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 Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
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Institute Of Chartered Accountants Of India,Gandhinagar,Gujarat
August, 12th 2019
                          EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI)

   For Empanelment of Internal Auditors for Gujarat Power Corporation Limited

GPCL has been playing the role of developers and catalyst in the energy sector in Gujarat
State. It is engaged in the business of generation of electricity and development of solar
park in Gujarat State.

GPCL hereby invites `EXPRESSION OF INTEREST' (EOI) for empanelment of Internal
Auditor from reputed Chartered Accountants / Cost Accountant firms for empanelment
with GPCL for conducting Internal Audit work of GPCL for FY 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-
22 (3 years).

GPCL would like to invite application for empanelment of 10 firms of
Chartered Accountants / Cost Accountants who secures the highest marks for
conducting Internal Audit work of GPCL for FY 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 (3

Out of 10 empanelled firms of Chartered Accounts / Cost Accountants, GPCL may at its
discretion call proposal from certain number of selected firm or all the firms for Internal
Audit work of GPCL.

In case, the fees structure received from the selected empanelled firm or all the firms as
per empanelment list is abnormally high, management reserves its right to call
proposal from balance firms.

Format of application, address of the Registered Office of the Company,
Empanelment Criteria, General terms and conditions and evaluation method are
available as Annexure 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 on the website

The Chartered Accountants / Cost Accountant firms who fulfils all the empanelment
criterion as mentioned in Annexure - 3 shown at website and interested for
empanelment of Internal Auditor for GPCL for FY 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 (3
years) may submit their application in the prescribed format (by downloading from
website) along with relevant documents & self assessment of marks (Annexure ­ 5)
as per empanelment criterion under a `sealed cover' by RPAD or BY SPEED POST
ONLY and addressed to the Chief Financial Officer, Gujarat Power Corporation Limited,
Block no 8, 6th floor, Udhyog Bhavan, Sector -11, Gandhinagar - 382011, Gujarat on or
before 30.08.2019 (upto 4:.00 pm) (No Courier Service and Hand Delivery will be
allowed). The sealed envelope containing the application in the prescribed format along
with all the annexures as required shall be super subscribed with "Application for
empanelment of internal auditors of GPCL." If the envelope is not properly sealed and
marked, GPCL will assume no responsibility for the misplacement or premature opening
of the application.


 No proposal shall be accepted / opened in any case which are received after due date
 and time of the Receipt of Proposal irrespective of delay due to Postal Service or any
 other reasons and GPCL shall not assume any responsibility for Late Receipt         of
 Proposal for Empanelment of Internal Auditors of GPCL. Any correspondence
 in this matter will not be entertained.

Annexure ­ 1 :   Name & Address of Registered Office of Gujarat Power
                 Corporation Limited.
Annexure ­ 2 :   General Terms & Conditions.
Annexure ­ 3 :   Empanelment Criterion.
Annexure ­ 4 :   Format of Application.
Annexure ­ 5 :   Evaluation method & self evaluation Form.

                                                   Annexure ­ 1

    Name & Address of Registered Office of GPCL.
    Gujarat Power Corporation Limited

    Block No.8, Sixth Floor,
    Udhyog Bhavan, Sector - 11,
    Gandhinagar - 382011. Gujarat
              General Terms & Conditions for submission of proposal
1. Timely delivery of the application is the responsibility of CA / ICWA firm. Telex /     Fax
   / e-mail offers will not be accepted.
2. Evaluation that whether CA / ICWA firm possesses qualification criteria would be
   done on the basis of the information / data/ documentary evidences provided by
   the CA / ICWA Firms. The EOI must be with index and page number.
3. GPCL may at its discretion, seek from                any or all CA /          ICWA Firm
   clarification(s) on application submitted            including technical       information,
   document and materials for empanelment.
4. GPCL reserves the right to accept or reject any application in part or full at
   any stage or may cancel the process entirely at its sole discretion without assigning
   any reason whatsoever. The decision of the Audit Committee/ Board of GPCL shall be
   final as regard to the criteria to finalize the firm out of the applications so received and
   selection of auditors.
5. GPCL may issue clarifications/amendments in the form of addendum /
   corrigendum during the empanelment period. CA / ICWA Firms shall take such
   addendum and corrigendum into consideration while submitting their
   application. CA / ICWA Firms are requested to visit GPCL's website from time to time
   for any corrigendum/ addendum.
6. Any application received by GPCL after the scheduled closing date and time will not
   be accepted.
7. Matter relating to any dispute or difference arising out of present EOI, and
   subsequent        contract based on the EOI shall be subject to exclusive
   jurisdiction of courts at Ahmedabad only.
8. The proposal must be submitted in English language. All documents,
   correspondences or any other written material in connection with this work shall be in
   English language.

