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« Tenders »
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 Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
 Raipur Smart City Ltd., Raipur (C.G.)
 Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority, Vijayawada, A.P.
 Odisha Power Generation Corporation Limited, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
 Corrigendum Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port, Kolkata, West Bengal
 Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited, Ranchi, Jharkhand
 Assam Health Infrastructure Development and Management Society, Guwahati, Assam
 Uttar Pradesh Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
 25 LPA Opening Auditor Fund Management
 Punjab National Bank, Gurugram, Haryana
 M.P. Water and Land Management Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

PEC Limited, Jhandewalan, New Delhi
November, 17th 2021

Tender for “Appointment of Consultant for preparation of Annual Financial
Statements on Non Going Basis for FY 2021-22”

Tender No.: PEC/F & A/2021-22/01/11-11-2021
Dated: 11/11/2021

Last date for submission: 22/11/2021

Published By
Shri Atul Taneja
JGM (Head of Finance)
New Delhi - 111088, India
Mob: +91-8130301229


Sealed Tenders are invited for the following Job/ services in PEC Limited.

Name of Job/Services: Appointment of Consultant for preparation of Annual
Financial Statements on Non Going Basis for FY 2021-22.

NIT No. : PEC/F & A/2021-22/01/11-11-2021 Dated: 11/11/2021

Last date and time for submission of Tender: 22-11-2021 at 03:00 pm
Date and Time of opening Bid: 22-11-2021 at 03:30 pm

Venue for opening of Tender: PEC LIMITED, 3TH FLOOR, F Block, FLATTED

The envelope containing Bid (in sealed envelope) shall be sent through registered post
DRDO MMTC, JHANDEWALAN, New Delhi - 111088, India


Appointment of Consultant for preparation of Annual Financial Statements on
Non Going Basis for FY 2021-22.


Sl. Particulars Page
No. 04
1 Letter Inviting Bid 05
2. Salient Features of Bidding Document 06-07
3. Scope of work 09
4. Pre-Qualifying Requirements (PQR) 09-11
5. General Terms and Conditions 11
6. Making and submission of bids 11
7. Bid validity

8. Bid opening

9. Evaluation of bids

11. Notification of award

11. Commencement of Work

12. Rejection of Work

13. Time Schedule and Terms of Payment

14. Forms A to G

Note: This tender document contains 17 numbers of pages.

1. Letter Inviting Bid

Subject: Appointment of Consultant for preparation of Annual Financial
Statements on Non Going Basis for FY 2021-22.

Dear Sirs,

PEC Limited, a premier public sector enterprise functioning under the aegis of the
Ministry of Commerce, Government of India is engaged in the field of international
trading of minerals, agro products, gold & bullion, Industrial Raw Material, fertilizers etc.

The financial statements are prepared at Head Office which is audited by statutory
auditors appointed by C&AG. The turnover of PEC Limited during FY 2020-21 is NIL.
The Consolidated Financial Statement is prepared as per requirement of Companies
Act 2013 and other applicable statutes.

The details of the company are available on website

PEC invites offers in Single part bid system for Appointment of Consultant for
preparation of Annual Financial Statements on Non Going Basis for FY 2021-22.
Bidders are requested to submit their offers as per the tender document. The last date
and time of submission of tender documents complete in all respects is 22/11/2021 at
03:00 pm.

2. Salient features of bidding document

Last date and time of submission of Bids 22-11-2021 at 03:00 PM

Mode of submission- Bid The envelope containing Bid (in sealed
Opening of bid
envelope) shall be sent through registered
post or courier at PEC LIMITED, 3TH



JHANDEWALAN, New Delhi - 111088, India.

22-11-2021 at 03:30 PM in
Presence of authorized representatives
of the participants

3. Scope of Work

1. To provide consultancy and accounting services as per the procedures & rules

described in companies Act 2013. Especially accounting policy for preparation of

accounts on non-going concern basis.

2. Changes required to be incorporated for preparation of final accounts as per the
companies Act and the guidelines of ICAI required to be followed.

