Ref: NCL/SGR/IAD/Misc Audit/18-19/362 Dated: 26.12.2018
Sub: -Notice Inviting Expression of Interest (EOI) for Empanelment of Chartered Accountant/Cost
Accountant Partnership /LLP/Proprietorship Firms for conducting Miscellaneous Audit in Northern
Coalfields Limited for 2018-19.
HOD(Internal Audit), NCL invites Expression of Interest (EOI) from Partnership
/LLP/Proprietorship Firms for conducting Miscellaneous Audit in NCL for the FY2018-19.
(A)Those Audit firms who have conducted the assignment of Audit[ Internal Audit/Cost
Audit/Statutory Audit/Miscellaneous Audit] for last three consecutive years (FY2015-16 to FY17-
18) in NCL, will not be given appointment for next two years due to cooling off of these firms.
Also those audit firms who are in cooling off in NCL for the FY2017-18 and FY2018-19 will not
be considered for empanelment.
(B) Audit firms appointed for Internal Audit, Statutory Audit and Cost Audit at CIL and its
Subsidiaries for the FY2018-19 or part thereof will not be considered for empanelment.
(C) Expression of Interest (EOI) of Audit firms, who had previously refused to conduct Audit of
NCL during FY2015-16 to FY 2017-18, will not be considered.
Details/information along with the documentary evidence to be submitted with EOI are given
(1) Years of Establishment of the Partnership /LLP/Proprietorship Firm since the date of Registration.
(2) (i)Details of full time partners in the firm as on 01.01.2018 and continuing thereafter/ full time
qualified persons, having more than 5 years experience in practice in the Audit Firm as on
01.01.2018 and continuing thereafter.
(ii)Details of full time partners having DISA/CISA, who are in the firm as on 01.01.2018 and
continuing thereafter/ full time qualified persons having more than 5years experience in practice in
the firm having DISA/CISA who is in the firm as on 01.01.2018 and continuing thereafter.
3) Details of full time qualified Assistants who are an ACA/ACMA/FCA/FCMA and is having
experience of 5 years or less and is working with the firm as on 01.01.2018 and continuing thereafter.
4) Details of full time semi-qualified Assistants (Inter Cost/Inter Chartered PCC-both group) and who
are working full time with the firm as on 01.01.2018 and continuing thereafter.
5) (i)Year wise experience of the firm in conducting Statutory/Internal Audit/Perpetual Inventory
audit/Coal Sale or Road Sale audit/physical verification of stores &spares and /or fixed assets during
last Ten years:-
(a) PSU/Govt Companies.
(b) Other large companies having annual turnover of at least Rs100crores during the last ten years.
(ii) Year wise experience of the firm in conducting Statutory/Internal Audit in Scheduled
Bank during last Ten years.
6)If the audit firm is having Regd./Branch office ( as on 01.01.2018 and continuing thereafter )within
the state, in which company headquarter is situated or having its mining operation a declaration in this
regard, is to be given.
7)Attach photocopies of all relevant certificates/documents such as(i) qualification certificates,
membership certificates, professional qualification viz CISA/DISA,COP in respect of full time partner
& full time qualified persons.(ii)photocopies of membership certificate. COP in respect of full time
qualified assistants.(iii)photocopies of relevant certificate or marks sheet in respect of semi-qualified
8)Attach copies of appointment letters for the last ten years with name of the audit firm, letter no and
date, signature of appointing authority and the job allotted for 5(i)(a) &5(ii) above and photocopies of
appointment letters with name of the audit firm, letter no and date, signature of appointing authority
and the job allotted with statement of accounts for the last ten years for 5((i)(b) above.
9) Latest Firm Registration/Constitution certificate not before the date of publication of notice
inviting expression of interest(EOI) issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
(ICAI)/the Institute of Cost Accountants of India(ICAI) must be enclosed ,otherwise the EOI of the
Partnership /LLP/Proprietorship firm may not be considered.
10) A certificate confirming that the details/information furnished with the Expression of Interest (EOI)
is true and correct.
11) All the documents including the application format should be signed & stamped by the managing
partner of the firm along with the application/expression of interest.
