24th August 2015
Holding of Special Examination for members of foreign accounting bodies/ Institutes
with whom the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) had entered into
Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs)/Memorandum of Understanding(MOUs) to
be conducted once a year in the month of June only
In view of the low number of candidates applying for appearing in the Special Examination
for members of the foreign accounting bodies/Institutes with whom ICAI had entered into
MRA/MOUs, it has been decided by the Examination Committee that the said Special
Examination, will henceforth be held once a year in the month of June only, as against the
current practice of holding them, twice a year in the month/s of June and January.
Accordingly, the next Special Examination for members of foreign accounting bodies/
Institutes with whom ICAI had entered into MRA/MOUs, will be held in June 2016.
Candidates are requested to take note of the abovementioned change.
Examination Department