost of bid document and EMD/ Bid Security in favour of “HSCC (India) Limited”, payable at Delhi/Noida as per details given in the Bid Document and Processing Fee via online mode only and other documents as specified.
5. Those bidders not registered on the website mentioned above, are required to get registered beforehand to initiate online bidding process as per details available on the website.
6. The intending bidder must have valid class-III digital signature to submit the bid.
7. On opening date, the bidder / firm can login and see the bid opening process.
8. Bidder can upload documents in JPG format or PDF format.
9. The HSCC reserves the right to reject any prospective application without assigning any reason and to restrict the list of qualified bidders to any number deemed suitable by it, if too many bids are received satisfying the laid down criterion.
Sd/- .
Manager (F&A) | HSCC (India) Ltd.
HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/21-22
NAME OF WORK: “e-Tender for Bank Reconciliation work of HSCC (India) Ltd for period of October 2021- September 2022" .
PERIOD OF CONTRACT: This Contract shall be valid for a Period of One Year which may be further extended for six month work based on performance of the firm.
EMPLOYER: HSCC (India) Ltd., E-6(A), Sector-1, Noida, U.P.-201301
1.0 Minimum Prequalification Criteria for Bank Reconciliation work for the period October 2021 to September 2022:-
• CA/CMA firm must have working experience in Public sector undertaking.
• CA/CMA firm should be based in Delhi/NCR.
• Year of incorporation should by 05 year old.
• Minimum number of partners should be 3.
• Minimum audit staff 10 numbers in the firm (Excluding partners).
2.0 Following confirmation required from bidding CA/CMA firm:
2.1 Two assistant on regular basis & One Qualified CA/CMA for minimum 5days a month. 2.2 Submission of BRS completely in all respect within 15days of completion of month.
• Technical Package Part-I must be submitted complete in all respect in sealed
envelopes which must be either delivered by hand or by registered mail, to Manager
(F&A), HSCC (India) Ltd, Plot No. 6(A), Block-E, Sector-1, NOIDA, U.P. - 201301, so
as to reach not later than 19.11.2021 before 1400 Hrs. and be clearly marked.
“e-Tender for Bank Reconciliation work of HSCC (India) Ltd for period of October 21 - September 2022”.
• The name and mailing address of the Applicant should be clearly marked on the
• All the information asked for pre-qualification and tender shall be answered in the
ENGLISH language by all the agencies/firms.
• Failure to provide information in the stipulated format enclosed or to provide timely
clarification or substantiation of the information supplied (considered essential to
evaluate the Applicant’s qualification) may result in disqualification of the Applicant.
HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/21-22
Page 4 of 23 4.0 Price
Price to be quoted online in prescribed Price Schedule (Form-D) on all inclusive basis. Applicable GST will be payable extra.
5.0 Terms of Reference
• Manpower: One Qualified CA/CMA ( minimum 5 days a month) with a team of two
assistant on regular basis. In case full time Chartered Accountant/Cost Accountant is
not provided the work shall be liable to be suspended.
• Reporting: The report is to be submitted monthly basis within15days of completion
of month.
• Appointment: The appointment of CA/CMA Firm shall be for one year i.e. October
2021 to September 2022. No changes in terms of reference for fee shall be allowed
and in case the same is sought it will be considered non-compliance of TOR and the
performance security shall be forfeited. The assignment may be extended for the
period of 6month based on the performance.
• HSCC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tender received without
assigning any reason.
HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/21-22
To ensure the timely & accuracy of Bank Reconciliation including accounting of interest & accrued interest etc.
S.no. Scope Of Work PERIOD
HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/21-22
Page 6 of 23 7.0 Even though the Applicants meet the minimum PQ criteria, they are subject to be disqualified, if they have: - made misleading or false representation in the form, statement and attachments submitted; /or - record of poor performance such as abandoning the work, not properly completing the contract, inordinate delays in completion, litigation history, or financial failures, etc. /or - The performance of any agency already worked/ working with HSCC is not found satisfactory/or - found to have been black listed, debarred or non-performer in any of the works as on date of submission of bid. - Non-response or non-submission of clarifications within specified time
8.0 The applicants are advised to visit the Office location to get first hand information as regards its approach, accessibility, site conditions, etc. and other matters affecting cost and work. All costs incurred in connection with submission of the pre- qualification application shall be borne by the applicant irrespective of the outcome.
9.0 If any information furnished by the applicant is found incorrect at a later stage, applicant shall be liable to be debarred from tendering in HSCC. The department reserves the right to verify the particulars furnished by the applicant independently.
