lTo bc published in the Cazolte of Inclia, Exhaordinary, Irart ll, Sedion 3,
Sub section (i)l
Govenlmcnt o{ India
Ncw Delhi, .?,Jtcflernt{Y, 2016
G.s.R. ......(E).-ln exorfise of
the Fowcrs conferred by sub-scrtions (l)
and (2) of S4ction 469 of thc Compani$ A.t, 2013 (18 of 2013), the Cenhal
Govenrmcnt hcrebt makes the folk)tfing rules further to anrend thc
Compa n ios (MananNent and Ad nr inish" tion) Rt| les, 20 I 4, naDrely -
l. (l) ThR tults may l). cdllcd the Ci,mpanies (l'v{anagcment and
Admirristration) ADEndment Rulcs, 2016.
(2) ihey shall conx, inio torfe on thc daie of thcir publication ii the Ofiicial
2. In thc Co panics (M nagennnt and Admhistration) Rules, 2014
(hereaftcr r.'Ierred to as principal ruk s), in ru le 3,-
(a)h sub-rule (1), fo. the proviso, the f(nlo{nrg proviso shall bc' substitut('d,
"Proviltcd that in the .6e of a