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« Tenders »
Open DEMAT Account in 24 hrs
 Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
 Raipur Smart City Ltd., Raipur (C.G.)
 Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority, Vijayawada, A.P.
 Odisha Power Generation Corporation Limited, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
 Corrigendum Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port, Kolkata, West Bengal
 Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited, Ranchi, Jharkhand
 Assam Health Infrastructure Development and Management Society, Guwahati, Assam
 Uttar Pradesh Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
 25 LPA Opening Auditor Fund Management
 Punjab National Bank, Gurugram, Haryana
 M.P. Water and Land Management Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited, Kolkata, West Bengal
April, 15th 2019
                            (A GOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE)
                    Subsidiary of M/s Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
Regd. Office: Sourav Abasan. 2nd Floor, AG-104, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata ­ 700091

Tender Document for engagement of Internal Auditors for The Orissa Minerals
Development Company Ltd. for the Financial Year 2019-20

Tender No. OMDC/Fin/Internal Auditor/19-20/03                          Dated: 05-04-2019

Name & Address of the Bidder               :      _________________________________



Instrument No...........................                  Dated............/.........../20.........

Cost of Tender Paper: Rs.1,180.00 (Rupees One Thousand One Hundred Eighty
only) inclusive of GST.


Page 1 of 19
                            (A GOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE)
                    Subsidiary of M/s Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
Regd. Office: Sourav Abasan. 2nd Floor, AG-104, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata ­ 700091

                                    TENDER NOTICE

Tender No. OMDC/Fin/Internal Auditor/19-20/03                        Dated: 05-04-2019

Sealed tenders in prescribed format are invited for Engagement of Internal
Auditors for The Orissa Minerals Development Company Ltd. for the Financial
Year 2019-20.

TENDER NOTICE NO. &                   JOB DESCRIPTION                   LAST DATE FOR
       DATE                                                             SUBMISSION OF
Tender No.                   Tender Document for engagement
OMDC/Fin/Internal            of Internal Auditors for The Orissa       22-04-19 upto
Auditor/19-20/03             Minerals Development Company              3.00 P.M.

Dated: 05-04-2019            Ltd. for the Financial Year 2019-20

The Tender documents can be obtained from the office of GM (Fin.), The O. M. D.
Co. Ltd., 2nd Floor, AG-104, Sourav Abasan, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata ­ 700
091 (WB) on payment of Rs. 1,180.00 (Rupees One Thousand One Hundred Eighty
only) by way of Demand Draft or Pay Order or Banker's Cheque drawn on any
Nationalised Bank favouring "The O. M. D. Co. Ltd." payable at Kolkata.

Alternatively, the tender documents can also be downloaded from our official
website & CPP Portal and in such a case the cost of tender
document in shape of demand draft should be submitted at the time of submission
of the technical bid.

All other terms & conditions will remain same as stipulated in the Tender
Schedule of the aforementioned Tender Notice. Further corrigendum / addendum
etc. if any, will be made available in our website only.

Chapter I, Chapter II and Chapter III shall form the integral part of the tender

                                                                 General Manager (Fin.)

Page 2 of 19
                            (A GOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE)
                    Subsidiary of M/s Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
Regd. Office: Sourav Abasan. 2nd Floor, AG-104, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata ­ 700091

                                   CHAPTER ­ I
                              NOTICE INVITING TENDER

Tender No. OMDC/Fin/Internal Auditor/19-20/03                          Dated: 05-04-2019

Sealed Tenders in prescribed format are invited from the experienced agencies
for engagement of Internal Auditors for The Orissa Minerals Development
Company Ltd. for the Financial Year 2019-20.

Interested bidders may obtain further information from the office of the "General
Manager (Fin.)', The O. M. D. Co. Ltd., 2nd Floor, AG-104, Sourav Abasan, Sector-II,
Salt Lake City, Kolkata ­ 700 091 (WB)".
"Any amendment issued prior to submission of Bids would be put on the OMDC
website. All prospective bidders would be presumed to have examined all
amendments on the website & have submitted their bids accordingly. A copy of
such amendments shall be enclosed with the Bids."

