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« Tenders »
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 Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
 Raipur Smart City Ltd., Raipur (C.G.)
 Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority, Vijayawada, A.P.
 Odisha Power Generation Corporation Limited, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
 Corrigendum Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port, Kolkata, West Bengal
 Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited, Ranchi, Jharkhand
 Assam Health Infrastructure Development and Management Society, Guwahati, Assam
 Uttar Pradesh Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
 25 LPA Opening Auditor Fund Management
 Punjab National Bank, Gurugram, Haryana
 M.P. Water and Land Management Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

Haryana State Legal Services Authority, Panchkula, Haryana
January, 17th 2022



Cost ofthe Tender: Rs 1000/-
Tender Fee: Rs 1000/-
Rs. 12,500/-
Earnest Money Deposit:

Internal Audit of all the District Legal Services Authorities in the state of Haryana at
District offices and HALSA at Headquarter for the financial years 2019-20 & 2020-21

Date of Tender Issue : 12.01.2022 at 13:00 hrs
Last date of Tender Submission : 02.02.2022 till 16:00 hrs
Opening of Technical Bids :will be communicated later
Opening OF Financial Bid :will be communicated later

1. Name of work: Engagement of Professional Chartered
2. Implementing agency/Owner Accountants for performing the Internal
Audit of all the District Legal Services
Authorities in the state of Haryana at
District offices and HALSA at
Headquarter for the financial years
2019-20 and 2020-21, which may be
extendable from time to time upto two
Haryana State Legal Services Authority

3. Area / District Covered under All the District Legal Services
the Bid Authorities in the state of Haryana at
District offices and HALSA at
4. Management/Implementation Headquarter
period: The tender will be valid for a period of
01 year, which may be extendable upto
5. All Kinds of Communication two years
Member Secretary, Haryana State Legal
6. Earnest Money Deposit: Services Authority, Plot No. 09, Sector
14, Panchkula

Rs 12,500/-

7. Tender Fee Rs 1,000/-
8. Cost of Tender Rs 1000/-
9. Bid validity: 90 days from due date for submission

10. Last date of Submission: 02.02.2022 till 16:00 hrs

11. Technical bid opening: Will be communicated later.

12. Financial Bid opening Will be communicated later.

For the purposes of this Tender Document, the Haryana State Legal Services
Authority, Panchkula shall be referred to as ‘HALSA’ and the intending, participating

and successful bidders to this Tender Document shall be referred to as


The tender document may also be downloaded from web site -

1.1 Background
The firms will be responsible for conducting audit and submission of Audit report
at HALSA, Plot No. 9, Sector-14, Panchkula of the job assigned to it as per the

specifications given by the HALSA. The HALSA will be the sole judge of

satisfactory execution of the job. The firms/agency might be called upon to rectify

the errors or defects at his own cost and to the satisfaction and within the time

frame fixed by the HALSA.

2.2 Procedure for submission of the proposal.

1. The Technical Proposal shall not include any financial information relating to the
Financial Proposal.

2. The HALSA reserves the right to verify all statements, information, and
documents, submitted by the Applicant in response to the tender notice. Failure of
the HALSA to undertake such verification shall not relieve the firm of its
obligations or liabilities hereunder nor will it affect any rights of the HALSA there

3. In case it is found during the evaluation or at any time before issue of Letter of
Acceptance (LOA) that one or more of the eligibility conditions have not been met
by the firm or the Team has made material misrepresentation or has given any
materially incorrect or false information, the firm shall be disqualified forthwith if
not yet appointed as the Internal auditor. If the firm has already been issued the
LOA the same shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained therein
or in this tender document, be liable to be terminated, by a communication in
writing by theHALSA.

4. The Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal shall be typed or written in
indelible ink and signed by the authorized signatory of the firm. All pages of the
original Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal must be numbered and
initialed by the authorized signatory (on behalf of the firm) signing the Proposal.
Proposals submitted without signature will be considered as incomplete and
summarily rejected.

5. The Proposal shall be made in the Forms specified in this document. Any
attachment to such Forms must be provided on separate sheets of paper and only
information that is directly relevant should be provided.
6. The rates quoted shall be firm throughout the period of performance of the
assignment up to and including acceptance of the reports by the HALSA and
discharge of all obligations under the Agreement.

