Notice inviting e-Tender
Tender for awarding contract for conducting concurrent audit of College of
Agricultural Banking, Reserve Bank of India (the Bank), Pune
1. Online Tenders by E-Tendering process are invited for above work at College of
Agricultural Banking, Reserve Bank of India (the Bank) Pune. The work is estimated to
cost approximately Rs. 10 lakhs including taxes.
2. All the Pre-Qualification papers should be uploaded on MSTC site. Same will be
downloaded after bid closing date for examination by the Bank.
3. Online tenders will be available for view /download to all bidders from 13.00 hrs of July
19, 2019. The Bidders who do not comply with the eligibility criteria and do not submit
EMD will not be considered for opening of their tender Part-II
4. The EMD has to be paid by NEFT and the proof of payment has to be submitted with the
technical Bid.
5. In the event of intending tenderer's failure to satisfy the Bank; the Bank reserves
the right to refuse to participate in tendering process.
6. A pre-bid meeting (off-line mode) of the intending tenderers will be held on July 29,
2019 at 11.00hrs at College of Agricultural Banking, Reserve Bank of India, Pune. The
duly filled in tender documents shall be uploaded on MSTC site till 14.00 hrs on August
19, 2019.
7. (a) Tender forms can be downloaded from the website w.e.f. July 19, 2019 from 13.00 hrs.
(b) EMD of Rs.20,000/- by NEFT as per details in Annex-V.
(c) Tenderers shall submit all the information and the documents as mentioned in
this document.
After examination, if any of the tenderer is not found to possess the required eligibility,
their tenders will not be accepted by the Bank for further processing.
8. Part I of the tenders will be opened on-line at 15.00 hrs of August 19, 2019 in the
presence of the authorized representative of the tenderers who choose to be present.
Part-II (Price bid) of the eligible tenderer shall be opened on a subsequent date which
will be intimated to the tenderers separately.
9. The bidders/tenderers have to submit/upload.
a. Client's certificate as per format at Annex- VI from their clients for whom they
have carried out "eligible works" in terms of the eligibility (Pre-qualification)
criteria explained in this notice.
b. Banker's solvency certificate as per format at Annex IV from their
The Bank shall evaluate the said reports before opening of price bid of the tenders. If
any tenderer is not found to possess the required eligibility for participating in the
tendering process at any point of time and/or his performance reports received from his
clients and/or his bankers are found unsatisfactory, the Bank reserves the right to reject
his offer even after opening of Part-I of the tender. The Bank is not bound to assign any
reason for doing so.
10. The Bank is not bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept
either in full or in part any tender. The Bank also reserves the right to reject all the
tenders without assigning any reason there for.
Date : July 19, 2019
Pune Principal, CAB, Pune
Schedule of Tender (SOT)
a. e-Tender no RBI/CAB Pune/21/19-20/ET/21
b. Mode Of Tender e-Procurement System
(Online Part I - Techno-Commercial Bid and
Part II - Price Bid through
c. Date of NIT available to parties to 13.00 hrs on July 19, 2019
download (notice for inviting tender)
d. Pre-Bid meeting Offline 11.00 hours on July 29, 2019
Venue: CAB, RBI Pune
e. Earnest Money Deposit Rs.20,000/- to be remitted through NEFT
(Details in Annex VI). The details of transaction
have to be provided.
f. Last date of submission of EMD Up to 11:00 hrs on August 19, 2019
g. Date of Starting of e-Tender for
submission of on line Techno-Commercial 14:00 hrs on July 29, 2019
Bid and price Bid at
h. Date of closing of online e-tender for
submission of Techno-Commercial Bid & 14.00 hrs on August 19, 2019
Price Bid
i. Date & time of opening of Part-I
(i.e. Techno-Commercial Bid) 15.00 hrs on August 19, 2019
Part-II Price Bid: Date of opening of Part
II i.e. price bid shall be informed
Transaction Fee Rs 1000/- plus GST @18%
Payment of transaction fees through MSTC
payment gateway/ NEFT/RTGS in favour of
Notice inviting e-Tender
Tender for awarding contract for conducting concurrent audit of College of
Agricultural Banking, Reserve Bank of India (the Bank), Pune
1. Online Tenders by E-Tendering process are invited for above work at College of
Agricultural Banking, Reserve Bank of India (the Bank) Pune. The work is estimated to
cost approximately Rs. 10 lakhs including GST.
2. All the Pre-Qualification papers should be uploaded on MSTC site. Same will be
downloaded after bid closing date for examination by the Bank.
3. Online tenders will be available for view /download to all bidders from 13.00 hrs of July
19, 2019. The Bidders who do not comply with the eligibility criteria and do not submit
EMD will not be considered for opening of their tender Part-II
4. The EMD has to be paid by NEFT and the proof of payment has to be submitted with
the technical Bid.
5. In the event of intending tenderer's failure to satisfy the Bank; the Bank reserves
the right to refuse to participate in tendering process.
6. A pre-bid meeting (off-line mode) of the intending tenderers will be held on July 29,
2019 at 11.00hrs at College of Agricultural Banking, Reserve Bank of India, Pune. The
duly filled in tender documents shall be uploaded on MSTC site till 14.00 hrs on
August 19, 2019.
7. (a) Tender forms can be downloaded from the website w.e.f. July 19, 2019 from 13.00 hrs.
(b) EMD of Rs.20,000/- by NEFT as per details in Annex-V.
(c) Tenderers shall submit all the information and the documents as mentioned in
this document.
After examination, if any of the tenderer is not found to possess the required eligibility,
their tenders will not be accepted by the Bank for further processing.
8. Part I of the tenders will be opened on-line at 15.00 hrs of August 19, 2019 in the
presence of the authorized representative of the tenderers who choose to be present.
Part-II (Price bid) of the eligible tenderer shall be opened on a subsequent date which
will be intimated to the tenderers separately.
9. The bidders/tenderers have to submit/upload.
a. Client's certificate as per format at Annex- VI from their clients for whom they
have carried out "eligible works" in terms of the eligibility (Pre-qualification)
criteria explained in this notice.
b. Banker's solvency certificate as per format at Annex IV from their
The Bank shall evaluate the said reports before opening of price bid of the tenders. If
any tenderer is not found to possess the required eligibility for participating in the
tendering process at any point of time and/or his performance reports received from his
clients and/or his bankers are found unsatisfactory, the Bank reserves the right to reject
his offer even after opening of Part-I of the tender. The Bank is not bound to assign any
reason for doing so.
10. The Bank is not bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept
either in full or in part any tender. The Bank also reserves the right to reject all the
tenders without assigning any reason there for.