12) All the pages of the expression of interest (EOI) should be numbered and binded together like a
The willing Partnership Audit/LLP/Proprietorship firms may send their Expression of Interest(EOI)
along with above documentary evidence in the sealed envelope super scribed "Expression of
Interest (EOI) for Empanelment for Miscellaneous Audit in NCL for FY2018-19" through
Registered /Speed post postal service or courier service only, so as to reach HOD (Internal Audit),
Northern Coalfields Limited, P.O.-Singrauli Colliery, Dist.-Singrauli (MP), Pin: 486889 latest by
25thJanuary,2019 at 4pm. Any Postal/Courier delay will not be the responsibility of NCL. Further
details are available in NCL website: http:// and Further, all
corrigenda, addenda, time/due date extension etc if any to expression of interest (EOI) will be
hosted/notified on the above websites and will not be published in the newspapers. The firms are
requested to visit regularly above websites to keep themselves updated.
Sl Particulars Details
1 Name of the Firm with Registration no
Registration no and date of registration of the firm
2 Registered office address and date of establishment
3 Brach office address and date of establishment
4 Contact no of the partner
5 Fax number
6 Email id and website
7 Name, membership no and date of joining of existing partner with the Firm
having the longest association.
Ref:Selection criteria:Sl no 1
8 Name, Number and membership no of the full time partners in the firm as on
01.01.2018 and continuing thereafter/ full time qualified persons having more
than 5 years experience in practice in the firm whether ACA/ACMA/FCA/FCMA
as on 01.01.2018 & continuing thereafter. Ref:Selection Criteria:sl no 2(A)(i)
9 Name,Number and Membership no of the full time partners having DISA/CISA
who is in the firm as on 01.01.2018 and continuing thereafter/ full time qualified
persons having DISA/CISA having more than 5 years experience in practice in the
firm as on 01.01.2018 & continuing thereafter.
Ref:Selection Criteria:sl no 2(A)(ii)
10 Name, Membership no and joining date of the full time partners who is in the
firm as on 01.01.2018 and continuing thereafter/full time qualified persons with
more than 5 years experience in practise with the same firm who is in the firm as
on 01.01.2018 and continuing thereafter.
Ref:Selection Criteria: sl no 2(B)
11 Name,Number,Membership no and joining date of the full time qualified
assistants who is an ACA/ACMA/FCA/FCMA having experience of 5 years or
less and is working with the firm as on 01.01.2018 and continuing thereafter.
Ref:Selection Criteria:sl no 3
12 Name,Number and date of joining of full time semi-qualified assistants (Inter
Cost/Inter Chartered-IPCC-both group) & is working full time with the firm as
on 01.01.2018 and continuing thereafter.
Ref:Selection Criteria:sl no 4
13 (a)Year wise experience of the firm in conducting Statutory/Internal
Audit/Perpetual Inventory audit/Coal Sale or Road Sale audit/physica
verification of stores &spares and /or fixed assets during the last 10(ten) years:
i)Name of PSU/Govt Companies
ii)Other companies having annual turnover at least Rs100crores during the last
ten years.
(b)Year wise experience of the firm in conducting Statutory/Internal Audit in
Scheduled Bank during the last 10(ten) years.
Ref:Selection Criteria:sl no 5
Date Signature with seal
Membership No.
Name of the Managing Partner
Place: Name of the Firm, Firm Registration No
Selection criteria for engaging Auditor for Miscellaneous Audit in Northern Coalfields Limited for FY2018-19
1 Experience of the Firm: 1.5 mark per year (fraction of the 15
Shall be reckoned from the date of joining of an existing year to be ignored)
partner with the Firm and having the longest association
with the firm as on 01.01.2018 and
continuing thereafter.
2(A)(i) Number of full time partners in the firm as on 01.01.2018 3 marks for each partner/person 25
and continuing thereafter/ full time qualified persons having who is ACA/ACMA.
more than 5 years' experience in practice in the 4 marks for each partner/person
firm/Limited Liability Partnership who is in the firm as on who is FCA/FCMA.
01.01.2018 and continuing thereafter.
2(A)(ii) Number of full time partners having DISA/CISA who is in 2 marks for each partner/person 5
the firm as on 01.01.2018 and continuing thereafter/ full having DISA/CISA
time qualified person having more than 5 years' experience
in practice in the firm/ Limited Liability Partnership having
DISA/CISA who is in the firm as on 01.01.2018 and
continuing thereafter.
