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« Tenders »
Open DEMAT Account in 24 hrs
 Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
 Raipur Smart City Ltd., Raipur (C.G.)
 Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority, Vijayawada, A.P.
 Odisha Power Generation Corporation Limited, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
 Corrigendum Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port, Kolkata, West Bengal
 Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited, Ranchi, Jharkhand
 Assam Health Infrastructure Development and Management Society, Guwahati, Assam
 Uttar Pradesh Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
 25 LPA Opening Auditor Fund Management
 Punjab National Bank, Gurugram, Haryana
 M.P. Water and Land Management Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

U. P. Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd., Sonebhadra, Uttar Pradesh
September, 02nd 2021





Name of work: Work for preparation of monthly accounts having programming confirming to
the accounting relevant in the Nigam on computers ,works related to GST,
TDS, income tax and GPF Trust as per monthly provision along with providing
computer, printer, ups and their consumable for offices of CFA & BO, 3x210

MW ATPS, Anpara, & 2x500 MW 'B'TPS, BTPP, Anpara.

The following documents are attached in this tender form:

1. Prequalifying conditions of tender

2. Schedule of rates/Bill of Quantity

3. Scope of work.

4. Instructions to tenderers.

5. General terms & conditions of contract.

6. Special terms & conditions of contract.

7. Proforma of agreement for validity of offer (Annexure-I).

8. Format for details of the contractor (Annexure-II).

9. Format for clearance of Electricity/Residence dues (Annexure-III).

10. Proforma for affidavit (Annexure-IV).

11. Proforma for Bank Guarantee (Annexure-V).

12. Form A (General Conditions of contract for Supply of Plant and the Execution of works in


Page 1 of 27

of ( YES/NO) ( IF YES)

1. Tender Cost

2. Earnest money

3. Agreement for validity of offer

4. Photo copy of PAN Card of Firm

5. Copy of Labour license/registration/Notarized

6. Financial turnover of the firm during the last 3

Copy of LOI / Agreement of the similar works
7. executed

Proprietorship declaration/Partnership

8. deed/Certificate of Registration and

Memorandum of Association

9. Proof regarding group insurance of labours

E.P.F. Registration Code No. and associated
10. documents

Copy of the annual return filed regarding

11. payment of bonus( Form-C & D duly


Service tax registration certificate and GST
12. registration certificate

13. Character certificate

No dues certificate regarding house rent and
14. electricity

Declaration on Non Judicial Stamp Paper of

15. Rs 10/- in the prescribed proforma


This is to certify that all the PQC documents submitted as per above detail are duly attested by self

with dated signature and seal. The details given herein are correct to the best of my knowledge and

belief. We shall be solely responsible for any mistake, wrong information, forgery of any document

etc. I, hereby also certify that I am duly authorized by my firm/company to submit and sign the tender

and the enclosed documents.

Signature with seal of authorized Signatory

Name of the authorized Signatory:


Page 2 of 27

1. e- Tender Notice No. : 02/MMC-II/SD/BTPS/2021-22
2. e-Bid Portal(website)
3. Name of Work :

4. Office : Work for preparation of monthly accounts having
programming confirming to the accounting relevant in
the Nigam on computers ,works related to GST, TDS,
income tax and GPF Trust as per monthly provision
along with providing computer, printer, ups and their
consumable for offices of CFA & BO, 3x210 MW ATPS,
Anpara, & 2x500 MW 'B'TPS, BTPP, Anpara.
: Office of the Superintending Engineer, MMC-II,

ATP, Anpara Thermal Project, Anpara, Dist:-
Sonebhadra(UP), P. C.: 231225, email:

5. Estimated Cost of Work : Rs. 10,00,000.00 (Rupees Ten Lakh only) + GST

6. Period of the contract : One Year
7. e-Tender Cost : Rs. 1000.00+ GST Extra (Non Refundable)
8. Earnest money deposit :Rs. 10,000.00 (Ten Thousand only) (Refundable)

Note:- The bidders shall submit/deposit Tender fee and Earnest Money deposit through RTGS/NEFT or
Directly in the account of Dy. CAO.CFA&BO, BTPS, Anpara, SBI Anpara, Current Account No.
10722279192, IFSC Code: SBIN0006339, MICR Code:231002202, Branch Code: 06339 Or through
UPI Of Merchant Name: Dy. CAO CFA AND BO ANPARA BTPS Using UPI Id:- btpsanpara@sbi
and proof of such deposit e.g., UTR No., Name of Account, Scanned copy of pay in slip counter signed by
tenderer should be uploaded along with tender documents.

9. Document download/ sale start date : 16 August, 2021 from 10.00 Hrs. onwards
10. Document download/ sale end date : 18 September, 2021 at 17.00 Hrs
11. e-Bid submission start date& time : 16 August, 2021 at 10.30 Hrs.
12. e-Bid submission end date& time : 18 September, 2021 at 18.00 Hrs

13. Opening date of e-bid part-I : 21 September, 2021 at 17.00 Hrs
14. Opening date of e-bid part-II : Shall be intimated later please.