Pune Principal, CAB, Pune
July 19, 2019
Schedule of Tender (SOT)
a. e-Tender no RBI/CAB Pune/21/19-20/ET/21
b. Mode Of Tender e-Procurement System
(Online Part I - Techno-Commercial Bid and
Part II - Price Bid through
c. Date of NIT available to parties to 13.00 hrs on July 19, 2019
download (notice for inviting tender)
d. Pre-Bid meeting Offline 11.00 hours on July 29, 2019
Venue: CAB, RBI Pune
e. Earnest Money Deposit Rs.20,000/- to be remitted through NEFT
(Details in Annex VI). The details of transaction
have to be provided.
f. Last date of submission of EMD Up to 11:00 hrs on August 19, 2019
g. Date of Starting of e-Tender for
submission of on line Techno-Commercial 14:00 hrs on July 29, 2019
Bid and price Bid at
h. Date of closing of online e-tender for
submission of Techno-Commercial Bid & 14.00 hrs on August 19, 2019
Price Bid
i. Date & time of opening of Part-I
(i.e. Techno-Commercial Bid) 15.00 hrs on August 19, 2019
Part-II Price Bid: Date of opening of Part
II i.e. price bid shall be informed
Transaction Fee Rs 1000/- plus GST @18%
Payment of transaction fees through MSTC
payment gateway/ NEFT/RTGS in favour of
Important instructions for E-procurement
Bidders are requested to read the terms and conditions of this tender before submitting the
online tender
Process of E-tender :
1 A) Registration: The process involves vendor's registration with MSTC e-procurement
portal which is free of cost. Only after registration, the vendor(s) can submit his/their
bids electronically. Electronic Bidding for submission of Technical Bid as well as
Commercial Bid will be done over the internet. The Vendor should possess Class III
signing type digital certificate. Vendors are to make their own arrangement for bidding
from a P.C. connected with Internet. MSTC is not responsible for making such
arrangement. (Bids will not be recorded without Digital Signature).
1).Vendors are required to register themselves online with e-Procurement PSU/Govt.Depts Select RBI
Logo- >Register as Vendor -- Filling up details and creating own user id and
password Submit.
2) Vendors will receive a system generated mail confirming their registration in their
email which has been provided during filling the registration form. In case of any
clarification, please contact RBI/MSTC,(before the scheduled time of the e- tender).
Contact person ( RBI):
Shri Sandeep Kumar (Manager); 9952969721 (
Smt. S V Joshi (Assistant Manager); 9011051239 (
Contact person (MSTC Ltd):
1. Mr. Sushil Nale, Asst. Manager Mobile-09987758430
2. Ms Archana, Asst. Manager- Mobile- 09990673698
3. Ms. Rupali Pandey, Executive- Ph- 022 22886268
4. Mr. Tejas V, Executive Ph-022 22822789 Google
hangout ID- (for text chat)-
5. Technical support staff _ 022-22870471
B) System Requirement:
i) Windows 7 or above Operating System
ii) IE-7 and above Internet browser.
To disable "Protected Mode" for DSC to appear in The signer box following settings
may be applied.
Tools => Internet Options =>Security => Disable protected Mode If enabled- i.e,
Remove the tick from the tick box mentioning "Enable Protected Mode". Other
Tools => Internet Options => General => Click On Settings under "browsing
history/Delete Browsing History" => Temporary Internet Files => Activate "Every
time I Visit the Webpage".
To enable ALL active X controls and disable `use pop up blocker' under
ToolsInternet Options custom level (Please run IE settings from the page once)
2 The Techno-commercial Bid and the Price Bid shall have to be submitted online at will be opened electronically on
specified date and time as given in the Tender.
3 All entries in the tender should be entered in online Technical & Commercial Formats
without any ambiguity.
4 Special Note towards Transaction fee:
The vendors shall pay the transaction fee using "Transaction Fee Payment" Link under
"My Menu" in the vendor login. The vendors have to select the particular tender from
the event dropdown box. The vendor shall have the facility of making the payment
either through NEFT or Online Payment. On selecting NEFT, the vendor shall
generate a challan by filling up a form. The vendor shall remit the transaction fee
amount as per the details printed on the challan without making change in the same.
On selecting Online Payment, the vendor shall have the provision of making payment
using its Credit/ Debit Card/ Net Banking. Once the payment gets credited to MSTC's
designated bank account, the transaction fee shall be auto authorized and the vendor
shall be receiving a system generated mail.
Transaction fee is non-refundable.
A vendor will not have the access to online e-tender without making the
payment towards transaction fee.
Bidders are advised to remit the transaction fee well in advance before the closing time
of the event so as to give themselves sufficient time to submit the bid.
5 Information about tenders /corrigendum uploaded shall be sent by email only during
the process till finalization of tender. Hence the vendors are required to ensure that
their corporate email I.D. provided is valid and updated at the time of registration of
vendor with MSTC. Vendors are also requested to ensure validity of their DSC (Digital
Signature Certificate).
6 E-tender cannot be accessed after the due date and time mentioned in NIT.
7 Bidding in e-tender :
a) Vendor(s) need to submit necessary EMD, and Transaction fees to be eligible
to bid online in the e-tender. Transaction fees are non-refundable. No interest will be
paid on EMD. EMD of the unsuccessful vendor(s) will be refunded by the tender
inviting authority.
b) The process involves Electronic Bidding for submission of Technical and
Commercial Bid.
c) The vendor(s) who have submitted transaction fee can only submit their
Technical Bid and Commercial Bid through internet in MSTC website e-procurement PSU/Govt. depts Login under
RBIMy menu Auction Floor Manager live event Selection of the live event
d) The vendor should allow running JAVA application. This exercise has to be
done immediately after opening of Bid floor. Then they have to fill up Common
Terms/Commercial specification and save the same. After that click on the Technical
bid. If this application is not run then the vendor will not be able to Save/submit his
Technical bid.
e) After filling the Technical Bid, vendor should click `save' for recording their
Technical bid. Once the same is done, the Commercial Bid link becomes active and
the same has to filled up and then vendor should click on "save" to record their
Commercial bid. Then once both the Technical bid & Commercial bid has been saved,
the vendor can click on the "Final submission" button to register their bid
f) Vendors are instructed to use Attach Doc button to upload documents. Multiple
documents can be uploaded.
g) In all cases, vendor should use their own ID and Password along with Digital
Signature at the time of submission of their bid.
h) During the entire e-tender process, the vendors will remain completely
anonymous to one another and also to everybody else.
i) The e-tender floor shall remain open from the pre-announced date & time and
for as much duration as mentioned above.
j) All electronic bids submitted during the e-tender process shall be legally binding
on the vendor. Any bid will be considered as the valid bid offered by that vendor and
acceptance of the same by the Buyer will form a binding contract between Buyer and
the Vendor for execution of supply.
k) It is mandatory that all the bids are submitted with digital signature certificate
otherwise the same will not be accepted by the system.
l) Buyer reserves the right to cancel or reject or accept or withdraw or extend the
tender in full or part as the case may be without assigning any reason thereof.
m) No deviation of the terms and conditions of the tender document is acceptable.
Submission of bid in the e-tender floor by any vendor on Successful Bidders his
acceptance of terms & conditions for the tender.
8 Any order resulting from this tender shall be governed by the terms and conditions
mentioned therein.
9 No deviation to the technical and commercial terms & conditions are allowed.
10 The tender inviting authority has the right to cancel this e-tender or extend the due date
of receipt of bid(s) without assigning any reason thereof.
11 Vendors are requested to read the vendor guide and see the video in the page to familiarize them with the system before
Tender for awarding contract for conducting concurrent audit of College of
Agricultural Banking, Reserve Bank of India (the Bank), Pune
Part -I
Name of Tenderer: ______________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
This document is the property of Reserve Bank of India (RBI). It may not be
copied, distributed or recorded on any medium, electronic or otherwise, without the
RBI's written permission thereof, except for the purpose of responding to RBI for
the said purpose. The use of the contents of this documents, even by the
authorized personnel / agencies for any purpose other than the purpose specified
herein, is strictly prohibited and shall amount to copyright violation and thus, shall
be punishable under the Indian Law.