10.0 HSCC may ask for any additional information and/ or clarification from the applicant. The applicant shall submit such additional information and/ or clarification as requested by HSCC within the time specified in the communication.
11.0 The competent authority to pre-qualify shall have the power to relax any condition/criterion for pre-qualification if it considers expedient to do so.
12.0 Even though the agency meets all the criteria, the Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any applicant/disqualify any agency without assigning any reason whatsoever.
13.1 Financial bid of only firms who have been pre-qualified, will be opened.
13.2 The Employer reserves the right to: (a) Reject or accept any application without assigning any reason or incurring any
liability thereof (b) Cancel the pre-qualification process and reject all applications
13.3 No correspondence either from successful / pre-qualified applicant or unsuccessful applicant will be entertained in this regard.
HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/21-22
Page 7 of 23 General Instructions to Bidders
1.0 BID Documents:
(a) Contents of BID Documents BID Document shall consist of the documents listed in this document along with any schedules, addendum or corrigendum etc. issued by HSCC for the purpose.
(b) Bid document consists of: I.Volume – I (NIT & PQ and ITB) II.Volume –II (Price Schedule/ FORM -D)
III. All amendments(s)/ corrigendum, if any.
1.1. Bid security (Earnest Money Deposit) (EMD):
EMD is Exempted vide Ministry of Finance via Circular no. F.9/4/2020-PPD dated 12th Nov 2020.
1.2. Preparation of Bid: a) Bidder’s responsibility:
i. The Bidder is solely responsible for the details of his Bid and the preparation
of Bids.
ii. The Bidder is expected to examine carefully all the contents of BID document as mentioned in Notice Inviting Bids including instructions, conditions, forms, terms, etc and take them fully into account before submitting his offer. Bids, which do not satisfy all the requirements, as detailed in these documents, are liable to be rejected as being unresponsive.
iii. The Bidder shall be deemed to have inspected the Site and its surroundings and taken into account all relevant factors pertaining to the Site, while preparing and submitting the Bid.
b) Documents Comprising the Bid Bidder shall submit their Bids on line only in two packages namely the Technical Package and the Financial Package. The contents of the technical and financial package are as mentioned hereinafter i.e. Clause 1.3.1 & 1.3.2.
1.3.1 Contents of Technical Package:
The technical package, clearly labeled as “TECHNICAL PACKAGE”, has to be submitted in two parts.
(A). Technical Package Part –I; shall be submitted in ORIGINAL in Envelope with a copy uploaded online and shall comprise the following:
i. Original Non-refundable Demand Draft as mentioned in detailed NIT, as Tender Fee
HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/21-22
Page 8 of 23 ii. Form of Bid / Letter of Application (Form – A) duly signed & stamped and filled.
(B). Technical Package Part –II; Shall be submitted online only duly digitally signed & stamped by authorized signatory and comprise the following:
a) The enclosed documents shall be uploaded and mentioned as FORM - B (Checklist)
1. Prequalification Documents (Form –C) 2. CA/CMA firm should be based in Delhi/NCR (Annexure-2 to FORM -C) 3. Personal Capabilities (Annexure -3 to FORM C) 4. Experience of Execution of work with Supporting documents (Annexure –
4 to FORM -C) 5. Litigation Details: Court Cases/ Arbitration (Annexure -5 to FORM –C) 6. To be uploaded complete Bid documents, as listed in Notice Inviting Bids
i.e. Vol.- I (NIT / PQ & ITB) excluding the Price Schedule / Form - D (Volume –II) but including all amendment(s)/addendum(s)/ Corrigendum(s) /Clarification(s) issued, if any.
1.3.2 Contents of Financial Package
a) The financial package (VOLUME II - PRICE SCHEDULE/ FORM - D)
should be submitted ONLINE only. These prices should inclusive all basic, charges. Applicable GST Will be payable extra. The Bidder must ensure to fill up price against each item of Price Schedule. If any cell is left blank then value of that cell shall be treated as “0” (ZERO).
2. Sealing, marking and submission of bid:
The bid shall be submitted along with documents and mode of submission mentioned at clause no. 1.3.1 and clause no. 1.3.2 of Volume – I and also mentioned in Check List (Form-B).
Please note that the price should not be indicated in any of the documents except online Price Schedule (Form-D).