2(B) Association of the full time Partner who is in the firm as on 4 marks for each partner/person 10
01.01.2018 and continuing thereafter / full time qualified above 20 years.
person with more than 5 years' experience in practice with
the same firm who is in the firm as on 01.01.2018 and 3 marks for each partner /person
continuing thereafter. above 15 years.
2 marks for each partner/person
above 10 years.
1 mark for each partner/person
below 10 Years but above 5 Years.
(fraction of the year to be ignored)
3. Number of full time qualified assistants who is an 1.5 marks for every qualified 10
ACA/ACMA/FCA/FCMA having experience of 5 years or less assistant
and is working with the firm as on 01.01.2018 and
continuing thereafter.
4 Number of full time semi-qualified assistants (Inter Cost/ 0.75 mark per semi-qualified 5
Inter Chartered - IPCC - both group) & is working full time assistant
with the firm as on 01.01.2018 and continuing thereafter.
5 (a)Experience of the firm during the last ten years in 2 marks per year of audit. 20
conducting (i)Statutory/InternalAudit/perpetual inventory
audit/coal sale or road sale audit/physical verification of
stores and spares and /or fixed assets in PSU/Govt.
(ii)Statutory/InternalAudit/perpetual inventory audit/coal
sale or road sale audit/physical verification of stores and
spares and /or fixed assets in large companies with annual
turnover of at leastRs. 100 crore during the last 10 years.
(b)Experience of the firm during the last ten years in
conducting statutory/internal audit in scheduled banks.
6(A) Audit firms having Registered Office / Branch Office within
the state as on 01.01.2018 and continuing thereafter, in
which headquarter of Northern Coalfields Limited situated
or having its mining operation.
1. In case of tie in the marks scored, firm having seniority w.r.t. "Experience of the Firm" (As per SI. No. 1
of Selection criteria.), will be preferred.
2. Documentary evidences are to be enclosed with the expression of interest (EOI) like the copy of Latest
Firm Registration/Constitution certificate not before the date of publication of notice inviting
expression of interest (EOI) issued by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI)/The
Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICAI). Photocopies of membership certificates, COP and
professional qualification Certificates viz DISA/CISA etc in respect of Partners/qualified persons,
Photocopies of membership certificates, COP in respect of Qualified Assistants. Details of semi-
qualified assistants with photocopies of marksheets/certificates in support of Inter Cost/Inter
Chartered-IPCC-both groups.
3. Attach declarations in respect of sl no 2(A)(i),2(A)(ii),2(B),3 & 4 of the Selection Criteria stating therein
that they are in the firm as on 01.01.2018 and continuing thereafter.
4. Attach Photocopies of appointment letters of the last ten years containing name of the audit firm with
letter no & date and signature of appointing authority and the job allotted with the EOI in respect of
PSU/Govt Companies/Scheduled Bank with the EOI.
5. Attach the photocopies of appointment letters of last ten years with name of the audit firm with letter
no & date and signature of appointing authority and the job alloted with Statement of accounts in
respect of other large companies having annual turnover of atleast Rs. 100 crores during the last ten
years with the EOI.
6. The registered/branch office mentioned in the Latest Firm Registration/Constitution certificate issued
by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India(ICAI)/The Institute of Cost Accountants of
India(ICAI) will only be considered.
7. If the audit firm is having registered/branch offices , as on 01.01.2018 and continuing thereafter
within the state,in which headquarters of Northern Coalfields Limited is situated or having its mining
operation,a declaration in this regard is to be given.
8. No marks will be given for the audit experience for the FY2018-19.
9. Panel will be prepared based on the highest marks to lowest marks, however, in case of tie among the
firm scoring same marks, then priority will be given to the experience of the firm(as per sl no 1 of
Selection Criteria).
1 0. Mi s ce ll an e o us A u d it , as st at e d a b ov e, c o nsi st s of :
i. Ro a d S al e A u dit
ii. Ph ys ic al V er if i c at i on of St or e s a n d S p ar e s.
iii. Ph ys ic al V er if i c at i on of Fi x e d As s e t s an d it s R e c on cil iat i on.
