अखिलभारतीयआयुर्विज्ञानसंस्थान, बीबीनगर
हैदराबाद मेट्र ोपोलिट्न क्षेत्र (एच एम आर), तेिंगाना – 508126, भारत
Single bid: Limited Tender Enquiry No. 05/2021
Published on
Limited to Registered CA concern in Hyderabad Chapter of ICAI
Engagement of services of a professional Chartered Accountant Firm in AIIMS Bibinagar
A. Scope of work for services shall be as under:
a) Monthly Upkeep and updating/adjustment of all Types of Advances as required to be maintained in Accounts section of AIIMS Bibinagar.
b) Preparation of Cheque Stock Register, Cheque Register, Cancelled Cheque Register. c) Preparation of Bank reconciliation Statement duly reconciled with Bank Book at the end
of every month and presenting various reports such as Interest Earned, Bank Charges, Delayed Cheques Clearing by Bank, Time Barred List etc. and intimating the concerned authority if any payment or collection related discrepancy is found. d) Filing of all statutory returns within due dates. e) Computation of Income Tax of Employees/ Contractual Staff etc. Estimation of Total tax liability including Salary and perquisite income. Proper deduction of Income Tax and issue of Form No. 16/16A in time duly reconciled with TRACES and 26AS. f) Correspondence with Income Tax/VAT/GST etc. departments for any case filed or notice received. TA/DA may be paid for outstation journeys. g) Filing of periodic/Annual Income Tax/GST and other Returns of AIIMS Bibinagar on or before the Date (including Annual returns for the previous year’s also.) and persuasion for refund of any claims from such authorities. h) Providing comments, suggestions or opinion on any finance, Taxation, Audit related queries/questions being asked by DDA and/or Finance & Accounts wing of AIIMS Bibinagar. i) Any other work assigned by office of DDA and/or Finance & Accounts wing, AIIMS Bibinagar like 80G, 35 1 (ii) registrations, etc. B. The essential qualifications are as follows:
(i) The concern should preferably be registered in Hyderabad on or before 01/04/2016.
(ii) At least one of the partners or proprietor should be a senior Chartered Account of minimum five years experience as auditor.
(iii) The concern should have adequate software and man-power to spare towards the assigned works in AIIMS Bibinagar. As of now, visit of trainee under article- ship/accounting staff, twice a week, under the guidance of a qualified CA, might be sufficient to streamline the accounts of FY 2018-19 and the accounts of FY 2019-2020. Kindly note that signature with stamp of a duly qualified Chartered Accountant will be required on all reports submitted to AIIMS Bibinagar.
(i) Experience of book keeping/auditing/filing of returns of a Government/semi- government organization/Educational Trust for at least 2 years.
C. Duration: Fifteen in month (from the date of Work-order)
D. Remuneration: Professional fee shall be paid on monthly basis for the services rendered. Interested firms may submit the Financial Proposal in the format supplied.
E. All government levy/statutory charges shall be paid/ reimbursed by AIIMS Bibinagar towards its taxation matters.
F. Last date of receipt of duly filled in techno-financial document: 16/02/2021
AIIMS Administration will provide a desk-space in the temporary campus along with one Computer system for the convenience of visiting professional.
Encl: Techno-financial document Sd/-
(Col S P Anantrao)
Deputy Director (Admin)
1. The President, Hyderabad Chapter of ICAI for information and circulation amongst members.
2. AIIMS Website
1. The AIIMS Bibinagar, hereinafter will be referred to as AIIMS or “Contractee” or its successors, and the successful bidder shall be referred to as the “Contractor”.
2. The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms & conditions, and specifications in the bidding documents.
3. Failure to furnish information required by the bidding document or submission of a bid not substantially responsive to the bidding document in every respect will result in rejection of the bid.
4. The bidder is required to fill up the entire format as provided in Section-I of the Bid Document.
5. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the Contractee may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective bidder, modify the bidding document by a written amendment.