3. Ensuring the day to day accounting transactions of payments, receipts, sales and
purchases, other miscellaneous expenses, analysis of Debtors and creditors and
reconciliation of the same along with scrutiny of Ledgers in Tally ERP environment.

4. Preparation, maintenance and updating of Fixed Assets Register as per the

Standard Accounting/Ind AS Bench marks.

5. To generate trial balance including, funds flow statement and final accounts

(profit and loss account, Balance Sheet and annual final accounts) along with

necessary schedules as required by the Internal Audit, Statutory Audit, Tax Audit

and as per Corporate Office Guidelines.

6. To suggest suitable methods and latest updating on mandatory requirements
with regards to Finance and Accounts and Taxation matters under various statutes
for smooth functioning of Finance and Accounts department.

4. Pre-Qualifying Requirements ( PQR)

The offer shall be considered only from Indian, Technically competent,
experienced and financially sound Accounting/Consulting firms or Companies who
meet the following pre-qualification requirements.

SI. Parameter/Criteria/ Requirement and Documents required


1. The Bidder should have been registered in India and should have

minimum 05 years of existence in the field of accounting either

individually or together with networked firms / affiliates (Form F).

2. The bidder should have at least Three qualified professionals CA out of

which one should be FCA. The firm/LLP should have experience of

preparation or audit of non- going organisation (Form D).

3. The bidder should have requisite infrastructure and manpower for

undertaking the job. The bidder should have an office in Delhi / NCR.

Address of offices along with the name, address and contact number of

official to be given as Performa given in Proposal Forms C & F.

4. The bidding entity / any partner / Director of the entity should not have

been convicted in any disciplinary proceedings / criminal case by

regulatory authority (ies) / court in connection with professional work.

Bidder should not be on negative list / black listed by any PSU or Govt.


Bidder to submit an undertaking in this respect as per relevant form

given in Proposal Form E.

5. General terms and conditions

a) Bidder shall, as part of their bid, submit a written Authorization Letter as per
specified Form in tender from Partner/Director of Bidding firm/ consulting
company if the signatory is other than Partner/Director.

b) Bidder shall not be under liquidation, court receivership or similar

c) Bidding documents shall at all times remain the exclusive property of the PEC.

d) Bidder may note that Bid shall be submitted on the basis of “ZERO
DEVIATION” and shall be in full compliance to the requirements of Bidding
Document, failing which bid shall be considered as nonresponsive and may
be liable for rejection.

e) PEC shall not be responsible for any expenses incurred by bidders in
connection with the preparation and delivery of their bids, site visit,
participating in the discussion and other expenses incurred during the bidding

f) PEC reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid and to annul the Bidding
process and reject all Bids at any time prior to award of contract without
assigning any reason whatsoever, without thereby incurring any liability to the
affected Bidder or Bidders or without any obligation to inform the affected
Bidder or Bidders of the grounds or the reasons for the said action.

g) Canvassing in any form by the bidder or by any other agency on their behalf
may lead to disqualification of their bid.

h) In case any bidder is found to be involved in cartel formation, his bid will not
be considered for evaluation / placement of order. Such Bidder will be
debarred from bidding in future.

i) The bidder shall not sublet, transfer or assign the contract or any part thereof
to any other person / firm / consulting company /organization.

j) The Bidder shall quote in Indian Rupees (INR).

k) The Bidder is expected to examine the Bidding Document, including all
instructions, forms, terms and specifications in the Bidding Document. Failure
to furnish all information required as per the Bidding Document may result in
the rejection of the Bid.

l) Clarification, if any, in respect of this tender can be obtained from Mr Vinod

Kumar through Telephone: E- mail:

The responses to Bidder’s queries/clarifications raised will be furnished as

expeditiously as possible. Any modification of the Bidding Document, which

may become necessary as a result of the Bidders query, shall be uploaded in

the above mentioned websites through the issue of an Addendum/


6. Making and submission of bids

All documents of the bid shall be signed by the Partner/ Director/ Authorised
Person having valid authorization letter at the time of bid submission. Any
consequences resulting due to such signing shall be binding on the Bidder.