Th e f ir m s e c ur in g t he hig he st m ar ks a s p er t h e e m pa ne lm ent / s el ect i on cr it er i a
an d a s r e c om m en d e d b y Ev al u at i o n C o mm it t e e, wil l b e al l o t t e d w it h t h e R o a d S al e
A u dit . A ll ot me nt of t he a u dit sh all b e d o ne on t he b a si s of t h e v al u e of t h e w or k.
Af t er all ot m ent of R o a d Sa le a u d it , b al a nc e f ir m s wil l b e al l ot t e d a u dit of P hy si ca l
Ver if i cat i on of St or e s a n d S par e s a n d P hys ic al V er if i cat i on of F i xe d A s se t s a n d it s
Re c on cil iat i on, on t h e ba si s of mer it li st / mar k s se c ur e d .
I n is p er t in ent t o not e t h at i n r e s p ec t of t h e all ot m ent of a u dit of R o a d S al e ,
Ph ys ic al V er if i c at i on of St or e s an d S par es & Phy si c al Ver if i cat i on of Fi x e d A ss e t s
an d it s R ec o nc ili at i o n, on e f ir m c an b e a l lot t e d/ giv e n a c om b i nat i o n of t w o or m or e
a u dit s of P hy si ca l V er if i c at i on of St or es an d S par e s an d/ or P hys ic al V er if ic at i o n of
Fi x e d A s set s & it s Re c on cil iat i on de p e nd ing u p on t h e r e q uir e me nt / q u ant u m of
Ro a d S al e Di s p at c h an d L iv e C ar ds / N um b er of Car d s/ Fi x e d A ss et s.
Scope of Work (Physical verification of Stores & Spares).
i) The Physical verification shall be done at Central/Regional Stores as well as
Site/Colliery stores including diesel & Lubricants depot.
ii) Audited Physical balances statement on 1st Jan'2019, if any, shall be taken as
opening balance.
iii) Checking and verification of Physical balance as on the day of verification, which
includes counting/measuring/weighing etc.
iv) Tracking the receipt and issue of the material between the intervening period with
reference to cardex/bin card/stores ledger along with necessary adjustment to arrive
at the derived physical balance as on 1st January' 2019.
v) Item wise discrepancies if any, between book balance as on 01st January'2019 and
derived Physical balance as on 01st January'2019 to be submitted to the Depot
Officer for verification and acceptance.
vi) List of Stores and Spares for which no D.T.R./D.R.R. has been prepared as on the
date of physical verification is to be submitted separately with reasons thereof.
vii) Whether action taken by the management against the discrepancies observed in the
physical verification report of last year is to be reported by the auditor.
viii) Statement of Physically verified obsolete/non moving stores and spares beyond three
years and five years, if any, to be reported separately along with last date of
ix) Whether the records maintained in respect of scrap material are satisfactory and
complete is to be reported.
x) To report the status of recovery of store materials issued on loan, if any, to the
employees and contractors.
xi) Statement of insurance claims lodged with insurance company for shortage/damaged
materials received in store should be submitted.
xii) The auditor has to report whether the materials lying in the stores have been properly
stored to avoid damage and pilferage.
II) Scope of Work: Physical verification & reconciliation of Assets.
(A) Physical verification of fixed assets shall include:
i) Assets appearing in Assets register
ii) Assets received from other projects/Co. not entered in Asset Register,
if any.
iii) Assets under commissioning/erection.
iv) Assets in Stores.
v) Assets/ Surveyed-off equipments not yet disposed off,
(B) Reconciliation
i) To reconcile physically verified all assets with records in Assets Register/Plant
Cards maintained by the Accounts Office of the Project.
ii) To prepare separate lists of (i) Assets entered in the Assets Register and physically
available, (ii) Assets physically available but not appearing in the Assets Register
and (iii) Assets appearing in the Assets Register but not physically available (iv)
Assets in Stores and (v) Assets under erection/commissioning.
iii) To reconcile P&Ms in Stores, under erection and under inter-area and inter-company
transfer with Store records, job cards and accounts maintained by the Area Accounts
Office, as the case may be.
Scope of Road Sales Audit:-
1)Whether the despatches to the cash sale parties have been made as per authorised delivery orders
(D.O)/Allotment orders (A.O) from the authorised officials? If not, what is the lacuna?