       a) A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased by interested
           agency /agencies from:
       The office of the "General Manager (Fin.), The O. M. D. Co. Ltd., 2nd Floor,
       AG-104, Sourav Abasan, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata ­ 700 091 (WB)".
       On submission of a written application (in duplicate) giving complete
       details of Mailing Address, Telephone & Fax Nos., e-mail address & Name
       of the Contact Person along with cost, Bidding Document will be available
       for sale on all working days from 08-04-19 to 18-04-19 against submission
       of Demand Draft, Pay Order or Banker's Cheque in favour of "The Orissa
       Minerals Development Company Limited" payable at par at Kolkata.
       b) The Cost of Bidding Document is Rs. 1,180.00 (INR Rupees One
           Thousand One Hundred Eighty only) including GST.
       c) Entire Bidding documents along with detailed Tender Schedule are
           available on the OMDC website i.e. & CPP Portal.
           The prospective Bidders can download the documents for the purpose
           of preparation & submission of their Bids.
       The bidder shall download the "Bidding Document" available on the website
       in totality. It will be presumed that the Bidder has gone through the entire
       Bidding Document available on the website, which shall be binding on the
       In case a Bidder downloads the Bidding Document from OMDC website & CPP Portal, bidder shall submit fee towards cost of
       the Bidding Documents as mentioned above along with its Bid (Part-I), as
       per details given in bidding Documents. For bidders downloading from
       OMDC website, the instrument for cost of Bidding Documents shall be DD /
       Pay Order / Banker's Cheque drawn in favour of "THE ORISSA MINERALS
       DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED" payable at Kolkata.

Page 3 of 19
                            (A GOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE)
                    Subsidiary of M/s Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
Regd. Office: Sourav Abasan. 2nd Floor, AG-104, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata ­ 700091


         Sl.       Particulars                           Detailed of Tender
          1.   Bid Enquiry No.        Tender No. OMDC/Fin/Internal Auditor/19-20/03
                                      Dated: 05-04-2019

         2.    Name of the Work       Engagement of Internal Auditors for The Orissa
                                      Minerals Development Company Ltd. for the Financial
                                      Year 2019-20.

         3,    Cost     of    Bid     INR Rs. 1,180.00 (Indian Rupees One Thousand One
               Document               Hundred Eighty Only) including GST.
         4.    Bid Security           Rs.5,000 (Rupees Five Thousand only)
               (Earnest     Money     The amount of earnest Money shall be deposited by
               Deposit)               way of Banker's Cheque / Demand Draft / Pay Order
                                      payable to "The Orissa Minerals Development
                                      Company Limited" at Kolkata. Central Public Sector
                                      Enterprises (CPSEs) under Government of India are
                                      exempted from submission of EMD / Bid Security.
         5.    Availability      of   The office of the "General Manager (Fin.), The OMD
               Tender                 Co. Ltd., 2nd Floor, AG-104, Sourav Abasan, Sector-II,
               Documents              Salt Lake City, Kolkata ­ 700 091 (WB).

         6.    Date of issue of       08-04-2019 within office hours
               Bid Documents
         7.    Date            of     22-04-2019 up to 3.00 P.M.
               Submission of Bid
         8.    Date of Opening of     22-04-2019 at 3.30 P.M.
               Technical Bid
         9.    Date of Opening of     To be intimated later.
               Price Bid
         10.   Period of Contract     Initially for one year from issue of Work Order. On
                                      satisfactory performance, the contract may be
                                      extended for a further period of one year.
         11    Validity Period of     90 Days from the date of opening of Techno-
               Bid                    Commercial bid of the tender

                                                                  General Manager (Fin.)

Page 4 of 19
                            (A GOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE)
                    Subsidiary of M/s Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
Regd. Office: Sourav Abasan. 2nd Floor, AG-104, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata ­ 700091

                                         CHAPTER ­ II

Tender No. OMDC/Fin/Internal Auditor/19-20/03                          Dated: 05-04-2019

       Back Ground:

           The Orissa Minerals Development Company Limited (OMDC) was
           incorporated on 16th August, 1918. It was Nationalized by Government
           of India through the Bird & Company Ltd (Acquisition and Transfer of
           undertaking and other properties) Act, 1980(Act No: 67 of 1980) in the
           year 1980.It became a Schedule-B PSU w.e.f 19th March, 2010 and a
           subsidiary of EIL, which also became PSU on 19th March 2010. Eastern
           Investment Limited (EIL) became a subsidiary of RINL (Rashtriya Ispat
           Nigam Limited) on 5th January, 2011, by virtue of which OMDC became
           a subsidiary company of RINL. The authorized as well as paid up share
           capital of the company is Rs. 0.60 Crores having 60,00,000 shares of Rs.
           1 each. The company is listed at Calcutta Stock Exchange (CSE),
           National Stock Exchange (NSE) and got trading permission to trade
           under permitted category in the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). OMDC
           operates six Iron Ore and Manganese Ore mining leases at Barbil in the
           district of Keonjhar, Odisha. The leases are Dalki Manganese Mines,
           Kolha Roida Iron & Manganese mines, Thakurani Iron & Manganese
           Mines, Belkundi Iron & Manganese Mines, Bariaburu Iron Mines and
           Bhadrasai Iron & Manganese Mines. The lease rights of all the six mines
           have expired and the six mines are inoperative for want of Statutory
           Clearances, for which necessary actions initiated by the company to
           start mining. The company is meeting its expenses from the interest
           earnings. All the mines together, OMDC has an estimated reserve of
           about 206 million tonnes of Iron Ore and 44 million tonnes of Manganese

