Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
RFP Reference no:-
NHB/AAD/RFP/5101/2018 dated May 17, 2018
Request for Proposal (RFP) for
Appointment of Concurrent Auditors
All Audits Department
Head Office, National Housing Bank
Core 5-A, 3rd Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi 110 003
Phone: 011-2464 9031-35
E-Mail: ;
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Abbreviation Description
NHB National Housing Bank
HO Head Office, Delhi
RRO Regional Representative Office
PSU Public Sector Unit
SBI State Bank of India and its associates ( before merger )
PSB Public Sector Bank /Nationalized Bank ( total 20)
EMD Earnest Money Deposit
RFP Request For Proposal
PBG Performance Bank Guarantee
AMC Annual Maintenance Cost
Interpretation: the terms RFP, Tender, Bid have been used interchangeably and it shall be treated as one
and the same for the purpose of this RFP document. All clarifications, amendments, modifications,
supplemental RFP that may be issued in relation to this RFP shall be treated as part and parcel of the RFP
and shall together constitute the RFP document.
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Table of Contents
1. IMPORTANT BID DETAILS ..................................................................................................................................... - 5 -
2. NATIONAL HOUSING BANK ................................................................................................................................. - 6 -
3. PURPOSE: ...................................................................................................................................................................... - 6 -
4. OBJECTIVE: ................................................................................................................................................................... - 7 -
5. SCOPE OF WORK: ....................................................................................................................................................... - 7 -
6. PERIOD OF CONTRACT: ........................................................................................................................................ - 21 -
7. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS .............................................................................................................................. - 21 -
7.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................ - 21 -
7.2 PRE-BID MEETING .................................................................................................................................................. - 23 -
7.3 SOFT COPY OF TENDER/RFP DOCUMENT ............................................................................................................ - 23 -
7.4 NON-TRANSFERABILITY OF TENDER/RFP ............................................................................................................ - 23 -
7.5 ERASURES OR ALTERATIONS .................................................................................................................................. - 23 -
7.6 AMENDMENT TO THE BIDDING/TENDER/RFP DOCUMENT ................................................................................ - 24 -
7.7 LANGUAGE OF BID ................................................................................................................................................. - 24 -
7.8 MASKED COMMERCIAL BID ................................................................................................................................... - 24 -
7.9 RIGHT TO ALTER LOCATION / QUANTITIES.......................................................................................................... - 24 -
7.10 DOCUMENTS COMPRISING THE BID....................................................................................................................... - 25 -
7.11 BID CURRENCY ....................................................................................................................................................... - 25 -
7.12 EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) ........................................................................................................................ - 25 -
7.13 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................................ - 26 -
7.14 PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE (PBG) ........................................................................................................... - 27 -
7.15 PERIOD OF VALIDITY OF BIDS................................................................................................................................. - 27 -
7.16 FORMAT AND SIGNING OF BIDS ............................................................................................................................. - 27 -
7.17 SEALING AND MARKING OF BIDS .......................................................................................................................... - 28 -
7.18 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS...................................................................................................................... - 28 -
7.19 LATE BIDS ............................................................................................................................................................... - 29 -
7.20 OPENING OF BIDS BY NHB .................................................................................................................................... - 29 -
7.21 CLARIFICATION OF BIDS......................................................................................................................................... - 29 -
7.22 PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS............................................................................................................................... - 29 -
7.23 PROPOSAL OWNERSHIP.......................................................................................................................................... - 30 -
7.24 INSTRUCTIONS TO THE BIDDERS ............................................................................................................................ - 30 -
7.25 PRICE COMPOSITION & VARIATION ...................................................................................................................... - 30 -
7.26 TIMELY AVAILABILITY OF SUPPORT SERVICES ....................................................................................................... - 30 -
7.27 MANUALS/DOCUMENTS ....................................................................................................................................... - 30 -
7.28 MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL ..................................................................................................................... - 30 -
7.29 REVELATION OF PRICES.......................................................................................................................................... - 31 -
7.30 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE BIDDING FIRMS ................................................................................................ - 31 -
7.31 LOCAL CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................................................... - 31 -
7.32 CONTACTING NHB OR PUTTING OUTSIDE INFLUENCE ......................................................................................... - 31 -
7.33 PROPOSAL CONTENT.............................................................................................................................................. - 31 -
7.34 BANNED OR DELISTED BIDDER .............................................................................................................................. - 32 -
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
7.35 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS...................................................................................................................................... - 32 -
7.36 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ........................................................................................................................ - 32 -
7.37 FALSE / INCOMPLETE STATEMENT ........................................................................................................................ - 34 -
10. COMMERCIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS .................................................................................................... - 39 -
10.1 CURRENCY .............................................................................................................................................................. - 39 -
10.2 PRICE ...................................................................................................................................................................... - 39 -
10.3 PAYMENT TERMS .................................................................................................................................................... - 39 -
10.4 PAYMENT IN CASE OF TERMINATION OF CONTRACT ............................................................................................. - 39 -
11. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS .............................................................................................................. - 40 -
ANNEXURES....................................................................................................................................................................... - 45 -
ANNEXURE I (BIDDER INFORMATION) ................................................................................................................ - 46 -
ANNEXURE II(BIDDER EXPERIENCE DETAILS) .................................................................................................. - 47 -
ANNEXURE III (COMPLIANCE STATEMENT DECLARATION) ...................................................................... - 48 -
ANNEXURE IV (LIST OF DEVIATIONS).................................................................................................................. - 49 -
ANNEXURE V (MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA) ........................................................................................... - 50 -
ANNEXURE VI (TECHNICAL BID COVERING LETTER) .................................................................................... - 53 -
ANNEXURE VII (TECHNICAL BID FORMAT) ........................................................................................................ - 54 -
ANNEXURE VIII (COMMERCIAL BID COVERING LETTER) ............................................................................. - 58 -
ANNEXURE IX (COMMERCIAL BID FORMAT) ..................................................................................................... - 59 -
ANNEXURE X (ECS MANDATE) ................................................................................................................................ - 60 -
ANNEXURE XI (LETTER OF COMPETENCE FORMAT) ......................................................................................... - 62 -
ANNEXURE XII (CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) OF KEY PERSONNEL) ................................................................. - 63 -
ANNEXURE XIII (ESCALATION MATRIX) ................................................................................................................ - 65 -
ANNEXURE XIV (PRE CONTRACT INTEGRITY PACT) ......................................................................................... - 66 -
ANNEXURE XV(SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT) ..................................................................................................... - 76 -
ANNEXURE XVI (NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT) ............................................................................................ - 92 -
ANNEXURE XVII (BANK GUARANTEE FORMAT) ................................................................................................. - 96 -
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
1. Date of commencement of sale of
Bidding/Tender/RFP Documents 17.05.2018
2. Pre-Bid meeting with Bidders (Date 1100 Hrs
and Time) 24.05.2018
3. Last date and time for sale of Bidding 1800 Hrs
Documents 14.06.2018
4. Last date and time for receipt of
1800 Hrs
Bidding Documents
5. Date and Time of Technical Bid 1500 Hrs
Opening 13.06.2018
6. Cost of RFP( Non-refundable)
7. Earnest Money Deposit Amount
8. Place of opening of Bids National Housing Bank,
All Audits Department
Head Office
Core 5-A, 3rd Floor, India Habitat Centre,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110003
Note: -
· Technical Bids will be opened in the presence of Bidders who choose to attend as above.
The above schedule is subject to change. Notice of any changes will be provided
through e-mail from designated contact personnel only or publishing on NHB's
website. Further, please note that Commercial Bid opening Date, Time & Venue will
be intimated to the technically qualified Bidders at a later date.
· All data/information, submitted vide documentary proofs/company records along with
this RFP, must be reported & will be treated as on date of publication of this RFP.
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
2. National Housing Bank
National Housing Bank (NHB), a statutory institution is a wholly owned subsidiary of the
Reserve Bank of India, established under an Act of the Parliament.
a. NHB has been established to achieve, inter alia, the following objectives
To promote a sound, healthy, viable and cost effective housing finance system to cater
to all segments of the population and to integrate the housing finance system with the
overall financial system.
To promote a network of dedicated housing finance institutions to adequately serve
various regions and different income groups.
To augment resources for the sector and channelize them for housing.
To make housing credit more affordable.
To regulate the activities of housing finance companies based on regulatory and
supervisory authority derived under the Act.
To encourage augmentation of supply of buildable land and also building materials
for housing and to upgrade the housing stock in the country.
To encourage public agencies to emerge as facilitators and suppliers of serviced land,
for housing.
b. The head office of NHB is located in New Delhi and a regional office located at Mumbai.
It has representative offices located at Hyderabad, Chennai, Bengaluru, Kolkata,
Ahmedabad and Bhopal.
3. Purpose:
National Housing Bank (NHB) (hereinafter referred to as the Bank) proposes to invite
Request for Proposal (RFP) tenders from the eligible vendors to provide their services for
conducting Concurrent Audit of the Bank as described under scope of work. The
invitation for RFP document is now being issued to enable vendors to submit their
responses to the Bank.
The purpose of this RFP is to select a vendor to provide their services for conducting
concurrent audit.
The Request for Proposal document contains statements derived from information that is
believed to be relevant at the date but does not purport to provide all of the information
that may be necessary or desirable to enable an intending contracting party to determine
whether or not to enter into a contract or arrangement with NHB. Neither NHB nor any
of its employees, agents, contractors, or advisers gives any representation or warranty,
express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of any information or statement
given or made in this document. Neither NHB nor any of its employees, agents,
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
contractors, or advisers has carried out or will carry out an independent audit or
verification exercise in relation to the contents of any part of the document.
Subject to any law to the contrary, and to the maximum extent permitted by law, NHB
and its officers, employees, contractors, agents, and advisers disclaim all liability from any
loss or damage (whether foreseeable or not) suffered by any person acting on or refraining
from acting because of any information including forecasts, statements, estimates, or
projections contained in this RFP document or conduct ancillary to it whether or not the
loss or damage arises in connection with any negligence, omission, default, lack of care or
misrepresentation on the part of NHB or any of its officers, employees, contractors, agents,
or advisers.
4. Objective:
Concurrent audit is an examination which is contemporaneous with the occurrence of
transactions or is carried out as near thereto as possible. It attempts to shorten the interval
between a transaction and its examination by an independent person. There is an
emphasis in favour of substantive checking in key areas rather than test checking. This
audit is essentially a management process integral to the establishment of sound internal
accounting functions and effective controls and setting the tone for a vigilant internal audit
to preclude the incidence of serious errors and fraudulent manipulations.
5. Scope of Work:
Broad Scope of Department wise Work in Head Office
A. Business Operations
Concurrent audit will audit the loans sanctioned/ disbursed on 100% basis.
Processing & underwriting of Loans
(a) Adherence to defined policies for credit & risk
(b) Review of financials and verification of ratios
(c) Process workflow adherence
(d) Verification of various reports & documents
(e) Capturing of correct details in system
(f) CIBIL/ CRIF Highmark/ Willful defaulter checks / RBI guidelines relating to default list/
caution advice/ IBA caution list / fraudulent borrowers list.
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Documentation controls
(a) KYC documentation
(b) Maintenance of client master file as per bank's policy/ guidelines
Loan Approval & disbursement
(a) Adherence to defined Authority Matrix
(b) Deviations Documentation and approval as per policy.
(c) Documents verification and repayment instruments
(d) Adherence to Pricing Policy and Approval Authority Matrix
(e) Timely and accurate disbursal of loan
(f) Delivery of payments
(g) Whether validations of sanction/ review of undisbursed sanctions has been carried out as
per Bank's policy.
(h) Sanction / disbursements do not violate the instructions/ policy prescriptions of RBI
(i) Security creation has been done properly
(j) Verify all charges on all assets hypothecated / mortgaged are registered with ROC/
(k) Reporting to Credit Information Companies.
(l) NPA Classification
Restructuring, Reschedulement & Renegotiation of loans
(a) Policy/ process/ provisioning aspects/ RBI guidelines relevant to restructuring/ Re
(b) Documentation and adherence to terms of restructuring/ Re schedulement
(c) Approval matrix
(d) Verify whether there are any borrowed accounts which are showing early warning
signals/ as can be classified as NPAs. If so, ascertain reasons thereof and steps taken by
the deptt.
(e) Verify whether the classifications of loan assets has been done properly and income
recognition norms have been followed as per Bank's norms/ RBI's norms.
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Adherence to RBI Prudential Norms & Provisioning Policy
Compliance with Fair Practice Code (FPC) of Bank, if any
Revenue Leakage & Financial Loss
(a) Interest calculation and accounting
(b) Levy of various charges and accounting
(c) Any other income other than interest
(d) verify whether demand advices are raised correctly and sent in time as per the policy
guidelines .
(e) detections and arresting leakage of income, if any.
(f) detections and arresting Financial Loss, if any
B. Human Resource
(a) 100 percent audit of all vouchers for ensuring compliance with the provisions of Human
Resource (HR) Manual and Accounts Manual.
(b) Verification of all books of accounts as per Accounting Manual, Pre-audit of all third party
payments of INR.2.00 lakh and above in HO.
(c) 100 % verification of TDS cases and certification towards prompt remittance of TDS to the
IT Authorities.
(d) Reconciliation of Bankers Account.
(e) Vetting of provisions Vouchers /Statements at the time of closing of Books of Accounts
and also quarterly provisions.
(f) Booking of transaction in proper heads of account.
(g) Verification of all expenses incurred through SAP.
Scrutiny of all types of bills for ensuring
(a) Booking to proper head of account
(b) Proper sanction of expenditure as per delegated power
(c) Certification of proper receipt of goods and services
(d) Issue of cheques and receipts thereof, if applicable
(e) Ensuring of proper maintenance of books of accounts and registers.
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Leave & Increments
(a) Checking sanction of increments & pay fixation.
(b) Checking of employee wise pay details.
Audit of payment of salaries
(a) Checking of calculation of salary
(b) Checking of calculation of overtime
(c) Checking of sanction of various advances to staff
(d) Checking of interest calculation
(e) Recovery of installments of various advances
(f) Reconciliation of employee- wise outstanding under various advances with Loan ledgers
Sanction & Release of Staff Loans
(a) Checking of sanction
(b) Checking of release of installments
(c) Checking of documents
(d) Checking of calculation of interest
(e) Checking of interest on annual basis
(f) Reconciliation of Individual Recovery Sheet with General Ledger on a yearly basis
Pension Cell
(a) Correct compliance with the instructions given in regulation related to Pension of NHB
(b) Maintenance of record by HR Department (Officers due for retirement in next financial
(c) HR department to seek approval from competent authorities
(d) Calculation of Average Monthly Emoluments (AME) / Pension
(e) Delay in sanctioning / communicating / payment of pension / family pension
(f) Redressal of grievances of pensioners / family pensioners
(g) Pre audit of all superannuation payments.
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Settlement of Final Bills-Refund of Security Deposits
(a) Final bill payment is made as per approval from competent authority.
(b) Final Security Deposit is refunded as per terms stipulated in RFP and after obtaining
approval from competent authority.
(c) Whether, maintenance of all site records e.g. attendance register, Stock register ,
Complaint register etc. up to date have been maintained.
Examination of Financial Aspects:
(a) Examine the correctness of amounts sanctioned and vouchers passed vis-à-vis the
claims/bills received.
(b) Whether provision of Income Tax Act, other Acts (like GST etc.) and recoveries have been
complied with.
(c) Financial sanctions must be available for all payment made under appropriate head and
no excess is paid without revised sanction.
(d) Whether expenditure has been booked under proper Heads of Accounts? Whether
Maintenance of Registers was proper and provides all the necessary data required?
Safe custody of Documents:
Verify all the relevant documents related to each of the Project. This includes amongst others,
Bank Guarantee, Original Tender Documents, approved notes and approvals thereof for costs,
variations etc., performance guarantee, set of tender drawings, and set of as-built drawings,
completion certificate and approvals of local authorities. Conveyance deeds of all the properties.
In case complete documents are not available, efforts made by the department to obtain the same
may be commented upon.
(a) Preparation / maintenance of list of documents kept in safe custody / with provision
for columns for removal / restoration of documents for official purpose.
(b) Custody of keys of safes and operation thereof.
(c) Key Movement Register.
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Maintenance of NHB's properties:
In case of all properties owned by NHB, all the repairs and maintenance thereof shall be the
responsibility of NHB. However, in case of property taken on lease, the maintenance
responsibility thereof shall devolve on NHB / lessor in accordance with the terms and conditions
of the agreement. If the owner does not carry out the repairs on request / demand as per terms
of the agreement, NHB shall serve a notice to the owner and carry out such repairs and recover
the cost thereof from the owner on actual basis. A provision to this effect in the agreement shall
be made as and when agreement is made/ renewed. All such agreements/renewals may be
verified and seen that such clause /s has / have been incorporated in the agreements/renewals.
(a) Checking of adequacy of timeliness and appropriateness of the policy and coverage
of all incurables related to bank's property.
Premises and Leased Flats
(a) Verification / safe custody of bank's title deeds on a quarterly basis.
(b) Checking of rent payments
(c) Checking of adjustments of advances
(d) Renewal of lease agreements
(e) Verification of documents
(f) Awarding of contract for security arrangement for Office Premises and Staff Quarters.
(g) Awarding of contracts for maintenance of Visiting Officers' Flats.
(h) Whether rent, rates and taxes paid on time.
(i) Verification of VOF maintenance certificates
(j) AMCs of VOFs / Bank's properties.
C. Departmental Procurements
(a) To ensure adherence to procedure for procurements i.e. departmental policies, DOP etc.
(b) Maintenance of quotation Register
(c) Purchase Committee Recommendation /s
(d) Sanction of expenditure as per delegated power
(e) Maintenance and updating of Inventory/ stock Register
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
(f) Allocation of Inventory Numbers / display thereof on inventory etc.
(g) To ensure disposal of unserviceable items at regular intervals as per HO circulars.
(h) Maintenance of Repairs to property Register, arrangement for repair and maintenance of
stock items was satisfactory / unsatisfactory.
(i) Annual/half yearly verification and monetary reconciliation.