2) i) Whether despatches to the cash sale parties have been allowed only against receipt of
payments in advance for the entire quantity under delivery. Deviation in above, if any,
noticed on examination,should be reported giving relevant details with reasons as ascertained
in the course of audit scrutiny.
ii) Whether correct amount has been deposited and a cash receipt has duly been issued
after confirmation of the credit from the Bank for the amount of A.O./D.O. before issue of
iii) Whether all receipts have properly been accounted for.
3) Whether all the CST forms required from the outstation customers to whom concessional
CST were charged in the invoices have been received. Deviation, if any, and reason for the
same to be indicated in the Report.
4) i) Whether valuation of the A.O./D.O. is correct?
ii) Whether A.O./D.O. quantity is within the limit of sanctioned quantity?
iii) Whether grade and colliery as mentioned in A.O./D.O. is within the scope of RRO?
iv) Whether there is validity of A.O. before issue of D.O.?
5) Whether lifting of coal has been made within the validity period of A.O./D.O.?
6) Whether all the despatches have been properly entered into in the Despatch Register
immediately and serially?
7) i) Whether the despatches have been properly billed ?
ii) Whether billing has been made within next 24 hours from the receipt of the despatched
documents. Deviation, if any, in above is noticed, and reasons for the same to be indicated
in the Report.
iii) Whether the bills so raised are timely forwarded to the concerned parties?
iv)Whether proper reconciliation is being made between A.O./D.O. quantity and despatch
quantity? Also Bill Register/Bill is being reconciled with the lifted quantity of D.O.
8) Whether refunds are made after observing all formalities?
9) Whether Reconciliation of despatches (party wise & D.O. wise) with bill during 2018-19
has been done?
10) Whether all despatch invoices are reconciled regularly at monthly intervals with reference to
the corresponding entries in the despatch register, in order to be certain that all despatches
have been invoiced.
11) i) Whether the Sundry Debtor Ledger/Advance Deposit from Customer's Ledger is up-to-
date along with all details of bills?
ii) Checking of Sundry Debtor/Advance Deposit from Customer's Ledger balance in
Accounts as on 31.03.2019 and details thereof as per Sundry Debtors Schedule and the
12) Checking of A.O./D.O. register maintained in Area.
13) Checking of lifting of coal/dispatch register in Colliery, Weigh Bridge etc.
14) Whether grade and colliery diversions have got proper authorization?
NOTE : The above points are illustrative but not exhaustive.
Audit Team
1 A practicing Chartered Accountant or Cost Accountant or a firm of Chartered Accountants /
Cost Accountants registered with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India / Institute
of Cost Accountants of India, appointed to conduct Audit should depute audit team in the
HQ/ Area/Units.
2 The Audit Team should consist of one qualified CA/CMA and three Inter CA (IPCC) / Inter
CMA semi qualified assistants.
3 Normally the composition of audit team should not be changed. However, under certain
circumstances beyond control of the Audit Firm, if the same needs to be changed in any
manner, it may be done under intimation to GM/HOD (Internal Audit) of the concerned
Company (subject to verification of credentials of the new incumbent to be sent alongwith
the intimation with photo proof of qualification, PAN card, Aadhar card and a brief profile).
The audit team members should carry Photo ID issued by the Audit Firm, PAN Card,
Aadhar Card and other credentials.
4 .The Partner of the firm or a senior Chartered Accountant / Cost Accountant with minimum
5 years post qualification experience should visit at the start of the work and also at the time
of finalizing the audit report.
5. The audit team will conduct the audit as per Manual, rules and regulations, guidelines,
instructions, delegation of power etc and in consultation with concerned officials at
6. The audit firms shall submit their reports both in soft and hard copy to CGM/GM/ In-charge
of the Area/Unit/Project and in case of Head Quarter to GM (Stores),NCL and
GM(MM),NCL.The audit firms are required to submit the copy of audit report (both in soft and
hard copy) of the project/unit/HQ to Chief of internal audit & GM(Finance) of the company
and also to Depot officer and AFM of the respective Area/project/unit/of the company.
Terms and Conditions:-
(A)Those Audit firm who have conducted the assignment of Audit [Internal Audit/Cost
Audit/Statutory Audit/Miscellaneous Audit] for last three consecutive years (FY2015-16 to FY17-
18) in NCL, will not be given appointment for next two years due to cooling off of these firms.