       1. SCOPE OF WORKS:

           i.   Scope of Work :This will include carrying out the internal audit of M/s
                O. M. D. Co. Ltd. at HO and its Mines Office at Barbil and submission
                of Quarterly Audit report within the schedule time to the GM-Fin., HO.
                Detailed Scope of Audit is attached as Annexure ­ I.
           ii. Audit Calendar: Audit calendar for carrying out the quarterly audit
                shall be prepared by the successful bidder after receipt of order and
                submit to the General Manager (Fin,) for consideration. Firm, so
                appointed, shall commence internal audit and submit quarterly audit
                report before the scheduled date as intimated in the order.
           iii. Internal Control Measures: As a result of study and evaluation of
                internal control and other auditing procedures, the auditor should
                inform the management regarding weaknesses in internal control, if
                any, besides normal internal audit job as per scope.

Page 5 of 19
                            (A GOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE)
                    Subsidiary of M/s Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
Regd. Office: Sourav Abasan. 2nd Floor, AG-104, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata ­ 700091

       2. CONTRACT PERIOD: For Four quarters of the F.Y.2019-20 starting from
          April 2019. Contract Period will be up to the submission of acceptance
          of Internal Audit Report of all the four quarters of 2019-20.

       3. DATE OF COMMENCEMENT OF JOB: Immediately after issue of work

       4. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT: Each Tender must be accompanied with the
          non interest bearing pre-bid Earnest Money Deposit of Rs.5,000/- (
          Rupees Five thousand only) in the form of Demand Draft/Pay
          Order/Banker's cheque drawn on any Scheduled/Nationalized Bank in
          favour of "The Orissa Minerals Development Co. Ltd." Payable at
          Kolkata. Tender without prescribed Earnest Money shall be liable for
          rejection. The Earnest Money of the successful bidder shall be
          converted into Security Deposit which bears no interest and shall be
          refunded within 30 (Thirty) days from the date of completion of the job.
          Earnest money of the unsuccessful bidder will be refunded after
          finalization of the tender which will be duly intimated.

       5. SECURITY DEPOSIT (SD): EMD of Successful bidder will be converted to
          security deposit which will be released within 30 (thirty) days after
          completion of the work. OMDC will have the absolute right to adjust
          security deposit in case the agency defaults in carrying out the job as
          per the scope of work.

       6. ELIGIBILITY CONDITION (Pre-qualification Criteria):
           In order to qualify in the Techno-commercial Bid, the bidder must submit
           the documentary evidences in support of the followings along with the
           Techno-Commercial Bid i.e. Part-I:
          a. Firm should be a partnership Firm / Limited Liability Partnership Firm
               (LLP) / Proprietorship for which copy of Firm Registration Certificate
               (FRC) issued by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and
               Copy of Certificate of practice of all the partners / members of firm
               and proof of Proprietorship to be submitted. Memorandum & Articles
               of Association in case of a Limited Company, Registered Partnership
               Deed in case of Partnership firm and an affidavit in case of
               Proprietorship Firm.
          b. The bidder should have 3 years of experience in conducting Internal
               audit during last 5(five) years ending 31.03.2018 in Govt. / Central /
               State   PSUs/   Banks/   any    Private   Company      preferably    having
               experience in mining sector. Copy of Work Order and Job Completion
               Certificate in support of experience from the client to be submitted.
          c. The bidder should have average annual Turn Over of at least Rs. 25
               Lakhs during last three years ending 31.03.2018. Copy of Balance

Page 6 of 19
                            (A GOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE)
                    Subsidiary of M/s Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
Regd. Office: Sourav Abasan. 2nd Floor, AG-104, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata ­ 700091

               Sheet & Profit & Loss Accounts / Income Tax Return to be submitted
               as a proof of Annual Turn Over duly certified by practicing chartered
          d. The bidder should submit the copy of PAN Card & GST Registration
          e. A declaration is to be submitted by the bidder in his letter head that
               the bidder has carefully read all terms and conditions of the tender
               document and is fully satisfied and accepted all the terms and
               condition of the tender as per the format enclosed as per Annexure ­
          f.   The bidder should have submitted a undertaking in bidder's letter
               head that the bidder has not been blacklisted / debarred by any PSU
               or OMDC at any point of time as per the format given in Annexure-III.

