The Reserve Bank of India today released quarterly House Price Index (HPI) on its website through the Database of Indian Economy (, RealSector> Prices&Wages> Quarterly for All India and ten major cities, viz., Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Lucknow, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Kanpur and Kochi for H1:2015-16. Based on the updated data received from Mumbai registration office, HPI of Mumbai City has been updated since Q3:2013-14. Accordingly the HPI-All India series are also updated.
HPI-All India1 (base 2010:11=100) increased to 219.5 in Q2:2015-16 from 215.3 in Q1:2015-16 mainly due to increase in HPI of Delhi, Ahmedabad and Chennai. HPI of Kolkata, Kochi and Bengaluru decreased in Q2:15-16 from the previous quarter.
Year-on-Year growth for HPI-All India further declined to 13.7 per cent in Q2:2015-16 (14.5 per cent in Q1:2015-16 and 17.5 per cent in Q4:2014-15) mainly due to decline of y-o-y growth of HPI of Kolkata, Jaipur and Lucknow.
Year-on-year growth of HPI in Q2:15-16 was maximum for Delhi (21.9 per cent); whereas, minimum year-on-year growth was in Kochi (-7.2 per cent).
Sequentially (Q-o-Q), HPI for Kanpur witnessed highest growth (110.4 in Q2:15-16, 5.51 per cent increase over Q1:15-16) whereas, Kolkata witnessed maximum fall in HPI (224.1 in Q2:2015-16, -3.13 per cent decrease over the previous quarter).
Sangeeta Das Director
Press Release : 2015-2016/1450
1Compiled in the Department of Statistics and Information Management, Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai. For methodology of compilation of HPI along with its limitations of usability please refer to the article “House Price Index: 2010-11 to 2013-14” ( in RBI Bulletin October 2014.