College of Agricultural Banking (CAB), Reserve Bank of India (the Bank) Pune has prepared
this tender document. The information is provided to prospective Bidders to enable them to bid
for contract for conducting Concurrent Audit of the College of Agricultural Banking, Reserve
Bank of India, Pune from the date specified in the contract till September 30, 2020 as per the
terms and conditions set out in this tender and any other terms and conditions related to such
This tender is neither an agreement with any party, nor invitation to any party to perform work
of any kind. The purpose of this tender is to share requirements of the Bank with all interested
parties in order to enable them to submit their Bid. While the Bank has taken due care in the
preparation of the information contained herein, the Bank does not claim that the information
is exhaustive. Respondents to this tender are required to make their own inquiries and they
should not rely solely on the information in tender. The Bank is not responsible if no due
diligence is performed by the Respondents. The Bank reserves the right not to proceed with
this tender, to alter the time-table reflected in this document or to change the process or
procedure to be applied. It also reserves the right to decline to discuss the tender further with
any respondent. No reimbursement of cost of any type on any account will be paid to persons
or entities submitting their Bid.
Section -I Eligibility criteria and other important information
1.1 Name of the work:
Tender for awarding Contract for conducting Concurrent Audit of College of
Agricultural Banking, Reserve Bank of India, Pune.
1.1.1 Eligibility criteria:
(a) Bidder should be a company registered under Companies Act or an LLP registered
under LLP Act or Partnership Firm or Proprietary firm. Copy of the Memorandum
and Articles of Association/Certificate of Incorporation/ Partnership Deed/ similar
other relevant documents should be submitted.
(b) Registrations: Bidder must have registration under GST, Bidder must submit Copy
of PAN, GST Registration certificate.
Bidder must be registered with MSTC.
(c) Bidder must be a Category 1 Chartered Accountant (CA) Firm / Company and
should furnish the details of the Firm / Company like Number of qualified CA(s)
employed, Number of Full time FCA Partners, Details of Partners, Number of skilled
staff-qualified in Group II-IPCC, Number of semi-skilled staff-qualified in Group I-
IPCC, Number of other assistants, Details of Experience of the firm in audits in
banks/RBI etc., in the format given in the tender. For category of Company / Firm
please see
details on the Bank' website:
(d) The Bidder should have office at Pune with adequate manpower to take care of
replacement etc. in support of manpower.
(e) The details along with documentary evidence of previous experience if any, of
carrying out audit for the Reserve Bank of India at any Centre should also be given.
1.2 Important Information:
Estimated cost of the work Rs. 10.00 lakh per annum inclusive of GST
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) EMD of Rs. 20,000/- by way of NEFT. NEFT details
given in Annex V.
Tender document The tender forms can be downloaded from with effect from July 19, 2019.
Date and place of Pre-Bid July 29, 2019 at College of Agricultural Banking, Reserve
meeting Bank of India, University Road, Pune 411 016. No
separate communication will be sent for pre bid meeting.
Power of Attorney Shall be submitted in favour of the person signing the
tender document in case of the company.
Validity of Tender 90 days from the date of opening of Technical Bid.
Last date and place of August 19, 2019 up to 14:00 Hrs.
submission of completed Bid
Date and time of opening of August 19, 2019 at 15:00 Hrs. at College of Agricultural
Technical Bids Banking, RBI, University Road, Pune 400016
Date and time of opening of Shall be intimated to the eligible Bidders separately
Financial Bids
Commencement Date As specified in the Articles of Agreement
Payment condition As specified in clause 3 of Section VII
Penalty As specified in clause 4.6 of Section IV
Validity of the tender 90 days from the date of opening of technical Bid
All disputes arising shall be Pune
subject to the jurisdiction
Contact person for Name and Designation:
communication in connection Shri Sandeep Kumar, Manager
with this tender Phone:020-25582359
Mobile no.: 9952969721
1.3 The Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids without assigning
any reasons and also reserves the right to relax any of the terms and conditions.
No Bidder shall have any cause of action or claim against the Bank for rejection of
their Bid.
1.4 All information submitted in response to this tender shall be the property of Reserve
Bank of India and it shall be free to use the concept of the same at its will.
College of Agricultural Banking,
Reserve Bank of India,
Human Resource Management Support Services (HRMSS)
University Road, Pune-411016
Section II
SCOPE OF WORK Illustrative
1 Concurrent audit of Books of Accounts, Records, Registers, prescribed Returns
and Statements etc.
2 An Index of areas on which the Firm may draw monthly audit scrutiny report is
detailed in Annex 'I'. The Concurrent Auditor will specifically indicate audit areas of
Index not relevant for audit coverage in respect of the Office/Department/Training
Institution audited in their report. The Concurrent Auditor will also include in the
Index additional audit area/s assigned.
3 The Concurrent Auditor will obtain and familiarise themselves with
3.1 All the items of Audit Areas of the Bank as per the Check-List provided by the
Office/Department/Training Institution of the Bank.
3.2 Updated copy of all manuals
3.3 Relevant circulars / instructions issued by the Bank
3.4 Bank's expenditure rules
3.5 Guidelines on Annual Closing of Bank's Accounts.
4 The Concurrent Auditor will take up the audit of Vouchers/Records/Registers in
consultation with the Bank's concerned office to be audited.
5 All financial transactions should be subjected to Concurrent Audit at pre-payment
(post sanction) stage to ensure conformity with Expenditure Rule of the Bank as
well as Statutory & Regulatory Compliance norms. This will require a hundred
percent check of financial transactions.
6 The payments will have to be scrutinized to ensure that they adhere to relevant
instructions / guidelines/ procedures prescribed by the Bank and are in
adherence to Bank's accounting policy/ procedure.
6.1 Concurrent Auditor will have the responsibility to report deviations from
policies/ procedures/ guidelines to the In-Charge of the Department in writing,
for immediate rectifications/corrections of the irregularity on the spot/without
any undue delay.
7 The Concurrent Auditor will have to undertake 100% audit check in respect of
all financial transactions including the following:-
7.1 All types of Medical and Hospitalisation Bills of existing as well as ex-
employees under Bank's scheme.
7.2 Payments related to superannuation such as Basic Pension, Commutation of
Pension, Gratuity Claims (including Compassionate Gratuity), Guarantee Fund
Claims (wherever applicable), Claims of Retiring employees in the audit period.
Tax calculation and Bank/Employee's share in the remittable tax liability on the
Superannuation dues payable, etc.
7.3 Refixation of Pay of the Staff and pension in respect of ex-employees,
whenever Pay-Scale/Pension Revision Orders are issued
7.4 Annual increment of staff/Refixation of pay in the Promotional Grade
7.5 All payments made to staff and speakers as per Bank's schemes / instructions
7.6 All payments of rents, taxes, water charges, etc.,
7.7 All payments made to vendors and service providers
7.8 Any other claims/bills suggested for 100% audit check as per instructions of
Bank, issued from time to time.
8 Concurrent Auditor will be required to examine/scrutinize the following:
8.1 Scrutiny of Cash Balance
8.2 Surprise check of Cheque books/Stamps/Franking Machine balance and other
valuables held under the joint custody of officials as per instructions of the
8.3 Monitoring of specific accounts as advised by the Bank at monthly rest and
quarterly rest vis-a-vis approved budget allocation.
8.4 Monthly balancing/reconciliation of aggregate outstanding balances of specific
accounts as specified by the Bank.
8.5 Application of Annual Interest on the outstanding balances of Staff Loan and
Advances Accounts, passing of accounting entries pertaining to income or
expenditures accounts, Depreciation and all other relevant Provisions Accounts
and drawing up of Annual Closing Accounts, etc., strictly in conformity with
guidelines of the Bank.
8.6 Any Statements/Control Returns suggested for audit check by the Bank to be
audited by Concurrent Auditor.