9. GPCL will examine the proposal/applications to determine whether they are complete,
   whether any computational errors have been made, whether the documents
   have been properly signed, and whether the EOI are generally in order.

10. The tenure of appointment shall be at the sole discretion of the Company. The tenure
    may be renewed every year for a maximum of three Years at the sole discretion of the
    Company. However, it is expressly stated here that the said tenure is not to be
    construed as assured and the Company reserves the right not to reappointment at its
    sole discretion without assigning any reason therefore.

11. Firm(s) who have served in the capacity of Internal Auditor(s) of the Company in the
    past can apply only if 1 (one) year have elapsed from the last year of assignment held
    in the Company.

12. Overwriting/correction/erase and/or use of white ink should be avoided in the
    proposal. However, if any overwriting/correction/erase is inevitable, the same should
    be authenticated with the signature & seal of authorised person of applicant firm.

13. Documentary evidence(s) in respect of all the information by the applicant firm(s)
    must be furnished along with the proposal.

14. All the pages of the proposal document shall have to be signed by the applicant
    firm(s) with the firm's seal and documents submitted along-with the proposal shall also
   have to be authenticated by the authorised signatory of the applicant firm(s) with the
   firm's seal.

15. Disqualifications: The Firm would be disqualified if it suffers from any of the
    following situations:
     a. The Firm or any partner thereof has been cautioned or any action has been taken
         against the Firm or any partner by ICAI / ICWAI.
     b. Any court case or arbitration relating to disciplinary case pending against
        the firm or any of its partner.
     c. Any action / disqualification by Government Company / Govt. Body / Govt.
         Authority relating to financial transactions only.
     d. Any action / disqualification by Government Co. / Govt. Body / Govt. Authority/
        Govt. Agency by terminating the appointment of the firm applying for this EOI
        for any reason what so ever.

16. Compliances / Declarations /Certificates by firm(s) on appointment:
     The CA/ICWA Firm(s) shall have to comply with and furnish declarations and
     certificates as required under Statutory/Company rules, upon appointment as
     internal auditor(s), as under:
     a. The CA/ICWA Firm shall not sub-contract the internal audit work,
     b. The internal audit team will work in strict confidence and will ensure that all the
        data and any other information in respect of the operation of the location / work
        centre /Company is dealt with in strict confidence and secrecy. A certificate
        towards maintaining confidentiality shall have to be provided by the Internal
        Auditor(s) on receipt of appointment letter from the Company or before
        commencement of internal audit.
     c. No partner of the CA/ICWA firm should be related to either Managing Director
     or any Whole Time Directors or Part Time Directors of the Company within the
     meaning of section 6 of the Companies Act, 1956,
     d. Neither the audit firm nor its partner(s) or associates should have any interest in
     the business of the Company,

17. Firms that secure 60 points and above as per criteria given in Annexure -5 shall be
    considered for empanelment. Firms will be given points and ranked in the descending
    order. Top 10 firms (maximum) securing 60 points and above including winners of the
    ties shall be considered for empanelment.
18. This EOI is only for the purpose of empanelment of Firms and does not
    guarantee/assure allotment of Internal Audit/any other assignments.

19. Only empanelled firms will be intimated about the decision on empanelment.

20. GPCL reserves its right to accept or reject any application(s) without assigning any
    reason thereof. The decision of GPCL for empanelment of Firms shall be final and
    binding upon the firms participating in the process of empanelment.