(j) The effectiveness of the AMCs
(k) Procedure followed for issue of stationery items
(l) Surprise verification of stock / maintenance of record thereof
(m) The mechanism to receive the deliveries as per order specification in terms of
number and quality
(n) Timely payment of bills of suppliers, delay if any and reasons therefor, wherever
D. General Administration:
(a) 100 % audit of all vouchers for ensuring compliance with the provisions NHB's
policies and manuals.
(b) Verification of all books of accounts as per NHB's policies and manuals, pre-audit of all
third party payments of Rs.2.00 lakh and above in HO.
(c) 100% verification of TDS/ GST cases and certification towards prompt remittance of TDS
to the IT authorities including GST / professional tax etc.
(d) Vetting of provisions vouchers / statements at the time of closing of book of accounts and
also quarterly provisions.
(e) Joint custody of important documents, valuables.
(f) 100% checking of assets accounting.
(g) Booking of transactions in proper heads of account.
(h) Checking of short / excess provisions
(i) Review of Sundry Advances & Sundry Creditors Sundry Deposits Accounts.
(a) Obtaining of car insurance and timely renewal of car insurance policies.
Staff Canteen
(a) Performance of the caterers whether as per the terms of agreement.
(b) Timely settlement of bills of caterers.
(c) Checking of deduction of tax at source
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
(a) Verification of settlement of telephone/mobile bills
(b) Checking of recovery of excess telephone/mobile call charges.
(c) Procedure for purchase and providing of cell phones to officers maintenance of record
Scrutiny of all types of bills for ensuring
(a) Booking under proper head, of accounts
(b) Proper sanction of expenditure as per delegated power
(c) Certification of proper receipt of goods and services
(d) Issue of cheques and receipts thereof
(e) Ensuring of proper maintenance of books of accounts and registers
(f) Checking of Bank reconciliation
E. Knowledge Center Library
(a) Acquisition / Accessioning of Books and settlement of Bills
(b) Subscription/ Need based Renewal of subscription to Journals/Magazines/On line
databases phasing
(c) Issue and Return of Books/Magazines/Journals, Recovery of cost of lost books/ books
out un used subscription.
(d) Physical Verification of Books/Writing off missing publications/Weeding out of
unwanted and outdated books / ongoing subscriptions to online material.
F. Statutory Dues
(a) Filing of Tax returns in time.
(b) Timely & accurate deposit of statutory dues (TDS, GST, WCT, PF, ESI, NPS, PT etc.)
(c) Correct & accurate accounting of statutory dues
(d) Reconciliation of books & returns
(e) Reconciliation of 26 AS & books
(f) Whether quarterly review if accounts as per the policy has been conducted.
G. Borrowings
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Audit of Bonds, Debentures etc.
(a) Checking of maintenance of Records and Registers viz. Registrar Bills Register, Arrangers
Bill Register, Redemption Register, Interest rate Register, etc.. Visit to Registrar office
regarding Issue of Bonds, Issue of Bonds Certificate as well as Demat form
(b) Detailed checking of existing bonds and other bonds, if any (in future).
(c) Preaudit of issue of bonds in physical as well as Demat form and matching the issue size
with daily inflow of funds received by NHB.
(d) Pre-Audit of Interest on application money for bonds.
(e) Pre-Audit of semiannual and annual interest payments, accrued interest in case of
cumulative interest optees and Redemption payment of Pre-audit of Registrar/ Bank /
Arrangers Bills.
(f) Reconciliation with monthly Trial Balance with respect to bond accounts.
(g) Audit of Bank reconciliation of all banks accounts.
(h) Pre-audit and checking of Annual Closing Statements.
(i) Checking of Tax Deduction at Source.
Audit of bonds & borrowings Institutional Borrowings
(a) Scrutiny of Bond applications / CDs /CPs / TMBs / Borrowings from GoI and various
other agencies.
(b) Compliance with RBI / SEBI / Bombay Stock Exchange & National Stock Exchange
guidelines / instructions. Maintenance of records and Registers, Issue of Bonds /
CDs/CPs, etc.
(c) Pre-audit of interest payments of Bonds, CPs, CDs, Is it deposits, loans from GoI, other
agencies and monthly provisions / memorandum for the same.
(d) Pre-audit of redemption of Bonds, release of TDS amount to Income Tax Dept. and net
interest to Bondholders.
(e) Payments to Depository Agents, Arrangers, rating agencies, debenture trustee, BSE,
bankers and to NSDL, if any.
(f) Checking of Annual Closing Statements in respect of Institutional Borrowings Section
(g) Checking of Tax Deduction at Source
(h) Checking of remittance transit A/c
(i) Checking of monthly provisions for bonds, CP & CD in case of GoI borrowings.
(j) Checking of revenue leakage (panel payments/ late payments fee etc.) if any.
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
(k) Checking for timely payments of interest on monthly basis.
Retail Borrowings
(a) Scrutiny of Bond applications / TDs etc.
(b) Compliance with RBI / SEBI / Bombay Stock Exchange guidelines / instructions.
Maintenance of records and Registers, Issue of Bonds, etc.
(c) Scrutiny of Investor Grievances
(d) Pre-audit of interest payments of Bonds and Corporate loans and monthly provisions /
memorandum for the same.
(e) Pre-audit of redemption of Bonds, Repayments made to Commercial Banks, release of
payment to Income Tax Dept. and net interest payment to Bondholders.
(f) Pre-audit of monthly interest provision & calculation.
(g) Payments to Depository Agents, Registrar, Arrangers and bankers, if any.
(h) Checking of Annual Closing Statements in respect of retail borrowings section
(i) Checking of Tax Deduction at Source
Audit of transactions of Accounts Department
(a) Checking of Vouchers - 100 percent checking of all cash and Journal Vouchers and
ensuring proper accounting and compliance with Accounting
Policy/Manual/Procedures of the Bank.
(b) Verification of maintenance of books as per Accounts Manual.
(c) Checking of voucher postings.
(d) Checking of disbursement notes received from departments for release of refinance to
commercial banks
(e) Checking of posting of loan ledger
(f) Pre-audit of principal demand.
(g) Pre-audit of calculation of interest.
(h) Reconciliation of loan ledger balances with general ledger, NHB General Account/ Inter
Office Account
(i) Inter office Account - passing of vouchers
(j) Checking of reconciliation of loan ledger with due date registers.
(k) Verification of Bank Reconciliation Statements / Trial Balance
(l) Checking of quarterly provisions including interest payable.
(m) Checking of calculation of penal interest on defaults.
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(n) Calculation of interest payable on borrowings on a quarterly basis and provisioning
(o) Checking Balance confirmation certificates
(p) Reporting of all Advances ( outstanding of more than three months)
H. Investments
System Audit of Treasury as defined by RBI time to time.
(a) Segregation of its investments into held to Maturity/Available for Sale/ Held for trading
(b) Presence of proper conversation recording system of the dealing room and if it is tested
(c) Execution of proper authority letter in favor of the dealer
(d) Accurate serial numbering and inclusion of all relevant details in the deal slips
(e) Approval of deals by the competent authority as per the delegation of power defined in
the Investment policy
(f) Execution of deals inside the dealing room and if any deal has been done on mobile phones
or outside the dealing room
(g) Timely passing the deal slips to back office post recording and processing deals as per
(h) Presentation of Daily statement of investment transactions to the Top Management
(i) Compliance with terms and conditions
(j) Timely receipt of confirmation from counterparty has been obtained
(k) Timely receipt of interest and redemption proceeds
(l) Accurate interest accrual on transactions and products
(m) Monthly reconciliation of sub ledgers and books of accounts
(n) Timely settlement of deals on E-KUBER system
(o) Voucher preparation for all settled transactions
(p) Deal entry of all transactions in SAP
(q) Procedural adherence by back office before handing over cheque to the counter party
(r) Reporting of forthcoming maturity to Front Office
Broker Empanelment
(a) Adherence to the procedure for empanelment of brokers
(b) Empanelment and de-listing of brokers as per the defined criteria
(c) Review of broker panels annually/ periodically
(d) Review of transactions entered through individual brokers
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
(e) Adherence to RBI guidelines for deals entered through brokers
(f) Review of cases of substitution of counterparty or security in deals by brokers, if any
(g) Adherence to process by brokers for settlement
Cash Management
(a) Timely preparation and presentation of cash flow
Committee Meetings
(a) Frequency of the committee meetings held and documentation of minutes.
(b) Provision of agenda / data for consideration in meetings
(a) Entering into forward contracts and other permitted derivative transactions. only in
permitted securities
(b) Approvals of all derivative transactions as per competent authority
Funds Transfer
(a) Timely processing of payment instructions and entry for investments (IOT)
(b) Timely response and making payment effects of IOT by Mumbai Office
(c) Actioning the open IOTs post properly examining them and the corrective action taken
(a) Segregation of its investments into held to Maturity/Available for Sale/Held for trading
(b) Adherence to RBI guidelines in respect of transfer of positions from Available for Sale to
Held for Trading
(c) Review of investment portfolio on a half yearly basis to certify adherence to Bank's
investment policy guidelines and RBI guidelines and presentation to the Board.
(d) Reporting exceptions in securities transactions including other investment transactions in
(e) Adherence to RBI guidelines for Valuation of Investments
(f) Accurate accounting, receipt and accrual of investments
(g) Adherence to accounting policies and statutory regulation for recording and accounting
of all investment related transaction.
(h) Addition / consideration of acquisition of securities cost while calculating the cost of
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(i) Accounting of investments in the books of accounts as per RBI Guidelines
(j) Accurate yield statement preparation of investments portfolio on a quarter ended and half
years basis
(k) Collection and accounting of profit on sale of investments
(l) The audit will cover areas such as Dealing Room procedures to ensure that all deals
executed were promptly captured by the accounting system, full scrutiny of sample deals,
limit system, etc.,
(m) To verify the compliance of latest RBI directions on Commercial Paper, conditions of CP
offer documents and the operational guidelines on Commercial papers issued by FIMMDA; and
to submit a quarterly certificate within a week from the quarter end specifically indicating the
following lines:
1. the CP was issued for the purpose as mentioned in the offer document and the CP
proceeds are used for the disclosed purpose.
2. the other conditions of the offer document and the CP issuance directions are adhered
3. the asset classification of fund based facilities from banks/financial institutions
continues to be "Standard".
4. there has been no material change in Bank's financial status which may adversely affect
the credit rating of the Commercial Paper.
5. the CPs have not been invested by related parties either in primary market or in
secondary market as per the list of beneficial owners.
Liquidity Management
(a) Adherence to liquidity ratios as per liquidity policy presented in ALCO.
Market Monitoring
(a) Preparation of off market reports
(b) Timely macro-economic interest rate review
Record Management
(a) Safekeeping, custody and record management of documents
(b) Whether records are maintained as per the Records Management Policy
Risk Management
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(a) Adherence to limits and limits approvals as per investment policy
(b) If the exposure with the counterparty is within the single/ group exposure limit
(c) Month end reconciliation of Single / Group Limit balances with balances in the books of
Public Debt Office of RBI (PDO)
(d) Reporting of Limit monitoring of outstanding balances on a daily basis
The above area of operations are illustrative only and not criteria exhaustive.
(e) Validation of Structural liquidity statement
Mumbai Regional Office:
Verification of cash and cash equivalents
Payments, Receipts and disbursements
Asset/Investment Verification
Other assignment decided by ACB time to time at no extra cost.
The Firm should depute at least one article assistants having minimum experience of 12-15 months on
daily basis and one Chartered Accountants with minimum experience of 2 years for 10 working days in a
month for this assignment. Continuity in the matter of personnel should be ensured.
The partner of the auditing firm should spell out clear supervision check controls / guidelines for auditing
of the bank and A Partner should visit the bank at least 3-4 days during the month and attend briefing
sessions on the Concurrent Audit with the Audit Head in order to ensure effective follow-up of the
rectification of the irregularities and also attend periodical review meetings as and when convened by the
Bank at his own cost. Further, if desired by the Top Management / Board, a senior partner shall visit the
Bank. It may be noted that no cost towards these visits will be borne by the bank.
The monthly consolidated report for Head Office and Mumbai Regional Office in the prescribed format
should be submitted by 10th of succeeding month. Delay beyond this may cause 0.25% penalty of the
Invoice amount of the per day delay with a maximum of 5% of the Invoice amount. In the event, the
default in submission of monthly report still continues beyond the period for which maximum penalty is
prescribed, the Bank may at its discretion take appropriate action as provided in RFP including
termination of the contract.
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6. Period of Contract:
The contract will be valid for three years from the date of implementation of project. Bank
will enter into a service contract with successful bidder for a period of 3 years from the
date of implementation of project. The same will be renewed on yearly basis subject to
satisfactory performance review.
Date of implementation of project shall be date of acceptance of the letter of award
(Starting Date) or such other date as may be fixed by NHB. The same date shall be
considered for renewal of services etc., if applicable
This RFP is not exhaustive in describing the functions, activities, responsibilities and
services for which Auditors will be responsible. The Bidder, by participation in this tender,
implicitly confirm that if any functions, activities, responsibilities or services not
specifically described in this RFP are necessary or appropriate for the proper performance
and required for compliance of Statutory or Regulatory compliance and they will be
deemed to be implied by and included within the scope of services under this RFP at no
extra cost and Bidder's response to the same extent and in the same manner as if
specifically described in this RFP and Bidder's response.
7. Instructions to Bidders
7.1 General :-
The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications in the
Bidding documents. Failure to furnish all information required by the Bidding/Tender/RFP
documents may result in the rejection of its Bid and will be at the Bidder's own risk.
All costs and expenses incurred by the Bidders in any way associated with the
development, preparation, and submission of responses, including but not limited to; the
attendance at meetings, discussions, demonstrations, etc. and providing any additional
information required by NHB, will be borne entirely and exclusively by the Bidder.
No binding legal relationship will exist between any of the Bidders and NHB until
execution of a contractual agreement, except the pre-contract integrity pact to be
submitted along with the Bid. Post evaluation and finalization of the Bids and
identification of the successful Bidder, the integrity pact will for part of the definitive
agreement to be signed by the successful Bidder. For the other Bidders, the pre-contract
integrity pact will be binding on them for any acts/omissions committed by the Bidder in
violation/breach of the said pre-contract integrity pact in relation to the Bid submitted.
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Each Bidder acknowledges and accepts that NHB may in its absolute discretion apply
selection criteria specified in the document for evaluation of proposals for short listing /
selecting the eligible Auditors (s).
Every Bidder will, by submitting his Bid in response to this RFP, be deemed to have
accepted the terms of this RFP and the Disclaimer.
Bidders are required to direct all communications related to this RFP, through the
nominated Point of Contact persons, mentioned below:
S. K. Padhi , Prabhat Ranjan ,
Dy. General Manager, Deputy Manager,
National Housing Bank , National Housing Bank,
All Audits Department All Audits Department
Head Office Head Office
Core 5-A, 3rd Floor, India Habitat Core 5-A, 3rd Floor, India Habitat
Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
110003 110003
Phone No : 011-39187113 Phone No : 011-39187160
Email : Email:
NHB may, in its absolute discretion, seek additional information or material from any
Bidder/s even after the tender/RFP closes and all such information and material provided
must be taken to form part of that Bidder's response.
Bidders should provide details of their contact person, telephone, fax, email and full
address(s) to ensure that replies to RFP could be conveyed promptly.
If NHB, in its absolute discretion, deems that the originator of any query will gain an
advantage by any response to such query, then NHB reserves the right to communicate
such response to all Bidders.
Queries / Clarification if any, may be taken up with the contact person/s detailed above
before the deadline for submission of Bids between 11 am to 0530 pm on Monday to
Friday, excluding public holidays.
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Bidder should not have been blacklisted/debarred from participation in the Bid
process by any of the Govt. Departments/PSUs/Banks/Financial Institutes in India.
NHB will notify all short-listed Bidders in writing or by mail or by publishing in its
website as soon as practicable about the outcome of their RFP. NHB is not obliged to
provide any reasons for any such acceptance or rejection.
NHB reserves the right to cancel the entire tendering process at any point of time prior to
award of contract if deemed fit.
7.2 Pre-Bid Meeting
For the purpose of clarification of doubts of the Bidders on issues related to this tender/RFP,
NHB intends to hold a Pre-Bid meeting on the date and time as indicated in the RFP. The
queries of all the Bidders, in writing, should reach by e-mail or by post on or before 24.05.2018
by 17:00 Hrs on the address/email as mentioned on page 05 of this RFP. It may be noted that
no queries of any Bidder shall be entertained received after the Pre-Bid meeting.
Clarifications on queries will be given in the Pre-Bid meeting. Only the authorized
representatives of the Bidders, will be allowed to attend the Pre-Bid meeting.
7.3 Soft Copy of Tender/RFP Document
The soft copy of the Tender/RFP document will be made available on NHB's website . The Bidders will need to pay the non-refundable fee of Rs. 5,000/-
(Rupees Five Thousand only) by way of ECS into NHB' account as described in Clause
The proof of the payment should be enclosed and put in the envelope containing the
Technical Bid; in the absence of which the Bid may not be considered for further evaluation.
7.4 Non-Transferability of Tender/RFP
This tender/RFP document is not transferable.
7.5 Erasures or Alterations
The offers containing erasures or alterations may not be considered. Any interlineations',
erasures or overwriting in technical Bids may be considered at the discretion of NHB only if
they are initialed by the person signing the Bids. However, any interlineations', erasures or
overwriting in any form will not be accepted in the commercial Bid. There should be no
hand-written material, corrections or alterations in the offer. Technical details must be
completely filled up. Correct technical information of the product being offered must be filled
in. Filling up of the information using terms such as "OK", "accepted", "noted", "as given in
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
brochure/manual" is not acceptable. However, NHB may treat offers not adhering to these
guidelines as unacceptable. NHB may, in its absolute discretion, waive any minor non-
conformity or any minor irregularity in the offer. This shall be binding on all Bidders and
NHB reserves the right for such waivers.
7.6 Amendment to the Bidding/Tender/RFP document
· At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Bids, NHB, for any reason, may
modify the Bidding/Tender/RFP Document, by amendment.