8.7 Any other audit area having financial implications specifically indicated for the
audit by the Central Office Department /Regional Office /Training Institution of
the Bank to be audited by the Concurrent Auditor.
8.7.1 Receipt and accounting of training fees. Proper monitoring/maintenance of
short credit transactions.
8.7.2 Collection of rent of Hostel rooms, Visiting Officers Flat, Transit Holiday Home
and other recoveries.
8.7.3 Scrutiny of all items of income and expenditure
8.7.4 Concurrent Auditor will ensure that there is no leakage of Income
9 Concurrent Auditor will submit a Monthly Audit Report in the prescribed format
to the Principal of College of Agricultural Banking, Pune and incorporate
comments on the compliance position of the audit irregularities or otherwise in
the subsequent report.
10 All financial sanctions as indicated in various paragraphs above will have to be
subjected to Concurrent Audit and reported to appropriate authorities.
11 Concurrent Auditor will verify all the relevant records/registers and make
specific observations/comments on following aspects :-
11.1 Maintenance of specific registers, such as Property Register, Bank Guarantee
Register, Register of unserviceable items of dead stock, etc.
11.2 Insurance Adequacy of insurance cover for assets.
11.3 Charging of Depreciation. The area of charging of depreciation type/value of
assets, rate of depreciation, periodicity etc. to be covered.
11.4 Classification and Capitalisation of expenditure
11.5 Maintenance of Measurement Books/ accounting of MBs- Specific Comments
need to be made.
11.6 Monthly reconciliation of sub-head-wise balances of Dead Stock with balances in
general ledger GL.
12 Concurrent Auditor shall also submit a monthly Statutory and Regulatory
Compliances certifying that they have carried out 100% check of
transactions and there is 100% compliance with Statutory and Regulatory
Requirements prescribed in relevant Statutes/ Rules/ Acts by College of
Agricultural Banking, Pune.
13 Checking and verification of weekly statement of affairs.
14 Composition of Audit Team: The successful bidder should deploy a Team for
the Bank, which should be headed by one CA and assisted by one skilled and
one semi-skilled personnel. All CA Staff should have working knowledge of
computers; skilled staff should have at-least qualified in Group II of IPCC
(Integrated Professional Competence Course) and semi-skilled should have at-
least qualified in Group I of IPCC and undergoing Article Training. Presence of
Chartered Accountant/Partner of the firm along with the requisite complement of
staff on a regular basis at the College is mandatory on all working days.
Section - III: General instructions to Bidders
3.1 Tender Document:
3.1.1 Tender shall consist of this document having eight Sections along with annexures,
schedules, addendum or corrigendum etc. issued by the Bank for the purpose.
3.1.2 Bidders are advised to study all sections of tender documents thoroughly. Submission
of Bid shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of the
tender documents with full understanding of its implications.
3.1.3 Bidders are advised to use only the forms uploaded on MSTC site. In case any
change/modification thereto is found subsequently, such tenders are liable for
disqualification. However, if they desire to submit additional information, they may do
so on their own letter head. Each page of the forms shall be signed.
3.1.4 Eligibility criteria shall be as per clause 1.1.1 of the tender
3.2 Amendment to tender document
At any time prior to the deadline for the submission of Bids, the Bank may, for any
reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification or query raised by
3.2.1 a prospective Bidder, modify the tender by an amendment.
3.2.2 Any such amendment will be hosted on the MSTC website The addendum (s) issued will form part of the tender
3.2.3 In order to afford prospective Bidders reasonable time for preparing their Bids after
taking into account such amendments, the Bank may, at its discretion, extend the
deadline for the submission of Bids.
3.3 Preparation of Bid: Tender in prescribed form shall be submitted in two parts
consisting of Technical Bid and Financial Bid.
3.3.1 Technical Bid
Part-I of the tender will contain Bank's conditions for carrying out concurrent audit of
the College of Agricultural banking from the date specified in the contract initially
till 30 September, 2020.
(i) Sections I to VII are part of technical Bid.
(ii) Bidder must fill all the details specified in various sections.
3.3.2 Financial Bid :
Part-II of the tender will contain no conditions but Bidder's price Bid only (Monthly
Rate to be quoted)
(i) Currency of Bid: Bid prices shall be quoted in Indian Rupees only. These prices
should include all costs associated with the work including any out of pocket /
mobilization expenses, all taxes (except GST), charges, levies, cess, insurance,
transportation, entry taxes, Labour, other Govt. Taxes, etc
The rates quoted must be excluding GST, which will be shown separately and
will be paid as per the government directives.
(ii) The Bidder should ensure that all columns of the price schedule are duly filled and no
column is left blank. After opening of the price Bid, no clarifications whatsoever shall
be entertained by the Bank.
(iii) If any columns of the price schedule are found blank then the tender of the respective
Bidders shall be treated as non-responsive, and will be summarily rejected by the
3.3.3 It will be imperative for each Bidder to fully acquaint themselves with all the local
conditions and factors, which may have any effect on the performance of the contract
and cost of the items. No request for the change of price shall be entertained, on
account of any local condition or factor once the offer of the Bank is accepted by the
3.3.4 Bids shall remain valid for acceptance by Bank for the period of 90 days as indicated
in clause 1.2. This period may be further extended, if required, by mutual consent.
3.4 Earnest Money Deposit: The Bidders shall deposit EMD of Rs 20,000 by NEFT with
their Bid
3.4.1 Bids not accompanied by EMD, shall be treated as non-responsive, and will be
rejected by the Bank at its discretion
3.4.2 The EMD of unsuccessful Bidders shall be discharged/ returned by the Bank after
award of work to successful Bidder.
3.4.3 EMD shall be forfeited if the Bidder:
i. makes misleading or false representations in the forms, statements and attachments
submitted, suppressed any material information, details of any legal proceedings
pending in the court which might otherwise would have created any impact on the
eligibility criteria;
ii. withdraws his Bid during the period of Bid validity, or
iii. has been blacklisted by any government agency and the blacklist is still in force.
3.5 Procedure for Submission of Bids
Interested eligible Successful Bidders / Agencies shall upload the tenders in
prescribed form in two parts. Part-I tender will contain the tenderers' covering letter,
tenderers' additional conditions, if any, Part-II tender will contain no conditions but
tenderers' quoted rates only
3.5.1 Technical Bid
(a) Prices should not be indicated/included in the Technical Bid
(b) EMD shall be part of Technical Bid
3.5.2 Financial Bid
3.5.3 No conditions should be indicated in the Financial Bid.
3.5.3 No conditional/optional quote shall be accepted
3.5.4 Bidders shall not be permitted to alter or modify their Bids after receipt of Bids
3.6 Receipt of Bids
The Bids will be accepted till the schedule time and date as referred to in refer
clause 1.2 of Section I.
3.7 Opening of Technical Bid
The Technical Bids will be opened on the scheduled time and date as referred to in
clause 1.2 at College of Agricultural banking, Reserve Bank of India, Human
Resources Management And Support Services (HRMSS) Division, Pune - 411016.
The Bidders or their authorized representatives may be present, if they so desire.
3.8 Scrutiny of Technical Bid
3.8.1 The Technical Bid shall be evaluated as per the procedure indicated in special
condition of contract (section IV).
3.8.2 After evaluation of the Technical Bids, all the short-listed Bidders will be intimated.
The decision of the Committee on technical suitability of the offer shall be final and
shall not be open for discussion.
3.9 Opening of Financial Bid
The financial Bids of the short-listed Bidders will be opened later and such short-listed
Bidders will be intimated about the date and time accordingly. The short-listed
Bidders or their authorized representatives may remain present, if they so desire.
