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 Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
 Raipur Smart City Ltd., Raipur (C.G.)
 Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority, Vijayawada, A.P.
 Odisha Power Generation Corporation Limited, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
 Corrigendum Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port, Kolkata, West Bengal
 Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited, Ranchi, Jharkhand
 Assam Health Infrastructure Development and Management Society, Guwahati, Assam
 Uttar Pradesh Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
 25 LPA Opening Auditor Fund Management
 Punjab National Bank, Gurugram, Haryana
 M.P. Water and Land Management Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

Cotton Corporation India Limited, MUMBAI
June, 11th 2019
                             THE COTTON CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD.
                              ,   3 ,   10,   ,
                       KAPAS BHAVAN, Plot No: 3A, Sector 10, CBD Belapur.
                                 ­ 400614 NAVI MUMBAI ­ 400 614.
                Ph.022-27579217 Fax 27576069/6030 Email :
           Website ­ ; Ministry of Textiles :
                       Corporate Identity Number ­ U51490MH1971GOI014733

                      INTERNAL AUDIT SYSTEM.

       The Cotton Corporation of India Limited invites Sealed Tenders in two bid system from the
firms/companies, who have prior experience of software development of web browser based
application for Central Public Sector Undertakings/Govt. Organizations / Leading Commercial

The eligibility criteria are as under :

   1) The Vendor must hold a valid ISO 9001:2008 Certificate. The scope of this certification
      should cover software design, development, maintenance and system integration.
   2) The vendor must have a minimum experience of two projects of valuing 2 Lacs or above
      each in web browser based software development of CPSUs / Govt. Organisations / Leading
      Commercial Organisations within last Three years.
   3) Vendor must have development/support office located in Navi Mumbai/Mumbai/Thane
      alongwith Address Proof.
   4) Vendor is required to pay the EMD amount of .10,000 / - (Rupees Ten Thousand Only) to
      be deposited through the demand draft / pay order.

   The Vendors may submit sealed tenders in the prescribed format, in two bid system alongwith
   the EMD of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only) by way of Demand Draft / Pay Order
   favouring " The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd.", payable at Mumbai superscribing the
   INTERNAL AUDIT SYSTEM " addressed to Sr. Manager(IT) and drop in tender box at 6 th
   floor at the above-mentioned address to reach latest by 25/06/2019 upto 3.00 PM and the
   Technical Bid-I will be opened on 25/06/2016 at 3.30 PM in presence of the tenderer who
   remain present at the time of opening.

   Terms and Conditions, Work Area, Technical Bid and Financial Bid formats are available on our
   website and CPP Portal .

                                                                            Senior Manager (IT)

Other Details

1)     An individual Branches of the Corporation can only view and alter his own details.
2)     Limited Access control should be provided as per guidelines given by Internal Audit Section
       of H.O.
3)     Branches of the Corporation should receive system-generated reminders on their registered
       email Ids, if any form is not filled within the stipulated time.
4)     Data once entered by an individual Branches should not be modified. However, the Branches
       should have an option to feed and submit "Revised" form/Returns.
5)     The user ID is required to be provided by the vendor and administrative control over the user
       may be available exclusively to Internal Audit Section at H.O. All the users are required to
       register once for getting the password. However, user can change his password at any time.
6)     The option to fill and print the form in Hindi and English should be provided.

Technical Requirement

                                      1. Designing of Internal Audit web browser application
     Details of Enhancements to be
                                         & additional thereon.
     made in the website
                                      2. Look & Feel of the web application including all
                                         pages to be changed to International Standard
                                      3. Security features to be increased

                                      4. Encryption of passwords

                                      5. Date validations
                                      6. Provision should be made to have website
     WebPages in Bi-lingual format    All the WebPages of the new website should be in Bi-
                                      lingual formats (English and Hindi) and needs to be in
                                      Unicode font.
     Security Audit                   The Vendor is required to conduct a Security Audit of
                                      the new website should be conducted by the Govt.
                                      empanelled agency i.e. through CERT-In / STQC and
                                      suggested modifications should be made in the website
                                      so that it can be hosted on Web Server.
     Technology to be used            1.   The Vendor is required to use the latest technology
                                           for design & development of new website in
                                           consultation with CCI & Web server provider, so
                                           that it can be hosted on Web server (Suggested
                                           Technology ASP/.net/SQL Server/My SQL latest
                                           version, J2EE/SQL Server/My SQL latest version
                                      2.   The vender should mention the technical details of
                                           the application software i.e. methodology,
                                           technology and database to be used. In case any
                                           license of the software is required to be procured by
                                           CCI, it should be mentioned separately. The
                                           Database for storage of data may be used Oracle,
                                           My SQL or SQL Server etc. latest versions.

                       INTERNAL AUDIT SYSTEM

                                       TECHNICAL BID: I


1) Office Address in Navi Mumbai/Mumbai/Thane :                             Yes          No
    i) Name of the Organisation/Firm
    ii) Year of Establishment
    iii) Contact person
  iv) Address of the Registered Office.
   v) Address of office at Navi Mumbai/Mumbai/ Thane(with Phone
         Nos., Fax Nos. & Email ID)

2) Whether the Earnest Money Deposit for an :                      Yes              No
   amount of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand              If yes , Details :
   Only) has been submitted alongwith this                 Draft / Pay order No.:
   Technical Bid-I by the way of Demand Draft or           Date :
   Pay Order in favour of The Cotton Corporation           Amount :
   of India Ltd. Payable at Mumbai.                        Bank's Name :

3) Whether Proprietorship, Partnership firm,      :
   or Company.
   Please enclose copies of documents, proof such
as Certificate of Incorporation, Partnership deed

4) Whether the Vendor is holding a valid ISO
                                                                            Yes          No
   9001:2008 Certificate:
      If yes, please enclose copy of certificate.

