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Chandigarh Administration Police Department E-Tender Document
May, 31st 2018
                                POLICE DEPARTMENT

                      E-TENDER DOCUMENT


                  "HIRING CHARTERED
                          E-TDS RETURNS

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                                               E-TENDER NOTICE
                                                 CHAPTER -1

                   The e-tenders are, hereby, invited from the Chartered Accountants
         (Proprietorship / Partnership) for the hiring of Chartered Accountant on
         retainership basis       for filing of E-TDS returns & other related matters of
         Chandigarh Police.
         1.          Start Date of e-tender                   11.05.2018
         2.          Start date of submission of e-tender     11.05.2018
         3.          Last date of submission                  31.05.2018
         4.          Date of Opening of e-tender              04.06.2018

              1.     The    Bid   Document      can   be    downloaded     from   the   website
              2.     All other terms and conditions, instructions to bidder regarding e-
                     tendering process etc may kindly be seen from the detailed notice
                     inviting tender (DNIT) available on the above noted website of
                     Chandigarh Administration. The undersigned reserves the rights to
                     reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons.

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         Chandigarh Police invites offers in two bid system from Chartered Accountant
         (partnership or proprietor ship) on retainership basis for providing services to file
         E-TDS return and other related matters.

         Scope of work:-
            i.         Collection of Data and TDS details from this office and updating of same from
                      time to time immediately after the end of every month.

           ii.        Tax calculation, data entry work, E-filing of quarterly returns with
                      acknowledgement from NSDL by the end of 1st week of every quarter, or as per
                      time frame notified by income tax department.

           iii.       Generation of forms 24 Q, 26Q, 27A and 27A, generation of FVU file, NSDL

          iv.         Generation of form 16 and 16A, in regard to salaried and non salaried as well as
                      private agencies.

           v.         Rectification of any error/discrepancy noted at any stage after completion of E-
                      filing of return of every quarter immediately at their own risk and cost, and
                      settlement of notices received from income tax department.

                       The CA (partnership or proprietorship) should have a registered
         office in Tricity and will be required to attend the office at Chandigarh Police
         Headquarters as and when required. Generally no outstation travel will be
         involved and the services may be rendered from office of Chartered
         Accountant as per the level of intervention involved.

         Time period of Engagement :-

                   The selected Chartered Accountant will be required to provide the
         above mentioned services initially for the financial year 2018-19 extendable on
         year to year basis subject to approval of the competent authority for a
         maximum period of 05 years.

         Pre qualification criteria:-

         The bids of only those bidders will be considered which satisfy the eligibility
         criteria and uploated documentary evidence in support of following :-

                  ·   The Chartered Accountant (Partnership or Proprietorship) should be registered
                      with the Institute of Chartered Accountant of India (ICAI).

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            ·   The Firm (Partnership or proprietorship) should have been in operation for 3 years
                after its registration and at least 3 years experience in Govt.
                Departments/Socieites/Boards/Corporations for dealing income tax matters.

            ·   The average gross professional fee received / earned by the Firm in the last 3
                financial years must be equal to or more than Rs. Ten lacs (Rs. 10 lacs) per
                annum. This should be supported by relevant work order clearly indicating the
                professional fee so received(Annexure A) must be filled in with supporting

            ·   The proprietor or partners of the firm or any CA or CMA employed / associated
                with the firm should not have been debarred or cautioned by Institute of
                Chartered Accountant of India / Institute of Cost Accountants of India / Central
                or State Public Sector Enterprise / Government (Central / State) during the last
                three years. An affidavit as per annexure is required to be submitted.

            ·   Copy of valid pan card and GST registration.

            ·   EMD of Rs.10000/- in the shape of FD/FDR in favour of Director General of Police,
                UT, Chandigarh.

            ·   Tender fee of Rs.1000/- in the shape of DD/Cheque must be encashed with the
                technical bid in favour of Director General of Police, UT, Chandigarh.

         Payment Terms

         The payment against the services provided by the firm is subject to the following
         terms and conditions :-

            ·   The price quoted by the firm (partnership or proprietorship), should be valid for
                the entire contract period.

            ·   Payment shall be made at agreed rates on quarterly basis.

            ·   No price variation would be allowed during the contract period including
                extended period.