3.10 Scrutiny of Financial Bid
The Financial Bid shall be evaluated as per the procedure indicated in Special
Conditions of Contract (Section IV).
3.11 The Bank reserves the right to accept any Bid and to reject any or all Bids
Notwithstanding anything mentioned above, the Bank reserves the right to accept or
reject any Bid at any time prior to award of Contract without thereby incurring any
liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders. The Bank may not assign any reason for
rejection of any or all Bids. No reimbursement of cost or expenses of any type will be
made by the Bank on this account.
3.12 Disputes
All disputes arising shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the appropriate court as
indicated in Clause 1.2 and will be governed by the relevant statutory provisions in
force in India
3.13 Right to Accept Part Tender: The Bank reserves the right to accept the tender
either in whole or in part.
Section - IV: Special Conditions of the Contract
4.1. Techno Financial Evaluation of Bids
4.1.1 Evaluation of Technical and Financial bid
Technical evaluation will be done only in respect of shortlisted bidders who fulfil the
minimum eligibility criteria.
The evaluation methodology comprises a two-stage process, involving technical
and financial bidding with separate evaluation for the twos stages and a qualifying
criteria in the technical evaluation.
4.1.2 a) The first stage will be evaluation of technical bids. The detailed criteria for
technical evaluation are given in Annex II. The maximum marks that can be
secured under technical evaluation will be 100. Firms / companies securing 60
marks or more only will be considered for the next stage of financial evaluation.
b) The second stage will be the opening of the financial bids of the firms that have
qualified in the technical evaluation. The maximum marks that can be secured
under financial evaluation will be 100 as detailed in Annex III.
c) The final evaluation will be done by combining the marks secured in the technical
and financial evaluation in the ratio of 60:40, with the bidder obtaining the highest
total marks becoming eligible for appointment as Concurrent Auditor.
d) If there is a discrepancy between the amount expressed in words and figures,
the amount in words shall prevail, subject to sub clauses `b' and `c' above.
4.2 Renewal of contract
The initial period of the contract shall be up to September 30, 2020 and it may be
further renewed subject to satisfactory performance one year at a time subject to
limit of two years. Either party can terminate the contract at any time by giving
three-month' prior notice in writing.
4.3. Non-disclosure
The Firm/company shall not disclose directly or indirectly any information, materials
and details of the Bank's infrastructure / systems/ equipment etc., which may come
to the possession or knowledge of the Firm/company during the course of
discharging contractual obligations in connection with this agreement, to any third
party and shall at all times hold the same in strictest confidence. The Firm /
company shall treat the details of the contract as private and confidential, except to
the extent necessary to carry out the obligations under the contract or to comply
with applicable laws. The Firm/ company shall not publish, permit to be published,
or disclose any particulars of the works in any trade or technical paper or elsewhere
without the previous written consent of the Bank. The Firm/ company shall
indemnify the Bank for any loss suffered by it as a result of disclosure of any
confidential information. Failure to observe the above shall be treated as breach of
contract on the part of the Firm/ company and the Bank shall be entitled to claim
damages and pursue legal remedies. The Firm/ company shall take all appropriate
actions with respect to its employees to ensure that the obligations of non-
disclosure of confidential information under this agreement are fully satisfied. The
Firm's / company's obligations with respect to non-disclosure and confidentiality will
survive the expiry or termination of this agreement for whatever reason.
4.4 Firm/company shall provide identity cards to its employees or agents who shall be
doing the subject job at the Bank's premises. All the employees and agents should
bear the identity card for all the times they are working in the Bank's premises.
4.5 The Firm/company shall obtain Police Verification Report on character and
antecedents of its personnel and other details relating to age, educational
qualification, name, Aadhaar card and permanent address to be provided under this
contract along with their passport size photographs before engaging them for duty
in the Bank's Premises.
4.6 Penalty
If the performance of the CA is not found satisfactory/directions given by Bank are
not executed or for any breach of the terms and conditions of the contract, it may
lead to imposing penalty at the discretion of the Bank. The Bank's decision in this
regard shall be final and binding on the successful bidder.
4.7 Verification of transactions & submission of monthly reports
4.7 .1 The successful bidder will be responsible for any omissions or commissions in
respect of any transactions audited. In such a case, Bank reserves the right to
report to the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India for such actions as they may
deem fit.
4.8 The successful bidder is required to report the irregularities noticed in sensitive
areas/transactions which are of suspicious or fraudulent nature to the Competent
4.8.1 All financial transactions should be subjected to Concurrent Audit at pre-payment
(post sanction) stage to ensure compliance with Bank's rules and regulations as
well as Statutory and Regulatory Compliances norms which requires a hundred
percent check of financial transactions post sanction and also at the post
payment stage to ensure accuracy of transactions.
4.8.2 The successful bidder company/ firm should certify that, they have carried out
100% check of transactions and there is 100% compliance with the Statutory and
Regulatory requirements prescribed in relevant Statutes/Rules/Acts.
4.9 Indemnity
The Concurrent Auditor will be responsible for any omissions or commissions on its
part in respect of any transactions seen by them and accordingly an indemnity
clause will form part of the agreement to be signed with the successful bidders.
4.10 Action for omissions and commissions
In instances where any serious act of omission or commission is noticed in the
working of the concurrent auditors the Bank will have the recourse to report the
same to the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) for needful actions
against the auditor under the provisions of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.
4.11 The Bank has right to go to court of law in case of breach of the terms and conditions
as specified in the tender document.
4.12 Termination
Without prejudice to what is contained hereinabove, the Bank shall at its sole and
absolute discretion, be entitled to terminate this agreement forthwith by written
notice without assigning any reason and without payment of any compensation, if
(i) in the opinion of the Bank (which shall not be called in question by the
Successful Bidder and shall be binding on the Successful Bidder) the
Successful Bidder fails or refuses to implement this agreement to the Bank's
satisfaction, and/or
(ii) the Successful Bidder commits a breach of any terms and conditions of this
agreement / tender, and/or
(iii) the Successful Bidder is adjudged an insolvent or a compromise is entered
by it with its creditors or if distress or execution or other process is levied upon
or receiver is appointed for any part of the assets or property of Successful
Bidder, and/or
(iv) for any reason whatsoever, the Successful Bidder becomes disentitled in
law to perform its obligations under this agreement, and/or
(vi) there is any variation in the ownership/partnership or management of the
Successful Bidder or its business without the prior approval in writing of the
Bank to such variation.
On termination of the Contract for default, Bank will have the power to take such
necessary action as it may deem fit.
In the event of termination of this agreement for any reason whatsoever, the
Successful Bidder/or persons employed by it or its agents shall not be entitled for
any sum or sums whatsoever from the Bank by way of compensation, damages or
4.12.1 Termination for Insolvency:
The Bank may at any time terminate the Contract by giving written notice to the
Bidder, without compensation to the Bidder, if the Bidder becomes bankrupt or
otherwise insolvent, provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect any
right of action or remedy which the Bank is or will be entitled to take or seek.
4.13 Patents:
The Bidder shall indemnify the Bank against all claims in respect of patent rights
and shall defend all actions arising from such claims and shall himself pay all
royalties, license fees, damages cost and charges of all and every sort that may be
legally incurred in respect thereof.
4.14 Prevention of Sexual Harassment Clause
The Bidder shall comply with the provisions of "the Sexual Harassment of women at
work place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013".