I. Bid shall be submitted in physical/registered post modeonly. The envelope
containing the Bid shall be super scribed with Tender for “Appointment of
Consultant for preparationof Annual Financial Statements on Non Going
Basis for FY 2021-22” PEC LIMITED, 3TH FLOOR, F Block, FLATTED

II. Bid documents containing the following must be bound, indexed, completely
page numbered and arranged in the order:

III. Covering letter of Bid on Bidder’s letter head as per Form B.

IV. Index of the Bidding Document and subsequent Amendments / Addendums to
the Bidding Document duly signed and stamped by the Bidder in token of having
received and read all parts of the Bidding Document having accepted and
considered the same in preparing and submitting the Bid.

V. Authorization Letter, wherever applicable, in favour of signatory (ies) of the bid
as per Form A.

VI. Documents / information relating to relevant qualification of professionals to be
submitted as per Form D.

VII. Declaration & compliance to Bid requirement as per Form-E.

VIII. Bidders General Information as per Form-F. In case Bidder is a partnership firm,
certified copy of the partnership deed/Registration Certificate. In case of
consulting company (whether private or public), certified copy of the `Certificate
of Incorporation' together with certified Memorandum/ Articles of Association.

IX. Bidder’s Bank Account details as per Form-F.

X. Any other information required in the Bidding Documents or considered relevant
by the bidder.

XI. All documents furnished by the Bidder as per the requirement of Technical Bid
Evaluation Criteria shall be signed and stamped by the bidder or authorized
signatory of bidder.

XII. For any further assistance on tender bidding process, bidders may contact Mr.
Ram Kumar Prasad, E-mail Id :

XIII. No stipulation, deviation, terms & conditions, presumption, basis etc. shall be
stipulated in the bid. Any conditions, if stipulated, shall be treated as null and
void and shall render the bid liable for rejection.

XIV. Unless stated otherwise in the Bidding Documents, the Contract shall be for the
total works as described in Bidding Document.

XV. Bidder shall quote the lump sum price after careful analysis of cost involved for
the performance of the complete work considering all parts of the Bidding

XVI. The quoted Price shall be deemed to be all inclusive except applicable GST till
the completion of the work. It is clearly understood that PEC will not have any
additional liability towards payment of any Taxes & Duties.Except applicable
GSTliveable on total quoted price.

XVII. Alternative bids shall not be considered.

XVIII. Prices quoted by the Bidder, shall remain firm and fixed and valid until
completion of the Contract and will not be subject to variation on any account.

XIX. Price shall be quoted in figures as well as in words as per Form G. If some
discrepancies are found between the price given in words and figures, the price
quoted in words shall be taken as correct.

7. Bid Validity

a Bid submitted by Bidder shall remain valid for a minimum period of onemonth
from the date of opening of Bid. Bidders shall not be entitled during the said
period of onemonth, without the consent in writing of the PEC, to revoke or
cancel their Bid or to vary the Bid given or any term thereof.

b PEC may solicit the Bidders consent to an extension of the period of validity
of bid. The request and the responses there to shall be made in writing.
However, Bidders agreeing to the request for extension of validity of bid will
not be permitted to modify the bid.

8. Bid opening

a) PEC will open the bids in the presence of Bidders’ designated
representatives at date & time as stipulated in “Salient features of Bidding
Document”. The Bidder’s representatives who are present shall sign bid-
opening statement evidencing their attendance.

b) Bidder’s names and any other such details as PEC may consider
appropriate will be announced by PEC.

c) During bid opening total price as quoted by the bidders shall be read out.