· The amendment will be posted on NHB's website
· All Bidders must ensure that all amendments/enhancements (if any) in the RFP have
been considered by them before submitting the Bid. NHB will not have any
responsibility in case some omission is done by any Bidder.
· NHB at its discretion may extend the deadline for the submission of Bids.
· NHB shall not be liable for any communication gap. Further NHB reserve the right to
scrap the tender or drop the tendering process at any stage without assigning any
7.7 Language of Bid
The Bid prepared by the Bidders, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to
the Bid exchanged by the Bidder and NHB and supporting documents and printed literature
shall be written in English.
7.8 Masked Commercial Bid
The Bidder should submit a copy of the actual price Bid (as per the format specified by NHB
being submitted to NHB separately by masking the actual prices. This is mandatory. The Bid
may be disqualified if it is not submitted by masking it properly. NHB reserves the right to
cancel the Bid/tender process at the time of commercial evaluation, if the format/detail
(except price) of `Masked Commercial Bid' does not match with the format/detail of actual
Commercial Bid submitted.
7.9 Right to Alter Location / Quantities
NHB reserves the right to alter the proposed location/s specified in the RFP. NHB also
reserves the right to add/delete one or more location/s from the list specified in this RFP,
from time to time.
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7.10 Documents Comprising the Bid
1. Bidder's information in the format as prescribed in Annexure I;
2. Bidder's Experience details in the format as prescribed in Annexure II;
3. Compliance Statement Declaration in the format as prescribed in Annexure III;
4. List of Deviations, if any, in the format as prescribed in Annexure IV;
5. Information on Minimum Eligibility in the format as prescribed in Annexure V:
6. The Technical Proposal: The Technical Bid should be submitted in the format as
prescribed in Annexure VII along with the covering letter in the format as prescribed
in Annexure VI. Annexure I, II , III, IV, V , X ,XI,XII,XIII,XIV must be submitted along
with Technical Proposals.
7. The Commercial Proposal: The Commercial Bid should be submitted in the format as
prescribed in Annexure IX along with the covering letter in the format as prescribed
in Annexure VIII.
8. ECS Mandate in the format as prescribed in Annexure X;
9. Letter of Competency in the format as prescribed in Annexure XI;
10. Curriculum Vitae (CV) of the Key Personnel in the format in Annexure XII;
11. Escalation Matrix in the format in Annexure XIII;
12. Pre-Contract Integrity Pact (wherever applicable) in the format in Annexure XIV (The
Pre-Contract Integrity Pact should be submitted neatly typed in on Rs.100/- non-judicial
stamp paper duly signed by the authorized signatory and the same will be signed on behalf of
NHB subsequently. The date of execution should be the date as mentioned in the Technical Bid
by the Bidder)
Note: Bids without the RFP cost and EMD amount will be rejected.
7.11 Bid Currency
i. Bids to be quoted in Indian Rupee only.
7.12 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
i. All the responses must be accompanied by a refundable interest free security deposit of
Rs. Fifty Thousand only (Rs. 50,000/- only), by way of an e-payment in favour of National
Housing Bank.
The Accounts details are given below:
S.No Type Beneficiary Particulars
1 Name National Housing Bank
2 Address Core 5A, 4th Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi 110 003
3 Bank Name State Bank of India
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4 Bank Branch Pragati vihar Delhi Branch, Ground Floor, Core-6,
Address Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003
5 Type of Bank Current account
6 Bank A/C No 52142903844
7 IFCS code of Bank SBIN0020511
8 MICR No 110002658
ii. The proof of the EMD payment and Cost of RFP should be enclosed and put in the
envelope containing the Technical Bid; in the absence of which the Bid may not be
considered for further evaluation. The Bidders are also required to submit ECS Mandate
Form as enclosed in Annexure-X.
iii. Any Bid received without EMD in proper form and manner shall be considered
unresponsive and rejected.
iv. Request for exemption from EMD will not be entertained.
v. Save as otherwise provided herein or in the definitive agreement, the EMD amount of all
unsuccessful Bidders would be refunded on completion of the tendering process.
vi. Save as otherwise provided herein or in the definitive agreement, the successful Bidder
will be refunded the EMD amount after execution of SLA and submission of PBG for 10%
of annual contract value as per terms of the RFP. Contract value for this will be 12*X { X
is Monthly Charges towards Concurrent Audit Services ( as quoted in Commercial Bid
i.e. Annexure IX) }
vii. The EMD security may be forfeited:
· If a Bidder withdraws its Bids during the period of Bid validity;
· If a Bidder makes any statement or encloses any form which turns out to be
false/incorrect at any time prior to signing of the contract;
· In case of successful Bidder, if the Bidder fails to Sign the contract; and
· In case of any breach of the pre-contract integrity pact.
7.13 Implementation schedule
· The selected vendor will be required to report at the NHB Head Office for commencement
of the services within 10 days of acceptance of work order.
· The Bidder shall be responsible for delivery of the services.
S.No Event Delivery Schedule (From
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date of acceptance of work
order/letter of award)
1. Kick off meeting 5 days
2. Commencement of services 6 days or
· Billing cycle will commence only after execution of SLA as per terms of the RFP.
7.14 Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG)
The selected Bidder will be required to provide a 10 % of the total cost of contract value, in
the form of bank guarantee from a scheduled commercial bank in the format as substantially
prescribed in Annexure-XVII. Contract value for this will be 12*X {X is Monthly Charges
towards Concurrent Audit Services ( as quoted in Commercial Bid i.e. Annexure IX) }. The
PBG should be valid till at least 06 months beyond beyond the expiry of contract period or
such other extended period as NHB may decide. The PBG is required to protect the interest
of NHB against the risk of non-performance or default in RFP Term/s, including non-
compliance of applicable statutory provisions including labour laws and any other
laws/rules/regulations, by the successful Bidder. Default in successful implementation of
the conditions of the contract, may warrant the invoking of PBG, and also if any act of the
Auditors /Bidder results into imposition of Liquidated Damages/penalty, then NHB
reserves the right to invoke the Performance Bank Guarantee submitted by such Bidder. The
decision of NHB as to non-performance or default in RFP Term/s, including non-compliance
of applicable statutory provisions etc shall be final and binding on the successful Bidder.
7.15 Period of Validity of Bids
· Prices and other terms offered by Bidders must be valid for an acceptance period of six
months from the date of opening of commercial Bid.
· In exceptional circumstances NHB may solicit the Bidders consent to an extension of
the period of validity. The request and response thereto shall be made in writing. The
Bid security provided shall also be extended.
7.16 Format and Signing of Bids
Each Bid shall be submitted in two parts:
· Part I: consists of Minimum Eligibility Criteria, Technical Bid and Masked Commercial
Bid [price Bids without any price]. The above contents will be referred to as "Technical
· Part II : covering only the Commercial Bid herein referred to as "Commercial Proposal"
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
· The Original Bids shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by the
Bidder or a person or persons duly authorized to bind the Bidder to the contract. The
person or persons signing the Bids shall put their initials on all pages of the Bids, except
for un-amended printed literature.
7.17 Sealing and Marking of Bids
· The non-window and sealed envelope containing both Part I ad Part II as described in 8.16
super scribing " Proposal for Appointment of Concurrent Auditors of National Housing
Bank" shall be addressed to NHB at the address given below:
Deputy General Manager,
All Audits Department,
National Housing Bank
Core 5A, 3rd Floor, India Habitat Centre
Lodhi Road
New Delhi 110003
· All envelopes should indicate on the cover the name and address of Bidder along with
contact number and email address.
· The Bidder shall seal the envelopes containing Technical and Commercial proposals
· The envelope should be non-window and separately super scribed as "Technical
Proposal for Appointment of Concurrent Auditors of National Housing Bank ", and
"Commercial Proposal for Appointment of Concurrent Auditors of National Housing
Bank ", as applicable.
· If the envelop is not sealed and marked, NHB will assume no responsibility for the Bid's
misplacement or its premature opening.
· Bids not sealed properly shall not considered and will stand rejected without recourse.
7.18 Deadline for submission of Bids
· The Bids must be received by NHB at the addressed specified, not later than the last date
of Bid submission as indicated above.
· In the event of the specified date for the submission of Bids, being declared a holiday for
NHB, the Bids will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day.
NHB may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for submission of Bids by amending the
Bid documents with intimation on NHB's website, in which case, all rights and obligations
of NHB and Bidders previously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the
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deadline as extended.
7.19 Late Bids
Any Bid received by NHB after the deadline for submission of Bids prescribed by NHB will
be rejected and returned unopened to the Bidder.
7.20 Opening of Bids by NHB
· On the scheduled date and time, Bids will be opened by NHB Committee in presence of
Bidder representatives who will attend the meeting on the specified date and time.
· Place of Opening of Technical Bids:
National Housing Bank
Core 5A, 3rd Floor, India Habitat Centre
Lodhi Road
New Delhi 110003
· The Bidder name and presence or absence of requisite EMD, RFP cost and such other
details as NHB, at its discretion may consider appropriate, will be announced at the time
of Technical Bid opening.
7.21 Clarification of Bids
During evaluation of Bids, NHB, at its discretion, may ask the Bidder for clarification of its
Bid. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing (Fax/e-Mail), and no
change in the substance of the Bid shall be sought, offered or permitted.
7.22 Preliminary Examinations
· NHB will examine the Bids to determine whether they are complete, the documents have
been properly signed; supporting papers/documents attached and the Bids are generally
in order etc.
· NHB may, at its sole discretion, waive any minor infirmity, nonconformity or irregularity
in a Bid which does not constitute a material deviation, provided such a waiver does not
prejudice or affect the relative ranking of any Bidder.
· The decision of NHB is final towards evaluation of the Bid documents.
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7.23 Proposal Ownership
The proposal and all supporting documentation submitted by the Bidder shall become the
property of NHB unless NHB agrees to the Bidder's specific request/s, in writing that the
proposal and documentation be returned or destroyed.
7.24 Instructions to the Bidders
The Bidder shall not outsource the work assigned by NHB, to any third party except with
NHB's prior written consent and attend all complaints registered by NHB through its own
service/support infrastructure only.
7.25 Price Composition & Variation
· The Bidder should clearly furnish the cost matrix strictly as per the structure, if any,
provided in the Annexure IX. Any deviation may lead to Bid rejection. Also no options
should be quoted other than as per the commercial Bid. Wherever options are given,
the Bid is liable to be rejected.
· The commercial offer shall be on a fixed price basis. No price variation relating to cost
of audit excl. taxes (present and future) will be entertained for any work assigned
during the period of contract.
· Only Statutory taxes/cess/charges will be paid as actual as per statutory revision.
· Date of implementation of project shall be date of acceptance of the letter of award
(Starting Date) or such other date as may be fixed by NHB. The same date shall be
considered for renewal of services etc., if applicable.
7.26 Timely availability of Support Services
· The Audit firm should have proper and adequate support mechanism in place at New
Delhi and Mumbai to provide all necessary support under this project.
7.27 Manuals/Documents
The Audit firm shall provide required documentation/s for the services supplied during the
period of contract. Further, Audit firm will submit samples/documents in the format desired
by the Bank , based on which Audit was conducted to the Bank along with the report.
7.28 Modification and Withdrawal
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· Every Bidder shall submit only one proposal. If any Bidder submits more than one
proposal, all such proposals shall be disqualified.
· The Bidders are advised to submit the Bids only after the Pre-Bid Meeting as the Bids
once submitted will be treated, as final and no further correspondence will be
entertained on this. No Bid will be allowed to be modified after the deadline for
submission of Bids. No Bidder shall be allowed to withdraw the Bid, if Bidder happens
to be successful Bidder.
· NHB has the right to reject any or all Bids received without assigning any reason
whatsoever. NHB shall not be responsible for non-receipt / non- delivery of the Bid
documents due to any reason whatsoever.
7.29 Revelation of Prices
The prices in any form or by any reasons should not be disclosed in the technical or other
parts of the Bid except in the commercial Bid. Failure to do so will make the Bid liable to be
7.30 Terms and Conditions of the Bidding firms
The Bidding firms are not required to impose their own terms and conditions to the Bid and
if submitted will not be considered as forming part of their Bids. The Bidders are advised
to clearly specify the deviations as per Annexure-IV, in case terms and conditions of the
contract applicable to this RFP are not acceptable to them. The Bidders should also describe
clearly in what respect and up to what extent the equipment and services being offered
differ/ deviate from the specifications laid down in the specifications and requirements.
7.31 Local conditions
Bidders must acquaint themselves with the local conditions and factors, which may have any
effect on the performance of the contract and / or the cost.
7.32 Contacting NHB or putting outside influence
Bidders are forbidden to contact NHB or its Consultants on any matter relating to this Bid
from the time of submission of commercial Bid to the time the contract is awarded. Any effort
on the part of the Bidder to influence Bid evaluation process, or contract award decision may
result in the rejection of the Bid.
7.33 Proposal Content
The Bidders' proposals are central to the evaluation and selection process. Therefore, it is
important that the Bidders carefully prepare the proposal. The quality of the Bidder's
proposal will be viewed as an indicator of the Bidder's capability to provide the solution and
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Bidder's interest in the project.
7.34 Banned or Delisted Bidder
Bidders have to give a declaration that they have not been banned or delisted by any
Government, Quasi Government agencies, PSUs or PSBs and its subsidiaries. If a Bidder has
been banned by any Government, Quasi Government agencies, PSUs or PSBs and its
subsidiaries, this fact must be clearly stated .If this declaration is not given, the Bid will be
rejected as non-responsive. This declaration will be submitted along with the Technical Bid.
7.35 Compliance with Laws
(a) The Audit firm shall undertake to observe, adhere to, abide by, comply with and notify
NHB about all laws in force or as are made applicable in future, pertaining to or
applicable to them, their business, their employees or their obligations towards them
and all purposes of this tender and shall indemnify, keep indemnified, hold harmless,
defend and protect NHB and its employees/officers/staff/
personnel/representatives/agents from any failure or omission on its part to do so and
against all claims or demands of liability and all consequences that may occur or arise
for any default or failure on its part to conform or comply with the above and all other
statutory obligations arising there from.
(b) The Audit firm shall promptly and timely obtain all such consents, permissions,
approvals, licenses, etc, as may be necessary or required for any of the purposes of this
project or for the conduct of their own business under any applicable Law, Government
Regulation/Guidelines and shall keep the same valid and in force during the term of
the project, and in the event of any failure or omission to do so, shall indemnify, keep
indemnified, hold harmless, defend, protect and fully compensate NHB and its
employees/ officers/ staff/ personnel/ representatives/agents from and against all
claims or demands of liability and all consequences that may occur or arise for any
default or failure on its part to conform or comply with the above and all other statutory
obligations arising there from and NHB shall give notice of any such claim or demand
of liability within reasonable time to the Audit firm.
(c) In case NHB undergoes a merger, amalgamation, takeover, consolidation,
reconstruction, change of ownership, etc., this Contract shall be considered to be
assigned to the new entity and such an act shall not affect the rights of the Audit firm
under this Contract.
7.36 Intellectual Property Rights
The Bidder warrants that in the event of its selection as the Concurrent Audit firm: -
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(a) The Inputs to be provided by it shall not infringe upon any third party intellectual
property rights, including copyrights, patents and other intellectual property rights of
any nature whatsoever.
(b) It further warrants that the Deliverables shall not infringe upon any third party
intellectual property rights, including copyrights, patents and other intellectual
property rights of any nature whatsoever.
(c) In the event that the Deliverables become the subject of a claim of violation or
infringement of a third party's intellectual property rights, the Bidder shall, at its choice
and expense: (a) procure for NHB the right to continue to use such Deliverables; (b)
replace or modify such Deliverables to make them non-infringing, provided that the
same function is performed by the replacement or modified Deliverables as the
infringing Deliverables; or (c) if the rights to use cannot be procured or the Deliverables
cannot be replaced or modified, accept the return of the Deliverables and reimburse
NHB for any amounts paid to the Bidder for such Deliverables, along with the
replacement costs incurred by NHB for procuring an equivalent equipment in addition
to the penalties levied by NHB . However, NHB shall not bear any kind of expense,
charge, fees or any kind of costs in this regard. Notwithstanding the remedies contained
herein, the Bidder shall be responsible for payment of penalties in case service levels
are not met because of inability of NHB to use the proposed solution.
(d) The indemnification obligations stated in this clause apply only in the event that the
Indemnified Party provides the Indemnifying Party prompt written notice of such
claims; grants the Indemnifying Party sole authority to defend, manage, negotiate or
settle such claims; and makes available all reasonable assistance in defending the claims
(at the expense of the Indemnifying Party). Notwithstanding the foregoing, neither
party is authorized to agree to any settlement or compromise or the like which would
require that the Indemnified Party make any payment or bear any other substantive
obligation without the prior written consent of the Indemnified Party. The
indemnification obligations stated in this clause reflect the entire liability of the parties
for the matters addressed thereby.
(e) The Bidder acknowledges that business logics, work flows, delegation and decision
making processes of NHB are of business sensitive nature and hence shall not be
referred to other clients, agents or distributors of the software. The project shall be
deemed as incomplete in case the desired objectives of the project as mentioned in the
scope of the project are not met and in case the system is unable to facilitate the
processes duly supported by various requirements as envisaged in the RFP.
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
7.37 False / Incomplete statement
Any statement/declaration made by the Bidder, if proved wrong or false or incomplete or
such as to withhold any information relevant to the award of the tender, at any stage of the
tender/Bid process or in the event of his Bid/tender having been accepted at any stage of
the contract, shall render his/their Bid(s)/tender(s)/contract(s) liable to be
cancelled/rescinded, in addition to the followings:
a. If such statement is found at the tender stage, his total earnest money shall be forfeited
and tender will be summarily rejected.
b. b. In case such a statement is found at the contract stage appropriate action as decided
by NHB shall be applicable.
