Bids through CPP Portal are being invited by Airports Authority of India Regional Headquarters, North Eastern Region (NER), Guwahati, for “APPOINTMENT OF GST AUDITOR FOR F.Y.2019-20 IN RESPECT OF AAI AIRPORTS/UNITS OF NORTH EASTERN REGION (NER)” from the auditors who are eligible to conduct GST Audit as per Sec. 35 (5) of CGST Act, 2017.
The bidder shall quote for all the states under NER (refer Annexure – 1).
Bidders are requested to submit the Technical Bid and Financial Bid on CPP Portal only.
EMD of Rs. 2,000 (Rs. Two Thousand Only) and Security Deposit of Rs. 10,000,/- (Rs. Ten Thousand Only) are required to be submitted in the form of Demand Draft (DD) in the name of “Airports Authority of India” payable at Guwahati.
EMD and Security Deposit as mentioned in 1.4 above, along with the unconditional acceptance letter as per “Format-II” needs to be submitted at the O/o General Manager (F&A), AAI-NORTH EASTERN REGION, Guwahati -781015 by hand on or before 28.01.2021, 15:00 hours. Please note that in case of non-submission of EMD and Security Deposit, the bids shall be considered as non-responsive and will not be opened.
For more information