21. The Internal Auditor will ensure that the information obtained in respect of the
    working/operation of the company is maintained in strict confidence and secrecy at all
    times, including after the completion of the assignment. All such information shall
    remain exclusive property of GPCL at all the times. A certificates towards maintaining
    confidentiality is to be provided by the Audit Firm at the time of acceptance of Audit
22. Assignment of work in subsequent years may be made subject to satisfactory
23. If progress/performance of the audit team is not found satisfactory, GPCL's
    management reserves the right to terminate the appointment of the Firm at any point
    of time.

24. The Audit Firm will be debarred from getting, in future, Internal Audit assignments in
    GPCL in the following cases:
     a. If the firm obtains the appointment on the basis of misrepresentation of
           information / misstatement of facts at the time of submission of application /
           documents along with EOI.
     b. The Audit Firm is found to have sub-contracted the work.
     c. If the Firm does not take up audit in terms of the appointment letter.
     d. If the Firm does not submit the Audit Report, complete in all respects in terms of
          the appointment.
     e. If the Firm refuses to take up the assignment as mentioned in the letter of
     appointment for any reason whatsoever.
     f. If the Firm fails to maintain/honor confidentiality and secrecy of the
     .....Company's information.
     g. If the Firm fails to comply with any of condition laid down in clause 16 above.

25.   In case of any dispute on any issue arising before commencement of/during
      execution of the contract, an amicable solution may be arrived at with discussion
      and reconciliation. However, in case of any dispute remaining unresolved, the
      decision of the Managing Director, GPCL will be final and binding on both the

26. Proposals without the required documentary evidence(s) shall be ignored for
    evaluation. Application Form - Annexure -4 should be notarized on Rs.100/- Stamp
    Paper. If Application Form - Annexure -4 is not notarized on Rs.100/- Stamp Paper
    then same shall not be considered and application will be rejected.

27. The proposal should be submitted strictly as per the terms & conditions laid down in
    the document.

28. All the pages of the proposal document shall have to be signed by the applicant
    firm(s) with the firm's seal and documents submitted along-with the proposal shall
    also have to be authenticated by the authorised signatory of the applicant firm(s) with
    the firm's seal. Proposal submitted in any other form shall not be considered.
                                     EMPANELMENT CRITERIA
                                                                                                    on pg
Sr. Eligibility Criteria for Empanelment of Internal Auditors             Minimum Criteria          no.
    The Audit firm should be registered with the Institute of             Registered with ICAI
 1 Chartered Accountants of India / Institute of Cost Accountants         /ICWAI
    of India (ICAI)
    The Audit firm should be Partnership / Limited Liability              Partnership /LLP
 2 Partnership ( incorporated under the Limited Liability
    Partnership Act,2008)
 3 The firm should preferably be empanelled with C & AG                              -
 4 The firm should also have a full fledged working office in             Full fledged office in
    Ahmedabad                                                             Ahmedabad
 5 The firm should have been in existence for at least Five years         Existence : 5 Years
    in Ahmedabad
    The Audit firm should have at least Three Partners or at least        at least 3 Partners or
 6 Two partners and One paid Chartered Accountant/ Cost                   at least 2 partners
    Accountant at Office in Ahmedabad                                     and 1 paid Chartered
7    At least One of the Partners/paid CA/ICWA should have                1     Partner/     paid
     minimum 10 years of experience in practice.                          CA/ICWA with 10
                                                                          Years of experience
     The firm must have carried out at least two Statutory Audits /       2 Statutory Audits /
8    Internal Audits of Public Sector during the preceding financial      Internal Audits of
     year i.e. 2017-18. Experience of Internal Audit/Statutory Audit      Public Sector during
     only will be considered for evaluation. All the audits (other than   the         preceding
     Internal Audit/Statutory Audit) like Stock Audit, Revenue Audit,     financial          year
     VAT/Tax Audit, Concurrent Audit etc. will not considered.            i.e.2017-8
     Experience as Internal Auditor/Statutory Auditor with banks,
     Financial Institutions and Insurance Companies will not be
     Minimum Five years of Experience in Statutory Audit /Internal   Overall : 5 years &
9                                                                    Power Sector : 3
     Audit including one year as Statutory Auditor/Internal Auditor of
     any IND AS compliant Company (out of which atleast 3 years      years
     of experience should be in Power Sector)                        IND AS compliant: 1
10   The Average Turnover during the preceding 3 Financial Years Average          Turnover:
     should not be less than Rs.25 lacs p.a.                         Rs.25 Lacs p.a.
11   Disqualifications:
     The Firm would be disqualified if it suffers from any of the
     following situations:
     The Firm or any partner therof has been cautioned or any
a    action has been taken against the Firm or any partner by ICAI /      YES/NO
b    Any court case or arbitration relating to disciplinary case          YES/NO
     pending against the firm or any of its partner
c    Any action / disqualification by Government Co. / Govt. Body /       YES/NO
     Govt. Authority relating to financial transactions only
d.   Any action / disqualification by Government Co. / Govt. Body /
     Govt. Authority/ Govt. Agency terminating the appointment of         YES/NO
     the firm applying for this EOI for any reason what so ever.
  Additional conditions w.r.t. appointment of Internal Auditor:
   Appointment Shall be reviewed by GPCL for every financial year and shall be re-
a appointed only after approval of Audit Committee and Board of Directors approval.
   Auditor shall not be appointed for more than 3 consecutive years at a stretch shall be at
b the discretion of GPCL. After expiry of 3 consecutive years of appointment, there shall
   be a cooling period of 1 years in which same auditor shall not be appointed.