Also those audit firms who are in cooling off in NCL for the FY2017-18 and FY2018-19 will not be
considered for empanelment.
(B) Audit firms appointed for Internal Audit, Statutory Audit and Cost Audit at CIL and its
Subsidiaries for the FY2018-19 or part thereof will not be considered for empanelment.
(C) Expression of Interest (EOI) of Audit firms, who had previously refused to accept the
appointment of Audit of NCL during FY2015-16 to FY 2017-18, will not be considered for
(D) Latest Firm Registration/Constitution certificate not before the date of notice inviting
expression of interest(EOI) issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI)/the
Institute of Cost Accountants of India(ICAI) must be enclosed ,otherwise the EOI of the audit
firm/LLP shall not be considered.
(E) The firms will have to declare that they are not related in any manner whatsoever with any
existing or past Audit firm or past and present employee of Coal India or any of its subsidiaries or
Directors or any person who is employed with Government of India. Past association upto last 3
years of personal or financial or any other association of any kind now or in last 3 years is
(F) The audit team will work in strict confidence and will ensure that the information in respect of
the operation of the Area/Unit is dealt in strict confidence and secrecy. A Certificate towards
maintaining confidentiality is to be provided by each member of the Internal Audit team before
commencement of Audit.
(G) A certificate confirming that the details/information furnished with the Expression of Interest
(EOI) are true and correct is to be given.
(H) All the documents should be signed & stamped by the managing partner of the firm
along with the application/expression of interest.
(I)All the pages of the expression of interest (EOI) should be numbered and binded together like a
For audit of physical verification of Stores & Spares and Fixed Assets and its
i) Fees for the physical verification of Stores & Spares will be paid @ Rs.4.50 per live
card in inventory / On line computer print out having positive balance. More than
one entry for the same material shall be treated as one item for the purpose of report
and also for payment.
ii) No payment will be made for verification of NIL balance of items in inventory/ On
line computer print out. However, if physical balance exists against such NIL book
balance the same will be considered for payment.
iii) Alike previous years, the fees for physical verification of fixed assets will be lump
sum which is given below project-wise:-
(a) HQ Units(Including Kolkata Desk office & Block-B, Central Stores- Jayant) --
Rs9000.00(Rs Nine Thousand only)
(b) Jayant Project--Rs9000.00(Rs Nine Thousand only)
(c) CWS&NSC--Rs7500.00(Rs Seven Thousand five hundred only)
(d) Dudhichua--Rs5600.00(Rs Five Thousand six hundred only)
(e) Nigahi--Rs5600.00(Rs Five Thousand six hundred only)
(f) Amlori--Rs5600.00(Rs Five Thousand six hundred only)
(g) Bina&Krishnashilla--Rs5600.00(Rs Five Thousand Six Hundred only)
(h) Khadia&IWSS--Rs5600.00(Five Thousand Six Hundred only)
(i) Jhingurda--Rs5500.00(Rs Five Thousand five hundred only)
(j) Kakari--Rs5500.00(Rs Five Thousand five hundred only)
For Road Sales
Auditors will be paid fee @ 05 Paise(Five Paise) per tonne of Coal dispatched.
Taxes as applicable shall be reimbursable on production of documentary evidence in
support of payment.
Journey Expenses:-
Partner will be entitled for rail fare by AC 1st Class or Air Fare by economy class ,
Qualified Assistant for rail fare by AC 2nd Class and Semi-qualified assistant for
rail fare by AC 3rd Class on Submission of proof of journey, for to and fro journey
undertaken.For this purpose, journey will be considered from the firms's nearest
office given in the profile to the place of audit. In case of journey by mode other than
entitlement as stated above, TA will be limited to entitlement or actual fare,
whichever is lower, subject to production of documentary evidence.
Free Boarding and lodging :-
Free Boarding and lodging for the audit team will be provided by the concerned Unit/Project.
Free transport will be provided once to the audit team, from the nearest Railway
Station to their place of stay at NCL and vice-versa during the entire audit period.
Free transport will also be provided from the place of stay to the place of work.
Requirement of Audit Firms for Miscellaneous Audit for FY 2018-19.
Total Requirement of Audit Firms--12 Audit Firms (Twelve audit firms only)