9. Evaluation of bids

a The PEC will determine whether each of the bids conforms to the terms,
conditions and specification of the Bidding Documents without material
deviation and is complete with regard to submission of required
documents. A material deviation is one which affects in any substantial
way the scope, quality or performance of the works, or which limits in any
substantial way, inconsistent with the Bidding Document, the PEC’s rights
or the

Bidder’s obligations as envisaged in the Bidding Document, and the
rectification of which deviation or reservation would affect unfairly the
competitive position of other Bidders presenting substantially responsive

b No stipulation, deviation, terms & conditions, presumption, basis etc. shall
be stipulated in the bid. Any conditions, if stipulated, shall be treated as
null and void and may render the bid liable for rejection.

c PEC, if necessary, will obtain clarifications on the Bid by requesting for
such information / clarifications from any or all Bidders, either in writing or
through personal contact. All responses shall be in writing, and no change
in the price or substance of the bid shall be permitted unless specifically
sought by PEC.

d PEC reserve the right to assess Bidder’s capability and capacity to
execute the work using in-house information including taking into account
other aspects such as concurrent commitments, past performance etc.

e Lowest Overall Evaluation will be done on the basis of total quoted price
including item at Sl. No. 1 ofSchedule of Rates as per Form ‘G’ among the
eligible firms.

f Bidder quoting overall lowest as at (e) above and adhering to tender

stipulations in an unqualified manner shall be recognized as L-1.

11. Notification of award

a) PEC will issue the Letter of Award (LOA) to the successful Bidder and
communicate the same through Courier/Fax/email as per details given by

b) Acceptance of LOA must be submitted within 3 (Three) days from the
date of LOA.

c) If the acceptance of LOA is not received during this period, the LOA will
stand be rejected and awarded to the next successful bidders.

12. Commencement of Work:

Commencement of work shall start within 5 (Five) days of acceptance of

13. Rejection of Award:

If any condition stipulated in the tender document is violated or performance of
Firm/LLP is found unsatisfactory, PEC reserves the right without any legal
obligation to cancel the award at any time during the period, and any charges not
will be paid.

13. Time Schedule and Terms of Payment

SI. NO. Scope of Work as per Para 3 Terms of Payment (% of price

(Part A) quoted at SI. No. 1 of Schedule

of rates in Form ‘E’

Preparation of detailed road 70%.

map for completion of

1. preparation of annual financial

statement to be submitted

within 30 days from the date of


Post assistance on submitting

the annual financial statement

3. to statutory auditor and 30%

adoption of accounts in BM for

FY 2021-22.

Note: While making the payments any applicable statutory deductions will

be made by PEC.

Letter of Authorization


PEC Limited

SUBJECT: Appointment of Consultant for preparation of Annual Financial
Statements on Non Going Basis for FY 2021-22

Dear Sir,

We _____________________________________ hereby authorize following

representative(s) to sign all bid documents / attend bid opening against your Bidding

NIT No. : PEC/F & A/2021-22/01/11-11-2021 Dated: 11/11/2021

Name & Designation _______________________ Signature_________________

We confirm that we shall be bound by all commitments made by aforementioned
authorized representatives.

Yours faithfully,

Name & Designation
For and on behalf of
This letter of authority should be on the letterhead of the bidder and should be signed
by a person competent and having the power of attorney to bind the bidder.
Not more than one person is permitted to attend bid opening.
Bidder’s authorized executive is required to carry this authority letter while attending the
bid opening and submit the same to PEC. Representative should carry their id proof.

Covering letter for submission of offers
Our Ref: _______________________ Dated _______________________

SUBJECT:Appointment of Consultant for preparation of Annual Financial
Statements on Non Going Basis for FY 2021-22
Dear Sir,
Please find herewith our offer in line with requirement of PEC Bidding document.
We confirm that:
Offer is in complete compliance with technical as well as commercial requirements of
Bidding Document and there is no technical or commercial deviation in the offer.
We understand that any technical or commercial deviation in the offer shall render our
offer liable for rejection.
Our offer shall remain valid for a period of 2 (Two) Months from the date of opening of
We declare that the statement made and the information provided in our offer is true
and correct in all respect. In case, it is found that the information/ documents provided
by us are incorrect/ false, our application shall be rejected by PEC without any
reference to us.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,

(Signature of Authorized person)
Full Name:
Bidder’s official Seal

Form C

Relevant experience of Consultant.

