Gujarat Technological University
Nr.Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Nr.Visat Three Roads, Visat - Gandhinagar Highway
Chandkheda, Ahmedabad 382424 - Gujarat
Phone: 079-23267521/570
I have read and understood all terms and conditions and implications thereon of the document
Signature & Seal of Bidder 1
Gujarat Technological University
Expression of Interest (EOI) :04/19-20
Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) for appointment of Statutory
Auditors of Gujarat Technological University (GTU)
The Gujarat Technological University (GTU) is established by the legislative assembly of the Government
of Gujarat in the year 2007.GTU has its Head Office at near Visat Cross roads, Gandhinagar Koba-
Highway, Ahmedabad-382424.
Gujarat Technological University (GTU) invites Expressions of Interest from reputed firms of Chartered
Accountants for appointment as Statutory Auditor for the Financial Year 2019-20 and further extendable
for another two years. Extension for another year will be given based on Evaluation of the Performance
of the firm at the end of each year. The committee constituted by the Competent Authority of the
University will evaluate performance of the appointed firm at the end of year, based on criteria laid
down by Committee. Please note that, University does not give assurance for extension of the Contract.
University reserves its right to extend, award to another firm, cancel the EoI.
Interested firms are requested to quote the fees payable for the services rendered for the Financial Year
2019-20. Please note that, initially appointment will be given only for the Financial Year 2019-20. For
the subsequent Financial Year i.e. 2020-21 & 2021-22 work may be allotted based on work volume and
performance as indicated above at the same rates. Any application indicating direct/indirect effect of
escalation clause will be summarily rejected.
To be eligible, the firm must be empanelled with CAG of India and should have its Head office in
Ahmedabad and possess experience of minimum 10 years in carrying out Statutory Audit/Internal Audit.
Preferably, out of total assignments of the firm, two assignments should be of University, Academic
Institution, Government Company, Autonomous body, etc.
I have read and understood all terms and conditions and implications thereon of the document
Signature & Seal of Bidder 2
Interested and eligible firms should submit their data/details/documents latest by 21/08/2019 up to
18:00 Hrs. Technical Proposal shall be opened on 23/08/2019 at 11:30 a.m.. Financial Proposal of
technically qualified bidders only (as per eligibility criteria) shall be opened on a later date , which
will be intimated to technically qualified CA Firms separately.
Important Information
Sr. No. Event Information to the bidders
1. Last Date & time of 21/08/2019 up to 6.00 p.m.
Submission The envelope containing the document completed in all respects
duly sealed & super scribed as "Offer for Appointment of Statutory
Auditor of GTU" addressed to the Registrar, GTU shall be send by
Speed Post/Hand delivery only. The (EoI) received after due date &
time shall NOT be considered even for technical evaluation.
2. Date, time & venue of 23/08/2019 at 11.30 a.m.
Opening of Technical GTU, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad,382424
3. Expression of interest The details can be downloaded from our website:-
(EoI) Document under the Other Tab in Tender option.
4. Address for The Registrar,
communication Gujarat Technological University,
Nr. Campus of Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Nr. Visat Three Roads,
Ahmedabad 382424 - Gujarat
Email: Tele. No. 079-23267606/631
I have read and understood all terms and conditions and implications thereon of the document
Signature & Seal of Bidder 3
Specific Conditions of EoI
1. Tendering Process:
The Offer is required to be submitted in two bid format i.e. "Technical Proposal" and "Financial
Proposal'' duly sealed in two separate envelops. Both these envelops are required to be further sealed
in a single envelop, which may be super scribed with the words "Offer for Appointment of Statutory
Auditors of GTU".
Envelop-1 consists:-
(i) Covering Note for Technical Proposal (Annexure- A)
(ii) Form-1 (Technical Proposal)
(iii) Application Form (Annexure-B)
(iv) Undertaking on firms letter head (Annexure-C, D, E , F , G & H)
Envelop-2 consists:-
(i) Form-2 (Financial proposal)
I have read and understood all terms and conditions and implications thereon of the document
Signature & Seal of Bidder 4
(Form 1)
2. The Technical Proposal Comprises of (attach self -attested photocopies wherever required-
Sr. Particulars YES/NO Page
No. No.
i. Name of the Firm ____
ii. Registration certificates of Partnership Firm/LLP/Proprietor etc. issued by the ICAI
containing inter-alia; for establishing Date of formation of the Partnership
iii. Constitution of Partnership Firm/LLP/Proprietor etc. on the letter head of the firm
containing inter-alia;
Details shall be given as on date of application like, date of joining the firm, date
of becoming FCA, and other interest/engagement, if any.
