Empanelment of Chartered Accountant Firms for Independent Audit of Projects implemented with CSR Funds under Companies Act, 2013 CSR2life.com invites applications from Chartered Accountant firms across India for Independent Audit of Community Projects undertaken out of CSR Funds through the platform. CSR2life.com has hosted a Chartered Accountant Firm Empanelment link under the User Links section of our website, https://csr2life.com. The application form can be accessed by Chartered Accountant firms through their dashboard after login. The Empanelment application will be open from 24th July 2021 to 21st August 2021.
About CSR2life.com
CSR2life.com is an innovative and cost-effective digital platform for CSR Funding. The platform supports corporates, NGO's and other stakeholders to connect with each other to overcome limitations in CSR spending. The platform’s reach enables visibility of projects of NGOs / CSR Implementation Agencies operating in urban, rural as well as in remote locations, to numerous companies / organisations simultaneously. The platform’s analytics capabilities empower corporates to make data-driven decisions for CSR activities, thereby helping them save time and costs associated with manual effort required for CSR management. At the same time, it helps in Good Corporate Governance by facilitating better use of funds available for social purposes. The platform has a fully automated communication, disbursement and monitoring system. The platform solutions consist of an integrated web-based interface for project selection, information sharing, reporting and other support.
Independent Audit of Community Projects under CSR
The CSR Committee of ICAI has issued an advisory titled ‘Advisory for Independent Practitioner’s Report on Utilization of CSR Funds'. The advisory states that “Wherever the company undertakes the CSR activity through a third party / NGO, it is advised that all such companies should obtain an Independent Practitioner’s Report on Utilisation of such CSR Funds from the auditor / CA in practice of the third party / NGO, to whom the funds are given by the Company for implementing CSR activity”. In accordance with ICAI's advisory, CSR2life aims for transparency in CSR expenses by CSR implementation agencies/NGOs. If a project undergoes an independent audit, companies have a higher level of trust. CSR2life.com is a transparent CSR platform which employs an impartial third party to evaluate the expenditure of projects funded by corporates.
Email: contact@csr2life.com; website: https://csr2life.com “CSR2life is dedicated to the highest quality of connects between Corporates and CSR Implementation Agencies delivered with poise, boldness and energy” Terms a. CSR2life.com intends to appoint Chartered Accountant Firm close to the location of a community initiative / project funded by CSR funds. Chartered Accountant Firms across India are eligible to apply. b. The firm / proprietor / partners should have minimum 02 years audit experience. c. Application shall only be accepted through User Links section of our website, https://csr2life.com. Application received through E-mail / Courier / Post shall not be accepted. d. Empanelment of Chartered Accountant Firms are subject to verification of application.
Empanelment Procedure The suggested steps for submission of application are; Create Sign up
• Enter following details o Name of Firm o Firm Registration Number of ICAI (FRN) o Authorized Email Id o Create Password
• Activate Account through link send in E-mail provided at the time of sign up. • Login through User Id and Password • Provide all necessary information / details in the Application Form. • Check that all information is correctly entered. • Click on Submit Button. Application once submitted cannot be modified. • An Email Acknowledging Receipt of Empanelment Application containing
Acknowledgement Number shall be sent on Registered Email Id. Contact for Clarification or Concern Email: contact@csr2life.com Phone: +91 9372120362 Post Empanelment Communication with CSR2life.com Chartered Accountant Firms can send email on contact@csr2life.com. Quote Empanelment Acknowledgement Number for correspondence with CSR2life.
Date : 24th July 2021
Email: contact@csr2life.com; website: https://csr2life.com “CSR2life is dedicated to the highest quality of connects between Corporates and CSR Implementation Agencies delivered with poise, boldness and energy”