               Note: Overwriting / correction / erase/ use of white ink should be
               avoided in the offer. However, if any overwriting / correction / erase
               are inevitable, the same should be authenticated with the signature
               & seal of the bidder. All Pages of tender documents and documents
               submitted to be self attested by the tenderer.

                     The Part-I Techno Commercial Bid: Parties, who will fulfil all
                     requisite conditions of eligibility criteria of Chapter-II of this
                     document will be considered as technically qualified and may be
                     considered for opening Part-II i.e. Price Bid.
                     The bidders are required to quote their price both in figures &
                     words in the PRICE BID format enclosed as Annexure-IV of the
                     Tender Schedule (Part-II). The bidders are required to quote their
                     Total price (Exclusive of GST).
                     Price Bids of the bidders, whose Techno-Commercial bids are
                     technically qualified, will be opened in the presence of the
                     bidders or their authorized representatives on a scheduled date
                     and   time   which    will   be   intimated   in   advance    through
                     The L-1 bidder will be evaluated on the basis of lowest quoted
                     Price mentioned in the Price Bid.
                     In case there is any discrepancy between figures and words, then
                     the amount quoted in words will be considered for evaluation.

Page 7 of 19
                            (A GOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE)
                    Subsidiary of M/s Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
Regd. Office: Sourav Abasan. 2nd Floor, AG-104, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata ­ 700091

                  The company reserves the right to accept or reject any or all
                  tenders without assigning any reason thereof.
                  The company reserves the right to reject any part or whole of the
                  tender without assigning any reason whatsoever. For such
                  cancellation the tenderer shall not be entitled to claim any cost,
                  charges, expenses incidental to or incurred by him through or in
                  connection     with   the   preparation    and   submission,     without
                  assigning any reason whatsoever.
                  OMDC also reserves the right not to accept the lowest offer (L-1).
                  Award of contract shall be made at the absolute discretion of
                  The agency should submit the performance guarantee in case of
                  very low quoted Rate.

       9. SUBMISSION OF BILLS: Bill in triplicate along with the Internal Audit
           Report on quarterly basis will be submitted to GM (Finance), OMDC for
           settlement of payment.

       10. PAYMENTS TERMS:
                  All payments shall be made through e-payment.
                  Payment in full against the quarterly Invoice will be made within
                  15 days after submission of Quarterly Audit Report in line with
                  the Scope of Work as defined earlier.

       11. TAX DEDUCTED AT SOURCES: Income Tax and other taxes including
           Surcharge and Cess as applicable shall be deducted at source at the
           rate prescribed in the Income Tax act and/or other Act from the gross
           value of each bill.

       12. PENALTY: In case the successful bidder fails to take up the work after
           issuance of Work Order, OMDC may at its discretion, impose upon any or
           all of the following penalties:
                    Cancellation of Work Order.
                    Forfeiture of Earnest Money / Security Deposit.
                    Recovery of extra cost incurred by the company for getting the
                    work done through other sources.
                    Blacklisting of the Bidder.

Page 8 of 19
                            (A GOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE)
                    Subsidiary of M/s Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
Regd. Office: Sourav Abasan. 2nd Floor, AG-104, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata ­ 700091


                                GENERAL CONDITIONS


a) Tenderer/Bidder: Tenderer/Bidder means Proprietorship, Partnership Firm,
   Limited Liability Partnership Firm (LLP) willing to participate by accepting
   terms and conditions given in the tender documents.

b) Tender: Tender means the work to be performed according to the tender
   documents (both technical and commercial) submitted by the bidder for
   consideration of OMDC,

c) Name of the Tender: Name of the Tender means the work to be performed by
   the bidder/tenderer.

d) Techno-Commercial Bid: Techno-commercial Bid means documents regarding
   eligibility condition as stipulated in the tender documents for qualifying the
   bidder for consideration of the Price Bid.

e) Price Bid: Price Bid means the document containing the scheduled rate to be
  considered for the purpose of evaluation and award of contract.

g) Bidder / Agency: Bidder / Agency means the Proprietorship, Partnership Firm,
   Limited Liability Partnership Firm (LLP) whose tender has been accepted by

h) OMDC: OMDC means "The Orissa. Minerals Development Company Limited". A
   company incorporated in India and having its registered office at AG-104,
   Saurav Abasan, 2nd Floor, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata- 700091

i) Employer: Employer means "The Orissa Minerals Development Company

j) Competent Authority: Competent Authority means Managing Director (MD) or
   any officer designated by the MD.

k) Taxes: Taxes means Income Tax, Surcharge, GST and any Other Tax, Levy,
   Fees, Cess as imposed by the Government from Time to Time.