Sr. Particulars Remarks
a Details of partners / Sole Proprietor
b Number of fulltime FCA in the firm
c Employees in the firm including CA.
iv. Latest partnership deed/LLP agreement in the case of Partnership Firms/LLP
v. IT return of the firm, full time partners /the Sole proprietor as the case may be for 2015-16
the three Financial Years: 2016-17
vi. Turnover/Gross Receipts of the Firm for the last three Financial Years. As per
vii. Certified copies of the following certificates
a. PAN Card of the firm, partner/proprietors.
b. GST Registration Certificate
viii. Financial Statement of the firm along with schedules for the preceding three 2015-16
Financial Year. 2016-17
ix. Details of court cases / arbitration cases / or any other case pending against the
Firm, if any.
I have read and understood all terms and conditions and implications thereon of the document
Signature & Seal of Bidder 5
x. Details of audit experience of the firm for the last 10 years may be given in the
specified format. (Only assignments which carry a fee of Rs. 50,000/- and above
should be mentioned). (Annexure-G)
xi. EMD in the form of Demand Draft (Number______) amounting to Rs.10,000/-
(Rupees ten thousand only) (dated______) in favour of The Registrar, Gujarat
Technological University, payable at Ahmedabad (drawn on Bank________) must
be enclosed with EOI. The offers without EMD shall be straightway rejected.
xii. Non-refundable EoI document fee/Application fee in the form of Demand Draft
(Number________) amounting to Rs. 1,500/- (Rupees One thousand five hundred)
(dated_________) in favour of "The Registrar, Gujarat Technological University,
payable at Ahmedabad (drawn on Bank__________) must be enclosed. The offers
without EoI document fee/Application fee shall be straightway rejected.
xiii. Certificate of Practice (in case of Partnership Firm/LLP, of all the partners to be
xiv. CAG Empanelment number of the firm as on 1-4-2019
xv. Undertaking, as per Annexure-G to be furnished by the firm that there are no legal
suit/criminal cases pending against firms and/or its partners or having not been
earlier convicted on grounds of moral turpitude or for violation of laws in force.
Please ensure that, all entries in the Form- 1 and Application Form (Annexure-B) should be legible and
filled clearly. If the space for furnishing information is insufficient, a separate sheet duly signed by the
authorized signatory may be attached.
Special Note:
(1) The details shall be provided with certified photocopy otherwise EOI application will not be
(2) If any false information with a malafied intension of getting qualified is submitted, will be
treated misconduct and his EMD is likely to be forfeited and firm will be blacklisted for any
work of the University in future as per decision of the competent authority of the University.
(3) GTU may ask to produce original documents if required.
The Competent Authority of the University reserves the right to accept or reject any or all application
without assigning any reason.
For short listing, applicants will be evaluated in the following manner:
a) Documents submitted will be first be scrutinized and the applicant's eligibility for the short list for the
work be determined.
b) The applicants qualifying the above initial criteria will be evaluated for following criteria by scoring
method based on details furnished by them:
I have read and understood all terms and conditions and implications thereon of the document
Signature & Seal of Bidder 6
Sr. Poin Max
No. ts Point
1 Place /Location of the firm 15
(i) Head office at Ahmedabad 10
(ii) Branch office at Ahmedabad 5
Number of Full Time partners associated with the firm for not less than 3
2 years and Number of Full Time partners ( 2 Points up to 3 partners 1 for 10
each additional partner ,Maximum 10 points )
Audit Firm should have at least 3 Full Time Partners, Experience of Full Time
3 15
(a) 5-10 years 10
(b) Above 10 years 15
4 Number of Qualified Assistants (Chartered Accountant only) employed with the Firm 10
5-10 5
11-20 10
5 Relevant Experience of the bidding firm 15
10 to 15 years 8
16 to 20 years 15
Experience of carrying out 2 Statutory Audits / Internal Audits of University (If
6 5 5
Yes - 05 points otherwise - NIL)
No. of Statutory Audit conducted in University/Academic Institution/
7 15
Government Company/ Autonomous body etc.
