The Convocation for the newly enrolled Members admitted during the period September, 2010 to February, 2011 will be held as per schedule given below with a view to inculcate a sense of belongingness and attachment with the Institute. Region Date & Day City Membership No. covered Northern 15th July, 2011 [Friday] Delhi 516773 TO 517902 22nd August, 2011 [Monday] Chandigarh Western 24th July. 2011 [Sunday] Mumbai 136678 TO 138147 07th August, 2011 [Sunday] Ahmedabad Southern 30th July, 2011 [Saturday] Chennai 225076 TO 225830 31st July, 2011 [Sunday] Bangalore 08th August 2011 [Monday] Hyderabad Eastern 06th August, 2011 [Saturday] Kolkata 69047 TO 69601 Central 12th August 2011 [Friday] Kanpur 412489 TO 413215 16th August, 2011[Tuesday] Jaipur
Details like venue and timings are being finalized and soon be communicated to the members separately by the concerned Decentralised Office of ICAI. For further details, members may contact the concerned Decentralised Office. ATTENTION Members participating at Convocation are requested to wear the Royal Blue Colour Blazer /Navy Blue Colour Blazer respectively and female members may wear saree / business suit while attending the Convocation and receiving the membership certificate. A tie and a lapel pin, saree pin in case of female members will be presented by the Institute to them at the convocation. With a view to maintain uniformity in dress, members are advised to attend the convocation in the prescribed dress code only. Accordingly Members enrolled from 01st September, 2010 to 28th February, 2011 are cordially invited to attend the convocation function on the respective date as per the schedule stated above.