Page 3 of 27
1- fufonk la0 %02@lk0C;0ea0&2@Hka0[ka0@c*rk0i0@vuijk@2021&22
2- bZ&fcMiksVZy¼osclkbV½
3- dk;Z dk uke %
: ds0fo0ys0 ,oa c0la0 3x210 es0ok0 *v*rki0i0] 2x500
4- dk;kyZ ;
es0ok0 *c*rk0i0] vuijk gsrq dEiI;Vw j] fizUVj] ;w0ih0,l0
5- dk;Z dk vuqekfur ykxr rFkk muls lEcfU/kr lHkh lkefxz;ksa lfgr ,dkmUV~l ls
lEcfU/kr dk;ksZa] th-,l-Vh-] Vh-Mh-,l-] bude VSDl]
6- dk;kZof/k th0ih0,Q0 ,oa vU; ekfld ,dkmfUVx dk;ksZ dk lEiknuA
7- bZ&fufonk dk ewY;
8- /kjksgj /kujkf'k % v/kh{k.k vfHk;Urk] lkekxzh O;oLFkk e.My&AA] vrki] vuijk]

9- bZ&fufonk MkmuyksM@fodz; ds izkjEHk lksuHknz ¼m0iz0½&231225

dh frfFk ,oa le; bZesy&

10- bZ&fufonk MkmuykMs @fodz; ds lekfIr : :0 10.00 yk[k ¼:0 nl yk[k ek=½ ,oa th0,l0Vh0
dh frfFk ,oa le;
01 o’kZ A
11- bZ&fufonk izLrqr djus ds izkjEHk dh
::0 1000.00 $ th0,l0Vh0 vfrfjDr ¼uku fjQUMs cy½
frfFk ,oa le;
%:0 ¼#0 nl gtkj ek=½ ¼fjQUMscy½]
12- bZ&fufonk izLrqr djus ds lekfIr dh
% 16 vxLr 2021 dks 10-00 cts lsA
frfFk ,oa le;
% 18 flrEcj 2021 dks 17-00 cts rdA
13- bZ&fufonk dk izFke Hkkx [kqyus dh frfFk % 16 vxLr 2021 dks 10-30 cts lsA
% 18 flrEcj 2021 dks 18-00 cts rdA
,oa le; % 21 flrEcj 2021 dks 17-00 cts A
% d`i;k ckn esa lwfpr fd;k tk;sxkA
14- bZ&fufonk dk f}rh; Hkkx [kqyus dh

frfFk ,oa le;

v/kh{k.k vfHk;Urk

lkekxzh O;oLFkk e.My&AA] vrki] vuijk]

Page 4 of 27


The price bid of only those firms shall be opened who shall fulfill the following prequalifying conditions:
The tenderers are requested to submit the following documents in support of the same in Part-I of

the tenders, failing which Part-II (BOQ/Price bid) of the tender may not be opened. No document regarding
the pre-qualifying conditions shall be accepted from the tenderer after the opening of tender bid (Part-I).

1. Tender cost of Rs. 1000.00( Rs. One Thousand) only plus GST @ 18%.

2. Earnest Money: The Earnest Money for this tender shall be 10000.00 (Rs. Ten Thousand) only.
The bidders shall submit/deposit Tender fee and Earnest Money deposit through RTGS/NEFT or Directly in the
account of Dy. CAO.CFA&BO, BTPS, Anpara, SBI Anpara, Current Account No. 10722279192, IFSC Code:
SBIN0006339, MICR Code:231002202, Branch Code: 06339 Or through UPI Of Merchant Name: Dy. CAO
CFA AND BO ANPARA BTPS Using UPI Id:- btpsanpara@sbi and proof of such deposit e.g., UTR No., Name
of Account, Scanned copy of pay in slip counter signed by tenderer should be uploaded along with tender documents
or in the form of Bank Guarantee in the name of Dy.CAO.CFA&BO,ATP,Anpara. If Earnest Money is deposited in
the form of Bank Guarantee, scanned copy of EMD, BG along with scanned copy of mail in confirmation of the same
from the bank issuing the BG will be uploaded with tender documents. No tender documents including Tender Fee,
EMD/BG and other commercial papers are required to be submitted in the hard copy or through messengers.
Offer without Tender fee and proper EMD shall not be considered under any circumstances.
3. The agreement on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- or as applicable from time to time regarding validity
of offer on prescribed proforma with the signature of two witnesses specifying name, profession and complete
postal address of tenderers as well as witnesses. (Annexure-I).

4. Photo copy of PAN Card of the firm or proprietor as the case may be (In case of single proprietor firm, PAN
Card of the firm or proprietor and in case of a partnership firm or a company, PAN Card of the firm). Latest copy of
ITR shall be submitted by the Firm.

5. LABOUR LICENSE:- Copy of Labour license/registration issued by DLC Pipri, Sonebhadra (UP) valid for work in
Anpara Thermal Power Station.