Award of the work

1. After selection, a Letter of Award shall be issued, in duplicate, by the HALSA to the
Selected auditor and the Selected Auditor shall, within 7 (seven) days of the receipt
of the LOA, sign and return the duplicate copy of the LOA in acknowledgement
thereof. The LOA shall constitute the Agreement for the purpose of this assignment.
Proprietary data

1. All documents and other information provided by the HALSA shall remain or
become the property of the HALSA. Auditor is to treat all information as strictly
confidential till the official release of the Final document.
1. The Bidders who are interested in participating in the tender must read and comply

with the instructions and the terms and conditions contained in the tender document.
2. The bids shall be filled in by the Bidder electronically and only physical copies will be

entertained for evaluation of Technical proposal. The decision of HALSA to interpret the
information and rates filled in by the Bidder shall be final and binding on theBidder.
3. The Bidders are required to fill in complete and accurate details as required under the
tender documents. Failure to furnish all the information as required under the bid
documents or submission of a bid containing deviations from the contractual terms and
conditions, specifications or requirements shall be treated and rejected as being non –
4. The Bidders are expected to carefully examine all instructions, forms, terms and
specifications in the bid documents and to fully inform themselves as to all the conditions
and matters which may affect the subject matter of the work/tender or the cost thereof.
5. If any errors, discrepancies or omissions are found in the documents or any Bidder is in
doubt as to the true meaning or interpretation of any part, he shall seek necessary
clarifications. However, no claim of any nature on account of any errors found in the tender
documents shall beentertained.
6. The bids shall be required to be submitted within the time frames set out in the Notice
Inviting Tender (‘NIT’) and bids submitted thereafter shall not be accepted and considered.
7. The tender documents shall not be transferable.
8. Conditional offers shall be rejected at the outset.
9. The Bidders shall bear all costs and expenses associated with and incidental to the
preparation and submission of their respective bids, to attend meetings or conferences, if
any, including any pre award discussion with the successful Bidder, technical and other
presentations, etc. and HALSA shall not be liable in any manner for the same.
10. HALSA reserves the right to qualify/disqualify any applicant without assigning any reason.
11. HALSA reserves the right to scrap/ withdraw Tender at any point of time without assigning
any reason.
12. HALSA reserves the right to reverse auction or negotiate with the bidders before
finalization of Awardof Contract.
(B) Earnest Money Forfeiture

1) The EMD will be forfeited if the BIDDER :
(i) withdraws his tender after acceptance;
(ii) withdraws his tender before the validity date of the tender;


1. The Bids shall be submitted electronically.

1. HALSA shall open the bids Technical and Financial bids on the scheduled date and
time and reserves the right to change the timings at it’s will.

1. HALSA reserves the right to accept or reject any bid or to cancel the Bidding process
and reject all bids at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any
liability to the affected bidder or bidders or any obligation to inform or afford reasons to
the affected bidder or bidders regarding the same.
2. HALSA reserves the right to split the scope & quantity to more than one agency
among the Bidders.
3. HALSA reserves the right to disqualify any bidder if such bidder quotes any
abnormally high or low rates in the bid document/price bid and prohibit such Bidder
from future participation in any bid with HALSA.

No relaxations will be given as far as statutory requirements are concerned.
1. The Tenderer / Bidder should have minimum three years of experience in relevant

2. The Tenderer / Bidder may be a proprietor firm, partnership firm, Limited

company, Corporate Body legally constituted engaged in printing services
3. There should be no case pending with the police against the Proprietor / Firm /

Partner of the company (Agency), pending complaints, if any, shall also be included.
4. Service Tax Registration certificate/GST Registration.
5. PAN No. of the organisation / Firm
6. Should not have been blacklisted by the Departments/Ministries of the Govt. Of

India/State Govt/PSUs. (Affidavit to be submitted)

1. The Agency shall obtain necessary license, permit, consent, sanction, etc., as may be
required or called for from / by local or any other authority for doing such work. The
Agency shall comply at its own cost with all applicable laws, rules and regulations in
force from time to time whether of Central or State or local Govt. as applicable to him
or to this contract without any liability and responsibility to HALSA, whatsoever it may
2. The Agency shall bear all taxes, rates, charges, levies or claims, whatsoever, as may
be imposed by the State, Central Government or any local body or authority. The
Agency shall furnish such proof of payment of compliance or the obligations including
registration certificates, receipts, licenses, clearance certificates etc. as may be
required by HALSA.
3. The Agency shall maintain good standard of audit, a warning note shall be issued to
the agency specifically indicating the discrepancy and a deduction to the extent of 20%
of the billed amount shall be levied on recommendation/approval of HALSA.
4. In case any personnel of the Agency is implicated in any law suit or is injured by any
person or group of persons agitating mob etc. during the course of performing his
duty/their duties for HALSA it shall be the sole responsibility of the Agency to defend its
personnel in the court of law or to extend all medical and financial help etc. without
charging any cost to the HALSA.
5. HALSA shall pay the agreed amount on production of bill. No other charges of any
kind shall be payable except as provided under the contract.
6. Before submission of the bill, the Agency shall ensure that the payment of persons
deployed by the Agency have been made for the billed period.
7. Under no circumstances Agency is entitled to claim any charges over and above the
charges prescribed in the terms of this contract.
8. The tax as applicable shall be deducted from the bill unless exempted by the Income-
tax Department.
9. In case of non-compliance/non-performance of the services according the terms of
the contract, the HALSA shall be at liberty to make suitable deductions from the bill
without prejudice to its right under other provisions of the contract.
10. The decision of HALSA in regard to interpretation of the Terms & Conditions and
the Agreement shall be final and binding on the Agency.
11. All disputes shall be subject to jurisdiction at Panchkula Court only.
12. Copies of the proofs of all the above may be submitted in the envelope marked
technical bid. (Hard Copy be provided).