All bidders are required to submit unconditional bids. Conditional bids if submitted may be rejected and no correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
Sealed Envelope (Technical Package Part-I) and addressed to the Manager (F&A), HSCC (India) Ltd, Plot No. 6(A), Block-E, Sector 1, Noida, Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, Pin – 201 301, and should be delivered latest by 19.11.2021 up to 14:00 hrs positively.
Request for extension of submission date of tenders will not be considered.
All recipients for the purpose of submitting a bid, shall treat the contents of the documents as private and confidential.
HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/21-22
Page 9 of 23 3 Deadline for submission of bids:
Bids must be received by the Employer at the address specified above not later than the designated date and time.
The Employer may extend the deadline for submission of bids by issuing an amendment, in which case all rights and obligations of the Employer and the bidders previously subject to the original deadline will then be subject to the new deadline.
4 Late bids:
Any bid received by the Employer after the deadline prescribed shall not be considered and will be returned unopened to the bidder.
5 Modification and withdrawal of bids:
The bidder may modify or withdraw his bid by giving notice in writing before the deadline for submission of bids.
No bid may be modified after the deadline for submission of bids.
Withdrawal of bid between the deadline for submission of bids and the expiration of the original period of bid validity specified in the Form of Bid may result in the forfeiture of the bid security pursuant to relevant Clause.
6 Bid validity:
Bids shall remain valid for a period of 180 days after the deadline for bid submission specified in Clause.
Tender Opening and Evaluation
7 Bid opening:
Bids shall be opened in the office of HSCC (I) Ltd., at Plot - 6 (A), Block - E, Sector - 1, Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201 301 in presence of the Bidders’ representatives who may wish to be present.
Technical Package Part-I (Envelope) shall be opened first. If the Tender Fee is not found as prescribed, the Bid shall be summarily rejected.
Technical Package Part-II submitted online shall be opened next. Bids of parties who do not accept the conditions laid above in the Bid documents are also liable to be rejected.
The Employer will examine the Bids to determine whether they are complete, whether the Bids have been properly signed and stamped and whether the Bids are generally in order.
HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/21-22
Page 10 of 23 Only detailed complete Bids received prior to the closing time and date of the Bids will be taken as valid.
The Bidder's names, general technical details, the presence of the requisite Bid Security and such other details as the Employer, at his discretion may consider appropriate will be announced at the Bid opening.
Online Price Schedule (Form-D) shall be opened for only those bidders whose bid is found to be generally in order and substantially responsive shall be opened at a subsequent date to be intimated in advance to such eligible Bidders.
Only summary of prices quoted by the Bidders will be read out.
The Bid of any Bidder who has not complied with any of the instructions contained herein may not be considered.
8. The tender shall be submitted in sealed cover envelop marked “e-Tender for Bank
Reconciliation work of HSCC (India) Ltd for the period October 21 -
September 2022” on top by 14:00 hrs on 19.11.2021.
9. It is the responsibility of the Tenderers to see that the completed bidding documents
are submitted by the time and date stipulated for opening of tender failing which the
tender would be considered late and rejected.
10. The tender would be valid for a period of 180 days subsequent to the date on which the tender is opened. The tender will be opened at 15:00 hrs on 19.11.2021.
11. The date of Opening of Financial bid will be intimated at subsequent date to the successful bidder.
12. The bidders are advised to read the terms and conditions of the Tender as indicated in this form and satisfy themselves about their fulfilling these conditions as also meeting with the requirements of documents and other issues as mentioned in the Tender form before submitting the Tender.
13.. HSCC (India) Ltd. reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and amend the bidding process and reject all the bids at any time prior to award of contract without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder/bidders or any obligation to inform affected bidder/bidders on the ground of the action of the authority. The authority is not bound to accept the lowest or any bid. Letter of Appointment would be issued to successful bidder.
13. Payment Terms
i. Price to be quoted online in prescribed Price Schedule (Form-D) on all-
inclusive basis. Applicable GST will be payable extra.
ii. Payment: within 15days after completion of all the work on monthly basis.
iii. Applicable GST on Fee is payable extra.
HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/21-22
Page 11 of 23 iv. No escalation in the fee during the financial year shall be entertained.
v. The party shall submit the monthly bill to Manager (F&A) after completing the
work in all respect along with supporting documents.
vi. Deductions relating to TDS and any other Govt. levies applicable on bills will be made as per Govt. of India instructions issued from time to time.
vii. No enhancement of rates whatsoever will be allowed during the currency of the contract. Penalty will be charged in the event of damage or loss in connection with the work given to the agency.