In case Labour license issued by any other DLC valid, then the firm shall submit the following
undertaking on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 10/- and shall comply with the same, in case LOI is issued
in his favor: “I/We shall submit Labour license issued by DLC pipri valid for Anpara Thermal Power
Station within 30 days after issue of LOI, failing which LOI issued may be canceled and any penalty
imposed by UPRVUNL shall be acceptable”.


Contractor }kjk Non Judicial stamp Paper ij Notarized Affidavit tek fd;k tk;sxk esjh QeZ ipkl ¼50½ ;k
blls vf/kd deZdjkas dks fu;ksfrt ugh djrk gS ,oa iwoZorhZ 12 eklksa ds fdlh Hkh fnu ipkl ¼50½ ;k blls vf/kd
deZdkjkas dks esjh QeZ }kjk fu;kfs tr ugh fd;k x;k Fkk A ;fn mDr dk;Z ds nkSjku ipkl ¼50½ ;k blls vf/kd
deZdjksa dks fu;ksftr fd;k tkrk gS rks Mh0,y0lh0] fiijh dk ycs j ykblsUl tek djuk gksxk A

6. Turn Over:- Financial turnover of the firm during the last 3 years issued by the Bank. Average annual financial
turnover during the last 3 years, ending 31st March 2021 should be at least 30% of the estimated cost.
7. Pan based computerized GST registration certificate.
8. Character Certificate:- Character certificate of Proprietor/Partner for participating in the tender of
Proprietor/Partners Issued by District Magistrate/Superintendent of police.

In the case Firm Proprietor/Partners have applied for making/Renew of Characters Certificates Proprietor/Partners
have to submit affidavit on Rs. 100.00 that: (Annexure-III)“I/WE have applied for Characters Certificates and will
submit it within 03 months from the issue of LOI. In the case I/WE are not able to submit within due period
UPRVUNL is free to take any action including rejection the bid at any stage.”

Page 5 of 27
9. No dues certificate regarding house rent and electricity charges from civil/electrical divisions(CMD-II, CMD-
IV and CEMD-III) of Anpara TPS signed within last ending quarter of the calendar year.

10. EPF:- E.P.F. Registration Code No. dully issued by EPF office. Tenderer must submit Form -23 in connection
with EPF Deduction in favour of their labour during any of the last three financial years along with latest Form
-3A with receipt of EPF office.

11. Prequalification Criteria for Part-II(Price Bid) with respect to work experience shall be as follows:-
“ Copy of LOI /Agreement of the similar works executed in the Government/Semi-Government
Departments/Corporations/Companies/Public Sector under taking And /or similar works executed in Unit(s) of 200
MW or above capacity of SEBs/ UPRVUNL/NTPC/ Reputed Private firms of power sector to be considered as proof
regarding experience of having successfully completed similar works during last 7 year ending last day of month
previous to the month of opening of tender Part-I, Satisfy either of the following:-
Three similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of the estimated cost.

Two similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 50% of the estimated cost.

One similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 80% of the estimated cost.

Similar work is defined as below:-
“Having experience of successfully completed same nature of work.”

12. Group insurance:- Photocopy of Group insurance of workers.
13. Partnership Deed:- Proprietorship declaration/Partnership deed/Certificate of Registration and

Memorandum of Association (in case of registered companies).
14. Declaration on Non Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs 10/- in the prescribed proforma (Annexure–II)
15. The tendered shall ensure to submit duly signed copy of tended specification and the documents to be

submitted for the prequalification in part-I of the offer.
16. Authority letter: - in favor of the person filling /signing the tender documents.
17. Declaration about House & water Bill as per Annexure –IV.
18. Technical Particular with respect to any deviation from technical specifications, terms & conditions or any

other details given in the tender specifications must be clearly mention in Part-I.
19. Lafonkdkjksa dks deZpkjh chek fuxe (ESI Corporation) esa iathdj.k tks fd LoSfPNd ugh gS cfYd djkus grs q vifjgk;Z gkxs k A
20. fuxe ds dk;kyZ ; Kkiu la0 905@vkS0la0@m0fu0fy0@2017&03(24)@vkS0la0@2017 fnukad 07-11-2017 ds vuqlkj okg`; lsok inz krk

ds ek/;e ls fu;kfs tr fd;s tkus okys lafonkdfe;Z ksa dh ?kkrd nq/kZVuk esa e`R;q gksus ij lEcf/akr v/kh{k.k vfHk;Urk@ Contracting
Engineer }kjk rkRdkfyd lgk;rk #0 5-00 yk[k (#i;s ikWp yk[k ek= ) vuqxzg jkf”k ds #i eas Lohd`r djrs gq, er` d lafonk Jfedksa
ds ifjtuksa dks Hkqxrku fd;k tk;sxkA
fuxe }kjk vuqxzg jkf”k ds #i esa Hkqxrku dh x;h /kujkf”k #0 5-00 yk[k dh okilh grs q lafonkdkjksa }kjk fu;ksftr Jfedks
dk #0 5-00 yk[k dk chek lkewfgd #i ls djk;k tk;xs k A mDr chek gsrq lafonkdkj dks Jfed dh etnwjh ds lkFk chek dh jkf”k
dk Hkqxrku fd;s tkus dh uhfr fo|eku gS A chesa dh jkf”k b”;kjs sUl dEiuh ls izkIr dj lafonkdkj mDr /kujkf”k #0 5-00 yk[k
lEcf/akr [k.M esa 120 fnu eas tek djkuk lqfuf”pr djxs k vU;Fkk lEcfa/kr lafonkdkj ds chtd ls #0 5-00 yk[k dh /kujkf”k
lek;ksftr dj yh tk;sxh A