    If the firm is not fully fulfilling the minimum Criteria as laid down in Annexure - 3 of EOI
c   then their application of EOI will not be considered.

              Expression of Interest for Empanelment of Internal Auditor in GPCL
                                      APPLICATION FORM
                          (to be Notarized on Rs.100/- Stamp Paper)
The Chief Financial Officer,
Gujarat Power Corporation Limited,
Block 8, Sixth Floor,
Udhyog Bhavan, Sector - 11,
Gandhinagar - 382011.- Gujarat.
                                                                      Self certified                Det
                                                                      supporting                    ails
Sr.            PARTICULARS                                            documents                     on.
No.                                                                   required to be                pg.
                                                                      submitted                     no.
                                                                      along with this Form
       Name of the Firm & Registration                                Firm         Registration
1.     No.                                                            Certificate under ICAI
       Addresses of the Firm:                Address:                 Firm         Registration
2.                                                                    Certificate under ICAI
       Head Office                           Phone No:
3.                                           Mobile of Office In-
                                             Along with his name:
4.     Firm Income Tax PAN No.                                        Attach copy of PAN card
5.     Firm GST No.                                                   Attach        copy       of
       Registration No. with ICAI                                     Company        Registration
6.                                                                    Certificate issued by the
       Empanelment No. with C&AG                                      Attach proof of latest
7.                                                                    empanelment with C&AG
                                                                      for the year under Audit.
       No. of Years of Firm Existence &                               Attach        copy       of
 8.    Date of establishment of Firm                                  Partnership Deed

       Details of Partners along with        As per enclosed format   Attested      copy      of
 9.    Educational       Qualification   &   -                        Certificate of ICAI as on
       Experience                            (A) & (B)                01.01.2018 /01.01.2019
       Audit Experience of the Firm          As per enclosed format   Copy of appointment
       during last five Financial Years:     -                        Letters
 10.   No. of audit assignments of             (C) & (D)
       Internal /Statutory Audit of
       Corporate/ PSUs entities (except
       Bank Branch /Financial Institution/
       Insurance Co. Audit)
       Turnover of the Firm during last      As per enclosed format   Attach P & L and
 11.   three years                           -(E)                     Balance Sheet of last
                                                                      three financial years
       Annual Average Turnover with As per enclosed format
       Breakup of Fee towards Audit, -(F)
 12.   Income Tax matters and others
 (A)      Details of Full Time Partners of the Firm (as on 01.01.2019)

Sr.    Name      Member     Whether    Date of    Date of        Educati    Area of     Relevant
No     of        ship No.   FCA/       joining    becoming       onal       key         Experience
       Partner              ACA        the firm   FCA            Qualific   expertise
                                       (full                     ations