S. Name of the Location Of Scope of Project Turnover of
Period client
No. client client Work (Rs crore)


Bidder to submit copies of the work orders & completion certificate from client for the
referred assignments

Form D
Details of Qualified Professionals of the firm

Sl. Name & Qualification Total No. of Relevant Experience
No. Designation years of

1 Bidders are required to furnish the complete and correct information required for

evaluation of their bids. If any information furnished is found to be
false/misleading/incomplete, the same shall be considered as adequate ground
for rejection of the bids.
2 Bidders are required to furnish only those credentials in the above prescribed
format for which documentary evidence is available with them. PEC reserves the
right to seek additional information or ask for supporting documents from Bidders
for verifying/evaluating their credentials whenever required.

Form E


We hereby confirmed that all the documents submitted in this tender are authentic,
genuine, copies of their originals and have been issued by the issuing authority
mentioned above and no part of the document(s) / information is false, forged or

We hereby confirm that our Bid complies with the total technical-commercial
requirements/ terms and conditions of the Bidding Document and subsequent
addendum/corrigendum (if any), issued by PEC, without any deviation/ exception/
comments/ assumptions.

We also confirm that we have quoted the prices without any condition and deviation.

We further confirm that terms and conditions if any, mentioned in our bid shall not be
recognized and shall be treated as null and void.

We hereby confirm that we are not under any 'liquidation', any 'court receivership' or
similar proceedings and 'bankruptcy'.

We hereby confirm that any partner / Director of the entity have not been convicted in
any disciplinary proceedings / criminal case by regulatory authority (ies) / court in
connection with professional work.

We further confirm that, we have not been in negative list / blacklisted by any Public
Sector Undertaking / Government Organization / PEC Limited.

We also confirm that the contents of this Tender have not been modified or altered by
us. We agree that if any noticed in future, our Bid may be rejected / terminated.

We hereby confirm that we have gone through and understood the Bidding Document
and that our Bid has been prepared accordingly in compliance with the requirement
stipulated in the said documents.

We are submitting Master Index of Bidding Document as part of our Bid duly signed and
stamped on each page in token of our acceptance. We undertake that Bidding
Document shall be deemed to form part of our bid and in the event of award of work to
us, the same shall be considered for constitution of Agreement. Further, we shall sign
and stamp each page of the Bidding Document as a token of Acceptance and as a part
of the Contract in the event of award of Contract to us.

We confirm that rate quoted by us includes price for all services as mentioned in the
Bidding Document.

Stamp and signature of bidder: __________________________

Name of bidder: __________________________
NOTE: To be stamped and signed by the authorized signatory on letterhead of bidder.

Bidder’s general information
1. Bidder Name:
2. Date of registration / incorporation and number of years of operation:
3. Address of registered office:
4. Address of Local Office In Delhi / NCR:
5Telephone No.
6E-mail address
8Fax number

9.ICAI firm registration number and/or CIN No. of consulting company/ ISO registration

11. GSTregistration number
11. Permanent Account Number

12. Stamp and signature of bidder:
Name of authorized person: ____________________________
Note: The self-attested copies of documents at Sl. No. 2, 9, 11 and 11 to be attached.

Form G
Schedule of rates
Name of Job/ services: Appointment of Consultant for preparation of Annual
Financial Statements on Non Going Basis for FY 2021-22.
Name of Organization: PEC Limited, New Delhi
TENDER NO.:NIT No. : PEC/F & A/2021-22/01/11-11-2021 Dated:11/11/2021
Name of Bidder:

Sl. No. Description of Work Unit Amount
Lump Sum (In Rs.)
Total Rs.
1. Lump sum price for job given

of Para 3 ‘Scope of Work’

Total Rs. in words:

Note : The above rates shall be exclusive of GST only


PEC Management reserves the right to accept or reject any/and or all the bids
submitted by the bidders, without assigning any reason, whatsoever.


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