The Bidder shall be solely responsible for full compliance with the provisions of the
"sexual harassment of women at workplace (prevention prohibition and Redressal)
Act 2013" in case of any complaint of sexual harassment against its employee within
the premises of the Bank, the complaint will be filed before the internal complaints
committee constituted by the Service Provider/ agency and the Service Provider/
agency shall ensure appropriate action under the said act in respect of the
Any complaint of sexual harassment from any aggrieved employee of the Bidder
against any employee of the bank shall be taken cognizance of by the Regional
Complaints Committee constituted by the Bank.
The Bidder shall be responsible for any monetary compensation that may need to be
paid in case the incident involves the employees of the Service Provider, for instance
any monetary relief to Banks employee, if sexual violence by the employee of the
Service Provide is proved.
The Bidder shall be responsible for educating its employee about prevention of
sexual harassment at workplace and related issues.
The bidder shall provide a complete and updated list of its employees who are
deployed within the Banks premises.
I/We hereby declare that I/We have read and understood all the above
instructions/conditions and the same will remain binding upon me/us in case the above
mentioned Contract is entrusted to me/us. I/we also note that this letter will form part of the
contract document and that the contents of this letter shall be supplemental to the conditions in
the tender and not in derogation thereof except to the extent specifically provided herein.
Place: (Signature of the Bidder with stamp)
Date : Name
Section - V
Form of Tender
College of Agricultural Banking (CAB),
Reserve Bank of India,
University Road,
Pune 411 016
Tender for awarding Contract for conducting Concurrent Audit of College of
Agricultural Banking, Reserve Bank of India, Pune from the date specified in the
contract till 30 September, 2020.
Sir/ Madam,
Having examined the requirements, conditions and schedule of quantities relating to the
captioned work and having visited and examined the site of the work and also having acquired
the requisite information relating thereto as involving the tender, I/We hereby offer to take up
the contract for conducting concurrent audit at the rates mentioned in the attached schedule of
quantities and in accordance with the conditions of the tender and conditions of contract
attached hereto.
1. We also agree that our tender will remain valid for acceptance by the Bank for 90
days from the date of opening of Part I of the tender and this period of validity can be
extended for such period as may be mutually agreed between the Bank and us. We also
agree to deposit 2% earnest money by DD/ NEFT.
2. Should this Tender be accepted, I/we hereby agree to abide by and fulfill all the terms
and conditions of the Tender and in the event of any default thereof, pay to you or your
successors, or assignees or nominees such sums of money as are stipulated in the conditions
contained in the tender document and the Articles of Agreement read with the written
acceptance of the Contract.
I/We understand that you reserve the right to accept or reject any or all the tender either in
full or in part without assigning any reason therefor.
Dated this _____ day of _____ 2019
For and on behalf of M/s
(Signature with seal)
Name ________________________________________
Designation ________________________________________
Place ________________________________________
Date ________________________________________
(Certified true copy of the Power of Attorney of the above signatory should be
(1) Signature with _______________________________
name, address and date _______________________________
(2) Signature with name ,
address and date
Section VI
Details of Bidder
1 Name of the Firm/ Company
2 Complete Postal Address
3 Telephone Numbers
4 Email Address
5 Date of opening the Firm
6 Service Tax / GST Registration No.
7 Firm Registration No.
8 Unique Code No.
9 Permanent Account Number (PAN)
10 Number of Full time FCA Partners
11 Details of Partners (as per Appendix 1)
12 No. of qualified CAs employed
No. of skilled staff-qualified in Group II-
No. of semi-skilled staff-qualified in
14 Group I-IPCC
15 No. of other assistants
Details of Experience of the firm in audits
16 in banks/RBI (as per Appendix 2)
I declare that:
(a) The firm or no partner/ company/or no director has been subjected to any disciplinary
proceedings initiated by the ICAI.
(b) The firm or no partner / company or director has been debarred or black listed by any
Government/Semi-Government organisation/Institution in India or abroad.
Signature of Authorised Signatory with the Seal of the Firm
Section-VI (a)
Details of the Partners
Name of Date of Date of Date Membership Educational Experience
the becomi becoming of Number qualification
Partner ng ACA FCA joining
Section VI(b)
Details of experience of the firm in audit in Banks/RBI
Type of Audit Name of Branches No. of Period of
(*Statutory Central the Bank years engagement
Audit / Statutory engaged (from date to
Branch Audit/ date)
Concurrent Audit/
IS Audit)
Section VI (c)
The details of firm's / company's banker:
Sr. No. Particulars To be filled by Bidder
1 Name of the Bank
2 Branch Address
3 IFSC Code (cancelled Cheque may be enclosed)
4 Telephone and fax number
5 Name of the contact person
6 Amount of credit facility / overdraft facility enjoyed
by firm from the Bank
7 The period from which the firm has been banking
with Bank
8 Bank Account Number (must be a current
9. Type of A/c
10 Account Holder Full Name
11 Permanent Account Number (PAN).
12 CST No.
13 VAT TIN No.
I/we hereby agree and confirm to disburse the salary of the employees through NEFT
directly into their bank account and also accept the payment in respect of the above
works, if awarded to our firm/company, through NEFT.
Section VII
Commercial Conditions
Estimated cost of Work is approximately Rs.10,00,000/-
Sr. Description Bank's Terms Acceptance of
No. Bank's terms
1 Validity of 90 days
2 EMD EMD Rs.20,000/- to be remitted using NEFT
(UTR number to submitted along with the
Technical Bid.
3 Terms of Payment will be made on Monthly basis
payment subject to submission of invoice. The payment
thereon will be made after the same is duly
certified by the Bank's Officers that the
services have been provided satisfactorily and
after deducting all statutory dues/taxes, etc.
4 Scope of As per specifications in Section II of the
work tender
5 Penalty
Place Signature of Bidder
Date Name:
Seal of the Bidder Designation:
Section VIII
Draft Articles of Agreement
This Agreement made on this ________day of _____________ 2019 between Reserve Bank
of India, having its office at College of Agricultural Banking (CAB), University Road, Pune-
411 016 (Hereinafter referred to as the "Bank") which expression shall unless it is repugnant
to the context or meaning thereof deemed to include its affiliates, successors and assigns of
the ONE part
M/s ________________________________________________, having its office at
____________________________________________________________ herein after
referred to as the " Concurrent Auditor ") which expression shall unless it is repugnant to the
context or meaning thereof deemed to include his heirs, representatives, administrators and
assigns of the OTHER part.
Whereas the Concurrent Auditor is carrying on the Conducting of Concurrent Audit at
College of Agricultural Banking, RBI, Pune from the date specified in this contract;
And whereas the Bank is desirous of availing services of the Concurrent Auditor for the above
purposes as indicated in detail in letter No. ________ dated______________.
And whereas the Bank and Concurrent Auditor are desirous of recording the terms and
conditions under or upon which the said services are to be rendered by the Concurrent
1. This agreement will come into effect from -------------and will remain in force up to ------ -------
--------or until it is terminated as per the terms herein after contained.
2. The quoted charges of Rs.___________________________________ covering the cost of
shall be payable on monthly basis subject to submission of invoice
2.1 The payment thereon will be made after the same is duly certified by the Bank's officials to
the effect that the services have been provided satisfactorily and after deducting all
statutory dues/taxes, etc.
3. Representations:
3.1 The successful bidder represent that it is a Company registered under Companies Act or
an LLP registered under LLP Act or Partnership firm with partnership deed duly registered
under Partnership Act or Proprietary firm. The successful bidder is a category I Chartered
Accountant duly registered with The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).
3.2 Concurrent Auditor undertakes that the Concurrent Audit Team to be deployed for the
College shall be headed by one Chartered Accountant and assisted by one skilled and one
semi-skilled personnel.