 [Documentary proof, as previously indicated, to be submitted]

 (B)      Details of Qualified & Semi-qualified Staff (including Articled Clerks etc) (as
         on 01.01.2019)
Sr.     Name of staff       Length of        Educational      Area of key     Relevant
No                                           Qualifications   expertise       Experience
                            with the Firm

 [Documentary proof, as previously indicated, to be submitted]

 (C) No. of Internal/ Statutory Audits of PSU Companies:
                                                                      Turn    Remarks
                No. of            Name of PSUs            Type        over
  Sr Financial Statutory/                                   of        of
  No   Year     Internal           Power Other            Audit
                Audit             Sector than                         PSU
                                                      (Statutory /
               of PSUs                    Power                       ('In
                 done in                  Sector                      Crore
                 past years                                           s)
1    2017-18
2    2016-17
3    2015-16
4    2014-15
5    2013-14
6    2012-13
7    2011-12
8    2010-11
9    2009-10
10   2008-09
11   2007-08

 Please indicate in remarks column whether IND AS Provisions were applicable in
 case of PSU Audited by you. [Documentary proof, as previously indicated, to be
 submitted giving reference of the same in the index with page no on which the same is
 placed]. Experience as Internal Auditor/Statutory Auditor with banks, Financial Institutions
 and Insurance Companies will not be considered.
(D)    No. of Internal/ Statutory Audits of Power Sector Companies (Other than
       PSU Companies):
                      No. of      Name of the
                      Statuto     Company (Other      Type      Turnov
        Sr Financial ry/          than PSUs)          of        er of
                      Internal                                             Remarks
        No   Year                                     Audit     compa
                     done in      Power    Other      (Statut   ny ('in
                     past         Sector   Than       ory /     Crores
                     years                 Power      Interna   )
                     (Other                Sector     l
      1    2017-18
      2    2016-17
      3    2015-16
      4    2014-15
      5    2013-14
      6    2012-13
      7    2011-12
      8    2010-11
      9    2009-10
      10   2008-09
      11   2007-08

Please indicate in remarks column whether IND AS Provisions were applicable in
case of the company ( other than PSU) Audited by you. [Documentary proof, as
previously indicated, to be submitted giving reference of the same in the index with page
no on which the same is placed]. Experience as Internal Auditor/Statutory Auditor with
banks, Financial Institutions and Insurance Companies will not be considered.

(E) The total Turnover of CA / ICWA Firm in India is as under:
                    Financial Year            Amount (' in lakhs)
                   Average of above

(F) Annual Average Turnover with Breakup of Fee:
                                                                            (`In Lakh)
       Financial       Audit     Fee   Income Tax      Others (Rs.)       Total (Rs.)
       Year            (Rs.)           matter (Rs.)
       Average   of
 (G)      Also, provide a brief description of the background of your firm for
         empanelment. The brief description should include both functional and
         sectoral experiences of the applicants. It should not exceed more than 2-
                      I/We                 _                      on     behalf      of
         M/s                                       ( Name of Firm) having Registered
         Office at                _(Address) bearing Registration No.            (Firm
         Reg. No.) do hereby solemnly state on oath that all the details
         mentioned herein above are true and correct. I / We have read & understood
         the terms and conditions of Expression of Interest for empanelment of Internal
         Auditor in GPCL as put up on the website of GPCL alongwith Annexures 1 to
         5 and furnish the aforementioned details in the prescribed Application
         Form along with Evaluation Method & Self Evaluation done in Annexure-5.

         We hereby confirm the acceptance of all provisions and terms & conditions of
         EOI without any deviation.