6. The bid prepared by the Bidder, as well as all correspondence and documents shall be written in English language.
7. The Bid should be submitted in the prescribed proforma given in Section-I of this document and its supporting documents and shall also include the following: a. Profile of the business concern in the proforma prescribed b. Documentary evidence to prove Minimum eligibility Criteria c. Financial bid duly filled in
8. Prices shall be quoted in Indian rupees only.
Sealing and Marking of Bids:
The Techno-financial Bid should be placed in one sealed envelope super-scribed Engagement of services of a professional Chartered Accountant Firm in AIIMS Bibinagar and should be addressed to the Deputy Director (Admin.), AIIMS Bibinagar. The bidder’s name, telephone number and complete mailing address should be indicated on the cover of the outer envelope.
If the envelope is not sealed and marked as required, the Contractee will assume no responsibility for the bid’s misplacement or premature opening.
The Bid document submitted should be serially page numbered and contain the table of contents with page numbers.
Deadline for Submission of Bids:
Bids must be received by the Contractee at the address specified not later than the time and date specified in the notice Invitation for Bids. Modifications and Withdrawal of Bids:
The Bidder may modify or withdraw its bid after the bid’s submission, provided that written notice of the modification or withdrawal is received by the Contractee prior to the deadline prescribed for submission of bids.
The Bidder’s modification or withdrawal notice shall be prepared, marked and dispatched in a sealed envelope. A withdrawal notice should be through a signed confirmation by the bidder. The Contractee should receive it before the deadline for submission of bids.
Opening and Evaluation of Bids:
The Contractee will open all bids on the appointed date, time and venue. During evaluation of the bids, the Contractee may, at its discretion, ask the Bidder for
any clarification on its bid. No bidder shall contact the Contractee on any matter relating to its bid from the time of
the bid opening to the time the work order is placed. If the Bidder wishes to bring additional information to the notice of the Contractee it should be done in writing. Any effort by a Bidder to influence the Contractee in its decisions on bid evaluation, bid comparison or purchase order decision will result in rejection of the bid. Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis: - If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the higher of the two shall be taken as the bid price. If there is any other discrepancy, the figure leading to the determination of the higher amount shall be adopted. If the bidder does not accept the correction of errors, as aforesaid, its bid will be rejected. The Contractee will award the contract to the Bidder whose bid has been determined to conform to technical parameters of the specific scope of work and one who had offered most competitive rates. The Contractee reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any obligations to inform the affected Bidder or bidders of the grounds for the Contractee’s action. The “Bidder” as used in this document shall mean the one who has signed the tender document forms. He may be either the Principal Officer or the duly authorized representative in which case, the Bidder shall submit a certificate of authority. All certificates and documents (including any clarifications sought and any subsequent correspondences) shall, be furnished and signed by such representative or the Principal Officer. The Bidder shall sign its bid with the exact name of the concern to which the contract is to be awarded. The Bid document filed by the bidder shall be typed or written in indelible ink. It will be the sole responsibility of the bidder alone to execute the entire contract on its award. No subcontracting, in any form will be permitted. The bidder must obtain for himself on his own responsibility and at his own expenses, all the information which may be necessary for the purpose of filling the tender and for entering into a contract for the execution of the same and must inspect and examine the site of work and acquaint himself with all local laws, regulations and practice.
The Courts of India at Hyderabad will have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any proceeding in relation to this contract.
Making misleading or false representation in the bid document will lead to disqualification of the Bidder at any stage.
Where the bid has been signed by the Authorized Representative on behalf of the concern, the bidder shall submit a Certificate of Authority and any other document consisting of adequate proof of the ability of the signatory to bind the bidder to the contract. (Contractee may out rightly reject any bid not supported by adequate proof of the signatory’s authority).
Read and accepted.
Signature and stamp of Bidder or Authorized Signatory Section III: General Terms and conditions The Contractee does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender and reserves to itself the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason, whatsoever. Any change in the constitution of the concern of the Contractor shall be notified forthwith by the Contractor in writing to the Contractee and such change shall not relieve any former member of the concern from any liability under the contract. No new person shall be accepted into the concern by the Contractor in respect of this contract unless he/they agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of the contract. AIIMS reserves the right to terminate the contract, at any time in future, without assigning the contract any reasons and after give of a notice of maximum two months to the contractor. The normal payment terms are after 30 days of submission of correct bill.