2 5
3 to 6 8
7 to 10 10
Above 10 15
Average Turnover of the firm during the preceding 3 financial years ( i.e.
8 15
2015-16,2016-17 and 2017-18 respectively )
Rs.10-15 lakh 5
Rs.15-20 lakh 8
Rs.20-25 lakh 10
Above Rs.25 lakh 15
Total Points 100
I have read and understood all terms and conditions and implications thereon of the document
Signature & Seal of Bidder 7
The applicant must secure at least 70 points for eligibility. Those firms who secures 70 marks or more
only that firm will be considered as a technically qualified for opening of Financial Bid.
Even though an applicant may satisfy the above requirements, he would be liable to disqualification if
he has:
i) Made misleading or false representation or deliberately suppressed the information in the forms,
statements, Annexures and enclosures required in the pre qualification document.
ii) Record of poor Performance such as abandoning work, not properly completing the contract, or
financial failures / weaknesses etc.
3. Financial Bid:
i. Financial Bid may comprises of the Professional Fee to be charged from the University
ii. Taxes, if applicable, should be specified separately.
iii. Any vague term mentioned in the Proposal shall make the offer rejected.
General Conditions
1. Selection of the firm will be done only after detailed scrutiny of the documents submitted by the
2. Firm shall have to qualify for at least 70 points in point table given above.
3. Firms, who will score 70 points or more, will be considered technically qualified and eligible for
the Financial Bid opening.
The financial bids of only those firms will be opened who score more than 70 rating points in
the evaluation criteria mentioned above as per the committee appointed by GTU whose
decision is final and binding on all the applicants. The Financial Bid will be opened after due
intimation to the successful applicants of the technical evaluation for the date and time of
4. The final selection procedure will be based on the marks obtained in the Technical evaluation
and the weightage given to the cost quoted by the applicant as below. A 60 percent weight age
will be given to the Technical evaluation criteria and 40 percent weightage will be given to the
Financial bid of the firm scoring more than 70 rating points in their Technical evaluation criteria.
5. The evaluation of final combined rating of both Technical evaluation criteria and Financial Bid for
the weightage mentioned above will be arrived as below:
The Technical evaluation criteria rating* 0.7 + lowest Financial Bid*
0.3/individual Financial Bid. As per this combined weightage the highest
scoring applicant will be selected as a Statutory Auditor as per terms and
conditions given in the Financial Bid.
I have read and understood all terms and conditions and implications thereon of the document
Signature & Seal of Bidder 8
The evaluation of combined weightage is explained with example as below for more clarity. As
per the example below, the weightage of 60 percent on Technical evaluation criteria and 40
percent on Financial Bid will be applied.
Let us assume that 3 participating Chartered Accountant firms scoring more than 70 scoring
points in the Technical evaluation criteria and their quoted fee is as under:
Sr. CA Firm Technical Evaluation Fees quoted for
No. criteria Score Statutory Audit work
1 FIRM A 70 ` 1,70,000
2 FIRM B 75 ` 1,00,000
3 FIRM C 78 ` 55,000
4 FIRM D 85 ` 80,000
The maximum scoring points i.e. 85 scoring points will be given 100 percent and percent of the
other Firm will be worked out on proportionate basis and thereafter weight age of 60 percent
will be applied on marks so obtained. Similarly, the minimum fee i.e. ` 55,000 will be given 100
percent and percent of the other firms will be worked out on proportionate basis and thereafter
weight age of 40 percent will be applied on marks so obtained. The marks {technical (60%) +
financial (40%)} so obtained by each firms will be added and the CA firm scoring maximum marks
will be considered for appointment.