5) Whether the Vendor have successfully                                     Yes          No
   Completed minimum 2 Projects valuing of Rs. 2 :
   Lacs or above each in developing web browser
   based application software in CPSUs / Govt.
   organizations / Leading commercial organisations
   within last 3 years:
    If yes, the following details be given :
     (Separate sheet can be enclosed)

  Sr. Name of the Project Handled          Duration of the Value of the
  No. Orgn./ PSU     year                  Project         Project

   --        ------     -------          -----        --------
   --        ------     -------          -----        --------
   --        ------     -------          -----        --------
    (Note : Certificates of Project completed/ Work
      order duly self-certified along with Contact
      details of the concerned organisation should be


                                       FINANCIAL BID: II

                                     (PRICE QUOTATIONS)

 Sr.                               Particulars                               Cost (INR)
 A.      Cost of Design, Development and Maintenance Warranty of
         Web Browser Based Application Software for submission of
         Internal Audit Report in format as enclosed herewith by each
         Branches and H.O. of the Corporation

         (All Entries and Report Contents should be Bi-lingual and will be
         under maintenance warranty for one year from the actual date of

 B.      Hosting charges of the Web Application in Web Server

 C.      Taxes, if any please specify _______________________

         Total Cost (A+B+C)
 D.      Annual Maintenance Charges after expiry of warranty period
         of one year (in % of total cost)
 E.      Taxes, if any please specify _______________________
         Total Cost (D+E)
         GRAND TOTAL (A+B+C+D+E)

NOTE : GRAND TOTAL will be the basis for deciding L-1.

                                     Signature of the Tenderer :

                                     Name of the Tenderer        :

                                     Address & Seal              :

                                     Other Terms

CCI invites the vendors' attention to the following terms and conditions, which underline
this tender.
                              1. Contract with the Vendor
CCI would enter into a contract with the vendor who will be responsible for delivery and
overall implementation and for designing and development of new web browser based
software for filing property returns by the employees.

                             2. Proposal Process Management
CCI reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, to revise the tender, to request
one or more re-submissions or clarifications from one or more vendors, or to cancel the
process in part or whole. Additionally, CCI reserves the right to alter the specifications, in
part or whole, during the Tender process, and without re-issuing the Tender. All claims for
functional/technical delivery made by the vendors in their responses to the tender shall be
assumed as deliverable within the quoted financials.
Vendors shall be entirely responsible for their own costs and expenses that are incurred while
participating in the Tender and contract negotiation processes.

                                 3. Date of Bid Expiration
Due to the nature of the evaluation process, and approval activities that may occur, proposals
must be valid for a minimum of 45 days from the last date of proposal submission. The
Corporation reserves the right to ask the vendors for extension of bid validity.

                               4. Bidder Authorisation to Bid
Responses submitted by vendors to this Tender represent a firm offer to contract on the terms
and conditions described in the vendors' response. The proposal must be signed by an
official duly authorised to bid. An Authorisation Letter in this regard must be attached with
the tender.

                                   5. Proposal Ownership
The proposal and all supporting documentation submitted by the vendors shall become the
property of CCI.

                            6. Effective date of start of contract

The effective date of start of contract will be reckoned from the date of the work order by the

 7. The vendor will not be allowed to sub let/outsource the contract to any other party

                          8. Time for completion of the Contract

The Time limit for completion of the project will be ­ 45 days from the start of the contract.


Sr.                                 Particulars                                   Yes/No
 1     Whether, the Technical Bid-I each column has been filled, sealed and
                               signed in specified format?
2         Whether, the vendor has valid ISO 9001:2008 Certificate, the self
             certified copy of certificate is attached with Technical Bid-I?
3        The vendor must have successfully completed minimum 2 projects
          valuing Rs. 2 Lacs or above each in web browser based software
              development of large CPSU / Govt. Organisation / Leading
      Commercial Organisation during last three years. Whether, Work Order
        containing cost & Work Completion Certificate from the client duly
         self certified copies alongwith contact details of the client has been
                             attached alongwith the tender?
4                   Whether the tenderer has Support Office at Navi
        Mumbai/Mumbai/Thane. The certificate containing Office addresses
      alongwith Contact Person and telephone nos. is attached with Technical
5          Whether properitorship, partnership firm or company? The self-
      certified copy of documentary proof such as certificate of incorporation,
                  partnership deed etc. attached with Technical Bid-I?
6        Whether the EMD of Rs.10,000/- by the way of Demand Draft/Pay
      Order in favour of "The Cotton Corporation of India Limited" attached
                                  with Technical Bid-I ?
7       Whether the tenderer has PAN number and GST registration no. and
                         copy is attached with Technical Bid-I?
8      Whether, the Bank Details and MICR details mentioned on Technical
9                 Whether the Technical Bid ­ I alongwith necessary
      documents/certificates has been stapled properly and page no. has been
                                    put on each paper?
10       Whether, the Financial Bid-II has been filled, sealed and signed in
                                     specified format?
11          Whether the quoted price in Financial Bid-II is inclusive of all
                             applicable taxes like GST etc.?
12        Whether envelope A marked as Technical Bid-I on the envelope
        contains Technical Bid-I alongwith certificates/documents & EMD?
13        Whether envelope B marked as Financial Bid-II on the envelope
                                contains Financial Bid-II?
14          Whether envelope C contains Envelope A & Envelope B duly
                                       SYSTEM ".?
15          Whether the Tender Documents are signed by the Authorized

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