One critical success factor in any merger or acquisition is the design and implementation of a sound merger process. Run by Scott Moeller, former Global Head of M&A at Deutsche Bank, Director of the M&A Research Centre at Cass Business School and an author of several acclaimed books on mergers and acquisitions, this course covers the entire merger process from strategy design to post-merger integration and audit.
Delegates will learn how to plan and design successful merger process, choose advisors, negotiate with the target, conduct due diligence as well as decide on financing and closing the deal and post merger integration and audit. The course is built around practical group exercises where participants will be encouraged to apply strategy analysis techniques to the deals they are working on. The latest case studies including the merger between Bank of New York and Mellon, Verisign and Jamba, and Zain expansion in Africa will be discussed in detail.
Main Topics Covered During This Training:
Designing merger or acquisition process Different stages of preparing for merger or acquisition Selecting advisors and preparing internal teams Due diligence Negotiation with a partner or a target Financing strategies Deal closing post-merger integration Post acquisition audit