9. Bids (Technical & Commercial) and Bid Evaluation Methodology
i. Bid Evaluation Methodology
a. To meet the Bank's requirements, as spelt out in the RFP, the selected Bidder must
have the requisite experience in providing services in the field of Concurrent Audit
that would be required to successfully provide the services sought by the Bank, for
the entire period of the contract. The evaluation process of the bids proposed to be
adopted by the Bank is indicated below. The purpose of it is only to provide the
Bidder an idea of the evaluation process that the Bank may adopt. The Bank
reserves the right to modify the evaluation process at any time during the Tender
process (before submission of technical and commercial responses by the
prospective bidder), without assigning any reason, whatsoever, and without any
requirement of intimating the Bidders of any such change. Any time during the
process of evaluation the Bank may seek specific clarifications from any or all the
b. It may please be noted that the Bank reserves the right to reject any proposal in
case same is found incomplete or not submitted in the specified format given in
this RFP document.
c. The details of `Minimum Eligibility Criteria', provided by the bidder in its response
to this RFP, will be evaluated first, based on the criteria described in section. The
technical and commercial responses to this RFP will be considered further only for
those bidders who meet the Minimum Eligibility Criteria.
ii. The technical and commercial response evaluation will be based on the criteria described
in following section onwards.
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
a. Minimum Eligibility Criteria
S No Criteria
1. The Bidder should be a Chartered Accountancy Firm, Partnership Firm/
Limited Liability Partnership Firm registered with ICAI. Format A may
be filled.
2. During last five years ( i.e. between 01.4.2013 to 31.03.2018) the Bidder
should have carried out Concurrent Audit of Treasury Operations of at
least one SCB/All India FI (including audits currently being conducted),
having investment size of more than Rs. 1000 Crore as on March 31, 2018).
Format B to be filled along with Annexed supporting documents.
3. The Bidder should have minimum 2 Full time CA partners (as on date of
commencement date of sale of RFP). Format C to be filled along with
Annexed supporting documents.
4. The Bidder should have its own office in Delhi NCR/ Mumbai
Metropolitan Region (MMR). Format D to be filled along with
Declaration on the letterhead.
5. The Bidder firms should not have been black listed/ debarred by any
Government Financial Institutions /Banks/ RBI/ ICAI/ IBA /
Government / Semi Government Departments/ PSUs / in India during
last 5 years and Blacklisting should not be in force. Format E to be filled
along with Declaration on the letterhead.
6. The Bidder should not be owned or controlled by any Director or
Employee of National Housing Bank, both present and those who have
retired in the last two Years, or by any of their Relatives. Further, the
Bidder shall not engage any of the foregoing persons as partners,
employees or contractors for any work whether connected with the
"Assignment/ Job/ Engagement" nor shall they benefit directly or
indirectly from the "Assignment/ Job/ Engagement" in any manner.
Format F to be filled along with Declaration on the letterhead.
7. The Bidder or its subsidiary or sister concern should not have been
engaged with National Housing Bank as Internal Auditors/Statutory
Auditors/Tax Consultant/IndAS Consultant within last three years. ( as
on closing date of bid) Format G to be filled along with Declaration on the
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8. Average annual professional income of the firm during last three years
i.e. 2015-16, 2016-17 & 2017-18 should be minimum Rs. 2 Crore. Format G
to be filled along with Declaration on the letterhead. Format H to be filled
along with Declaration on the letterhead.
A. Bidder should submit documentary evidence (acceptable to the Bank) of the
Information given in the related formats in respect of all above mentioned criteria
while submitting the proposal. Proposal of bidder who do not fulfill the above criteria
or who fail to submit documentary evidence to the satisfaction of the Bank would be
B. Bidders fulfilling the Minimum Eligibility Criteria will only be considered for further
technical evaluation.
i. Technical bids received from the Bidder will be opened at the scheduled time in the
presence of available bidders.
ii. The Technical Bids who will obtain the Technical Score of 60 or more in part I ( S.No. 1 to
5 in Table mentioned below) out of 75 marks are only eligible for the presentation.
b. The technical bid will be analyzed and evaluated, based on which the Technical
Score (TS) shall be assigned to each bid. The mark distribution criteria of the
Technical evaluation are as follows:
Mark Distributions (Maximum Points 100)
S Details Marks
Part I
1. Existence of the firm in the field of providing Audit services ( Max Marks
More than 20 Years 10
More than 15 but 20 Years 05
More than 10 but 15 Years 02
10 Years
2. The number of professional staff (excluding typists, stenographers,
computer operators, secretary/ies and subordinate staff etc.), consisting
of audit and articled clerks with knowledge in book-keeping and
accountancy and engaged in accountancy and Audit:
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
(Bidder will provide a list of staff signed by authorized signatory on their
letter head which will include Qualification, designation, No of year of
Experience etc.) (Max Marks: 15)
More than 50 15
More than 40 but 50 10
More than 30 but 40 07
More than 20 but 30 05
3. No of Concurrent Audit of Branch (having treasury function) of SCB/All
India FIs, having investment size of more than Rs. 1000 Crores as on
March 31,2018 in the last 5 years ( i.e. between 01.4.2013 to 31.03.2018)
(Max Marks: 15):
More than 7 15
More than 5 but 7 10
More than 3 but 5 05
More than 1 but 3 02
4. No of Full time partners of the firm having association with the firm more
than two years as a partner only( Max Marks: 15):
More than 8 15
More than 5 but 8 10
More than 2 but 5 05
5. Average annual professional income of the firm during last three years
i.e. 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18 ( Max Marks: 15)
More than 10 Crore 15
More than 7 but 10 Crore 10
More than 5 but 7 Crore 05
More than 2 but 5 Crore 02
Part II
6. Presentation on proposed roadmap for carrying out Concurrent Audit 25
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
i. Bidders have to provide certified copies of supporting documents against each criteria
mentioned above, without which bid may be rejected.
ii. The minimum qualification score for the Technical Bids would be 75 (cut-off marks) out
of Total 100 marks (Including marks for presentation).
iii. Financial Bid
i. Only firms successfully qualifying the requisite criteria of the Technical Bid process shall
be considered eligible for the Financial Bid Round. The evaluation of the Financial Bids
would be as follows:
ii. The lowest bid shall be assigned the maximum Financial Score of 100 points.
iii. The Financial Scores of the other Financial Bids will be computed relative to the lowest
evaluated Financial Bid.
iv. The Financial Score computing methodology is as follows:
· Financial Score (Bid under consideration) = 100x Price of the lowest bid
Price of the bid under consideration
v. Final Processing
· Proposals would be ranked according to their Final Score arrived at by combining
Technical and Financial Scores as follows:
Final Score = Technical Score x T + Financial Score x F
(T - Weightage given to the Technical Bid, F - Weightage given to the Financial Bid,
T + F = 1)
Weightage for the bids are as follows:
Technical Bid T 60%
Financial Bid F 40%
Total Weightage 100%
The firm achieving the highest combined Technical and Financial Score will be invited for
The Bank reserves the right to revise the evaluation criteria, methodology, distribution
points and weight age; if it finds it necessary.
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
10. Commercial Terms and Conditions
Bidders are requested to note following commercial terms and conditions for this project.
10.1 Currency
The Bidder is requested to quote in Indian Rupees (`INR'). Bids in currencies other than INR
may not be considered.
10.2 Price
a) The Price quoted by the Bidder should include all type of costs.
b) The price should be valid and firm for full contract period of three years.
c) The price should be inclusive of all taxes (except GST), duties, levies charges,
transportation, insurance, as per Commercial Bid.
d) The price quoted by the Bidder shall remain firm during the Bidder's performance of
the contract i.e., for a period of three years which may be extended, if required, by NHB.
Bid submitted with adjustable price quotation will be treated as non-responsive and will
be rejected.
e) Bid submitted with adjustable price quotation will be treated as non-responsive and will
be rejected.
f) Based on the contracted rates, NHB at its discretion may place repeat order/s annually
after performance review of the previous year/assignment.
g) For any future requirement, order will be placed at the contracted man-day rate as
mentioned in the Commercial Proposal & as per applicable terms of this RFP. Failure in
accepting the order will attract terms of penalty & termination of this RFP, at discretion
of NHB.
10.3 Payment Terms
Any payment will be released only after submission of PBG & post-signing of SLA & NDA as
per the following payment terms.
The Service Provider's shall be paid on a quarterly basis based on invoices raised by the Service
Provider after completion of the Audit and submission of the final reports to the Bank and
subject to meeting the deliverables detailed in RFP.
10.4 Payment in case of termination of contract
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In case the contract is terminated payment towards services will be made on pro rata basis, for
the period services have been delivered, after deducting applicable penalty and TDS/other
applicable taxes.
11. General Terms and Conditions
11.1 The Bidder is expected to peruse all instructions, forms, terms and specifications in this
RFP and its Annexures. Failure to furnish all information required in the RFP
Documents, in the formats prescribed or submission of a proposal not substantially
responsive or submission of unnecessary additional information as part of response to
this RFP Document may result in rejection of the proposal.
11.2 All such amendments made by NHB to the RFP shall become part and parcel of the RFP
and same will be notified on NHB's website. The Bidders are required to have a watch
on NHB's website for any such amendment.
11.3 Bidders must take into consideration each and every line of this RFP document while
preparing technical and commercial proposal for the project. Bidders are requested to
get any issue clarified by NHB before submitting the responses/Bids. The Bids submitted
should be complete in all respect meeting all deliverables under the project. It will be the
sole responsibility of the successful Bidder to deliver each and everything as per the
scope of the work during the contracted period. NHB will not be responsible in case of
any requirement is underestimated or any requirement is not interpreted in right
11.4 NHB reserves the right to change the requirement specifications and ask for the revised
Bids or the tendering process without assigning any reasons.
11.5 NHB shall be under no obligation to accept the lowest or any other offer/Bid received in
response to this RFP and shall be entitled to reject any or all offers including those
received late or incomplete offers, without assigning any reason whatsoever. NHB
reserves the right to make any changes in the terms and conditions of contract. NHB will
not be obliged to meet and have discussions with any Bidder, and or to consider any
representations. NHB reserves the right to accept or reject, fully or partially, any or all
offers without assigning any reason. The decision of NHB in this regard is final and no
further correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
11.6 Although service window is 1000 Hrs to 1800 Hrs, the selected Bidder must provide
services beyond the above time in case of urgent requirement of NHB without any extra
11.7 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the contract, NHB shall be at
liberty to invoke the Performance Bank Guarantee in addition to other remedies available
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
to it under the contract or otherwise if the successful Bidder fails to fulfill any of the
terms of contract / order or commits breach of any terms and conditions of the contract.
11.8 On faithful and satisfactory execution of assignments under the contract in all respects,
the PBG of the successful Bidder will be released by NHB, if not forfeited due to any
reason as provided herein, after a period of 100 days after completion/execution of the
11.9 Bidder must deploy manpower having requisite qualification, experience, skill-set etc.
for the project/contract.
11.10 NHB reserves the right to call for any additional information and also reserves the right
to reject the proposal of any Bidder if in the opinion of NHB, the information furnished
is incomplete or the Bidder does not qualify for the contract.
11.11 The scope of the proposal shall be on the basis of single point responsibility, completely
covering the products and services specified under this RFP, on end-to-end solution
11.12 The Commercial and Technical Bids will have to be signed on all pages of the Bid by the
authorized signatory. Unsigned Bids would be treated as incomplete and would be
11.13 By submitting proposal/bid, the Bidder agrees to promptly execute contract with NHB
for any work awarded to the Bidder. Failure on the part of the awarded Bidder to execute
a valid contract/service level agreement with NHB, will relieve NHB of any obligation
to the Bidder, and a different Bidder may be selected.
11.14 Time and quality of the service are the essence of this agreement/contract. Failure to
adhere to the same will be considered as breach of the terms and conditions of the
11.15 Penalty
The monthly consolidated report for Head Office and Mumbai Regional Office in the
prescribed format should be submitted by 10th of succeeding month. Delay beyond this
may cause 0.25% penalty of the Invoice amount of the per day delay with a maximum of
5% of the Invoice amount. In the event, the default in submission of monthly report still
continues beyond the period for which maximum penalty is prescribed, the Bank may at
its discretion end take appropriate action including termination of the contract.
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Penalty for absence of the personals:
i. In the case of absence (apart from allowed leaves) of a resource during
project period, no payment may be made for the days a resource is absent
(Per day payment will be calculated based on man-day rate). In addition, a
penalty of Rs 1000/- per working day per resource will be levied on such
absence. In the event, the default continues beyond the period of five
working days, the Bank may at its discretion end take appropriate action
including termination of the contract.
ii. Penalty would be deducted from the applicable payments consolidated on
quarterly basis.
In this regard, resources shall be advised to strictly adhere to the office timings (10:00 AM to 6:00
However, for any reasons, if it is mutually agreed between the Bank and the bidder in writing,
Bank may waive the above penalties. The Bank reserves the right to terminate the services, if the
assignment is not proceeding in accordance with the terms of contract by issuing a notice of two
11.16 Removal and/or Replacement of Personnel
a) If, for any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Audit firm, it becomes necessary
to replace any of the Key Personnel (personnel according to NHB engaged for key
assignments under the contract by the Audit firm), the audit firm shall forthwith provide
as a replacement a person of equivalent or better qualifications and skills. In case of a
critical vacancy, the Audi firm shall provide a temporary resource for not more than 2
months. The temporary resource shall be of equivalent qualifications and shall be paid
not more than 90% of the agreed rate of the personnel being replaced.
b) If NHB finds that any of the Personnel have (i) committed serious misconduct or has
been charged with having committed a criminal action, or (ii) have reasonable cause to
be dissatisfied with the performance of any of the Personnel, then the audit firm shall, at
NHB's written request specifying the grounds therefore, forthwith provide as a
replacement a person with qualifications and experience acceptable to NHB.
c) For any of the Personnel provided as a replacement under Clauses (i) and (ii) above, the
rate of remuneration applicable to such person as well as any reimbursable expenditures
(including expenditures due to the number of eligible dependents) the audit firm may
wish to claim as a result of such replacement, shall be subject to the prior written
approval by NHB. Except as NHB may otherwise agree, (i) the audit firm shall bear all
additional travel and other costs arising out of or incidental to any removal and/or
replacement, and (ii) the remuneration to be paid for any of the Personnel provided as a
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replacement shall not exceed the remuneration which would have been payable to the
personnel replaced.
11.17 Acceptance of Work Order/Letter of Award
NHB will notify the successful Bidder in writing by issuing a letter of award/work order in
duplicate. The successful Bidder has to return the duplicate copy to NHB within 7 working
days from the date of the letter of award/work order duly accepted, and signed by Authorized
Signatory in token of acceptance. However, NHB has a right to cancel the letter of award/work
order, if the same is not accepted within the stipulated period.
11.18 Definitive Agreement
The successful Bidder will sign Service Level Agreement (SLA) substantially in the format as
provided in Annexure XV and the Confidentiality cum Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) in
Annexure XVI with NHB within 15 days of the letter of award (LoA) or within such extended
period as may be decided by NHB. All expenses, stamp duty and other charges/ expenses in
connection with the execution of the Agreement/s as a result of this RFP process shall be borne
by successful Bidder. Copy of Board resolution or power of attorney showing that the
signatory has been duly authorized to sign the acceptance letter, contract and non-disclosure
agreement, should be submitted.
11.19 Taxes
Only Statutory taxes/cess/levies will be paid by NHB on actual basis as per statutory rates
prevalent during the period of service provided. All other charges as applicable will be borne
by the Bidder. NHB is authorized to make such tax deduction at source as may be necessary
as per law/rules in force in respect of payments made to the Auditors.
11.20 Liquidated Damages
If the audit firm fails to complete the due performance of the contract in accordance with the
specifications and conditions agreed during the final contract negotiations, NHB reserves the
right to recover damages maximum of Bank Guarantee Value for non-performance/delayed
performance as and by way of liquidated damages from the applicable payments consolidated
on quarterly basis.
11.21 Use of Contract Documents and Information
The Bidder shall not, without NHB's prior written consent, make use of any document or
information provided by NHB in Bid document or otherwise except for purposes of
performing the contract.
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
11.22 Assignment
The successful bidder shall not assign/subcontract, in whole or in part, its obligations to
perform under the contract, except with NHB's prior written consent.
11.23 Duration of Contract
The contract will be valid for three years from the date of implementation of project. Bank
will enter into a service contract with successful bidder for a period of 3 years from the
date of implementation of project. The same will be renewed on yearly basis subject to
satisfactory performance review.
11.24 Pre-Contract Integrity Pact Clause (To be included as and when required on case to
case basis)
An "Pre-Contract Integrity Pact" would be signed between NHB and the Bidder. This is a
binding agreement between NHB and Bidders. Under this Pact, the Bidders agree with the
Buyer to carry out the assignment in a specified manner. The format of Pre-Contract Integrity
Pact will be as per Annexure - XIV.
The following set of sanctions shall be enforced for any violation by a Bidder of its
commitments or undertakings under the Integrity Pact:
(i) Denial or loss of contracts;
(ii) Forfeiture of the EMD/Bid security and performance bond/PBG;
(iii) Liability for damages to the principal and the competing Bidders; and
(iv) Debarment of the violator by NHB for an appropriate period of time.
The Bidders are also advised to have a company code of conduct (clearly rejecting the use of
bribes and other unethical behavior compliance program for the implementation of the code
of conduct throughout the company.
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Annexure I (Bidder Information)
Please provide following information about the Company (Attach separate sheet if required): -
S. No. Information Particulars / Response
1. Name of the firm
2. Date of Incorporation
3. Type of firm
[Govt/PSU/Pub. Ltd / Pvt.
4. Registration No. and date of registration.
Registration Certificate to be enclosed
5. Address of Registered Office with contact
numbers [phone /fax]
6. PAN No
7. Contact Details of Bidder authorized to make commitments to NHB
8. Name
9. Designation
10. FAX No
11. Mail ID
12. Company Head Office and Addresses
Contact Person(s)
13. Any pending or past litigation (within Yes/No/Comments (if option is `Yes')
three years)? If yes please give details (If option is `Yes' Bidder may Not be
Also mention the details of claims and considered)
complaints received in the last three years
(About the Company / Services provided
by the company).