The bidder shall submit the Tender in 2 (two) parts consisting of Part-I (Techno-
Commercial) and Part-II (Price Bid) each in separate envelopes duly sealed and
superscribed with the Tender Notice Number.

Page 9 of 19
                            (A GOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE)
                    Subsidiary of M/s Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
Regd. Office: Sourav Abasan. 2nd Floor, AG-104, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata ­ 700091

The instruments of Earnest Money Deposit & Cost of Tender document are to be
put in a separate envelope duly sealed and superscribed with the word "Earnest
Money Deposit & Cost of Tender Document".
All the 3 (three) envelopes containing (a) Part - I, (b) Part ­ II and (c) Earnest
Money & Cost of Tender shall be put in a 4th (fourth) envelope duly sealed, super
scribed with Tender Notice No., Name of the job, date of opening of Technical Bid
and addressed to General Manager (Finance) of The Orissa Minerals Development
Company Limited, Head Office, Kolkata.

Tender not submitted with Cost of tender Paper/ EMD/ Part ­ I/Part - II in separate
covers properly sealed as prescribed above shall be considered as invalid and will
be rejected.

Tenders can be submitted either by post, courier service or deposited in the
Tender box in the office of the General Manager (Finance) of The Orissa Minerals
Development Company Limited, Head Office, Kolkata. However, OMDC shall not
be responsible for delay occurring in postal/ courier services resulting in non-
submission of the bid documents within scheduled date and time.

Tenders not received in prescribed format will be liable to be summarily rejected.
Conditional Bids not adhering to the Tendered terms and conditions are liable to
be rejected. Tenders will be received up to 3.00 P.M. on 22-04-2019 and will be
opened on the same day at 3.30 P.M. in the presence of bidders or their
authorized representatives.

The bidders will be intimated about the date & time of the price bid opening in
advance through Letter/Fax/Telephone/ e- mail.

Bidders should indicate their Bank A/c details for making payments through
RTGS/NEFT. OMDC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders or
distributes the work amongst different bidders without assigning any reason

The tender document shall have to be signed by the bidder in each page and the
terms & conditions must not be altered; failing which, the tender will be rejected.

Part ­ I, i.e. Techno-Commercial Bid shall be opened in the presence of the
bidders or their authorized representative on 22-04-2019 at 3.30 P.M.
Part ­ II i.e. Price Bid of the Bidders, whose Techno-Commercial Bids are found
acceptable shall be opened afterwards on a suitable date, which will be intimated
to the bidders in due course through Letter/Telephone/e-mail.
OMDC also reserves the right to cancel/postpone the date of receipt and opening
of the Tender without bearing any liability whatsoever, consequent upon such

Page 10 of 19
                            (A GOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE)
                    Subsidiary of M/s Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
Regd. Office: Sourav Abasan. 2nd Floor, AG-104, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata ­ 700091

4. VALIDITY: 90 Days from the date of opening of Techno- Commercial bid of the

5. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT: In case the successful bidder declines to take
up the work, OMDC reserves the right to terminate the contract and forfeit the
earnest money/security deposit of the agency. In such eventuality, the agency will
have no claim for the cost which might have incurred for taking up the work and
the cost of the work which have been incurred by that time and the work may be

6. RISK PURCHASE: In the event of failure to fulfil the contract terms and
execution of work as per letter of Intent/work order/agreement, OMDC reserves
the right to make the contractual obligation carried out by alternative
arrangements and OMDC shall recover from the contractor any additional cost
involved therein.

7. FORCE MAJEURE CLAUSE: If, at any time, during the currency of this contract,
the performance in whole or in part, by either party, of any obligation under this
contract, shall be prevented or delayed by reasons of war, hostility, acts of public
enemy, civil commotion, sabotage, fires, floods explosions, epidemic, quarantine
restrictions, Acts of State or other Acts of God, hereinafter referred to as
eventualities, then, provided notice of the happenings of any such eventuality is
given by either party to the other, within 15 days from the date of occurrence
thereof, neither party shall by reason of such eventuality be entitled to terminate
this contract, nor shall either party have any claim for damages against the other,
in respect of such non-performance or delay in performance and work under this
contract shall resume as soon as practicable after such eventuality has come to
an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Employer as to whether the
work has to be resumed shall be final and conclusive.