Marks obtained by Firm A 70 X 0.60 + 55,000/1,70,000X 0.40 * 100 = 54.94 marks
Marks obtained by Firm B 75 X 0.60 + 55,000/1,00,000 X 0.40 * 100 = 67.00 marks
Marks obtained by Firm C 78 X 0.60 + 55,000/55,000 X 0.40 * 100 = 86.80 marks
Marks obtained by Firm D 85 X 0.60 + 55,000/80,000 X 0.40 * 100 = 78.50 marks
6. As per the weightage, the firm getting the maximum overall marks and will be considered as
L1 and similarly L2, L3, L4, etc..... are selected. The L1 firm is eligible for appointment based on
overall marks. However, the decision of Hon. Vice Chancellor of GTU will be final & binding to
7. In case after the technical evaluation, if no bidding firm gets the minimum 70 marks than top
5 firm are to be taken into consideration for Financial Bid. If there are only one or two firms'
application received than their application may also be considered at the discretion of the
I have read and understood all terms and conditions and implications thereon of the document
Signature & Seal of Bidder 9
8. The selected firm will have to start the audit in consultation with Account Section of the
University after the issue of the Letter of Appointment from Gujarat Technological University.
9. The Audit of Accounts as per the Scope of Work has to be completed in a time bound manner,
which will not exceed more than 2.5 months after the issue of Appointment Letter.
10. The Audit party will consist of sufficient number of experienced and qualified professionals.
11. The selected firm will be required to comply with the instructions, if any, issued by the University.
12. The Audit work is to be undertaken as per Scope of Work as approved by the Board of Governors
of the University.
13. Scope of Work can be modified, if required, at any time by the University at its sole discretion.
14. The selected firm is required to sign Agreement on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of worth Rs. 100/-
. (Annexure-I)
15. Submission of Audit Report: CA Firm will submit 4 copies of Audit Report along with all the
required statements, Financial Statements, with due signatures.
16. Auditor will have to comply with any comment raised by Finance Committee or Board of
Governors of the GTU on the Financial Statement under Audit.
17. Regulation of Audit fees: In the Financial Bid, firm has to quote fees for conducting Statutory
Audit and fees per certificate separately (Utilization Certificate, provisional Income &
Expenditure statement etc.)
18. For evaluation of the firm as per point 4 above, fees quoted for Statutory Audit only will be
taken in to consideration. L1 firm will be derived based on the Audit fees only.
19. University reserves right to split the work of Statutory Audit and Certification work.
20. If fees quoted for certification work is exceptionally high or higher than fees for Statutory
Audit, certification work may be given to other firm or shall be negotiable.
21. There are approximately 10 certificates required by University in the last year. This is
approximate number and may vary. Hence, no firm can deny issuing the certificate if number
22. The payment of Audit Fees as fixed will be made only after completion of Audit Work and issue
of Audit Report. However, fees for issuance certificate may be released on submission of bills.
The GTU will not pay any advance to the selected audit firm under any circumstances. Bill for
I have read and understood all terms and conditions and implications thereon of the document
Signature & Seal of Bidder 10
Audit Fees will be submitted to the Registrar, GTU along with a certificate indicating that audit
has been conducted as per guidelines framed by the University and the work has been completed
as per the agreed terms and conditions.
23. The statutory auditors shall not be entitled to claim any additional amount for any reason
whatsoever for the above audit work.
24. The Statutory auditors shall not be provided with any special transport facility. Hence, fees
quoted should also include any out of pocket expense including conveyance.
25. Confidentiality:
The firm shall not disclose the documented management systems to any third party
including their internal department.
Firm selected by Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad shall have to give an undertaking
to follow all ethics of faith and that the information provided by University or received during
the work of Audit, shall be kept `strictly confidential'. All assignments shall be carried out with
due diligence maintaining quality of work done and in least possible time.
26. EMD:
The EMD in respect of unsuccessful bidders shall be released within 15 days after issuance of
appointment letter in favour of the successful firm. The EMD of the selected firm shall be kept
as security deposit, which shall be released after successful completion of the assignment.
27. Taxes and Duties: GTU shall be entitled to deduct applicable tax (if any) at source as per Indian
Laws from all payments due to the Firm under the agreement.
28. Sub-Contracting:
Firm to whom the work awarded shall not sub contract the work to any other parties either in
part or full.
29. Right To Accept/ Reject The Proposal
GTU reserves the right to accept or reject the proposal at any time prior to award of
Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the Firm concerned or any obligation
to inform the Firm concerned of the grounds for the institute's action.
30. Dispute Resolution:
In case of any dispute, the decision of the Vice Chancellor, GTU shall be final and binding.