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         Detail of CA Firm's Experience of Similar services during the last three years :-

         S.No.       Name of    Start Date     Name of      Nature of  Details of
                     the        and End        the Client   the        supporting
                     Assignment Date                        Assignment documents






         Furnish the copy of the documentary evidence in support of the information
         provide above. Please attach additional sheets, if required.

         Seal                                              Signature
         Dated                                         Name and Designation

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         Detailed Terms and Conditions

            1. The approved firm will visit or depute its official to visit this office as and when
               required for calculation of and preparation of data and other requirements to
               calculate TDS. No TA/DA will be given separately.

            2. The successful bidder shall file periodical returns which are mandatory as per
               income tax Act on the basis of data provided by this office.

            3. The successful bidder will be responsible for filing of revised returns If so required
               by the concerned tax authorities due to any discrepancy.

            4. The successful bidder will also be responsible for all mandatory compliances
               under income tax act.

            5. The payment will be made on quarterly basis on submission of bill in duplicate. All
               mandatory deductions TDS will be done. The payment will be made via NEFT.

            6. The firm must be Tricity based firm or having its registered office within the
               municipal limits of Tricity.

            7. The firm must exchange its telephone numbers with the office so that the
               proprietor / partner of the firm or the director of the company can be contacted
               any time.

            8.    A copy of this tender document must be attached with the tender duly inked,
                 signed and stamped as the token of having agreed to the terms and conditions
                 stipulated by this office.

            9. The Chandigarh Police will not in any case be held responsible for salary and
               other disputes of the firm/ company with its employees deputed from time to
               time at this office for work as mentioned above.

            10. A copy of the certificate issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
                India in the name of owner / proprietor / director must be attached with the
                tender document.

            11. The Director General of Police, Union Territory, Chandigarh reserves the right to
                reject any or all quotation (s) with or without assigning any reason (s) thereof.

            12. The Director General of Police, Union Territory, Chandigarh reserves the right to
                terminate the tender at any time during the validity of tender, if at any time it is
                established that the services of the firm / company are not satisfactory. In such
                case, the performance security will be forfeited.

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            13. The firm / company will also maintain privacy of record as per Official Secrets

            14. The firm must not be blacklisted by any Government or Private organization. An
                undertaking to this effect must be attached with the tender document.

            15. The firm / company must declare in writing that none of its partner/ director is
                the spouse of any official / officer working in Chandigarh Police. If there is any
                such person working in any capacity in Chandigarh Police then full details must
                be given.

            16. The approved firm/ company may at time ) be required to visit concerend Tax
                Office or such other allied offices on behalf of the Chandigarh police. The firm /
                company will invariably visit at such offices at no extra cost.

            17. The approved firm / company will submit all the required returns within stipulated
                time limits as per the requirement of income tax act.

            18. The firm/ company will not sub-let the contract in any case. Any such action will
                lead to termination of contract and forfeiture of Performance Security Deposit.

            19. The decision of the competent authority will be final and binding upon the

            20. The successful bidder will be required to submit performance security. The same
                will be receivable in the form of Demand draft issued from any Nationalized
                Bank/Commercial Bank to be issued in favour of Director General of Police,
                Union Territory, Chandigarh. The amount of the same will be intimated to the
                successful bidder after finalization of the tender as per GFR 2017.

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                                         Chandigarh Police

                                             Financial Bid

         Professional fees for  Fees payment                 Payment Schedule
         one year               Schedule
         For all the works as Rupees (In Figure)             The services provider
         mentioned in the scope                              will  raise     bills on
         of work above                                       quarterly basis
                                Rupees (In words)


            a. Fee is inclusive of professional fee taxes and all other expenses. Nothing extra
               shall be paid.

            b. Only GST as applicable shall be paid extra on the above quoted fees.

            c. Statutory deduction like TDS etc shall be made by this station as per statutory
               rates and norms wherever applicable.

            d. Any charges/ statutory fee paid by the hired firm for filing online returns with
               income tax authorities be reimbursed upon submission of vouchers along with
               the bills.

         We undertake that the rates quoted above by us will not change during the
         contract period. We also accept the payment schedule / payment terms

         SEAL                                          Signature

         Dated                                  Name and Designation

                                                                   Signature Not Verified
                                                                   Digitally signed by Pawan Kumar
                                                                   Date: 2018.05.10 11:29:26 IST
                                                                   Location: Chandigarh

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