                                       Signature along with Seal of CA/ICWA Firm

                                            (Duly authorized to sign the application
                                                 on behalf of the CA / ICWA Firms)

 Date :-                                        Name :- ________________________
 Place                                          Designation :- ___________________
                                                 Membership No. _______________

Encl : As Above
                                                                            Annexure - 5
Evaluation of Empanelment with marks (Full marks:100) shall be done as per
the following parameters & self evaluation by Firms:
GPCL will evaluate and assign the marks to the Chartered Accountant / Cost
Accountant Firms for empanelment for carrying out Internal Audit Work of GPCL for
FY 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 (maximum 3 years) as per the following
methodology / criterion. The CA / ICWAI firms should carry out self evaluation
and submit the same:
A. Atleast 5 years of Firm's Existence in Ahmedabad from date of establishment/
      incorporation of Firm:

      Years of Existence from the date of incorporation to 01.01.2019 of CA / ICWA
      Firm in Ahmedabad:
                                                                     15 Marks
           No. of Years           Marks           Self evaluation of marks
                                                    by CA / ICWAI Firm
                 5                   5
              6 to 10                10
             Above 10           15 (Maximum)

     * 1 (one) per year of existence (fraction of the year to be ignored)

B.    Audit Firm should have atleast 3 Partners or 2 Partners and 1 paid
      CA/ICWA at Ahmedabad:
      No. of Partners in Ahmedabad out of which atleast 2 should be Partners as on
      01.01.2019 and atleast 1 paid full time CA / ICWA employees:
                                                             15 Marks
                No. of          Marks         Self evaluation of marks
               Partners                         by CA / ICWAI Firm
                   2              5
                3 to 10           10
                Above 10        15 (Max)

                                                               5 Marks
             No. of Paid        Marks         Self evaluation of marks
             CA / ICWA                          by CA / ICWAI Firm
                  1                1
               2 to 10             3
               Above 10            5 (Max)

C.    Atleast One Partner/ paid CA / ICWA should have minimum 10 years of
     experience in Practice:
                                                            5 Marks
             No. of years                     Self evaluation of marks
            of Experience                       by CA / ICWAI Firm

                 10                3
               Above 10         5 (Max)
D.    The Firm must have carried out atleast 2 Statutory Audits / Internal Audits
      of Public Sector during the preceding Financial Year:
      Experience of Statutory / Internal Audit of Public Sector companies (other than
      Banks, F Is & Insurance Co.s) during the preceding Financial Year i.e. 2017-18.
                                                                     15 Marks
     No. of Statutory/Internal Audits of PSUs      Marks     Self evaluation of marks
     (except Banks & FIs) during FY 2017-18                    by CA / ICWAI Firm
                           2                         5
                        3 to 6                       8
                       7 to 10                      10
                     Above 10                       15
E.   Minimum Five years of experience in Statutory Audit / Internal Audit
     including one year as Statutory Auditor / Internal Auditor of any IND AS
     compliant Company. (out of which atleast 3 years experience should be in
     Power Sector):
      i. Experience of Audit of Power Sector Companies:
                                                             10 Marks
               No. of Years      Marks        Self evaluation of marks
                                                by CA / ICWAI Firm
                     3              2
                  4 to 5            3
                  6 to 10          5
                 Above 10          10
      ii. Experience of Internal Audit / Statutory Audits (other than Power
          Sector) :
                                                          10 Marks
               No. of Years     Marks     Self evaluation of marks
                                             by CA / ICWAI Firm
                      5           3
                   6 to 10        5
                 Above 10        10
F.       Average Turnover of the Firm during the preceding 3 Financial Years:
         Average Turnover of CA / ICWA Firm of preceding three Financial Years i.e.
         2015-16, 2016-17 & 2017-18:
                                                                           20 Marks
            Average Turnover              Marks        Self evaluation of marks
               ( `in Lakhs)                              by CA / ICWAI Firm
                     25                     5
                  25 to 50                 10
                  50 to 75                 15
                 Above 75                  20
G.       Empanelment with C&AG:
                                                                              5 Marks
         Empanelled with C&AG             Marks          Self evaluation of marks
                                                           by CA / ICWAI Firm
                   Yes                       5
                   No                        0
        Total Marks Obtain : ______/100
                                       Signature alongwith Seal of CA/ICWA Firm
Date:                                    Name:__                                 __
Place:                                   Designation:_
                                                    Membership No.:-

Note: All supporting documents required to be submitted along with application should be self
certified by the Authorized Signatory of the firm and should be dully sealed.
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