14. Please mention turnover and Net Year Turnover Net
Profit/Loss for last three years and Profit/Loss(-)
include the copies of Balance Sheet in
support of it.
Audited/CA certificate of Balance sheet and Profit & Loss accounts for last 3 years to be
Authorized Signatories
(Name & Designation, seal of the company)
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Annexure II(Bidder Experience Details)
Bidder's experience in Audit
field ____________ (in years)
a) Experience in India
b) Global experience
Details of minimum three
service contracts on
2. _________________ executed
with Public Sector
Banks/FIs/Ministry of India.
No. of qualified personnel
Number of operating offices in
Details of Operating Offices in
Authorized Signatories
(Name & Designation, seal of the company)
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Annexure III (Compliance Statement Declaration)
We hereby undertake and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions stipulated by NHB in
this RFP including all addendum, corrigendum etc. (Any deviation may result in disqualification
of Bids).
Authorized Signatories
(Name & Designation, seal of the company)
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Annexure IV (List of Deviations)
We certify that the services offered by us for tender confirms to the requirement stipulated as per
this RFP with the following deviations
Bidders are requested to provide details of all deviations, comments and observations or
suggestions in the following format with seal and signature. You are also requested to provide a
reference of the page number, state the clarification point and the comment/ suggestion/
deviation that you propose as shown below.
NHB may at its sole discretion accept or reject all or any of the deviations, however it may be
noted that the acceptance or rejection of any deviation by NHB will not entitle the Bidder to
submit a revised Bid.
List of deviations
1) ___________________________________________________________
2) ___________________________________________________________
3) ___________________________________________________________
(If left blank it will be construed that there is no deviation from the specifications given above)
(The decision of NHB is final towards evaluation of the Bid documents)
Authorized Signatories
(Name & Designation, seal of the company)
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Annexure V (Minimum Eligibility Criteria)
S No Criteria
1. The Bidder should be a Chartered Accountancy Firm, Partnership Firm/
Limited Liability Partnership Firm registered with ICAI. Format A may
be filled.
2. During last five years ( i.e. between 01.4.2013 to 31.03.2018) the Bidder
should have carried out Concurrent Audit of Treasury Operations of at
least one SCB/All India FI (including audits currently being conducted),
having investment size of more than Rs. 1000 Crore as on March 31, 2018).
Format B to be filled along with Annexed supporting documents.
3. The Bidder should have minimum 2 Full time CA partners (as on date of
commencement date of sale of RFP). Format C to be filled along with
Annexed supporting documents.
4. The Bidder should have its own office in Delhi NCR/ Mumbai
Metropolitan Region (MMR). Format D to be filled along with
Declaration on the letterhead.
5. The Bidder firms should not have been black listed/ debarred by any
Government Financial Institutions /Banks/ RBI/ ICAI/ IBA /
Government / Semi Government Departments/ PSUs / in India during
last 5 years and Blacklisting should not be in force. Format E to be filled
along with Declaration on the letterhead.
6. The Bidder should not be owned or controlled by any Director or
Employee of National Housing Bank, both present and those who have
retired in the last two Years, or by any of their Relatives. Further, the
Bidder shall not engage any of the foregoing persons as partners,
employees or contractors for any work whether connected with the
"Assignment/ Job/ Engagement" nor shall they benefit directly or
indirectly from the "Assignment/ Job/ Engagement" in any manner.
Format F to be filled along with Declaration on the letterhead.
7. The Bidder or its subsidiary or sister concern should not have been
engaged with National Housing Bank as Internal Auditors/Statutory
Auditors/Tax Consultant/IndAS Consultant within last three years. ( as
on closing date of bid) Format G to be filled along with Declaration on the
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
8. Average annual professional income of the firm during last three years
i.e. 2015-16, 2016-17 & 2017-18 should be minimum Rs. 2 Crore. Format G
to be filled along with Declaration on the letterhead. Format H to be filled
along with Declaration on the letterhead.
Format A :
Name of the Category (Partership, ICAI Registration Reference
firm LLP etc.) date document with
reference number
Format B :
Name of Category(SCB/AIFI) Period of Order Reference
the Bank alongwith investment Concurrent Value document with
size as on March 31, Audit reference number
Format C:
Name of CA Membership No Date of association Reference document
Partner with the firm. with reference number
Format D:
Location Office Address Name of the Partner Reference document
associated with the with reference
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
office number
Delhi NCR
Mumbai MMR
Format E:
Has the bidder been black listed/ debarred by any Yes/No
Government Financial Institutions /Banks/ RBI/
ICAI/ IBA / Government / Semi Government
Departments/ PSUs / in India during last 5 years.
If yes , Name of the entity who has black listed
Reason there of
. Format F :
Is Bidder owned or controlled by any Director or Yes/No
Employee of National Housing Bank, both present
and those who have retired in the last two Years, or
by any of their Relatives.
If yes , Details of so
Format G:
Have The Bidder or its subsidiary or sister have been Yes/No
engaged with National Housing Bank as Consultant
or Auditors with in last one year.
If yes , Details of so
Format H :
Year Turn Over Reference document
Authorized Signatories
(Name & Designation, seal of the company)
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Annexure VI (Technical Bid Covering Letter)
The ________________
National Housing Bank,
All Audits Department
Head Office
Core 5-A, 3rd Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi 110003
Dear Sir,
Technical Bid Concurrent Audit Services
We, the undersigned, offer to provide services for the above-mentioned assignment, in
accordance with your RFP document [Insert RFP Number] dated [Insert Date]. We are hereby
submitting our Proposal, which includes Minimum Eligibility Criteria, this Technical Proposal
and a commercial Proposal. The minimum eligibility criteria and technical proposal are put in
one envelope and the commercial proposal in separate envelope.
We understand you are not bound to accept any proposal you receive.
Dated at ______ / ______ day of _______ 2018.
Yours faithfully,
(Authorised Signatory)
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Annexure VII (Technical Bid Format)
Bidder response to the Technical Bid of this RFP document must be provided as detailed in
chapter 7. Any extra information may be provided as separate section at the end of Technical Bid
document. Technical Bid should be submitted with covering letter.
1. Details as detailed as below mentioned under Table 1:____
2. List of deviations (as per Annexure -IV )
3. Technical Bid Covering Letter (as per Annexure VI)
4. Others as described above.
Note: Bidder must submit softcopy of complete technical Bid inside the sealed envelope
meant for `Technical Proposal".
Table 1 :
S Details Marks
Part I
1. Existence of the firm in the field of providing Audit services ( Max Marks
15) (Format A to be filled in)
More than 20 Years 10
More than 15 but 20 Years 05
More than 10 but 15 Years 02
10 Years
2. The number of professional staff (excluding typists, stenographers,
computer operators, secretary/ies and subordinate staff etc.), consisting
of audit and articled clerks with knowledge in book-keeping and
accountancy and engaged in accountancy and Audit: (Format B to be
filled in)
(Bidder will provide a list of staff signed by authorized signatory on their
letter head which will include Qualification, designation, No of year of
Experience etc.) (Max Marks: 15)
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
More than 50 10
More than 40 but 50 07
More than 30 but 40 05
More than 20 but 30
3. No of Concurrent Audit of Branch (having treasury function) of SCB/All
India FIs, having investment size of more than Rs. 1000 Crores as on
March 31,2018 in the last 5 years ( i.e. between 01.4.2013 to 31.03.2018)
(Max Marks: 15): (Format C to be filled in)
More than 7 15
More than 5 but 7 10
More than 3 but 5 05
More than 1 but 3 02
4. No of Full time partners of the firm having association with the firm more
than two years as a partner only( Max Marks: 15): (Format D to be filled
More than 8 10
More than 5 but 8 05
More than 2 but 5
5. Average annual professional income of the firm during last three years
i.e. 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18 ( Max Marks: 15) (Format E to be filled
More than 10 Crore 10
More than 7 but 10 Crore 05
More than 5 but 7 Crore 02
More than 2 but 5 Crore
Part II
6. Presentation on proposed roadmap for carrying out Concurrent Audit 25
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Format A:
Name of the Bidder Establishment date of the firm* Reference document with
referencing number
If Name/ category of the bidder and Established firm is not same then event chain along
with supporting document must be given.
Format B :
Name Professional Staff (excluding typists, Reference document with
of the stenographers, computer operators, referencing number
Firm secretary/ies and subordinate staff etc.),
consisting of audit and articled clerks with
knowledge in book-keeping and
accountancy and engaged in accountancy
and Audit
Format C:
Name of Category(SCB/AIFI) Period of Order Reference
the Bank alongwith investment Concurrent Value document
size as on March 31, Audit with
2018. referencing
Format D :
Name of CA Membership No Date of association Reference
Partner with the firm. document with
Format E :
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Year Average revenue Reference document with
professional income referencing number
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Annexure VIII (Commercial Bid Covering Letter)
The ___________________
National Housing Bank,
All Audits Department
Head Office,
Core 5-A, 3rd Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi 110003
Dear Sir,
Commercial Bid Concurrent Audit Service
We, the undersigned, offer to provide services for the above-mentioned assignment, in
accordance with your Request for Proposal [______________Insert RFP Number] dated
[___________], and our Proposal (Technical and Commercial Proposals). The Total fee is
exclusive of all taxes, duties, charges and levies (as applicable and payable under the laws) and
out of pocket expenses that we might incur and there will be no additional charges.
Our commercial proposal shall be binding upon us, subject to the modifications resulting from
contract discussions, up to expiration of the validity period of the Proposal i.e. __________up to
Yours faithfully,
For ............
(Authorised Signatory)
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Annexure IX (Commercial Bid Format)
The structure of the Bidder's commercial response to this RFP must be as per following order.
The Commercial Bid Response must be submitted with Commercial Bid covering letter, format
of which is given at the end this section.
S. No. Services Price in (INR)
1. Monthly Charges towards Concurrent Audit Services as defined in
scope of work*: X (Weightage 80%)
2. Daily charges towards additional onsite manpower: Y (Minimum
Qualification: CA with two years post qualification experience)
(Weightage 10%)
3. Daily charges towards additional onsite manpower: Z ( With
minimum experience of auditing : 12-15 months.) (Weightage 10%)
* Including mandatory manpower sought under Scope of work.
Price to be considered for Commercial evaluation C = {.8X+.1(22*Y)+.1(22*Z)}
Bidders are requested to note the following:
· All the details must be provided as per format. Incomplete formats will result
in rejection of the proposal.
· Masked commercial Bids must be given with technical Bid. All the pages of
commercial Bids must be sealed and signed by authorized signatory.
· All the quoted costs will be exclusive of all applicable statutory
· Bidder must submit softcopy of complete commercial Bid inside the sealed
envelope meant for `Commercial Proposal'.
· All the rates must be quoted in INR.
· The prices in any form or by any reasons should not be disclosed in the technical
or other parts of the Bid except in the commercial Bid. Failure to do so will
make the Bid liable to be rejected.
· The commercials quoted in the commercial Bid are valid for six months from
the date of opening of commercial Bids.
Authorized Signatories
(Name & Designation, seal of the company)
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Annexure X (ECS MANDATE)
[To be submitted along with Technical Bid]
(Please fill in the information in CAPITAL LETTERS)
1. Name of the Bidder _________________________________________________
2. Address of the Bidder _________________________________________________
City: ____________________ Pin Code: ______________
E-mail id: _________________________________________________
Phone /Mobile No. _________________________________________________
Permanent Account Number (PAN) ___________________________________________
Service Tax Registration No. _______________________________________________
TIN No. _________________________________________________
3. Particulars of Bank Account
A. Name of Account same as in the Bank: ___________________________________________
B. Name of the Bank: ___________________________________________
C. Name of the Branch: _______________________________________________
D. Address of the Branch with Tel No. ______________________________________
E. Account No. (appearing in Cheque book): _________________________________________
F. Account Type (SB, Current, etc.): _________________________________________________
G. MICR No. _________________________________________________
H. IFSC Code of the bank branch: ________________
I/We hereby authorize National Housing Bank to credit payment(s) to my/our above bank
account by ECS. # (#ECS will accepted on centers where the facility is available).
I/We hereby declare that the particular given above are correct and complete. If the transaction
is delayed or not effected at all by ECS for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information, I/we
would not hold National Housing Bank responsible. I also undertake to advise any change in the
particulars of my account to facilitate updation of records for purpose of credit of amount
through RTGS/NEFT.
I also agree that without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, in the event National
Housing Bank is not able to carry out the ECS instructions given by me, National Housing Bank
may make such arrangements for payment as deemed appropriate by it, for effecting the
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Date: Authorized Signatory/ies
Certified that the particulars furnished above are correct as per our records.
Bank's Stamp:
Signature of the Authorized Official of the Bank
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Annexure XI (Letter of Competence Format)
[To be submitted along with Technical Bid]
[To be executed on a non- judicial stamp paper]
Letter of Competence for Quoting against NHB's RFP No. /.................
This is to certify that we ______________________________________ [Insert name of Bidder],
Address ________________________________ are fully competent to undertake and successfully
deliver the scope of services mentioned in the above RFP. This proposal is being made after fully
understanding the objectives of the project and requirements like experience etc.
We certify that the quality and number of resources to be deployed by us for the purpose will be
adequate to meet the requirement and provide the services professionally and competently.
We also certify that all the information given by in response to this RFP is true and correct.
Authorized Signatories
(Name & Designation, seal of the company)
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Annexure XII (Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Key Personnel)
Marks will be awarded where complete details are provided. It is mandatory that Bidder to
provide details of project handled, brief of the assignment, period for each of the resource
proposed relevant to scope of the tender. Each resource deployed shall provide self-
certificate indicating relevant experience of tender scope.
1) Proposed Position [only one candidate shall be nominated for each position Expert]:
2) Resource Name:
3) Nationality:
4) Date of Birth
5) Educational Qualifications:
[Indicate college/university and other specialized education of staff member, giving
names of institutions, degrees obtained, and dates of obtainment]:
6) Certifications and Trainings attended:
7) No. of years of experience
8) Total No. of years with the firm
9) Areas of expertise and no. of years of experience in this area (as required for the
Profile - mandatory):
Sno Project Name Year & Period Brief of Project Project
spent on project the Project Relevance to Customer
scope of work Name,
of this RFP Contact Details
(section details) & Address
10) Languages [For each language indicate proficiency: good, fair, or poor in speaking,
reading, and writing]:
11) Membership of Professional Associations:
12) Employment Record [Starting with present position and last 2 firms, list in reverse
order, giving for each employment (see format here below): dates of employment,
name of employing organization, positions held.]:
From (Year): To (Year):
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
13) Positions held:
Detailed Tasks Relevant Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates the
Assigned experience as required for the Role (provide maximum of 6
citations of 10 lines each)
(Among the assignments in which the staff has been involved,
indicate the following information for those assignments that
best illustrate staff capability to handle the tasks listed under
point 14 and as required for the role as listed in ,,List of the
key professional positions whose CV and experience
would be evaluated)
Name of assignment or project:
Main project features:
Positions held:
Value of Project (approximate value or range value):
14) Certification:
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly
describes myself, my qualifications, and my experience. I understand that any wilful
misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, from the
assignment if engaged.
(Signature of staff member or authorized representative of the staff)
Full name of Authorized Representative:
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Annexure XIII (Escalation Matrix)
We declare that we will adhere to following Escalation matrix during our service contract period
with NHB:
Levels Name of the Concerned person , Designation
and Contact Details
Level 1 Escalation
Level 2 Escalation
Level 3 Escalation
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
Annexure XIV Pre Contract Integrity Pact
(To be executed on a non- judicial stamp paper)
This pre-bid/pre-contract Agreement (hereinafter called "this Integrity Pact") between,
the National Housing Bank, a bank established under the provisions of the National
Housing Bank Act, 1987 having its Head Office at Core 5A, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi
Road, New Delhi-110003 represented through Shri/Ms ________ , (Designation)
(hereinafter called "NHB", which expression shall mean and include, unless the context
otherwise requires, its successors in office and assigns) of the First Part
M/s _______________________ represented by Shri________, Chief Executive Officer
(hereinafter called the "Bidder" which expression shall mean and include, unless the
context otherwise requires, his successors and permitted assigns) of the Second Part.
(The party of the First Part and the party of the Second Part are hereinafter collectively referred
to as the "Parties" and individually as the "Party")
WHEREAS NHB proposes to procure ___________________ (name of the
items/services) as mentioned in the RFP No._______________________ ("RFP") and the
Bidder is willing to offer/has offered _____________________ (name of the
items/services) as desired by NHB in terms of the RFP;
WHEREAS the Bidder is a private company/public company/Government
undertaking/ partnership/registered export agency, constituted in accordance with the
relevant law in the matter and NHB is a statutory body established under the Act of
WHEREAS to avoid all forms of corruption by following a system that is fair,
transparent and free from any influence/prejudiced dealings prior to, during and
subsequent to the currency of the contract to be entered into with a view to:-
(i) enabling NHB to obtain the desired said stores/equipment/services at a competitive
price in conformity with the defined specifications by avoiding the high cost and the
distortionary impact of corruption on public procurement and
(ii) enabling Bidders to abstain from bribing or indulging in any corrupt practice in
order to secure the contract by providing assurance to them that their competitors
will also abstain from bribing and other corrupt practices and NHB will commit to
prevent corruption, in any form, by its officials by following transparent procedures.
AND WHEREAS the Parties hereto hereby agree to enter into this Integrity Pact on the
terms and conditions mentioned hereinafter.
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
1. Commitments of NHB
1.1 NHB undertakes that no official of NHB, connected directly or indirectly with the
contract, will demand, take a promise for or accept, directly or through
intermediaries , any bribe, consideration, gift, reward, favour or any material or
immaterial benefit or any other advantage from the Bidder, either for themselves or
for any person, organization or third party related to the contract in exchange for an
advantage in the bidding process, Bid evaluation, contracting or implementation
process related to the contract.
1.2 NHB will, during the pre-contract stage, treat all Bidders alike and will provide to all
Bidders the same information and will not provide any such information to any
particular Bidder which could afford an advantage to that particular Bidder in
comparison to other Bidders.
