RBI/2012-13/103 DGBA.GAD.No.H- 4/31.05.001/2012-13
July 2, 2012
All Agency Banks
Dear Sir/Madam
Master Circular- Disbursement of Pension by Agency Banks
Reserve Bank of India has been issuing various instructions relating to Payment of Government Pension by Agency Banks. These instructions were conveyed in our master circular RBI/ 2011-12/98 (Ref. DGBA.GAD.No.H- 1/31.05.001/ 2011-12) dated July 1, 2011. We now enclose an updated master circular incorporating important instructions issued on the subject upto June 30, 2012. You may also access the circular on our website www.mastercirculars.rbi.org.in.
2. Please acknowledge receipt.
Yours faithfully,
(B. K. Mishra) General Manager
Encl: As above