(1) Payment Terms

(a) The agency shall be paid in stages as mentioned under:
(i) No Advance payment
(ii) Full payment after completion of work and receipt of invoice.

(b) Any invoice submitted without essential documents shall be deemed to be
incomplete and HALSA shall not be liable to process and pay the amounts on the
invoices so raised.

(c) The Service tax/GST amount shall be shown separately on the invoice along with the
applicable registration numbers.

(d) All the payments to be made to the agency by HALSA shall be made through
NEFT/RTGS/DD only with applicable TDS in accordance with the Govt. of India/RBI
guidelines from time totime.
Description of works
Engagement of Professional Chartered Accountants for performing the
Internal Audit of all the District Legal Services Authorities in the state of Haryana at
District offices and HALSA at Headquarter for the financial year 2019-20 & 2020-21,
which may be extendable.

1 Name of the applicant/organization/firm:
2 Address with Telephone No./Mobile No./Fax No./Email.ID :
3 Legal Status: Partnership Firm/LLP
4 Name and Designation of the individual (s) authorized to act

for the organization/firm for this work
5 Particulars of Registration with various Government Bodies:

Attach self attested Photocopies
a. Registration No. and certificate of the firm:
b. PAN :
c. GST
Similar work experience i.e. experience certificates with
6 regard to audit of accounts only be disclosed-MINIMUM 3
YEARS (Copies to be enclosed)
7 Average Annual turnover in the last five years (Attach
Audited balance sheets)
a. 2015-16
b. 2016-17
c. 2017-18
d. 2018-19
e. 2019-20

Was the applicant/applicant firm ever required to suspend the
8 work for a period of more than six months continuously after

you commenced the work? If so, give the name of the project
and reasons of suspension of the work?

Has the applicant/applicant firm, ever abandoned the
9 awarded work before its completion? If so, give the name of

the work and reasons for abandonment?

Has the applicant/applicant firm, ever debarred/blacklisted
10 for tendering in any of the Government Organization at any

time? If so, give details.
11 Has the applicant/applicant firm/partners ever received any

legal notice for professional misconduct? If so, give details.
12 1. Has the applicant/applicant firm, ever been convicted by a

court of law? If so, give details.
13 Any other information considered necessary but not included


Signature of Applicant
1. No Travelling and Lodging/ boarding charges will be reimbursed for visiting all the
Offices of District Legal Service Authorities in the state of Haryana and HALSA at
Panchkula. The 25% of the contract value will be paid on the completion of the
Audit and rest 75% on the submission of the Audit report after deducting respective
TDS, if any.

2. An audit team visiting District Legal Service Authorities and HALSA office should
have one Senior Chartered Accountant (possessing degree of CA/ICWAI) along with
1 or 2 Articles/ Assistants depending upon the quantum of the work.

3. One day session of interaction will be organized by this Authority at HALSA Head
office, Panchkula before starting of Audit by your firm in which discussion of
instructions/ orders issued by the Government as well this Authority for compliance
by District Legal Service Authorities will be provided.

4. The Audit of all the District Legal Service Authorities in the state of Haryana
including HALSA should be completed within three months.

5. An audit report will be drafted by your firm on the completion of the Audit and will
be submitted to this Authority within fortnight after the completion of the audit. All
the reports should be signed and stamped by a Senior Chartered Accountant of your
firm giving significant comments. The report of each District Legal Service
Authority and HALSA should be prepared separately mentioning therein the
observations, shortcomings and significant suggestions etc., which require
immediate attention of the Higher Authorities.

6. In case your Audit team found to be indulging in unethical practice(s), your firm will
be blacklisted and all possible legal action will be initiated against your firm.

7. A declaration/ affidavit on Stamp paper is to be furnished by your firm that your
firm is never blacklisted by the Government and no legal proceedings are pending
against you in court of Law. In case the declaration is found incorrect, the
assignment would get terminated besides the Chartered Accountant being liable for
any action by the ICAI/Govt.
I/We hereby accept all the terms and conditions of the tender.

(on the letter head of the applicant firm)

I/We, the undersigned, do hereby declare and undertake:

1. That we accept the terms and conditions of the tender document.
2. That our firm/partner firm has not been blacklisted/ debarred by any Government

3. That none of partner or employee of our firm has any association/interest with HALSA.
4. That the firm/partner/employee will not disclose any information to anybody other than

Member Secretary of HALSA.

(Signed by an Authorized Officer of the Firm)
Title of Officer
Name of Firm

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by JASLEEN KAUR
Date: 2022.01.12 11:15:30 IST
Location: Haryana-HR

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