1.3 All the officials of NHB will report to the appropriate Government office any
attempted or completed breaches of the above commitments as well as any
substantial suspicion of such a breach.
2. In case any such preceding misconduct on the part of such official(s) is reported by
the Bidder to NHB with full and verifiable facts and the same is prima facie found to
be correct by NHB, necessary disciplinary proceedings, or any other action as
deemed fit, including criminal proceedings may be initiated by NHB and such a
person shall be debarred from further dealings related to the contract process. In such
a case while an enquiry is being conducted by NHB the proceeding under the
contract would not be stalled.
3. Commitments of Bidders
3.1 Compliance of the Instructions of GOI/Guidelines of CVC/Others: The Bidder
undertakes that in case of its selection as the successful Bidder, it shall perform its
duties under the Contract in strict compliance of the relevant and extant instructions
of Government of India, GFR issued by Ministry of Finance, Guidelines of CVC and
provisions of the Procurement Manual/relevant instructions of NHB, as applicable
to the subject matter.
3.2 The Bidder represents that it has the expertise to undertake the assignment/contract
and also has the capability to deliver efficient and effective advice/services to NHB
under the contract in terms of the RFP.
3.3 The Bidder commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corrupt practices,
unfair means and illegal activities during any stage of its Bid or during any pre-
contract or post-contract stage in order to secure the contract or in furtherance to
secure it and in particular commit itself to the following:-
(a) The Bidder will not offer, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe, gift,
consideration, reward, favour, any material or immaterial benefit or other
advantage, commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to any official of NHB,
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
connected directly or indirectly with the Bidding process, or to any person,
organization or third party related to the contract in exchange for any
advantage in the Bidding, evaluation, contracting and implementation of the
(b) The Bidder has not given, offered or promised to give, directly or indirectly any
bribe, gift, consideration, reward, favour, any material or immaterial benefit or
other advantage, commission, fees , brokerage or inducement to any official of
NHB or otherwise in procuring the Contract or forbearing to do or having done
any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of the contract or any other
contract with the Government for showing or forbearing to show favour or
disfavor to any person in relation to the contract or any other contract with the
(c) The Bidder shall disclose the name and address of its agents and
representatives including its foreign principals or associates.
(d) The Bidder shall disclose the payments to be made by it to agents/brokers or
any other intermediary, in connection with this Bid/contract.
(e) The Bidder has not engaged any individual or firm or company whether Indian
or foreign to intercede, facilitate or in any way to recommend to NHB or any of
its functionaries, whether officially or unofficially to the award of the contract
to the Bidder, nor has any amount been paid, promised or intended to be paid
to any such individual, firm or company in respect or any such intercession,
facilitation or recommendation.
(f) The Bidder, either while presenting the Bid or during pre-contract negotiations
or before signing the contract, shall disclose any payments he has made, is
committed to or intends to make to officials of NHB or their family members,
agents, brokers or any other intermediaries in connection with the contract and
the details of services agreed upon for such payments.
(g) The Bidder will not collude with other parties interested in the contract to
impair the transparency, fairness and progress of the bidding process, Bid
evaluation, contracting and implementation of the contract.
(h) The Bidder will not accept any advantage in exchange for any corrupt practice,
unfair means and illegal activities.
(i) The Bidder shall not use improperly, for purposes of competition or personal
gain or pass on to others, any information provided by NHB as part of the
business relationship, regarding plans, technical proposals and business
details, including information contained in any electronic data carrier. The
Bidder also undertakes to exercise due and adequate care lest any such
information is divulged.
(j) The Bidder commits to refrain from giving any complaint directly or through
any other manner without supporting it with full and verifiable facts.
(k) The Bidder shall not instigate or cause to instigate any third person to commit
any of the actions mentioned above.
(l) If the Bidder or any employee of the Bidder or any person acting on behalf of
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
the Bidder, either directly or indirectly is a relative of any of the officers of NHB
or alternatively, if any relative of an officer of NHB has financial interest/stake
in the Bidders firm, the same shall be disclosed by the Bidder at the time of
filing of tender.
The term `relative' for this purpose would be as defined in Section 6 of the
Companies Act 1956.
(m) The Bidder shall not lend to or borrow any money from or enter into any
monetary dealings or transactions, directly or indirectly, with any employee of
(n) The Bidders shall disclose any transgressions with any other company that may
impinge on the anti-corruption principle.
(o) The Bidder has not entered into any undisclosed agreement or understanding
with other Bidders with respect of prices, specifications, certifications,
subsidiary contracts, etc.
3.4 The Bidder undertakes and affirms that it shall take all measures necessary to
prevent any possible conflict of interest and in particular commit itself to the
(a) The Bidder shall avoid any conflict of interest while discharging contractual
obligations and bring, beforehand, any possible instance of conflict of interest
to the knowledge of NHB, while rendering any advice or service.
(b) The Bidder shall act/perform, at all times, in the interest of NHB and render
any advice/service with highest standard of professional integrity.
(c) The Bidder undertakes that in case of its selection as the successful Bidder, it
shall provide professional, objective, and impartial advice and at all times and
shall hold NHB's interests paramount, without any consideration for future
work, and that in providing advice it shall avoid conflicts with other
assignments and its own interests.
(d) The Bidder declares/affirms that it has not been hired by NHB for any
assignment that would be in conflict with its prior or current obligations to
other employers/buyers, or that may place it in a position of being unable to
carry out the assignment/contract in the best interest of NHB. Without
limitation on the generality of the foregoing, the Bidder further
declares/affirms as set forth below:
(i) Conflict between consulting activities and procurement of goods, works
or non-consulting services (i.e. services other than consulting services) -
The Bidder has not been engaged by NHB to provide goods, works, or non-
consulting services for a project, or any affiliate that directly or indirectly
controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with the Bidder. The
Bidder is fully aware that it shall be disqualified from providing consulting
services resulting from or directly related to those goods, works, or non-
consulting services. Further, the Bidder is also aware of the fact that in case
it has been hired to provide consulting services for the preparation or
implementation of a project, or any affiliate that directly or indirectly
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with the firm, shall
be disqualified from subsequently providing goods, works, or services
(other than consulting services) resulting from or directly related to the
consulting services for such preparation or implementation.
This provision does not apply to the various firms (consultants, contractors,
or suppliers) which together are performing the Bidder's obligations under
a turnkey or design and build contract.
(ii) Conflict among consulting assignments The Bidder understands that
neither Bidder (including their personnel and sub-consultants), nor any
affiliate that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under
common control with the firm, shall be hired for the assignment that, by its
nature, may be in conflict with another assignment of the Bidder. As an
example, Bidders assisting NHB in the privatization of public assets shall neither
purchase, nor advise purchasers of, such assets. Similarly, Bidders hired to prepare
Terms of Reference (TOR) for an assignment shall not be hired for the assignment
in question.
(iii) Relationship with NHB's staff The Bidder is aware that the contract may
not be awarded to the Bidder in case it is observed that it, including its
experts and other personnel, and sub-consultants, has/have a close
business or family relationship with a professional staff of NHB (or of the
project implementing agency) who are directly or indirectly involved in
any part of: (i) the preparation of the TOR for the assignment, (ii) the
selection process for the contract; or (iii) the supervision of such contract,
unless the conflict stemming from this relationship has been resolved in a
manner acceptable to NHB throughout the selection process and the
execution of the contract.
(iv) A Bidder shall submit only one proposal either individually or as a joint
venture partner in another proposal: If the Bidder, including a joint
venture partner, submits or participates in more than one proposal, all such
proposals shall be disqualified. This does not, however, preclude a
consulting firm to participate as a sub-consultant, or an individual to
participate as a team member, in more than one proposal when
circumstances justify and if permitted by the RFP.
4. Previous Transgression
4.1 The Bidder declares that no previous transgression occurred in the last three years
immediately before signing of this Integrity Pact, with any other company in any
country in respect of any corrupt practices envisaged hereunder or with any Public
Sector Enterprise in India or any Government Department in India that could justify
Bidder's exclusion from the tender process.
4.2 The Bidder agrees that if it makes incorrect statement on this subject, Bidder can be
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Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors National Housing Bank
disqualified from the tender process or the contract, if already awarded can be
terminated for such reason.
5. Accountability
5.1 The Bidder undertakes that in case of its selection as the successful Bidder and
assignment of the contract to the Bidder, it shall be accountable for the
advice/supply made/to be made and/or for any service rendered/to be rendered
by it to NHB, keeping in view norms of ethical business, professionalism and the fact
that such advice / services to be rendered by it for a consideration.
5.2 The Bidder shall be accountable in case of improper discharge of contractual
obligations and/or any deviant conduct by the Bidder.
6. Personal Liability
The Bidder understands that in case of its selection as the successful Bidder, the Bidder
is expected to carry out its assignment with due diligence and in accordance with
prevailing standards of the profession. The Bidder shall be liable to NHB for any
violation of this Integrity Pact as per the applicable law, besides being liable to NHB
as may be provided under the service level agreement/contract to be executed.
7. Transparency and Competitiveness
The Bidder undertakes that in case of its selection as the successful Bidder, it shall keep
in view transparency, competitiveness, economy, efficiency and equal opportunity to
all prospective tenderers/Bidders, while rendering any advice/service to NHB, in
regard with matters related to selection of technology and determination of design
and specifications of the subject matter, Bid eligibility criteria and Bid evaluation
criteria, mode of tendering, tender notification, etc.
8. Co-operation in the Processes:
The Bidder shall cooperate fully with any legitimately provided/constituted
investigative body, conducting inquiry into processing or execution of the consultancy
contract/any other matter related with discharge of contractual obligations by the
9. Sanctions for Violations
9.1 Any breach of the aforesaid provisions by the Bidder or any one employed by it or
acting on its behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the Bidder) shall
entitle NHB to take all or any one of the following actions, whenever required:
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(i) To immediately call off the pre contract negotiations without assigning any
reason or giving any compensation to the Bidder. However the proceedings
with the other Bidder(S) would continue.
(ii) The Earnest Money Deposit (in per-contract stage) and / or Security Deposit
/Performance Bond/PBG (after the contract is signed) shall stand forfeited
either fully or partially, as decided by NHB and NHB shall not be required to
assign any reason therefor.
(iii) To immediately cancel the contract, if already signed, without giving any
compensation to the Bidder.
(iv) To recover all sums already paid by NHB, and in case of an Indian Bidder
with interest thereon at 2% higher than the prevailing Prime Lending Rate of
State Bank of India, while in case of a Bidder from a country other than India
with interest thereon at 2% higher than the LIBOR. If any outstanding
payment is due to the Bidder from NHB in connection with any other contract,
such outstanding payment could also be utilized and appropriated by NHB
to recover the aforesaid sum and interest.
(v) To encash the advance bank guarantee and performance bond/warranty
bond, if furnished by the Bidder, in order to recover the payments already
made by NHB, along with interest.
(vi) To cancel all or any other contracts with the Bidder. The Bidder shall be liable
to pay compensation for any loss or damage to NHB resulting from such
cancellation /rescission and NHB shall be entitled to deduct the amount so
payable from the money(s) due to the Bidder.
(vii) To debar the Bidder from participating in future Bidding process of NHB for
a minimum period of five year which may be further extended at the
discretion of NHB.
(viii) To recover all sums paid in violation of this Integrity Pact by Bidder(S) to any
middleman or agent or broker with a view to securing the contract.
(ix) In cases where irrevocable Letters of Credit have been received in respect of
any contract signed by NHB with the Bidder, the same shall not be opened.
(x) Forfeiture of Performance Bond/PBG in case of a decision by NHB to forfeit
the same without assigning any reason for imposing sanction for violation of
this Integrity Pact.
9.2 NHB will be entitled to take all or any the actions mentioned at para 10.1(i) to (x) of
this Integrity Pact also on the Commission by the Bidder or any one employed by
it or acting on its behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the Bidder), of
an offence as defined in Chapter IX of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 or Prevention or
Corruption Act, 1988 or any other statute enacted for prevention of corruption.
9.3 The decision of NHB to the effect that a breach of the provisions of this Integrity
Pact has been committed by the Bidder shall be final and conclusive on the Bidder.
However the Bidder can approach the Independent Monitor(s) appointed for the
purposes of this Integrity Pact.
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10. Fall Clause:
The Bidder undertakes that it has not supplied/is not supplying similar
product/systems or subsystems at a price lower than that offered in the present Bid
in respect of any other Ministry/Department of the Government of India or
PSU/Public Sector Bank and if it is found at any stage that similar product/systems
was supplied by the Bidder to any other Ministry/Department of the Government
of India or a PSU at a lower price, then that very price, with due allowance for
elapsed time, will be applicable to the present case and the difference in the cost
would be refunded by the Bidder to NHB, if the contract has already been
11. Disqualification & Forfeiture of EMD/PBG etc
The Bidder(s) agree(s) that:
(a) Prior to award of contract or during execution of the contract, if the Bidder (s)
has/have committed any transgression/breach of this Integrity Pact, NHB is
entitled to disqualify the Bidder(s) from the tendering process/terminate the
(b) If NHB disqualifies the Bidders(s) from the tendering process prior to award of
contract under clause (a) above, NHB is entitled to demand and recover the
damages equivalent to the EMD and in such event, the EMD shall be forfeited.
(c) After selection of the successful Bidder and/or during execution of the contract,
any breach/violation by the successful Bidder of this Integrity Pact under
clause (a) above shall entail forfeiture of performance bond/Performance Bank
Guarantee (PBG).
(d) It is agreed that the decision of NHB regarding forfeiture of EMD/performance
bonds/ PBG shall be final and binding.
12. Independent External Monitors:
12.1 NHB has appointed Shri Kishore Kumar Sansi, Ex-MD of Vijaya Bank ( email id and Shri Rakesh Rewari, Ex-DMD, SIDBI ( email id : ) as independent external monitors (hereinafter referred to as
"the Monitors") for this Integrity Pact in consultation with the Central Vigilance
12.2 The task of the Monitors shall be to review independently and objectively whether
and to what extent the Parties comply with the obligations under this Integrity Pact.
12.3 The Monitors shall not be subject to instructions by the representatives of the Parties
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and perform their functions neutrally and independently.
12.4 Both the Parties accept that the Monitors have the right to access all the documents
relating to the project procurement including minutes of meeting.
12.5 As soon as the Monitor notices, or has reason to believe a violation of this Integrity
Pact, he will so inform the Authority designated by NHB.
12.6 The Bidder accepts that the Monitor has the right to access without restriction to all
project documentation of NHB including that provided by the Bidder. The Bidder
will also grant the Monitor upon his request and demonstration of a valid interest,
unrestricted and unconditional access to his project documentation. The same is
applicable to sub-contractors. The Monitor shall be under contractual obligation to
treat the information and documents (s) of the Bidder/sub-contractor with
12.7 NHB will provide to the Monitor sufficient information about all meetings among
the Parties related to the project provided such meeting could have an impact on
the contractual relations between the Parties. The Parties will offer to the Monitor
the option to participate in such meeting.
12.8 The Monitor will submit a written report to the designated Authority of NHB
within 8 to 10 weeks from the date of reference or intimation to him by NHB/Bidder
and, should the occasion arise, submit proposals for correcting problematic
13. Facilitation of Investigation:
In case of any allegation of violation of any provision to this Integrity Pact or
payment of commission, NHB or its agencies shall be entitled to examine all the
documents including the Books of Accounting of the Bidder and the Bidder shall
provide necessary information and documents in English and shall extend all
possible help for the purpose of such examination.
14. Law and Place of Jurisdiction:
This Integrity Pact is subject to Indian Law. Any dispute arising out of this shall be
subject the jurisdictions of the Courts at New Delhi.
15. Other Legal Action:
The actions stipulated in this Integrity Pact are without prejudice to any other legal
action that may follow in accordance with the provision of the extant law in force
relating to any civil or criminal proceedings. However, the Parties shall not
approach the Courts of Law while representing the matters to the Monitor/s and
shall await the decision of the Monitor/s in the matter.
16. Validity:
16.1 The validity of this Integrity Pact shall be from date of its signing and extend up to
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5 years or the complete execution of the contract to the satisfaction of both NHB
and the Bidder, including warranty period, whichever is later. In case Bidder is
unsuccessful, this Integrity Pact shall expire after six month from the date of the
signing of this Integrity Pact.
16.2 Should one or several provisions of this Integrity Pact turn out or be invalid, the
remainder of this Integrity Pact shall remain valid. In this case the Parties will strive
to come to an agreement to their original intentions.
The Parties hereto sign this Integrity Pact on the day, month and year and at the place
mentioned herein below.
For National Housing Bank For Bidder
(Authorised Signatory) (Authorised Signatory)
Place: Place:
Date: Date:
Witness Witness
1.________________________ 1.________________________
_________________________ _________________________
(Name & Address) (Name & Address)
2._______________________ 2._______________________
_________________________ _________________________
(Name & Address) (Name & Address)
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Annexure XV(Service Level Agreement)
(To be executed on a non- judicial stamp paper)
Service Level Agreement
THIS SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to "the Agreement") is made
on this ______ day of the month of ________, 201_, by and between,
National Housing Bank, a bank constituted under the National Housing Bank Act, 1987,
having its Head Office at Core 5A, 3rd -5th floors, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New
Delhi-110003 (hereinafter called "NHB",) which expression shall include wherever the
context so permits, its successors and assigns ; AND
______________________________________, a company registered under the Companies
Act, 1956, having its registered office at _____________________________ (hereinafter
called the "Auditors"), which expression shall include wherever the context so permits,
its successors and permitted assigns.
(Hereinafter NHB and the Auditors are collectively referred to as "the Parties" and
individually as "the Party")
(A) NHB intends to hire the Auditors for _____________________________________, as
detailed in the Request for Proposal no.
________________________________________ on _______________ (date) (including
Corrigendum/Clarification, if any, issued) (hereinafter collectively referred to the
"RFP (attached hereto as Appendix- I).
(B) The Auditors has been selected through open tendering process by way of floating
the RFP by NHB followed by evaluation of Technical & Commercial Bids of the
Bidders and accordingly the letter of award no. _________________________ dated
_________ ("LoA") (attached hereto as Appendix- II) has been issued by NHB to the
(C) The Auditors has accepted and agreed to provide the Services in accordance with
terms and conditions of RFP and the LoA.