Jurisdiction for the arbitrary matter shall be court of Ahmedabad, Gujarat only.
I have read and understood all terms and conditions and implications thereon of the document
Signature & Seal of Bidder 11
(On Firm's Letter Head)
Covering Letter for Technical Proposal
The Registrar,
Gujarat Technological University,
Nr.Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Nr.Visat Three Roads,
Visat - Gandhinagar Highway
Ahmedabad 382424 - Gujarat
Sub: Appointment of Chartered Accountant Firm for conducting Statutory Audit of GTU
1. With reference to your Expression of Interest No: 04/2019-20 Dated: ........................... for
appointment of a Chartered Accountants Firm for conducting Statutory Audit of GTU, I/we wish to
apply for the same. Technical Proposal (Form-1) duly signed and authenticated is enclosed.
2. Further, I/we hereby certify that:
I/we have read the provisions of all the clauses and confirm that notwithstanding anything stated
elsewhere to the contrary, the stipulation of all clauses of EoI are acceptable to me/us and I /we
have not taken any deviation to any clause.
3. I/we further confirm that any deviation to any clause of EoI found anywhere in the bid, shall stand
unconditionally withdrawn, without any cost implication whatsoever to the GTU.
4. Further, it is to confirm that our offer shall remain valid for acceptance for a period of 180 days from
date of opening of Financial bids.
I have read and understood all terms and conditions and implications thereon of the document
Signature & Seal of Bidder 12
5. Further, EMD vide Demand Draft No._________ of Rs.10, 000/-(Rs. Ten Thousand only), dated______
in favour of, The Registrar, Gujarat Technological University, payable at Ahmedabad is enclosed.
6. Non-refundable EoI document fee/Application fee vide Demand Draft No.___________ amounting to
Rs.1,500/- in favour of The Registrar, Gujarat Technological University, payable at Ahmedabad is
Signature....................................... Full name........................................
Designation/Firm Name............. Address with Phone......................
Seal of the firm ..................................
Telephone No. & Mobile No: ........................ E-Mail:
a. In absence of above declaration/certification, the offer is liable to be rejected and shall not be taken
into account for evaluation.
b. Bidders are advised to check & tick the respective checklist of documents being submitted along with
page number.
c. Bidders not submitting the required supporting documents for fulfilling the criteria will be
summarily rejected without any further clarification.
I have read and understood all terms and conditions and implications thereon of the document
Signature & Seal of Bidder 13
(On Firms Letter Head)
Details of Chartered Accountant firm for appointment as the Statutory Auditor of GTU:
Sr. Particulars Details Page No.
1 Name of the firm
2 Address of the Registered/Head Office
3 Telephone no. and E-mail address
4 ICAI Registration No. with Region Name
5 Date of constitution of the firm (as per ICAI
6 PAN of the firm
7 Number of Full-Time Partners as on
1-4-2019 (Details to be provided in
"Annexure- D")
8 Number of Part time Partners if
any, as on 1-4-2019
9 Number of Full Time Chartered Accountant
Employees as on 1-4-2019
10. Whether proprietor/partner of any other
firm, If so, name and address
11. Duration with the applicant firm
12. Number of Branches (Details to be provided
in "Annexure-E")
13. Additional information, if any
(Signature of Authorized Person with Seal of the Firm)
I have read and understood all terms and conditions and implications thereon of the document
Signature & Seal of Bidder 14
(On Firms Letter Head)
Letter of Non-disqualification
I/We do hereby undertake that [strike out which is not applicable]
I/we/none of our employees are ex-employee of your University,
I/... of our partners/... of our employees was/were ex-employees of your University (give details,
viz. Name, Position and Date of retirement/resignation) but ceased to be under your
employment since last 3 years or more.
I/We shall not induct/employ any partner/employee during the tenure of our appointment as an
auditor, who is/are within the abovementioned cooling period of 3 years from the date of
retirement / resignation
I/We do hereby solemnly declare and affirm that
I/We have not been removed/dismissed from service/employment earlier
I/We have not been convicted of any offence and sentenced to a term of imprisonment
I/We have not been found guilty of misconduct in professional capacity
I/We have not been convicted of an offence connected with any proceeding under the I.T.
act 1961 &/or W.T. Act 1957 &/or G.T. Act 1958
I/We am/are not undischarged insolvent(s)
There are no complaints against me/us, registered with CBI/SFIO/Police/Courts of law
I/We have not been blacklisted/de-panelled by any Institution/organisation/others etc. in the past
I/We solemnly declare that the information furnished above is complete and entirely true and nothing
has been concealed.