14. APPLICABLE LAW: The contract shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws prevalent in India.
15. Pre-Bid Meeting will be conducted at HSCC head office on 16.11.2021 at 11:30 AM.
16. Disputes, if any, subjected to the jurisdiction of the courts in Delhi only.
Manager (F&A) HSCC (India) Ltd.
HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/21-22
Page 12 of 23 Form A
[NOTE: On the letterhead paper of the applicant including full postal address, telephone no. & E-mail etc.]
Date: ______________
To, Manager (F&A) HSCC (I) LTD. E-6(A), Sector-1, Noida (U.P.)-201301
1. Being duly authorised to represent and act on behalf of
……………………………………………………………. (Hereinafter referred to as “the Applicant”)
and having reviewed and fully understood all the pre-qualification information
provided, the undersigned hereby apply to be pre-qualified by yourselves as a bidder
for the “e-Tender for Bank Reconciliation work of HSCC (India) Ltd for the
period October 21 - September 2022”
Tender Number Client Name HSCC/e-Tender/Bank HSCC (I) LTD. Reconciliation/21-22 E-6(A), Sector-1, Noida (U.P.)-201301
2. Your agency and its authorized representatives are hereby authorized to conduct any
inquiries or investigations to verify the statements, documents and information
submitted in connection with this application, and to seek clarification from our
bankers and clients regarding any financial and technical aspects. This letter of
application will also serve as authorization or any individual or authorized
representative or any institution referred to in the supporting information, to provide
such information deemed necessary and requested by yourselves to verify
statements and information provided in this application, or with regard to the
resources, experience, and competence of the Applicant.
3. Your agency and its authorized representatives may contact the following persons for
further information:
General, Personnel, Technical and Financial Enquiries
Contact 1: Telephone 1:
Contact 2: Telephone 2:
4. This application is made in the full understanding that:
(a) Bids by pre-qualified applicants will be subject to verification of all information submitted for pre-qualification at the time of bidding
(b) Your agency reserves the right to:
HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/21-22
Page 13 of 23 - amend the scope and value of the contract / bid under this project; in such event, bids will only be called from pre-qualified bidders who meet the revised requirements; and
- reject or accept any application, cancel the pre-qualification process, and reject all applications without assigning reasons or incurring any liability thereof; and
(c) Your agency shall not be liable for any such actions and shall be under no obligation to inform the Applicant.
5. The undersigned declare that statements made and the information provided in the
duly completed application are, true and correct in every detail.
Sealed & Signed
For and on behalf of
HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/21-22
Page 14 of 23 Annexure-1 to Form-A
All individual firms applying for pre- qualification are requested to complete the information in this form. Information to be provided for all owners or APPLICANTS who are partnerships or individually-owned firms.
1. Name of firm
2 Head office address
3 | Contact Telephone
4 E-mail No.
5 Place of incorporation/ | Year of incorporation/ registration
Registration |
A Bank Name
B Bank Address and Telephone
c Branch Code
d Type of Account Saving /Current
e Bank Account Number
f IFSC Code of the Bank
Authorized Signatory of bidder
HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/21-22
Page 15 of 23 Form-B
S.No. DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH THE BID Mode of Page No. submission TECHNICAL PACKAGE - Part I In Original & Name of Document Copy Online In Original & 1. Form of Bid (Form A) with Annexure Copy Online
2. Non-refundable Demand Draft of Rs 2,000/- (Rs. Two thousand only) as cost of bid
TECHNICAL PACKAGE - Part II Mode of Page S.No. Name of Document submission No.
1. Checklist for the enclosed documents as per the format attached (Form B) Online 2. 3. Prequalification Documents (Form C) Online 4. CA/CMA firm should be based in Delhi / NCR Online 5. Year of incorporation should by 5 year old (Annexure-2 to Form C) Personnel Capabilities (Annexure-3 to Form C) Online S.No. Minimum number of partners should be 3 Minimum audit staff 10 numbers in the firm. Online To be uploaded complete Bid documents, as listed in Notice Inviting Bids i.e. Vol.- I (Terms & Condition of Contract) excluding the Price Schedule / FORM -D (Volume –II) but including all Mode of Page No. amendment(s)/addendum(s)/ Corrigendum(s) /Clarification(s) issued, if any. submission
* Online
Name of Document
1. Price Schedule (Form D)
The bidders are required to submit all above documents duly authenticated by digital signatures and online only. No hard copy of the documents is required to be submit except a) original non refundable Demand draft of Rs. 2000/- (Rs. Two Thousand only) as cost of bid b) Original Form of bid (Form-A) and general information (Annexure-1 to Form-A) to the, HSCC (India) Ltd., Plot no. E-6(A), Sector-1, Noida (U.P.) Pin-201301, before date and time fixed for opening of bid either by registered post or by hand failing which the bid will be declared non-responsive.