(D) In terms of the RFP, NHB and the Consultant have agreed to enter into this definitive
Service Level Agreement in the manner hereinafter appearing:
NOW THEREFORE the Parties hereby agree as follows:
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1.1 Definitions
Unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms whenever used in this
Agreement have the following meanings:
(a) "Applicable Law" means the laws and any other instruments having the force of
law in India, as they may be issued and in force from time to time;
(b) "Contract" means and shall construe this Agreement;
1. "Deliverables" means and includes the major deliverables as specified in Clause 5
of the RFP.
(d) "Effective Date" means the date on which this Agreement comes into force and
effect pursuant to Clause 2.1 hereof;
(e) "Personnel" means persons hired/to be hired by the Consultant as employees and
assigned to the performance of the Services or any part thereof.
(f) "Project" means collectively the Services and the Deliverables to be provided as
detailed in the RFP.
(g) "Services" or "Scope of Work" means and includes the scope of work to be
performed by the Consultant as described/set out in Clause 5 of the RFP.
(h) "Third Party" means any person or entity other than NHB and the Consultant.
1.2 Principles of Interpretation
In this Agreement , unless the context otherwise requires:
a) All capitalized terms unless specifically defined in this Agreement shall have the meaning
given to them in the RFP;
b) Words and abbreviations, which have well known technical or trade/commercial
meanings are used in this Agreement in accordance with such meanings;
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c) The RFP, the LoA and the NDA along with the Appendices/ Attachments hereto, shall
form part and parcel of this Agreement and shall be read together for all purpose and
d) In case of any inconsistency or repugnancy between the provisions contained RFP, LoA
and this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, the opinion of NHB shall
prevail to the extent of such inconsistency or repugnancy and the same shall be binding
on the Consultant.
1.3 Purpose
1.3.1 It is hereby agreed that the Consultant shall provide the Services to NHB as set out in the
RFP till the completion of the Project. The objective of the Project is to make
1.3.2 Performance of the Scope of Work
The Consultant shall perform all the services as set out in the Scope of Work and complete
the Deliverables within the prescribed time lines in terms of the RFP and the entire
assignment shall be completed within the Term of this Contract.
1.3.3 Term/Period of Contract
The entire assignment as detailed in the Scope of Work under this Contract shall be
completed within a period of __________________ ("Term") starting from ______________
by the Consultant unless the period is extended in accordance with this Agreement.
1.3.4 Contract Price
The entire assignment to be performed under this Contract is fixed price contract and the
Consultant shall be paid the total price consideration of Rs. ______________ (Rupees
___________________________________) ("Contract Price") for the satisfactory
performance/execution of the entire assignment under the Project. The Contract Price
shall be paid by NHB as per the payment terms agreed at Clause 4.2 of this Agreement.
1.4 Relation between the Parties
Nothing contained herein shall be construed as establishing a relationship of master and
servant or of principal and agent as between NHB and the Consultant. The Consultant,
subject to this Agreement, has complete charge of personnel to be engaged by the
Consultant for performing the Services and shall be fully responsible for the works to be
performed by them or on their behalf hereunder and also for the quality of the work done by
their personnel.
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1.5 Language
This Contract has been executed in the English language, which shall be the binding and
controlling language for all matters relating to the meaning or interpretation of this
1.6 Headings
The headings shall not limit, alter or affect the meaning of this Contract.
1.7 Notices
1.7.1 Any notice, request or consent required or permitted to be given or made pursuant to this
Contract shall be in writing. Any such notice, request or consent shall be deemed to have
been given or made when delivered in person to an authorized representative of the Party
to whom the communication is addressed, or when sent by registered mail, telex, telegram
or facsimile to such Party at the following address:
For NHB:
For the Consultant:
1.7.2 Notice will be deemed to be effective as follows
(a) In the case of personal delivery or registered mail, on delivery;
(b) In case of telegrams, ninety six (96) hours following confirmed transmission; and
(c) In the case of facsimiles, seventy two (72) hours following confirmed transmission.
1.7.3 A Party may change its address for notice hereunder by giving the other Party notice of
such change pursuant to this Clause.
1.8 Location
The Services shall be performed at Delhi or at such location required/ approved by NHB.
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1.9 Authority of Consultant
The Consultant hereby authorize _________________ to act on their behalf in exercising
the entire Consultant's rights and obligations towards NHB under this Contract,
including without limitation for signing letters/communications, execution of
agreements, for receiving instructions and payments from NHB.
1.10 Taxes and Duties
The Auditors and their personnel shall pay the taxes (excluding GST), duties, fees, levies
and other impositions levied under the existing, amended or enacted laws during the
tenure of this Agreement and NHB shall perform such duties in regard to the deduction
of such taxes as may be lawfully imposed from the payments to be made to the
2.1 Effectiveness of Contract
This Agreement deemed to have taken effect from the date of acceptance of the Letter of
Award (LoA) by the Consultant i.e. w.e.f. .............
2.2 Commencement of Services
The Consultant shall begin carrying out the Services immediately viz. from the date of
acceptance of LoA, or on such date as the Parties may agree in writing.
2.3 Expiration of Contract
Unless terminated earlier pursuant to Clause-2.8 hereof, this Contract shall expire on the
expiry of the Term as stated on Clause 1.3.3 herein unless the Term is extended in
accordance with the Clause 2.6.4.
2.4 Entire Agreement
This Contract contains all covenants, stipulations and provisions agreed by the Parties.
No representative of either Party has authority to make, and the Parties shall not be bound
by or be liable for, any statement, representation, promise or agreement not set forth
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2.5 Modification
Modification of the terms and conditions of this Contract, including any modification of
the scope of the Services/Scope of Work, may only be made by written agreement
between the Parties and shall not be effective until the consent of the Parties has been
obtained, pursuant to Clause-5.2 hereof, however, each Party shall give due consideration
to any proposals for modification made by the other Party.
2.6 Force Majeure
2.6.1 Definition
In the event of either Party being rendered unable by Force Majeure to perform any
obligation required to be performed by them under the Contract, the relative obligation of
the Party affected by such Force Majeure shall be suspended for the period during which
such cause lasts.
The term "Force Majeure" as employed herein shall mean acts of God, War, Civil Riots,
Fire, Flood and Acts and Regulations of respective government of the two Parties directly
affecting the performance of the Contract.
Upon the occurrence of such cause and upon its termination, the Party alleging that it has
been rendered unable as aforesaid thereby, shall notify the other Party in writing, the
beginning of the cause amounting to Force Majeure as also the ending of the said clause
by giving notice to the other Party within 72 hours of the ending of the cause respectively.
If the deliveries are suspended by Force Majeure conditions lasting for more than 2 (two)
months, NHB shall have the option of canceling this Contract in whole or part at its
discretion without any liability on its part.
Time for performance of the relative obligation suspended by Force Majeure shall then
stand extended by the period for which such cause lasts.
2.6.2 No Breach of Contract
The failure of a Party to fulfill any of its obligations hereunder shall not be considered to
be a breach of or default under this Contract in so far as such inability arises from an event
of Force Majeure, provided that the Party affected by such an event has taken all
reasonable precautions, due care and reasonable alternative measures, all with the
objective of carrying out the terms and conditions of this Contract.
2.6.3 Measures to be taken
(a) A Party affected by an event of Force Majeure shall take all reasonable measures to
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remove such Party's inability to fulfill its obligations hereunder with a minimum
of delay.
(b) A Party affected by an event of Force Majeure shall notify the other Party such
event as soon as possible, and in any event not later than fourteen (14) days
following the occurrence of such event, providing evidence of the nature and cause
of such event, and shall similarly give notice of the restoration of normal conditions
as soon as possible.
(c) The Parties shall take all reasonable measures to minimize the consequences of any
event of Force Majeure.
2.6.4 Extension of Time
Any period within which a Party shall, pursuant to this Contract, complete any action or
task, shall be extended for a period equal to the time during which such Party was unable
to perform such action as a result of Force Majeure.
2.6.5 Consultation
Not later than thirty (30) days after the Party, as the result of an event of Force Majeure,
has become unable to perform a material portion of the Services, the Parties shall consult
with each other with a view to agreeing on appropriate measures to be taken in the
2.7 Suspension
NHB may, by written notice of suspension to the Consultant, suspend all payments to the
Consultant hereunder if NHB is not satisfied with the performance of the Consultant or if
the Consultant fails to perform any of their obligations under this Contract, including the
carrying out of services, provided that such notice of suspension (i) shall specify the
nature of the failure, and (ii) shall request the Consultant to provide remedy for such
failure within a period not exceeding thirty (30) days after receipt by the Consultant of
such notice of suspension and shall invoke contract performance guarantee.
2.8 Termination
2.8.1 By NHB
NHB may by not less than fifteen (15) calendar days written notice of termination to the
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Consultant, (except in the event listed in paragraph (g) below, for which there shall be a
written notice of not less than sixty (60) days) such notice to be given after the occurrence
of any of the events specified in paragraphs (a) to (f) of this Clause-2.8.l, terminate this
(a) If the Consultant fails to remedy a failure in the performance of their obligations
hereunder, as specified in a notice of suspension pursuant to Clause-2.7 here-in-
above, within thirty (30) days of receipt of such notice of suspension or within such
further period as NHB may have subsequently approved in writing;
(b) If the Consultant becomes insolvent or bankrupt or enters into an agreement with
its creditors for relief of debt or take advance of any law for the benefit of debtors
or goes into liquidation receivership whether compulsory or voluntary;
(c) If the Consultant fails to comply with any final decision reached/award passed as
a result of arbitration proceedings pursuant to Clause-8 hereof;
(d) If the Consultant submits to NHB a statement which has a material effect on the
rights, obligations or interests of NHB and which the Consultant knows to be false;
(e) If, as a result of Force Majeure, the Consultant is unable to perform a material
portion of the Services for a period of not less than sixty (60) days; or
(f) In the event it comes to the notice of NHB that any of the representations and/or
warranties made by the Consultant either in the Bid Documents or in the
subsequent correspondences are found to be false and/or the Consultant/its
personnel are found to be involved in any fraudulent or criminal act;
(g) If NHB, in its sole discretion and for any reason whatsoever, decides to terminate
this Contract..
2.8.2 Cessation of Rights and Obligations
Upon termination of this Contract pursuant to Clause- 2.8.1 hereof or upon expiration of
this Contract pursuant to Clause-2.3 hereof, all rights and obligations of the Parties
hereunder shall cease, except:
(a) Such rights and obligations as may have accrued on the date of termination or
(b) The obligation of confidentiality set forth in Clause-3.7 hereof,
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(c) Any right which a Party may have under the Applicable Law.
2.8.3 Cessation of Services
Upon termination of this Contract by notice pursuant to clauses-2.8.1 hereof, the
Consultant shall, immediately upon dispatch or receipt of such notice, take all necessary
steps to bring the Services to a close in a prompt and orderly manner and shall make every
reasonable effort to keep expenditures for this purpose to a minimum.
2.8.4 Payment in case of termination of contract
Subject to the terms of the RFP, in case the contract is terminated, payment towards
services will be made on pro rata basis, for the services already delivered, after deducting
applicable penalty and TDS/other applicable taxes.
3.1 Standard of Performance
The Consultant shall perform the Services and carry out their obligations hereunder with
all due diligence, efficiency and economy, in accordance with generally accepted
techniques and practices used with professional engineering and consulting standards
recognized by professional bodies, and shall observe sound management, technical and
engineering practices, and employ appropriate advanced technology, safe and effective
equipment, machinery, materials and methods. The Consultant shall always act, in
respect of any matter relating to this Contract or to the Services, as faithful advisers to
NHB, and shall at all times support and safeguard NHB's legitimate interests in any
dealings with third parties.
3.2 Law Governing contract
The Consultant shall perform the assignment in accordance with the applicable Law and
shall take all practicable steps to ensure that the Personnel of the Consultant comply with
the Applicable Law.
3.3 Conflict of Interest
The Consultant shall hold NHB's interest paramount, without any consideration for
future work, and strictly avoid conflict with other assignments or their corporate interests.
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3.4 Consultant Not to Benefit from Commissions/Discounts etc.
The payment of the Consultant by NHB shall constitute the Consultant's only payment in
connection with this Contract or the Services, and the Consultant shall not accept for their
own benefit any trade commission, discount, or similar payment in connection with
activities pursuant to this Contract or to the Services or in the discharge of their
obligations under the Contract, and the Consultant shall use their best efforts to ensure
that its Personnel similarly shall not receive any such additional payment.
3.5 Consultant and Affiliates not to be otherwise interested in /benefited from the Project
The Consultant agrees that, during the term of this Contract and after its termination, the
Consultant shall not create any work/ opportunity for itself and for any of its affiliates
from this Project/ assignment and/or derive any financial benefits directly or otherwise,
other than what is agreed to be paid as professional fee as mentioned at Clause 4.2 for this
3.6 Prohibition of Conflicting Activities
The Consultant and its affiliates shall not engage, either directly or indirectly, in any
business or professional activities which would conflict with the activities assigned to
them under this Contract. The Consultant and its affiliates hired to provide services for
the proposed assignment will be disqualified from services related to the initial
assignment for the same Project subsequently.
3.7 Confidentiality
The Consultant and its Personnel shall not, either during the term or after the expiration
of this Contract, disclose any proprietary or confidential information relating to the
Project, the Services, this Agreement or NHB's business or operations without the prior
written consent of NHB.
A separate non-disclosure cum confidentiality agreement ("NDA") will be signed
between the Consultant and NHB, if required.
3.8 Insurance to be taken out by the Consultant
The Consultant shall take out and maintain at their own cost, appropriate insurance
against all the risks, and for all the coverage, like workers compensation, employment
liability insurance for all the staff on the assignment, comprehensive general liability
insurance, including contractual liability coverage adequate to cover the indemnity of
obligation against all damages, costs, and charges and expenses for injury to any person or
damage to any property arising out of, or in connection with, the services which result from
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the fault of the Consultant or their staff on the assignment
3.9 Liability of the Consultant
The Consultant shall be liable to NHB for the performance of the Services in accordance
with the provisions of this Contract and for any loss suffered by NHB as a result of a
default of the Consultant in such performance, subject to the following limitations:
(a) The Consultant shall not be liable for any damage or injury caused by or arising out
of any act, neglect, default or omission of any persons other than the Consultant
and its Personnel; and
(b) The Consultant shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by or arising out
of circumstances over which the Consultant had no control.
3.10 Indemnification of NHB by the Consultant
The Consultant shall indemnify NHB and shall always keep NHB, its employees,
personnel, officers and directors, both during and after the term of this Agreement, fully
and effectively indemnified against all losses, damage, injuries, deaths, expenses, actions,
proceedings, demands, costs and claims, including legal fees and expenses, suffered by
NHB or any Third Party, where such loss, damage, injury is the result of (i) any wrongful
action, negligence or breach of contract by the Consultant or its personnel; and/or (ii) any
negligence or gross misconduct attributable to the Consultant or its personnel; and/or (iii)
any claim made by employees who are deployed by the Consultant against NHB; and/or
(iv) any claim arising out of employment, non-payment of remuneration and non-
provision of benefits in accordance with the statues/various labour laws by the
Consultant to its employees; and/or (v) any or all Deliverables or Services infringing any
patent, trademarks, copyrights or such other Intellectual Property Rights; and/or (vi) any
breach of the confidentiality obligations mentioned under clause 3.7 and /or NDA.
3.11 Limitation of Liability
(i) The Auditors aggregate liability, in connection with the obligations undertaken as a
part of this Project, whether arising under this Project regardless of the form or nature
of the action giving rise to such liability (whether in contract, tort or otherwise), other
than the circumstances mentioned in the sub-clause (ii) below, shall be limited to
____________ times of the total contract value.
(ii) The Consultant's liability in case of claims against NHB resulting from infringement of
patents, trademarks, copyrights or such other Intellectual Property Rights or breach
of confidentiality obligations committed by the Consultant shall be actual and
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(iii) Under no circumstances, NHB shall be liable to the Consultant for direct, indirect,
incidental, consequential, special or exemplary damages arising from termination of
this Agreement, even if he has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
3.12 Consultant's Actions Requiring Owner's Prior Approval
The Consultant shall not enter into a sub contract for the performance of any part of the
Services, without the prior approval of NHB in writing. However, the Consultant can hire
the services of Personnel to carry out any part of the services. The Consultant shall remain
fully liable for the performance of the services by its personnel pursuant to this Contract.
3.13 Reporting Obligations
The Consultant shall submit to NHB the reports and documents within the timelines set
forth in the Offer Letter, including any supporting data required by NHB.
3.14 Documents prepared by the Auditors to be the Property of NHB:
All reports and other documents prepared/developed by the Consultant in performing
the Services shall become and remain the property of NHB, and the Consultant shall, not
later than upon termination or expiration of this Contract, deliver all such documents to
NHB, together with a detailed inventory thereof. The Consultant may retain a copy of
such documents and shall not use them for purposes unrelated to this Contract without
the prior written approval of NHB.
3.15 Consultant's Personnel
The Consultant shall ensure that personnel/employees engaged by him in the
project/contract, have appropriate qualifications and competence as stipulated under the
RFP and are in all respects acceptable to NHB. The Consultant will do its utmost to ensure
that the personnel identified by the Consultant to work under this Agreement completes
the Term. If any such personnel resigns from his job and leaves the Consultant, the
Consultant will provide NHB with another personnel of equivalent knowledge, skill and
experience acceptable to NHB as his substitute.
The Consultant shall strictly comply with all applicable labour laws and such other laws
in relation to the services to be provided and the personnel engaged by the Consultant
and he shall be solely responsible for all acts of the said personnel so enrolled and
there shall and will not be any privity of contract for any purpose and to any intent
between NHB and said personnel so engaged by the Consultant.