3.3 All Concurrent Audit staff will have working knowledge of computers. Skilled staff shall
have at least qualified in Group II of IPCC and the semi-skilled staff should have at least
qualified in Group I of IPCC and undergone Article training.
3.4 The Concurrent Auditor agrees that the Audit team shall be present at the College on all
working days and Saturdays and Sundays and other holidays if required.
4. Scope of Audit:
4.1 The scope of audit will include areas of work as mentioned in paragraph numbers
section of the tender document and given in Annex.
4.2 The functions as specified in the scope and coverage may be enlarged from time to
time depending upon the needs of the Bank
5. The firm is required to report the irregularities noticed in sensitive areas/transactions
which are of suspicious or fraudulent nature to the Principal.
6. The auditing firm will be responsible for any omissions or commissions in respect of any
transactions audited. In such a case, Bank reserves the right to report to the Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India for such actions as they may deem fit.
7. Warranties:
7.1 The Concurrent Audit will be on a daily basis. The supporting notes etc. /online
access to records will be made readily available to the audit team. . There should not
be any delay in subjecting the financial transactions to Concurrent Audit.
7.2 Concurrent Auditor will undertake 100% audit check in respect of following:-
a. All financial transactions relating to staff and vendor payments.
b. All financial transactions should be subjected to Concurrent Audit at pre-payment
(post sanction) stage to ensure conformity to Expenditure Rule of the Bank as well
as SRCC norms which requires a hundred percent check of financial
transactions post sanction and also at the post payment stage to ensure accuracy
of transactions.
c. The Concurrent Auditor should certify that, they have carried out 100% check of
transactions and there is 100% compliance with the Statutory and Regulatory
requirements prescribed in relevant Statutes/Rules/Acts.
8. Indemnity Clause: The Concurrent Auditor agrees to indemnify and to keep the Bank
and its officers, employees, directors and representatives indemnified for any omissions
or commissions in respect of any transaction audited by them and against all claims
(including third party claims) actions, losses, damages, costs, expenses, charges
including legal expenses which the Bank may suffer or incur on account of any default,
omission or commission on the part of the Concurrent Auditor due to:
8.1 Violations of any applicable laws, regulations, guidelines issued by the Government or
other statutory authorities during the contract period; or
8.2 Breach or non-performance of the terms and conditions of the Concurrent Auditor; or
8.3 Breach of the representations and warranties made by the Concurrent Auditor; or
8.4 Negligent or fraudulent act or omission by the Concurrent Auditor; or any third party for
reasons attributable to the Concurrent Auditor.
9. The Concurrent Auditor shall also keep the Bank indemnified against any claim from the
staff of the Concurrent Auditor or agents /representatives and it shall be the duty of the
Concurrent Auditor to clearly inform their own personnel/staff that they shall have no
claim whatsoever against the Bank and they shall not raise any industrial dispute, either
directly and/or indirectly, with or against the Bank in respect of any of their service
conditions or otherwise. Further, the Concurrent Auditor shall at all times indemnify the
Bank against all claims which may be made under the Workmen's Compensation Act, or
rules framed thereunder or under any law or rules of compensation payable in
consequence of any accident or injury sustained by any person in its employment for the
purpose of this agreement. The Concurrent Auditor shall be solely responsible for the
remuneration and other dues to its employees, as also for omissions/commissions done
by them.
10.1 Non Disclosure: The Concurrent Auditor shall not disclose directly or indirectly any
information, materials and details of the Bank's infrastructure / systems/ equipment etc.,
which may come to the possession or knowledge of the Concurrent Auditor during the
course of discharging its contractual obligations in connection with this agreement, to any
third party and shall at all times hold the same in strictest confidence. The Concurrent
Auditor shall treat the details of the contract as private and confidential, except to the extent
necessary to carry out the obligations under it or to comply with applicable laws. The
Concurrent Auditor shall not publish, permit to be published, or disclose any particulars of
the works in any trade or technical paper or elsewhere without the previous written consent
of the Bank. The Concurrent Auditor shall indemnify the Bank for any loss suffered by the
Bank as a result of disclosure of any confidential information. Failure to observe the above
shall be treated as breach of contract on the part of the Concurrent Auditor and the Bank
shall be entitled to claim damages and pursue legal remedies, apart from termination of
contract, at its discretion.
10.2 The Concurrent Auditor shall take all appropriate actions with respect to its
employees to ensure that the obligations of non-disclosure of confidential information
under this agreement are fully satisfied. The Concurrent Auditor's obligations with
respect to non-disclosure and confidentiality will survive the expiry or termination of
this agreement for whatever reason.
11. In case of any deficiency in services or any complaint remaining unattended the Bank may
impose on the Concurrent Auditor penalty as contained in Section IV of the tender
12. Without prejudice to what is contained hereinabove, the Bank shall at its sole and absolute
discretion, be entitled to terminate this agreement forthwith by written notice without
assigning any reason and without payment of any compensation, if
a. in the opinion of the Bank (which shall not be called in question by the Concurrent
Auditor and shall be binding on the Concurrent Auditor) the Concurrent Auditor fails or
refuses to implement this agreement to the Bank's satisfaction, and/or
b. the Concurrent Auditor commits a breach of any terms and conditions of this agreement /
tender, and/or
c. the Concurrent Auditor is adjudged an insolvent or a compromise is entered by it with its
creditors or if distress or execution or other process is levied upon or receiver is
appointed for any part of the assets or property of Concurrent Auditor, and/or
d. for any reason whatsoever, the Concurrent Auditor becomes disentitled in law to perform
its obligations under this agreement, and/or
e. there is any variation in the ownership/partnership or management of the Concurrent
Auditor or its business without the prior approval in writing of the Bank to such variation
13. In the event of termination of this agreement for any reason whatsoever, the Concurrent
Auditor /or persons employed by it or its agents shall not be entitled for any sum or sums
whatsoever from the Bank by way of compensation, damages or otherwise.
14. If any dispute, difference or question shall, at any time, arise between the parties as to
the construction of this Agreement or concerning anything herein contained or arising out
of this Agreement or as to the rights, liabilities and duties of the said parties, the same
shall be referred to arbitration under the provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act,
1996 or any statutory modification thereof and the decisions of the Arbitrator/Panel of
Arbitrators shall be final and binding on both the parties.. The venue of arbitration shall be
Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA. Further such disputes, difference or questions, if any, shall be
deemed to have arisen at Pune and only courts in Pune shall have jurisdiction to
determine the same
15. Abiding by the provisions of Sexual Harassment of Women (Prevention, Prohibition
and Redressal) Act, 2013 at work place:
15.1 The Concurrent Auditor shall be solely responsible for full compliance with the provision
of `Sexual Harassment for women at work place (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal)
Act, 2013'. In case of any complaint of sexual harassment against its employee within
the premises of the Bank, the complaint will be filed before the Internal Complaints
Committee constituted by the Concurrent Auditor. The Concurrent Auditor shall ensure
appropriate action under the said Act in respect of the complaint.
15.2 Any complaint of sexual harassment from any aggrieved employee of the contractor
against any employee of the Bank shall be taken cognizance of by the Regional
Complaints Committee constituted by the Bank.
15.3 The Concurrent Auditor shall be responsible for any monetary compensation that may
need to be paid in case the incident involves the employee of the Concurrent Auditor, for
instance any monetary relief to Bank's employee, if sexual violence by the employee of
the Concurrent Auditor is proved.
15.4 The Concurrent Auditor shall be responsible for educating its employees about prevention
of sexual harassment at work place and related issues.