Should one or both parties be prevented from fulfilling their contractual
obligations by a state of force - majeure lasting continuously for a period of at
least three months, the two parties should consult each other regarding further
implementation of the contract, provided always, that if no mutually satisfactory
arrangement is arrived at, within a period of a month, from the expiry of three
months referred to above, the contract shall be deemed to have expired at the
end of the said 4th month referred to above, in which event the liability under the
contract shall be settled taking into consideration the work carried out by the
Contractor upto the expiry date without prejudice to the rights of Employer
arising prior to the expiry date.

8. ILLEGAL GRATIFICATION: If the bidder is found to be involved in any illegal
gratification during the currency of the contract, the entire bid is liable for

Page 11 of 19
                            (A GOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE)
                    Subsidiary of M/s Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
Regd. Office: Sourav Abasan. 2nd Floor, AG-104, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata ­ 700091

9. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT: No modification and alteration of the contract /
agreement will be allowed during the currency of the contract. However,
difficulties, if any, experienced while implementing/ execution of the contract, the
same can be addressed with the approval of the MD, OMDC.

10. ASSIGNMENT: The work order under this Tender Notice is not assignable or
transferable in full or in part by either party.

11. LAWS GOVERNING THE WORK ORDER: The Work Order shall be subject to
Indian Laws, Rules and Regulations, notifications etc. issued by the Govt. from
time to time. Chapter-I, Chapter-II and Chapter-III will be integral part of the
tender document/agreement.

12. LEGAL CAPACITY OF THE TENDERER: The agency shall satisfy OMDC that his
organisation is competent and authorised to submit tender and/or to enter into a
legally binding Contract with OMDC. To this effect, any individual signing the
tender shall, before so signing, submit documentary evidence that his signature
on the tender submitted by him, is legally binding upon himself, his firm or
company, as the case may be. A person signing the tender form or any document
forming part of the contract on behalf of another shall be deemed to warrant that
he has authority to bind such other and if it is discovered at any time that the
person so signing had no authority to do so, OMDC may, without prejudice to
other legal remedies, terminate the contract and hold the Tenderer and/or the
person signing liable for all costs and damages.

13. ARBITRATION: Any dispute or difference under or arising out of or in respect
of the work order shall be referred to the Managing Director of the OMDC Ltd., AG-
104, Sector -II, Salt Lake, Calcutta -700091 or his authorized representative as
sole arbitrator and the decision of the sole arbitrator on the matter in dispute
shall be final and binding on the contractor and the company. The arbitration shall
be carried out as per Arbitration Act, 1996 & rule made there under as amended
from time to time. In the event of failure to settle the dispute through arbitration,
either party can refer the dispute to the court of Law. In that case the jurisdiction
of court shall be Kolkata only.

14. COUNTER OFFER: Any offer of the agency(s) which stipulates deviations from
the terms & condition stipulated in the tender schedule will be treated as counter
offer and may be liable for rejection.

Page 12 of 19
                            (A GOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE)
                    Subsidiary of M/s Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
Regd. Office: Sourav Abasan. 2nd Floor, AG-104, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata ­ 700091

                                                                             Annexure ­ I

                                     Scope of Work

       To check the compliance with policies / circulars / procedures / guidelines
       and report the non-compliance for corrective actions and suggest for
       procedures wherever required.
       To check the Statutory Compliance and report non-compliance / incorrect
       compliance for corrective actions.
       To study the internal controls and its adequacy and suggest for
       improvements/ new controls as required.
       To identify the areas for Improvement to optimize the overall cost and
       expedite the processes.
       To study and report idle assets and equipments for corrective actions.
       To report cost saving opportunities to minimize overall cost to the
       To study the System failure / controls and suggest for improvement.
       Vouching of transactions w.r.t. buying and selling of financial instruments,
       salary payments, party bills payment, office maintenance, deposits,
       investment maturity claims etc. and suggest for corrective actions,
       suggesting improvements.
       Verification of BGs ­ adequacy / validity under different contracts / others.
       Safeguard of Assets and record maintenance.
       Identify the areas susceptible for frauds to suggest controls as a proactive
       To study the Risk Management under Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
       and suggest improvements.
       To study the Quarterly / Annual Schedules under financial Accounts to
       suggest necessary corrections before submission to Statutory Auditors.
       To liaison between the Organisation and the Government Audit w.r.t. audit
       reports / Draft Paras / CAG Paras etc. and ensure timely record / replies.
       To Study and report any other area of concern desired by the Management.
       Any other Audit work that may be felt by the auditor &/or management
       necessary to be included in the scope of internal audit.