I/We also affirm that terms & conditions of Gujarat Technological University relating to appointment
of statutory auditors are acceptable to me/us and I/We also undertake to keep the University
informed of any events /happenings which would make me/us ineligible for appointment as statutory
(Signature of Authorized Person with Seal of the Firm)
I have read and understood all terms and conditions and implications thereon of the document
Signature & Seal of Bidder 15
(On Firms Letter Head)
Details of Full Time Partners of the Firm
Name of the Partner Membership Whether Date of joining the No. of Years of
Sr. No. No. FCA/ACA firm (full time) Association
with the firm
(Signature of Authorized Person with Seal of the Firm)
(On Firms Letter Head)
Annexure E
Particulars of Branches (including foreign branches, if any)
Sr. No. Location Complete address with PIN Name of the Date of Region
code and Telephone Number partner in charge Opening of the
of the branch. Branch
(Signature of Authorized Person with Seal of the Firm)
(On Firms Letter Head)
Annexure F
Particulars of Turnover
F.Y. Rs. in Figures Rs. in words
(Signature of Authorized Person with Seal of the Firm)
I have read and understood all terms and conditions and implications thereon of the document
Signature & Seal of Bidder 16
(On Firms Letter Head)
Annexure- G
Details of Statutory/Internal Audit Work / Any Other Accounting/Auditing Work of Universities,
Academic Institutions, Government Companies, Autonomous body, etc. in hand with the
firm/undertaken in the last 10 year ending on 31-3-2019.
Name of the Client Type of the Audit Work(Tick
appropriate box)
Statutory Internal Tax/Other
Academic Institutions
Government Companies
Autonomous bodies
(Signature of Authorized Person with Seal of the Firm)
I have read and understood all terms and conditions and implications thereon of the document
Signature & Seal of Bidder 17
(On Firms Letter Head)
I/We the following partners/Proprietors of M/s. ____________________________, Chartered
Accountants do hereby jointly and severely verify and declare
(i)that the particulars given are complete and correct and that if any of the statements made or the
information so furnished in the application form is later found not correct or false or there has been
suppression of material information, the firm would not only stand disqualified from allotment but
would be liable for disciplinary action under the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 and the regulations
framed there under;
(ii)that the firm, or partners has not been debarred or cautioned by ICAI during the last five years, (if
debarred, give details);
(iii)that individually we are not engaged in practice otherwise or in any other activity which would be
deemed to be in practice under section 2 (2) of the Chartered Accountant Act, 1949;
(iv)that the constitution of the firm as on 1st April of the relevant year shown is same as that in the
constitution certificate issued by the ICAI.
(Signature of Authorized Person with Seal of the Firm)
I have read and understood all terms and conditions and implications thereon of the document
Signature & Seal of Bidder 18
[To be executed on non-judicial stamp paper worth `100/- upon selection by University]
This Agreement made at ................................... on this .......... day of ........................... 20__, between
__________________________________________________ of
________________________________ (hereinafter called the `Statutory Auditor') of the One Part and
Gujarat Technological University, an affiliating university established by the Gujarat Act of 20/2007 in
the State of Gujarat, India, having its head office at Nr.Vishwakarma Government Engineering College,
Nr.Visat Three Roads, Visat - Gandhinagar Highway, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad 382424 Gujarat and
offices at different places (hereinafter called the `University', which term sha ll unless repugnant to
context include its successors and assigns) of the Other Part.
Whereas on the basis of offer received from the Statutory Auditor, the University has appointed the
Statutory Auditor to undertake audit of books of accounts of the University and other service in the
nature of opinion/advise/consultancy/certification, as may be requisitioned by the University from time
to time.
Whereas the Statutory Auditor has agreed to render his/her/its services inter-alia on the terms and
conditions mentioned hereunder;
1. That the Statutory Auditor agrees to undertake audit of books of accounts as per requisition
made by University from time to time through job specific letter of engagement/assignment with
terms of engagement and accept of fee as prescribed / decided by the University.