lEcf/kar [k.M @e.My ds vUrxZr vuqxzg jkf”k ds Hkqxrku fd;s tkus ,oa fu/kkZfjr le;of/k esa izkfIr dk ys[kk tks[kk
j[kus dk nkf;Ro bZdkbZ ds ys[kkdkj dk gkxs k A

21. deZpkjh chek fuxe (ESI Corporation) eas iathdj.k lEcfa/kr nLrkots @ vfHkys[k A
uksV%& fufonk dk Hkkx f}rh; [kksyus gsrq lEkLr “krksZ ls lEcf/akr vfHkys[k@nLrkots viyksM fd;k tkuk vfuok;Z
gSA blds vHkko esa fufonk dk Hkkx f}rh; Hkkx ugh [kksyk tk;sxk A

All the documents submitted must be duly signed & attested by the bidder with the remark
“Submitted by me”.
All entries in the documents submitted as evidences regarding the work experience must be clear and
legible. If it is found that any attempt has been made to mutilate/hide the facts in these documents, the
tender bid Part-II of the firm shall not be opened.

Page 6 of 27
Superintending Engineer

The Scope of Work under this tender covers Accounts related works on computer along with providing
computer, printer, ups and their consumable for offices of CFA & BO, 3x210 MW ATPS, Anpara, & 2x500 MW
'B'TPS, BTPP, Anpara. The work under this tender is divided in two parts based on location of work :

Part- A Work : For Office of 2X500 MW, BTPS, BTPP, Anpara
Part- B Work : For Office of 3X210 MW, ATPS, Anpara
The works to be executed under each part comprises of followings:
Execution of the account related work with provision of personal computer with sufficient storage capacity
and its accessories including dot matrix printer and other consumable to perform the work like stationary
with experienced staff having awareness of the accounting concept & able to develop its own accounting
program confirming to the accounting, relevant in the Nigam. Firm will be responsible for maintenance of
monthly account along with related schedules & lists as required by Dy. G. M. (F)., CFA&BO, ATPS, BTPS, BTPP
& DTPP Anpara. All monthly account / records shall be put up latest by 15th of the following month. The
details of related accounting work in offices of CFA&BO, ATPS, BTPS, Anpara includes: -

1. Preparation of SJ-I, SJ-II, SJ-III, SJ-IV.
2. Preparation of summery SJ-I, SJ-II, SJ-III, SJ- IV.
3. Preparation of Consolidation Resister.
4. Preparation of Contra Sheets.
5. Preparation of Monthly Account of CFA&BO, ATPS, BTPS , BTPP & DTPP Anpara
6. All accounting schedule related to monthly account.
7. All lists related to Income Tax, Trade Tax, Security, and Retentions etc.
8. General Provident Fund Schedule of employees working in the project, issue of GPF Slips of

Ministerial, Operating and Class IV Employees
9. Preparation of list of ERD Payments.
10. Preparation of Form 24 from Income Tax Memo.
11. Entry of monthly bills of services executed and entered in into all priority register maintained in CFA

& BO, ATPS & BTPS, Anpara.
12. Provision of liability of receipt of supply.
13. Monthly Provision of GST-TDS and Income Tax on the basis of all inward supply and services
14. Preparation of monthly account of GPF trust account

Any other related works, as may be, assigned by Dy. G. M. (F), CFA&BO, ATPS, BTPS & BTPP, Anpara from
time to time shall also be executed.

Superintending Engineer

Page 7 of 27
Page 8 of 27


Sl. Description of Items Qty. Rate per Amount
No. Job in Rs.
in Rs.

1 Execution of the account related work with provision of personal 12 Jobs
computer with sufficient storage capacity and its accessories
including dot matrix printer and other consumable to perform the [One Job
work like stationary with experienced staff having awareness of the per
accounting concept & able to develop its own accounting program month]
confirming to the accounting, relevant in the Nigam. Firm will be
responsible for maintenance of monthly account along with related
schedules & lists as required by Dy. CAO, CFA&BO, BTPS, BTPP,
Anpara. All monthly account / records shall be put up latest by 20th
of the following month. The details of related accounting work in
CFA&BO, BTPS, BTPP, Anpara includes: -
1. Preparation of SJ-I, SJ-II, SJ-III, SJ-IV.
2. Preparation of summery SJ-I, SJ-II, SJ-III, SJ- IV.
3. Preparation of Consolidation Resister.
4. Preparation of Contra Sheets.
5. Preparation of Monthly Account of CFA&BO, BTPS,
BTPP, Anpara
6. All accounting schedule related to monthly account.
7. All lists related to Income Tax, Trade Tax, Security, and
Retentions etc.
8. General Provident Fund Schedule of employees working in
the project, issue of GPF Slips of Ministerial, Operating and
Class IV Employees
9. Preparation of list of ERD Payments.
10. Preparation of Form 24 from Income Tax Memo

Work of monthly provision of all inwards supplies & services bills 12 Jobs
2 & computation of GST TDS & Income Tax.