  · Review the cost of the power, generation of electricity, and compare with
    purchase of power from outside agencies. Reconciliation with finance records
  · Review of utilization of machinery and to report on idle machinery
  · Review of installation and commissioning of machinery
  · Review of contracts entered into with various parties in respect of transport
    of mine ore from several mine heads and to ensure that the payments are
    made in accordance with the contract and that the penalty is levied as per
    the terms agreed into. Reconciliation with finance and purchase records
  ·Review of utilization of fleet of vehicles, comparison of cost of operation vis -a-
    vis contract transportation

Page 13 of 19
                            (A GOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE)
                    Subsidiary of M/s Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
Regd. Office: Sourav Abasan. 2nd Floor, AG-104, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata ­ 700091

· Checking of Vehicle Log books and consumption of fuel
·Operating efficiency of ore Manpower deployment for various works /
· Review and verification of incentive payments including calculations, thresholds
· Review and check of awards and incentives
 Any other Audit work that may be felt by the auditor &/or management
  necessary to be included in the scope of internal audit.

Purchase / Stores:-

· Review the system of purchases, listing of vendors, vendor rating, system of
  preparation of comparative statements
· Review of purchase files relating to capital equipment and other materials
· Review of slow-moving / non-moving / unserviceable / obsolete / surplus stores.
· Audit of all purchase vouchers
· Physical verification of stores
· Review of Inventory control
· Review of issue of stores
· Review of timely recovery of advances. Reconciliation with finance records
· Review of contracts entered into with various parties in respect of transport of
  mine ore from several mine heads and to ensure that the payments are made in
  accordance with the contract and that the penalty is levied as per the terms
  agreed into
· Consumption of major inputs such as steel items, cements
· Materials issued to other units and reconciliation
 Any other Audit work that may be felt by the auditor &/or management
  necessary to be included in the scope of internal audit.


· Review of monthly operational cost sheets and to report reasons for wide
· Review the expenses incurred and apportion/accounting on the development of
  each section of mine
· Audit of all cash and bank payments, Fixed Deposits, Investments in compliance
  of DPE Guidelines and Board Approvals
· Audit of journal vouchers
· Checking of payments against weekly release of funds from Regd. Office
· Check of postings in general ledger and other related records
· Audit of all claims receivable, analysis, and age wise details
· Inter-unit ­ accounts
· Audit of Salary, TA and other benefits to employees

Page 14 of 19
                            (A GOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE)
                    Subsidiary of M/s Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
Regd. Office: Sourav Abasan. 2nd Floor, AG-104, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata ­ 700091

· Compliance with various Statutory Laws like Sales Tax, Income tax, GST and
   other laws with regard to Payment, submission of Return, payment of Advance
   Tax within stipulated framework as per relevant law & guidelines.
 Reporting on Sales Tax, Income Tax, GST assessments/appeals etc.
· Review of Income-tax deduction and their remittances
· Checking of Bank Reconciliation and other Reconciliation statements
· Review of cost records
· Review of Cash Management
· Review of Budgetary Control system
· Review of Insurance
· Review of Advances paid to suppliers and others
· Review of Significant Account Policies with respect to maintenance of Books of
   Accounts and advises thereon
· Review of classification of expenses.
· Review of compliance of mandatory Accounting Standards & Ind.AS.
· Review of Statutory and C&AG observations pertaining to previous year and
 suitable advise for compliance including disclosure , accounting treatment etc.,
· Review and advise on tax-planning
· Review and reconciliation of all tax related accounts.
· Review of purchase entries relating to capital equipment and other materials
· Review and check of payment of Ex-gratia& reconciliation
· Review of Suppliers, contractors, consultants and hospital ledgers
· Review the cost of the power, generation of electricity, and compare with
   purchase of power from outside agencies& reconciliation
· Review and check of Monthly Gold Production Records/dispatch/stock &
· Imports, CVD, ED, CENVAT, VAT , Input Tax Credit, Entry tax provisions pending
· Review of implementation of GST
· System Audit (EDP Audit) & its effectiveness.