2. That the Statutory Auditor shall not sub-contract the work, when requisitioned by the University,
to any other auditor.
3. That the Statutory Auditor or his qualified representative will inspect the books of accounts and
relevant documents in respect that in connection with the audit of the same.
4. That the Statutory Auditor shall maintain secrecy of the University's and their assets/liabilities.
5. That the Statutory Auditor shall act with independence, integrity and objectivity.
6. That in case constitution of the Statutory Auditor undergoes any change, the same shall be
informed to the University immediately.
7. That in case services of Statutory Auditor are not found satisfactory and their audit reports are
unworthy of being acted upon, the University may remove the Statutory Auditor from University
after issuance of show-cause notice.
8. That the University reserves the right to take appropriate legal action including filing / lodging
complaint to the professional body, if there is any misconduct on the part of the Statutory
Auditor or audit report submitted by the Statutory Auditor to University is incorrect or false. This
shall be without prejudice to University's right to remove the Statutory Auditor.
I have read and understood all terms and conditions and implications thereon of the document
Signature & Seal of Bidder 19
9. That the Statutory Auditor agrees and hereby gives consent to exchange information with other
Universities, colleges, or government organisations directly or through the other medium or any
other institution or association about particulars (name, address and other details) of Statutory
Auditor, performance as well as cause for removing, if any.
10. All the conditions of EoI is acceptable to me/us and if any condition is violated, University
reserves right to take appropriate decision.
In witness whereof, the parties hereto have set their hand on the day, month and year mentioned herein
Statutory Auditor (signature of Authorised partner with Membership No. and Seal of the firm)
For Gujarat Technological University
Authorised Signatory
I have read and understood all terms and conditions and implications thereon of the document
Signature & Seal of Bidder 20
Financial Proposal
(On Firm's Letter Head)
(To be kept in a separate Envelope sealed properly while sending the proposal)
The Registrar,
Gujarat Technological University,
Subject: Appointment of Chartered Accountant Firm for conducting Statutory Audit of GTU
Particular Price bid (all inclusive) shall be
quoted in `
In figure In words
Statutory Audit:
1. All inclusive Lump sum fee (including TA/DA, Boarding &
Lodging and other out of pocket expenses/contingencies
2. Fees per Certificate
3. Taxes, if any
Please Note:
i. The above quoted Lump sum fee shall be inclusive of all expenses/charges except Taxes
ii. The firm shall raise its Invoice as per payment terms enumerated in the EoI.
iii. In case of any discrepancy in Fee between figures and the amount mentioned in Words, the Fee
mentioned in Words shall be taken into consideration.
iv. Price bid (all inclusive) shall be quoted in ` for the entire scope of work covered under the
Terms of the EoI on a Firm price basis (With no. escalation provision for whatever reason) valid
till the complete execution of the assignment for the Financial Year 2019-20.
Signature....................................... Full name........................................
(signature of Authorised partner with Membership No.)
Designation/Firm Name............. Address with Phone......................
Seal of the firm ..................................
Telephone No. & Mobile No: ........................ E-Mail:........................................
I have read and understood all terms and conditions and implications thereon of the document
Signature & Seal of Bidder 21
Scope of Work
1. Examination of books of accounts and financial records
2. Verification of assets and liabilities
3. Assessment of internal/ accounting controls
4. Examining financial Statements for arithmetical accuracy, ensuring compliance
with applicable accounting standards / guidelines and policies / disclosure
5. Preparation of audit observations and report for discussions with management
6. Follow up on the compliance of the prior audit observations
7. Advise the management on technical matter as and when required by the
8. A specific report on these aspects would be provided by the auditor annually as
part of the management letter;
Responsibilities of the Auditor
1. Auditor should prepare a Detailed Plan of Audit in consultation with the officials of Gujarat
Technological University for timely completion of Audit.
2. Issue Audit Report for the Audit conducted after completion of the Audit.
3. Audit should be completed within 1 (one) month time from the time of start of the Audit.
4. Audit should be conducted in accordance with the generally accepted accounting
principles in India.
I have read and understood all terms and conditions and implications thereon of the document
Signature & Seal of Bidder 22