Work of Preparation of Monthly GPF trust Accounts having 12 Jobs
3 programming confirming to the accounting relevant in the Nigam.

(Any other works, as may be, assigned by Dy. CAO, CFA&BO,
BTPS, BTPP, Anpara from time to time.)

Page 9 of 27


Sl. Description of Items Qty. Rate per Amount
No. Job in Rs.
in Rs.

1 Execution of the account related work with provision 12 Jobs

of personal computer with sufficient storage capacity

and its accessories including dot matrix printer and [One
other consumable to perform the work like stationary Job per
with experienced staff having awareness of the Month]
accounting concept & able to develop its own

accounting program confirming to the accounting,

relevant in the Nigam. Firm will be responsible for

maintenance of monthly account along with related

schedules & lists as required by Dy. CAO,

CFA&BO, ATPS, Anpara. All monthly account /
records shall be put up latest by 20th of the following

month. The details of related accounting work in

CFA&BO, ATPS, Anpara includes: -

1. Preparation of SJ-I, SJ-II, SJ-III, SJ-IV.

2. Preparation of summery SJ-I, SJ-II, SJ-III,


3. Preparation of Consolidation Resister.

4. Preparation of Contra Sheets.

5. Preparation of Monthly Account of

CFA&BO, ATPS , Anpara

6. All accounting schedule related to monthly


7. All lists related to Income Tax, Trade Tax,

Security, and Retentions etc.

8. General Provident Fund Schedule of

employees working in the project, issue of

GPF Slips of Ministerial, Operating and

Class IV Employees

9. Preparation of list of ERD Payments.

10. Preparation of Form 24 from Income Tax


2 Work of monthly provision of all inwards supplies & 12 Jobs

services bills & computation of GST TDS & Income

3 Work of Preparation of Monthly GPF trust Accounts 12 Jobs

having programming confirming to the accounting
relevant in the Nigam. ( Any other works, as may be,
assigned by Dy. CAO, CFA&BO, ATPS, Anpara
from time to time. )

Page 10 of 27

1. Contract Period: One Year with effect from date of start of work. However the contract may
be terminated on the notice of one month.

2. Date of start of work shall be allotted after finalization of the tender however the firm has to
provide monthly account along with related schedule and lists as required by DY. CAO,
C.F.A. & B.O. ATPS, BTPS, BTPP Anpara, for the previous month if any.

3. The work shall be executed under DY. CAO, C.F.A. & B.O. ATPS, BTPS, BTPP Anpara,
4. Work will be done by firm in the office provided by of DY. CAO, C.F.A. & B.O. ATPS, BTPS,

BTPP Anpara,
5. All T & P, staff, computer, necessary so that shall be arranged by the firm at his own cost.
6. The contractor shall provide all Computers' stationary and other consumables required for above

works free of cost.
7. The operator should available for all working day according to office timing. After office timing or

on holiday, operator shall available for complete the work as per instruction of the DY. CAO, C.F.A.
& B.O. ATPS, BTPS, BTPP Anpara, or their representative.
8. Upkeep / repair and maintenance of the computer and its accessories shall be the responsibility of
the firm at his own cost.
9. Two un-furnished residential quarter of Type-II shall be provided on request for residential purpose
of staff of firm on chargeable basis, subject to availability along with water and electric connection
which charges shall also be borne by firm.
10. The firm shall arrange their own means of transport facility for carry out the work.
11. The space / room for keeping computer and its accessories, along with electric connection at one
point shall be provided in Dy. CAO, Office premises, free of cost by UPRVUNL according to
availability space / room.
12. 100 % Payment shall be made after satisfactory completion of work for each month.
13. 10% security of order value shall be deposited by the firm in one installment or adjusted 5% of order
value from first running bill and remaining 5 % shall be deducted every month from the firm's
running bills of work for faithful execution of work.
14. All taxes and duties, like service tax, income tax etc., shall be deducted from the running bill of
firm as per rules / Act.
15. Security money shall be released after three months of completion of the work.
16. Any delay on account of firm in preparation of monthly account and other related work, penalty @
0.5 % per week subject to maximum 10% of order value shall be deducted per month to month
17. Court Of Jurisdiction: Any dispute arises against this tender / agreement / order shall be subjected to
the jurisdiction of competent court of Sonebhadra / High Court of Allahabad.
18. All other Terms & Conditions of the UPRVUNL 'Form - A' shall also be applicable.
19. The work shall be executed under control of DY. CAO, C.F.A. & B.O. ATPS, BTPS, BTPP
Anpara, Sonebhadra who shall be Engineer of Contract for execution of Work, measurement and
preparation / payment of bills for their respective parts of work. All correspondences / disputes
related to execution of work shall be addressed / referred to him.
20. In case of any conflict between General / Other Terms & Conditions mentioned elsewhere in the tender
document with Special Terms & Conditions, in that case Special Terms & Conditions shall prevail.
21. Quoted rates shall be firm. No escalation in rates on account of any reason whatsoever shall not be