The Contractor acknowledges that Engagement of services of a professional Chartered Accountant Firm in AIIMS Bibinagar is to be done as per the terms, clauses and conditions, specifications and other details of the contract. The Contractor shall not plead ignorance on any matter as an excuse for deficiency in service or failure to perform or with a view to asking for increase of any rates agreed to in the contract or to evading any of his obligations under the contract.
I/ We have read and understood all the terms and condition of all sections of the bid document. I/we hereby quote for Engagement of services of a professional Chartered Accountant Firm in AIIMS Bibinagar as per scope of work specified in the bid document and as set forth in the terms and conditions of the contract, which will be binding upon me/us in the event of the acceptance of my/our tender. Read and accepted.
Signature and stamp of the Bidder or Authorized signatory Section IV
Techno-Financial Bid
Please respond in Yes or No: In case you do not fulfil any of the conditions, please specify.
Sr No Item Yes/ No
1. The Bidder is a Professional Chartered Accountant concern Please write yes or
with at least 5 year experience in audit. no
2 The Bidder is a member of Hyderabad chapter of ICAI Please write yes or
3 Experience of book keeping/auditing/filing of returns of a Please write yes or
Government/semi-government organization/Educational no;
Trust for at least 2 years.
4 The concern should have adequate software and man- Please write yes or
power to spare towards the assigned works in AIIMS no;
Bibinagar. As of now, visit of trainee under article-
ship/accounting staff, twice a week, under the guidance of
a qualified CA, might be sufficient to streamline the
accounts of FY 2019-2020 and the accounts of FY 2020-
2021. Kindly note that signature with stamp of a duly
qualified Chartered Accountant will be required on all
reports submitted to AIIMS Bibinagar. If agreeable, please
write yes.
Bidder’s Signature Date: Financial Bid Bid amount Taxes* Total Sr. No Item (Rs.) (Rs.)
1. Lump sum monthly charges
Total (Taxes shall be reimbursed on actual basis) L1 shall ordinarily be decided on Bid amount.
Sign and Stamp of Bidder Date: TENDER FORM
(On the letter head of the concern submitting the bid)
The Deputy Director (Admin.)
AIIMS Bibinagar
Ref.: Tender No. Dated
I/We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest offer or bound to assign any reasons for rejecting our tender.
I/We hereby agree to pay all taxes and levies (as per actuals) GST, VAT, Income Tax, Work Contract Act, Octroi, duties, levied by the government, as prevailing from time to time, on such items for which the same are leviable, and the rates quoted by me/us are inclusive of the same.
I / We do hereby undertake that, until a formal notification of award, this bid, together with your written acceptance thereof shall constitute a binding Order upon me/ us.
I/We declare that I/we have not been debarred by any Government/ Semi Government undertaking till date.
That this offer shall be valid for 90 days from the date of opening of tender.
That the rates quoted are not higher than the rates quoted for same work for any government/undertaking.
That I/we undertake to indemnify AIIMS Bibinagar, Administration.
Yours faithfully,
Signature of the bidder. Company Seal (Signature of bidder) Dated this _____ day of _________ of 201 Address____________________________ ___________________________________ Telephone: _____________ FAX___________________ E-mail _________________ ANNEXURE-1: PROFILE OF ORGANIZATION
1. Name of concern : 2. Status of the concern : Govt./Others (Specify) (Proprietary/Partnership/Private/ ______________________________ (Support with documents) ______________________________ 3. Postal Address : 4. Telephone : 5. Fax 6. E-mail : 7. Web site : 8. Year of Establishment : 9. Activities/Services Offered : 10. PAN : :
11. Total turnover for Financial Years : FY 2017-18 & 2018-19 ___________ (Enclose audited final accounts/ Provisional accounts) FY 2019-20 ___________
12. Name of the Head of the : Organization/Managing Director
Signature of Authorized Signatory
Signature Not Verified
Digitally signed by NIMMALA KARUNAKAR Date: 2021.01.18 14:20:38 IST Location: eProcure-EPROC