Human Resources:-
· Review and check of Welfare Expenses
· Review and check of payment of Ex-gratia& reconciliation.
· Pre-paid advances and recoveries
· Festival advance records
· Time office records
· Employee service cards, annual increments, allowances, DA/IDA, Bonus, PLIB
· Leave records, discipliner cases
· Court cases, RTI records
· Medical referrals
· Procurement of drugs, issues of medicines to employees
· Stock of medicines and procedure of disposal of time-barred medicines
· Review of Guesthouse, Canteen, other institutional records and activities.
  Revenue collection and expenditure

Page 15 of 19
                            (A GOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE)
                    Subsidiary of M/s Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
Regd. Office: Sourav Abasan. 2nd Floor, AG-104, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata ­ 700091

    Any other Audit work that may be felt by the auditor &/or management
    necessary to be included in the scope of internal audit.

    Legal Department :-

    Appointment of legal counsel, Payment of legal fees, development of
    systematic procedure.
    Any other Audit work that may be felt by the auditor &/or management
    necessary to be included in the scope of internal audit.

Security Department :-

·   Deployment and utilization of man-power
·   Booking and payment of overtime, Sunday incentives, and allowances
·   Materials and equipment records

Common for All Departments:-

·   Review system of booking of labour / idle labour.
·   Physical verification of fixed assets. · Compliance audit of procedures.
·   Checking of consumption of stores, spares and other components, vis-a-vis
·   Review of Internal Control and Internal Check procedures and comments
    regarding adequacy and strengthening measures if required
·   Review of financial follow-up, security and vigilance.
·   Review of implementation of suggestions.
·   Review of Delegation of Powers, deviations from delegations if any.
    Any other Audit work that may be felt by the auditor &/or management
    necessary to be included in the scope of internal audit.

Page 16 of 19
                            (A GOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE)
                    Subsidiary of M/s Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
Regd. Office: Sourav Abasan. 2nd Floor, AG-104, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata ­ 700091



       I/we certify that the above-mentioned particulars are correct and true to
the best of my / our knowledge. In case any statement made above is found
incorrect, my / our tender may be rejected by the company.

        My/our price bid is based on the basis of our full understanding about the
job. I/we also authorize the company to forfeit my earnest money in case I/we fail
to take up the job in the event of acceptance of my/our tender by OMDC Ltd.

                                          SIGNATURE OF BIDDER WITH DATE & SEAL

Page 17 of 19
                            (A GOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE)
                    Subsidiary of M/s Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
Regd. Office: Sourav Abasan. 2nd Floor, AG-104, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata ­ 700091


                               UNDERTAKING BY THE BIDDER

The General Manager (Finance)
The OMDC Limited,
AG-104, Sourav Abasan, 2nd Floor,
Sector-II, Salt Lake City,

Sub: Tender for Engagement of Internal Auditors for The Orissa Minerals
Development Company Ltd. for the Financial Year 2019-20.
Ref. No.: Tender No. OMDC/Fin/Internal Auditor/19-20/03 Dated: 05-04-2019

Dear Sir,

In response to the tender invited by you, I/We have examined the general
conditions and other terms and conditions of the contract and I/We agree to abide
by all instructions in these documents attached hereto and hereby bind
myself/ourselves to execute the work as per schedule stipulated in the Tender
Notice. I/We also undertake that I/we have not been blacklisted by any PSU or
debarred by any PSU/ Govt. Organisation & OMDC at any time. .

                                                                Yours faithfully,
                                        SIGNATURE OF TBIDDER WITH DATE & SEAL

Page 18 of 19
                            (A GOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE)
                    Subsidiary of M/s Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited
Regd. Office: Sourav Abasan. 2nd Floor, AG-104, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata ­ 700091


                                             Part II

                                           PRICE BID

Sub- Tender for Engagement of Agency for preparation of Project Advisory and
Financial Feasibility for M/s Orissa Minerals Development Co. Ltd.
Ref. no. : Tender No. OMDC/Fin/Internal Auditor/19-20/03 Dated: 05-04-2019

            Particulars             Price in Rs. (In Figure)        Price in Rs. (In Words)
                                        excluding GST                   excluding GST
   Internal Audit of OMDC
   HO and its Mines Office
   at Thakurani,
   Barbil,Keonjhar, Odisha


         The L-1 bidder will be evaluated on the basis of lowest quoted rate in the
         Price Bid at Part-II, Annexure-IV exclusive of applicable GST.

         The price should be exclusive of applicable GST, which will be paid by
         OMDC on submission of proof towards payment of GST.

         In case there is any discrepancy between figures and words, then the
         amount quoted in words will be considered for evaluation.

                                                                Yours faithfully,
                                        SIGNATURE OF TBIDDER WITH DATE & SEAL

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