Page 11 of 27
22. The quantities of individual items provided in the bill of quantity are may vary on either side. However,
the overall variation shall be up to + 10% of the contract value. The rates of individual item shall remain
firm within this limit.

23. The work may be extended for further period of 03 months on the same rate, terms and
condition as per the requirement of site.
Superintending Engineer

Page 12 of 27

This invitation for bid is for the work of “Work for preparation of monthly accounts having programming
confirming to the accounting relevant in the Nigam on computers ,works related to GST, TDS, income tax and
GPF Trust as per monthly provision along with providing computer, printer, ups and their consumable for
offices of CFA & BO, 3x210 MW ATPS, Anpara, & 2x500 MW 'B'TPS, BTPP, Anpara Sonebhadra U.P for
a period of 01 year. The instruction to the bidders is as follows:-
1- Submission of E-Bids:
The Bid Submission module of e-procurement website enables the bidders to submit
thee-bids online against this bidding published by the purchaser. Bid may be submitted only during the period
and time stipulated in the bidding. Bidders are advised start the Bid Submission process well in advance so
that they can submit their bids in time. The bidders shall submit their bids taking into account the server time,
displayed in the e-procurement website. This server time is the time by which the bid submission activity will
be allowed till the permissible time on the last date of submission stipulated in the schedule. The bidders
cannot submit their bids after the completion of bid submission period. For delay in submission of bids due to
any reasons, shall be responsibility of the bidder. The bidders shall follow the instructions mentioned herein
under for submission of their e-bids:

1.1 For participating in bids through the e-bidding system, it is necessary for the bidders to be the register
reducers of the e-procurement website The bidders shall first register themselves on the
e-bidding website, if they have not done so previously, using the option “Click here to enroll” available on the
home page of the website.

1.2 In addition to the normal registration, the bidder has to register with their Digital Signature Certificate
(DSC) in the e-bidding system and subsequently he/ she will be allowed to carry out his /her bid submission
activities. Registering the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is a one time activity. Before proceeding to
register their DSC, the bidder shall first log on to the e-bidding system using the User Login option on the
home page with the logging Id and Password with which they has registered as per clause 1.1 above. For
successful registration of DSC on e-procurement website, the bidder must ensure that
they possess class-2 /Class-3 DSC issued by any certifying authorities duly approved by Controller of

Authorities. The bidder is also advised to register their DSC on E-procurement website well in advance before
bid submission period & time so that they do not face any problem while submitting their e-bid against this
bidding. The bidder can perform User Login creation and DSC registration exercise as described in clauses 1.1
and 1.2 above even before bid submission period starts .The purchaser shall not be held responsible if the
bidder tries to submit their e-bid at the last moment of submission of bid, but could not submit due to DSC
registration problem.

1.3 The bidder can search for active biddings through “Search Active Biddings” link, select a bidding in which
they are interested in and then move it to ‘My Biddings’ Folder using the option available in the Bid
Submission menu. After selecting and viewing the bidding, for which the bidder intends to bid, from “My
Biddings” folder, the bidder can place their bid by clicking “pay Offline” option available at the end of the
view bidding form. Before this, the bidder should download the bidding document and price Schedule/Bill of
Quantity (BOQ) and study them carefully. The bidder shall keep all the documents ready as per the
requirements of bidding document in the PDF format except the Price Schedule/Bill of Quantity (BOQ) which
shall be in the XLS Format (EXCEL sheet).

1.4 After clicking the ‘Pay offline’ option, the bidder shall be redirected to the relevant page of Terms and
conditions. The bidder shall read the Terms and conditions before proceeding to fill in the Bidding fee EMD
offline payment details. After entering and saving the Bidding Fee and EMD details, the bidder shall click
“Encrypt & Upload” option given in the offline payment details form so that “Bid Document Preparation and

Page 13 of 27
Submission” window appears to upload the documents as per technical (Fee details, Qualification details, Bid
Form and Technical Specification details) and financial (Bid Form and Price Schedule/BOQ)
schedules/packets given in the bidding details. The details of the Demand Draft or any other accepted
instrument which is to be physically sent in the original before opening of technical bids, should tally with the
details available in the scanned copy and the data entered during with submission time otherwise the bid
submitted shall not be accepted.