15.5 The Concurrent Auditor shall provide a complete and updated list of its employees who
are deployed within the Bank's premises.
That the several parts of this Contract have been read by the Successful Bidder and fully
understood by the successful Bidder.
If the Successful IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Bank and the Concurrent Auditor have set
Bidder is a their respective hands to these presents and two duplicates hereof the day
partnership or a and year first herein above written.
If the Successful IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Bank has set its hands to these presents
Bidder is a through its duly authorised official and the Concurrent Auditor has caused its
company common seal to be affixed hereunto and the said two duplicates hereof to be
executed on its behalf, the day and year first hereinabove written.
I/we hereby agree and confirm to disburse the salary of the employees
through NEFT directly into their Bank account and also accept the
payment in respect of the above works, if awarded to our
firm/company, through NEFT.
Signature Clause:
SIGNED AND DELIVERED by College of Agricultural Banking (CAB),
RBI, Pune
_____________________________________ (Name
and Designation)
In the presence of -
1. _______________________________
Address _________________________________
2. _______________________________
Address __________________________________
Postage and cheque books : checking of postage with register and its
arrangement or safe custody and verification of cheque books
1.1 Use of Franking Machine and stamps :
2 Services Sheets: scrutiny of service sheets
All ( 100 percent checking) financial transactions pertaining to staff( serving and
retired) such as TA / HA Bills, Transfer Bills Medical Bills, Out of Pocket
3 Expenses, Reimbursement of conveyance charges, retirement benefits, etc; all
payments to guests such as honorarium etc; , all payments to vendors and
service providers during the month.
4 Remittance of taxes and submission of returns
All items of income such as training fee, rent recovery, proceeds from sale of
scrap, buy back of old items
Recovery of rent - Leased Accommodation / Quarters - maintenance of rent
recovery register
8 Officers Lounge Review of Expenditure
Staff Welfare- all payments related to staff welfare as per the schemes of the
Outstanding entries in Transit Accounts beyond prescribed period will have to
be commented upon
11 Cash Balance and cheque book balance
12 Maintenance of Subsidiary Ledgers and Remittances of taxes & submission
13 Checking and verification of Weekly Statement of Affairs
14 Insurance of properties, dead stock, laptops, computers etc.,
15 Property Register payment of tax
16 Depreciation calculation & capitalisation
17 Dead Stock Purchase, capitalisation & Maintenance of Registers
18 Quotations Register Inviting & opening of quotation
19 AMC/Bank guarantee/liquidated damages maintenance of Registers
Housing Loan Scrutiny & processing of Housing loan applications and maintenance
of records
Statutory and Regulatory compliance whether provisions of related statutory
norms are followed & verification of contracts awarded
AMC/Bank guarantee/liquidated damages Awarding Fresh AMC or Renewal of
AMC & maintenance of register
23 E-waste Management Rules
24 Whether provisions of E-waste management rules being followed?
25 Record of Service Files Maintenance and verification of service files
26 Any other item that may be added as per the instructions of the Bank.
Criteria for Technical Evaluation
Range Max
1 Experience of the Firm - No. of years 15
Less than 10 years 0
10 to 15 years 10
Above 15 years 15
2 Full Time Fellow Chartered 15
Accountant (FCA) partners
Less than 4 0
4 to 6 10
Above 6 15
3 Association with the same firm No. 10
of partners
None 0
One partner associated 5
for 10 years or more
More than one partner 10
associated for 10 years
or more
4 Key Professional Staff Full Time 15
CA employees
Less than 2 CAs 0
2 to 5 CAs 5
5 to 10 CAs 10
More than 10 CAs 15
5 Skilled staff Qualified in Group II of 15
IPCC No. of staff
Less than 10 0
10 to 15 5
15 to 20 10
More than 20 15
6 Experience of the firm in bank audits 20
(a) As System / IS auditor
Less than 3 years 0
3 to 6 years 5
More than 6 years 10
(b) As Concurrent Auditor / Statutory
Central / Branch Auditor
Less than 3 years 0
3 to 6 years 5
More than 6 years 10
7 Past experience in RBI Audits* and 10
performance assessment by RBI as
Concurrent Auditor / Statutory
Central / Branch Auditor
Unsatisfactory Upto (-) 10
Satisfactory/Good 5
Excellent 10
Maximum Marks 100
* Firms which are currently Statutory / Statutory Branch Auditors / Concurrent Auditors of RBI and
those firms which have conducted such audits in RBI in the past but at least two years have
elapsed since the completion of such assignment as on June 30, of current year are not eligible.
Criteria for Financial Bid Evaluation
Sr. No. Particulars of the Bid Marks
1. L -1 (Lowest Bid) 100
2. L2 90
3. L3 80
4. L4 70
5. L5 60
6. Above L 5 0
Annex - IV
This is to certify that to the best of our knowledge and information M/s -------------------------
--------------- having marginally noted address, a customer of our bank are/is respectable
and can be treated as good for any engagement up to a limit of Rs............... (Rupees
............................................................). This certificate is issued without any guarantee or
responsibility on the Bank or any of the officers.
For the Bank
1. Bankers' certificates should be on letter head of the Bank, sealed in cover addressed to
Principal, College of Agricultural Banking (CAB), RBI, Pune.
2. In case of partnership firm, certificate to include names of all partners as recorded with
the Bank.
Annexure V
NEFT Details
1. NEFT details of College of Agricultural Banking , RBI, Pune
Name of the Account Holder (as College of Agricultural Banking, Reserve Bank
appearing in the Bank Account) of India, Pune
2 Account Number 8691632
Type of Account (Savings, Current
3 Current
4 PAN Number AAIFR 5286M
Name of the Bank
Name of the Branch
Address of the Bank
NEFT/IFS Code RBIS0PUPA01 (0 in the code represents
9 Name of the Account Sundry Deposit A/c-DAD
Details indicating exemption from payment of IT (if applicable):
2. NEFT details of Bank Account of bidder
Annexure VI
Name and address of the Client
Details of Works executed by Shri /M/s
1. Name of work with brief
2. Agreement No. and date
3. Agreement amount
4. Gross amount of the work
completed and paid
5. Name and address of the
authority under whom works
6. Whether the Bidder
employed stipulated
manpower during
execution of work?
7. i) Quality of work (indicate Outstanding / Very Good/
grading) Good / Satisfactory / poor
ii) Amt. of work paid on
reduced rates, if any.
8. i) Did the Bidder go for
ii) If yes, total amount of
iii) Total amount awarded
9. Comments on the capabilities
of the Bidder.
a) Technical proficiency Outstanding / Very Good/ Good /
Satisfactory / poor
b) Financial soundness Outstanding / Very Good/
Good / Satisfactory / poor
c) Mobilization of Outstanding / Very Good/
adequate T & P Good / Satisfactory / poor
d) Mobilization of manpower Outstanding / Very Good/
Good / Satisfactory / poor
e) General behavior Outstanding / Very Good/
Good / Satisfactory / poor
Note: All columns should be filled in properly
Signature of the
Reporting Officer* with
Office seal
*Officer of the rank of Superintending Engineer or equivalent
Financial Bid
Tender for award of contract for conducting Concurrent Audit of College of Agricultural
Banking, Reserve Bank of India, Pune (the Bank) from the date specified in the contract
initially upto September 30, 2020.
Sr Description Rate per GST as Total Rate per
No. MONTH applicable MONTH (Rs.)
excluding (Rs.)
GST (Rs.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1 To Conduct concurrent
Audit of College of
Agricultural banking,
Pune as per the scope
specified in the tender
Signature and Seal of the Bidder