Authorized Signatory of bidder
HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/21-22
1. Name & address of the applicant
2. Telephone No.
3. Legal status of the applicant (attach copies of original document defining the legal
(a) A proprietor firm
(b) A firm in partnership
(c) A Limited Liability Partnership
4. Document for working experience in PSU
5. Name and Titles of Partners & Employees with designation to be concerned with this
6. Designation of individuals authorised to act for the organisation
7. Has the applicant ever been debarred / black listed for tendering in any organisation
at any time? If so, give details.
8. Has the applicant ever been convicted by a court of law? If so, give details.
9. Any other information considered necessary but not included above.
10. Following confirmation required from bidding CA/CMA firm:
a. 100% checking of all type of transaction etc. Yes
b. One Qualified CA/CMA (minimum 5 days a month) with a team of two senior assistant on regular basis. Yes
c. Submission of Report on monthly basis within 15 days from the end of each six
month. Yes
Authorized Signatory of bidder
HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/21-22
Page 17 of 23 Annexure-2 to Form-C
2. Year of incorporation should by 5 year old.
Please provide the address of Office at Delhi / NCR and enclose the relevant supporting.
COP No. & Date: ……………………………………….. (Please enclose the supporting)
Authorized Signatory of bidder
HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/21-22
Page 18 of 23 Annexure-3 to Form-C
4. MANPOWER DETAIL: a) Detail of Partners: Total........no of Partners
Sl. Name of Membership FCA/FCMA/ CISA/ Date of Joining Ref. Page no. No. the no. ACA/ACMA DISA the firm/LLP of Supporting Partner Membership Doc.
b) Details of Qualified Assistants
S.N Name of the Membership FCA/ACA/ Date of Ref. Page no. of
o. Qualified no./ Final FCMA/ACMA Joining the Supporting Doc.
Assistant Pass firm/LLP as (Membership
Certificate Qualified Cert./Final Pass
No./Mark Assistant Certificate/Mark
Sheet No. sheet etc.)
c ) Details of Semi Qualified Assistants
S.N Name of the Whether CA /CMA - Date of Joining the Ref. Page no. of
o. Assistant Intermediate firm/LLP as Semi Supporting
Qualified Assistant Articleship Doc. no
Authorized Signatory of bidder
HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/21-22
Page 19 of 23 Annexure-4 to Form-C
a) Details of Experience in PSUs in last five years ending on 31.03.2020
Sl. Name of the PSU category Year Of Type of Ref. Page no. of
No. Company/Unit (Maharatna/ Assignm Assignment Supporting
Navratna/ ent Documents
Miniratna/ (Award Letter,
other/state PSU) Experience
Certificate etc.)
Authorized Signatory of bidder
HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/21-22
Page 20 of 23 HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/21-22
Page 21 of 23 HSCC (INDIA) LTD
(A Subsidiary of NBCC (India) Limited)
(A Government of India Enterprises) E-6(A), Sector-1, Noida (U.P)-201301
“Bank Reconciliation work OF HSCC (INDIA) LTD For The Period October 2021- September 2022”
HSCC (INDIA) LTD. E-6(A), sector-1, NOIDA(U.P) 201301 (India)
Phone: 0120-2542436-40 Fax: 0120-2542447
Tender No: - HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/2021-22
HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/21-22
Page 22 of 23 Price Work “e-Tender for Bank Reconciliation of HSCC (India) Ltd for F.Y. 2021-22”
Name of Bidder
Item Description Amount (Rs.) No. 2 3
The tenderer shall quote rates in figures and in words under column 3
1 A) Monthly Fees for reconciliation of one Bank In Figure- account (all inclusive except GST) In Words-
B) Monthly fees for reconciliation of 193 Bank A*193 Accounts account ( all inclusive except GST) In figures Total Amount (in figures) = Fees quoted In A In words above * 193 Bank Account
Total Amount (in words)
Remarks - (A) In case of any discrepancy of amount in figure and amount in word then amount in word will prevail. (B) In case of any discrepancy of amount in figure & amount in word then calculation for 193 accounts rwill be made by taking rate of "A" in words.
Applicable GST will be payable extra. .
Signature & Seal of the Authorized Signatory
HSCC/e-Tender/Bank Reconciliation/21-22
Page 23 of 23