1.5 Next, the bidder should upload the Technical Bid Documents for fee details (Bidding fee and EMD),
Qualification details as per PQC, and Financial Bid documents as per BOQ of bidding document. Before
uploading, the bidder has to select the relevant Digital signature Certificate. They may be prompted to enter
the digital signature Certificate password, if necessary. For uploading, the bidder should click “Browse” button
against each document label in Technical and Financial schedules/packets and then upload the relevant
PDF/XLS files already prepared and stored in the bidder’s computer.

1.6 The Bidder shall click “Encrypt” next for successfully encrypting and uploading of required documents.
During the above process, the bid documents are encrypted/ locked electronically with the DSC’s of the Bid
openers to ensure that the bid documents are protected, stored and opened by concerned bid opener only.

1.7 After successful submission of bid documents, a page giving the summary of bid submission will be
displayed that the process of e- bid submission is completed. The bidder can take a printout of the summary
using the “print” option available in the window as an acknowledgement for future reference.

1.8 Purchaser reserves the right to cancel any or all Bids without assigning any reason.

1.9 The Bidders are advised to upload the scanned documents with minimum of 150 dpi scanner to ensure
readable uploaded e- Bids.

2- Deadline for Submission of E-Bids:

2.1 E-Bids (Technical and Financial) must be submitted by the bidders at e-procurement website not later than 18:00 Hours on 18/09/2021
2.2 The Purchaser may’ at this discretion, extends this deadline for submission of bids by amending the bid
3- Late Bids
3.1 The server time indicated in the Bid Management window on the e-procurement website will be the time by which the bid submission activity will be allowed till the
permissible date and time schedule in the bidding. Once the bid submission period is over, the bidder cannot
submit their bid. Bidder has to start the Bid Submission well in advance so that the submission process is
completed within the scheduled period, failing which, it shall be the bidder’s responsibility.
4- Withdrawal and Resubmission of E-Bids
4.1 At any point of time, a bidder may withdraw their bid submitted online before the bid completion of bid
submission period. For withdrawing, the bidder shall first log in using their login id and password and
subsequently by their Digital Signature Certificate on the e-procurement website
bidder shall then select “My Bids” option in the Bid Submission menu. The page listing all the bids submitted
by the bidder shall be displayed. Click “View” to see the details of the bid to be withdrawn. After selecting the
“Bid Withdrawal” option, the bidder has to click “Yes” to the message “Do you want to withdraw this bid?”
displayed in the Bid Information window for the selected bid. The bidder also has to enter the reason for
withdrawing the bid and upload the same for withdraw before clicking the “Submit” button. The bidder has to
confirm again by pressing “Ok” button before finally withdrawing their selected bid.

4.2 No bid may be withdrawn in between the period fixed for submission of bids and the period of expiry.
Withdrawal of a bid during this interval may result in the Bidder’s forfeiture of their bid security.

4.3 The bidder can resubmit their bid as and when required till the scheduled bid submission end date and
time. The bid submitted earlier will be replaced by the new one. The bid security submitted by the bidder

Page 14 of 27
earlier will be used for revised bid and the new bid submission summary generated after the successful
submission of the revised bid will be considered for evaluation purposes. For resubmission, the bidder shall
first log in using their Login id and Password and subsequently by their Digital Signature Certificate on the e-
procurement website The bidder should then select “My Bids” option in the Bid
Submission menu. The page listing all the bids submitted by the bidder will be displayed. Click “View” to see
the details of the bid to be resubmitted. After selecting the “Bid Resubmission” option, click “Encrypt &
Upload” to upload the revised bid documents by following the methodology provided in clauses 1.4 to 1.7.

4.4 The bidders can submit their revised bids as many times as possible by up loading their bid documents
within the schedule period for submission of e-bids.

4.5 No bid can be resubmitted subsequently after the period for submission of bids is over.

5- Bidders are advised to study the bid Document carefully. Submission of bids against the tender notice shall
be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of the procedures, terms and conditions
stipulated in the bid Documents with full understanding of its implications.

6- The bid document is available at e-procurement website Interested bidders may
view, download the bidding document, seek clarification and submit their bid online up to the prescribed date
and time through uploading on e-procurement website