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The Consultant shall be responsible for making appropriate deductions in respect of
income tax and any other statutory deductions under applicable laws in respect of its
personnel/employees engaged by the Consultant under this Agreement. The Consultant
agrees to indemnify NHB in respect of any claims that may be made by statutory
authorities against NHB in respect of contributions relating to the personnel/employees
engaged by the Consultant for performing the work under this Agreement. NHB is
authorized to make such tax deduction at source as may be necessary as per law/rules in
force in respect of payments made to the Consultant.
3.16 Non-Compete
The Consultant will neither approach nor make any proposal for work for any employee of NHB
directly or indirectly during the validity of this Agreement and for one year from the date of
termination of this Agreement.
3.17 Change in Ownership or Constitution:
The Consultant will inform NHB immediately about any change in its ownership or its
constitution. The Consultant will ensure that the NHB's interest will be protected with utmost
care. If NHB is not satisfied with the change of ownership or constitution of the Consultant
and/or with the new owner, NHB shall have the right of termination and in that event, the
payment, if any, upon termination may be made as provided in clause 2.8.4.
4.1 Support:
NHB will provide the support as required necessary by it including giving access to the
relevant and limited data maintained in its system to the Consultant for carrying out the
assignment under the Contract.
4.2 Consideration & Payment Terms
In consideration of the Services performed by the Consultant under this Agreement, NHB
shall make to the Consultant such payments and in such manner as specified in the RFP
and/or the LoA.
The Consultant shall submit the bills to NHB of firms printed bill forms indicating the
work done by him during the period for which payment is sought. NHB shall make
payments to the Consultant as per the payment schedule given in the RFP. But if the
progress is not satisfactory and according to agreed work program/schedule the payment
may be withheld.
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4.3 Non-Solicitation:
NHB agrees not to make an offer for employment to any personnel provided/deployed
by the Consultant under this Agreement, and, not to accept any application for
employment from him/her, while he is under the term of this Agreement, and, for up to
twelve (12) months from the date of last assignment of the work under this Agreement
with NHB.
5.1 Good Faith
The Parties undertake to act in all fairness and good faith in respect to each other's rights
under this Contract and to adopt all reasonable measures to ensure the realization of the
objectives of this Contract
The Consultant hereby further undertakes:
(i) That the Consultant has gone through all the required/relevant and extant
instructions/ circulars of Government of India, Reserve Bank of India and /or any
other concerned authority, GFR issued by Ministry of Finance, guidelines of CVC and
provisions of the manual/relevant instructions of NHB, as applicable to the
scope/area of its work/operation under this Agreement and the advice/services to be
rendered by it as the Consultant and it complies/will comply with all such
(ii) That the Consultant has the necessary expertise to work and execute the Project as
per the scope of work set out in detail in the RFP and it has the capability to deliver
efficient and effective advice/services to NHB. It shall carry out the assignment under
this Agreement with due diligence and with the highest standard of professionalism
and business ethics.
(iii) That being the Consultant of NHB for a consideration, it shall be accountable for (a)
any improper discharge of the assignment under this Agreement and/or (b) any
deviant conduct keeping in view the norms of ethical business and professionalism.
(iv) That NHB shall have every right at its discretion to enforce such accountability in case
of any improper discharge of contractual obligations and/or any advice/service
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rendered in the views of NHB is found to be grossly faulty/negligent/deficient
and/or any deviant conduct by the Consultant and as a consequence of it, NHB can,
irrespective of anything stated herein, terminate this Agreement by giving 15 days
prior notice, including to withhold/retain the dues payable to the Consultant by NHB
under this Agreement and appropriate/adjust the same for the losses, if any, suffered
by NHB without requiring NHB to prove the actual loss.
(v) That the Consultant shall not do anything that will be of any conflict of interest to the
Consultant while discharging the obligations under this Agreement and it shall bring
to the notice/knowledge of NHB beforehand any possible instance of conflict of
interest while rendering any advice or service. Further, the Consultant shall not
receive any remuneration in connection with the assignment except as provided in
this Agreement. The Consultant and/or any of its affiliates shall not engage in
consulting or other activities that will be in conflict with the obligations under this
(vi) That the Consultant has not been hired for any assignment that would be in conflict
with its prior or current obligations to NHB or that may place the Consultant in a
position of being unable to carry out the assignment in the best interest of NHB.
(vii) That the Consultant shall act at all times in the interest of NHB and render
advice/service with highest professional integrity and shall cooperate fully with any
legitimately provided/constituted investigative body, conducting inquiry into
processing or execution of the consultancy contract/any other matter related with
discharge of the contractual obligations by the Consultant.
Each clause of this Agreement is enforceable independently. Should any clause of this
Agreement become not enforceable due to any reason, it will not affect the enforceability
of the other clauses.
In the event of any dispute or difference arising out of, in relation to, or in connection
with this Agreement, or the breach thereof, shall be settled amicably through mutual
discussions. If, however, the parties are not able to settle them amicably without undue
delay, the same shall be settled by the process of arbitration in accordance with the
provisions of the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 (as amended from time to time).
The venue of such arbitration shall be at New Delhi and the proceedings shall be
conducted in English. The arbitration tribunal shall consist of Sole i.e. 1(one) Arbitrator
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to be appointed jointly by the Parties within thirty ( 30) days from the date of first
recommendation for appointment of arbitrator in written form one Party to the other. If
the Parties fail to agree on appointment of such Sole Arbitrator, arbitral tribunal
consisting of Sole Arbitrator shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of the
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The award of arbitrator made in pursuance thereof
shall be final and binding on the Parties. All costs and expenses of such arbitration shall
be borne equally by the Parties at the first instance which however subject to the
provisions of the said Act.
Notwithstanding, it is agreed that the Consultant shall continue the remaining work for
the assignment under this Agreement during the pendency of arbitration proceedings
unless otherwise directed in writing by NHB or unless the matter is such that the work
cannot possibly be continued until the decision of the arbitrator, as the case may be, is
This agreement including all matters connected with this Agreement, shall be governed
by the laws of India (both substantive and procedural) for the time being in force and shall
be subjected to exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts at New Delhi.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement signed in their
respective names on the day and year first above written at New Delhi.
By _______________________________________________________________
Authorized Representative
By _______________________________________________________________
Authorized Representative
( Name and address)
( Name and address)
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Annexure XVI (Non-Disclosure Agreement)
(To be executed on a non- judicial stamp paper)
This Confidentiality cum-Non Disclosure Agreement is entered into at New Delhi on this .................of ________, 201__, by and between;
_____________________, a ......................... incorporated
____________________________________, having its Registered Office at
.............................. (hereinafter referred to as "the Auditors"), which expression shall
include wherever the context so permits, its successors and permitted assigns;
The National Housing Bank, a bank constituted under the National Housing Bank
Act,1987 (Central act No. 53 of 1987) having its Head Office at Core-5A,5th Floor, India
Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003; (herein after referred to as "NHB"), which
expression shall include wherever the context so permits, its successors and permitted
WHEREAS the Auditors & NHB would be having discussions and negotiations
concerning _________________ ("Purpose") between them as per the Service Level
Agreement dated ............... (hereinafter referred to as "SLA"). In the course of such
discussions & negotiations, it is anticipated that either party may disclose or deliver to the
other party certain of its trade secrets or confidential or proprietary information for the
purpose of enabling the other party to evaluate the feasibility of such a business
relationship. The parties have entered into this Agreement, in order to assure the
confidentiality of such trade secrets and confidential & proprietary information in
accordance with the terms of this Agreement. As used in this Agreement, the party
disclosing Proprietary Information ( as defined below) is referred to as "the Disclosing
Party" & will include its affiliates and subsidiaries, the party receiving such Proprietary
Information is referred to as "the Recipient/Receiving Party", and will include its affiliates
& subsidiaries and its personnel.
Now this Agreement witnesseth:-
1. Proprietary Information: As used in this Agreement, the term Proprietary information
shall mean as all trade secrets or confidential or Proprietary information designated as
such in writing by the Disclosing Party, whether by letter or by the use of an
appropriate prominently placed Proprietary stamp or legend, prior to or at the time
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such trade secret or confidential or Proprietary information is disclosed by the
Disclosing Party to the Recipient/Receiving Party. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
information which is orally or visually disclosed to the Recipient/Receiving Party by
the Disclosing party or is disclosed in writing unaccompanied by a covering letter,
proprietary stamp or legend, shall constitute proprietary information if the disclosing
party , within 10(ten) days after such disclosure, delivers to the Recipient/Receiving
Party a written document or documents describing such Proprietary Information and
referencing the place and date of such oral ,visual or written disclosure and the names
of the employees or officers of the Recipient/ Receiving party to whom such disclosure
was made.
2. Confidentiality:
a) Each party shall keep secret and treat in strictest confidence all confidential
information it has received about the other party or its customers and will not use
the confidential information otherwise than for the purpose of performing its
obligations under this Agreement in accordance with its terms and so far this may
be required for the proper exercise of the Parties respective rights and obligations
under this Agreement.
b) The term confidential information shall mean and include all written or oral
information (including information received from third parties that the Disclosing
Party is obligated to treat as confidential) that is (i) clearly identified in writing at
the time of disclosure as confidential and in case of oral or visual disclosure, or (ii)
that a reasonable person at the time of disclosure reasonably would assume, under
the circumstances, to be confidential. Confidential Information shall also mean,
software programs, technical data, methodologies, know how, processes, designs,
customer names, prospective customer's names, customer information and
business information of the Disclosing Party.
c) Confidential information does not include information which:
(i) is publicly available at the time of its disclosure; or
(ii) becomes publicly available following disclosure; or
(iii) is already known to or was in the possession of Recipient/Receiving party prior
to disclosure under this Agreement; or
(iv) is disclosed to the Recipient/Receiving party from a third party, which party is
not bound by any obligation of confidentiality; or
(v) is or has been independently developed by the Recipient/Receiving party
without using the confidential information;
(vi) is disclosed with the prior consent of the Disclosing Party.
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3. Non Disclosure of Proprietary Information: For the period during the agreement or
its renewal, the Recipient/Receiving Party will:
a) Use such Proprietary Information only for the purpose for which it was disclosed
and without written authorization of the Disclosing Party shall not use or exploit
such Proprietary Information for its own benefit or the benefit of others.
b) Protect the Proprietary Information against disclosure to third parties in the same
manner and with the reasonable degree of care, with which it protects its own
confidential information of similar importance and
c) Limit disclosure of Proprietary Information received under this Agreement to
persons within its organization and to those 3rd party contractors performing tasks
that would otherwise customarily or routinely be performed by its employees,
who have a need to know such Proprietary Information in the course of
performance of their duties and who are bound to protect the confidentiality of
such Proprietary Information.
4. Limit on Obligations: The obligations of the Recipient/ Receiving Party specified in
clause 3 above shall not apply and the Recipient/ Receiving Party shall have no further
obligations, with respect to any Proprietary Information to the extent that such
Proprietary information :
a) is generally known to the public at the time of disclosure or becomes generally
known without any wrongful act on the part of the Recipient/ Receiving Party;
b) is in the Recipient's/ Receiving Party's possession at the time of disclosure
otherwise than as a result of the Recipient's/ Receiving Party's breach of an
obligation of confidentiality owed to the Disclosing Party;
c) becomes known to the Recipient/ Receiving Party through disclosure by any other
source, other than the Disclosing party, having the legal right to disclose such
Proprietary Information.
d) is independently developed by the Recipient/ Receiving Party without reference
to or reliance upon the Proprietary Information; or
e) is required to be disclosed by the Recipient/ Receiving Party to comply with
applicable laws or governmental regulation, provided that the Recipient/
Receiving Party provides prior written notice of such disclosure to the Disclosing
Party and take reasonable and lawful actions for such disclosure.
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5. Return of Documents: The Recipient/ Receiving Party shall, upon request of the
Disclosing Party , in writing ,return to the Disclosing party all drawings, documents
and other tangible manifestations of Proprietary Information received by the
Recipient/ Receiving Party pursuant to this Agreement ( and all copies and
reproductions thereof) within a reasonable period. Each party agrees that in the event,
it is not inclined to proceed further with the engagement, business discussions and
negotiations or in the event of termination of this Agreement, the Recipient/ Receiving
Party will promptly return to the other part or with the consent of the other party,
destroy the Proprietary Information of the other party. Provided however the
Receiving Party shall retain copies to be in compliance with its statutory, regulatory,
internal policy or professional obligations.
6. Communications :Written communications requesting transferring Proprietary
Information under this Agreement shall be addressed only to the respective designees
as follows (or to such designees as the parties hereto may from time to time designate
in writing)
________________________________ NATIONAL HOUSING BANK
7. Term: The obligation pursuant to clause 2 and 3 (Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure of
Proprietary Information) will survive for a period of ___________ years from the
termination of the SLA.
8. The provisions of this Agreement are necessary for the protection of the business
goodwill of the parties and are considered by the parties to be reasonable for such
purposes. Both the parties agree that any breach of this Agreement will cause
substantial and irreparable damages to the other party and, therefore, in the event of
such breach by one party, the other party shall be entitled to appropriate remedy,
which may be available under law.
9. Notwithstanding anything stated in this Agreement, any report/finding/document
delivered/submitted by the Auditors to NHB as a part of the outcome or deliverables
under the SLA and which, in the opinion of NHB, requires any further study/analysis
by any third party agency/institution depending on the requirement of the case, the
same can be shared by NHB with such third party agency/institution for conducting
such study/analysis and no prior consent of the Auditors is required for the same.
Such report/finding/document delivered/ submitted by the Auditors to NHB shall
become exclusive property of NHB and as such NHB shall not be bound by any
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restriction from disclosure of such report/ finding/ document or content thereof,
being the Receiving Party.
10. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of India
and shall be subjected to the Jurisdiction of courts at Delhi. It is agreed that any dispute
or differences arising out of or touching this Agreement if not resolved amicably shall
be referred to the arbitration as per clause _______ of the SLA executed between the
parties hereto.
11. Miscellaneous
a) This Agreement may not be modified, changed or discharged, in whole or in part,
except by a further Agreement/amendment in writing signed by both the parties.
b) This Agreement will be binding upon & enure to the benefit of the parties hereto
and it includes their respective successors & assigns
c) The Agreement shall be construed & and interpreted in accordance with the laws
prevailing in India.
In witness whereof, the parties hereto have agreed, accepted and acknowledged
and signed these presents, on the day, month and year mentioned herein above.
FOR ____________________________ FOR NATIONAL HOUSING BANK
Authorized Signatory Authorized Signatory
Name: Name:
Designation: Designation:
Place: Place:
Date: Date:
Annexure XVII (Bank Guarantee Format)
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(Format of Bank Guarantee)
(To be executed on a non- judicial stamp paper)
National Housing Bank
In consideration of the National Housing Bank (hereinafter referred to as "NHB", which
expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning, thereof include its
successors, representatives and assignees), having awarded in favour of M/s.
______________ having its registered office at _____________ (hereinafter referred to as
"the Auditors", which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof
include its successors, administrators, representatives and assignees), a contract to
provide _______________________ on terms and conditions set out in the Request for
Proposal dated............._______________ ("the RFP") and the Service Level Agreement
dated ________________ ("the SLA") (hereinafter the RFP and the SLA are together
referred to as "the Contract"), and the Auditors having agreed to provide a Performance
Bank Guarantee for the faithful performance of the services as per the terms of the
"Contract" including the warranty obligations /liabilities under the contract of equivalent
value amounting to ___________/____% of the value of the Contract if any, to NHB
amounting to ____________ (in words) in the form of a bank guarantee,
, we, ____________ (Name) _________________(Address) (hereinafter referred to as "the
Bank", which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof,
include its successors, administrators, representatives and assignees) at the request of the
Auditors do hereby irrevocably guarantee for an amount of Rs. __________
(Rupees.___________) and undertake to pay NHB the guaranteed amount merely on
demand, without any previous notice from NHB, without any demur or protest and
without referring to any other source, any and all monies payable by the Auditors by
reason of any breach by the said Auditors of any of the terms and conditions of the said
Contract including non-execution of the Contract at any time till _______________ (day
/month/ year). Any such demand made by NHB on the Bank shall be conclusive and
binding, absolute and unequivocal not withstanding any disputes raised/pending before
any court, tribunal, arbitration or any other authority by and between the Auditors and
NHB. The Bank agrees that the guarantee herein contained shall continue to be enforceable
till the sum due to NHB is fully paid and claims satisfied or till NHB discharges this
NHB shall have the fullest liberty without affecting in any way the liability of the Bank
under this guarantee, from time to time, to extend the time of performance by the
Auditors. The Bank shall not be released from its liabilities under these presents by any
exercise of NHB of the liberty with reference to the matter aforesaid.
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NHB shall have the fullest liberty, without affecting this guarantee to postpone from time
to time the exercise of any powers vested in them or of any right which they might have
against the Auditors and to exercise the same at any time in any manner, and either to
enforce or to forbear to enforce any covenants, contained or implied in the Contract
between NHB and the Auditors or any other course or remedy or security available to
NHB and the Bank shall not be released of its obligations/ liabilities under these presents
by any exercise by NHB of his liberty with reference to the matters aforesaid or any of
them or by reasons of any other act or forbearance or other acts of omission or commission
on part of NHB or any other indulgence shown by NHB or by any other matter or thing
whatsoever which under law would, but for this provision, have the effect of relieving the
Bank Guarantee. The Bank further undertakes not to revoke this guarantee during its
currency without the previous consent of NHB in writing.
The Bank further agrees that the decision of NHB as to the failure on the part of the
Auditors to fulfil their obligations as aforesaid and/or as to the amount payable by the
Bank to NHB hereunder shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Bank.
The Bank also agrees that NHB shall be entitled at his option to enforce this guarantee
against the Bank as a principal debtor, in the first instance notwithstanding any other
security or guarantee that it may have in relation to the Auditors liabilities.
This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or
the Auditors.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein:
(a) our liability under this bank guarantee shall not exceed Rs. __________ (Rupees _____in
(b) this bank guarantee shall be valid up to ____________; and
(c) We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this bank
guarantee only and only if you serve upon us a written claim or demand on or before
Designation/Staff Code No.
Bank's seal
Attorney as per power of Attorney No. Dated
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