7- The bidders are required to submit the cost of bidding document as stated above payable in the favour of
Dy. CAO, CFA & BO, BTPS, Anpara, Sonebhadra by Tender cost of Rs. 1000.00( Rs. One Thousand) only
plus GST @ 18%. And Earnest Money for this tender shall be 10000.00 (Rs. Ten Thousand) only prior to the
scheduled date & time of opening of bid failing which bid shall not be considered/opened.
The bidders shall submit/deposit Tender fee and Earnest Money deposit through RTGS/NEFT or Directly in the
account of Dy. CAO.CFA&BO, BTPS, Anpara, SBI Anpara, Current Account No. 10722279192, IFSC Code:
SBIN0006339, MICR Code:231002202, Branch Code: 06339 Or through UPI Of Merchant Name: Dy. CAO
CFA AND BO ANPARA BTPS Using UPI Id:- btpsanpara@sbi and proof of such deposit e.g., UTR No., Name
of Account, Scanned copy of pay in slip counter signed by tenderer should be uploaded along with tender documents
or in the form of Bank Guarantee in the name of Dy.CAO.CFA&BO,ATP,Anpara. If Earnest Money is deposited in
the form of Bank Guarantee, scanned copy of EMD, BG along with scanned copy of mail in confirmation of the same
from the bank issuing the BG will be uploaded with tender documents. No tender documents including Tender Fee,
EMD/BG and other commercial papers are required to be submitted in the hard copy or through messengers.
Offer without Tender fee and proper EMD shall not be considered under any circumstances.
8- All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security (EMD) in the form of Bank Guarantee in
Prescribed proforma as per Annexure-VI or FDR/TDR of scheduled Bank which shall be duly pledged in favor
of Dy. CAO, CFA & BO, BTPS, Anpara, Sonebhadra The scanned copy of bid document fee (Tender
Cost), Earnest Money, Power of attorney must be up loaded electronically along with all the bid documents.
The original copy of bid document fee, EMD, Power of Attorney made in the name of individual whom signed
bid document digitally through DSC & Validity Commitment in prescribed format as per Annexure-I on non
judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100.00 each should be furnished to the office of Superintending Engineer,
MMC-II, ATP, Anpara before opening of Part “A” of submitted bid, failing which the bid shall not be
considered/ opened.

9- The bids shall be electronically opened in the presence of bidder’s representatives, who choose to attend, at
the prescribed venue, date and time mentioned above.

10- The Purchaser reserves the right to cancel any or all the bids/annul the bidding process with
out assigning any reason thereof.

11- In the event of date specified for bids opening, being declared a holiday then the bid shall be opened on
next working day at schedule time.

Page 15 of 27
12- All the required documents shall be submitted/ uploaded by the bidder electronically in the PDF format.
However, the Financial Bid should be submitted in the XLS format.

13- Quantity as mentioned in e-Tender Notice is tentative and may vary up to any extent (in both side i.e.±) as
per site requirement.

14- No deviation from the Technical specification & Technical Conditions shall be acceptable in Technical
part-‘B’ of Bid.

15. Any corrigendum related to this tender will be updated only in e-tender website:

1. Lafonkdkjkas dks deZpkjh chek fuxe (ESI Corporation) esa iathdj.k tks fd LoSfPNd ugh gS cfYd djkus gsrq
vifjgk;Z gksxk A

2. fuxe ds dk;kZy; Kkiu la0 905@vkS0la0@m0fu0fy0@2017&03(24)@vkS0la0@2017 fnukad 07-11-2017 ds
vuqlkj okg;` lsok inz krk ds ek/;e ls fu;ksftr fd;s tkus okys lafonkdfeZ;ksa dh ?kkrd nq/kZVuk esa e`R;q gksus ij
lEcf/akr v/kh{k.k vfHk;Urk@ Contracting Engineer }kjk rkRdkfyd lgk;rk #0 5-00 yk[k (#i;s ikWp yk[k
ek= ) vuqxzg jkf”k ds #i esa Lohd`r djrs gq, e`rd lafonk Jfedksa ds ifjtuksa dks Hkqxrku fd;k tk;sxkA
fuxe }kjk vuxq zg jkf”k ds #i esa Hkqxrku dh x;h /kujkf”k #0 5-00 yk[k dh okilh gsrq lafonkdkjksa }kjk

fu;ksftr Jfedks dk #0 5-00 yk[k dk chek lkewfgd #i ls djk;k tk;sxk A mDr chek gsrq lafonkdkj dks Jfed dh
etnwjh ds lkFk chek dh jkf”k dk Hkqxrku fd;s tkus dh uhfr fo|eku gS A chesa dh jkf”k b”;ksjUs l dEiuh ls izkIr dj
lafonkdkj mDr /kujkf”k #0 5-00 yk[k lEcf/akr [k.M esa 120 fnu esa tek djkuk lqfuf”pr djsxk vU;Fkk lEcfa/kr
lafonkdkj ds chtd ls #0 5-00 yk[k dh /kujkf”k lek;kfs tr dj yh tk;sxh A

lEcf/kar [k.M @e.My ds vUrxZr vuqxzg jkf”k ds Hkqxrku fd;s tkus ,oa fu/kkZfjr le;of/k esa izkfIr dk ys[kk
tks[kk j[kus dk nkf;Ro bdZ kbZ ds ys[kkdkj dk gksxk A

Superintending Engineer

Anpara Sonebhadra U.P.


1) PAYMENT:- Payment shall be released each month against running bill for the work done submitted by
contractor on the basis of agreement after necessary deduction of Income Tax at notified rate plus surcharge, if
any, security, penalty (if any), levies (if any) etc. However the payments shall be release within reasonable
time under rules on submission of running bill by the contractor. But the delay in releasing the payment to the
contractor shall not form any basis for delay salary payment to the labour by the contractor. No interest shall
be payable on delayed payment to the contractor.

2) GOODS & SERVICE TAX:- G.S.T. shall be paid extra. However firm have to mention clearly that G.S.T.
required extra (In Part-I), otherwise it will be consider that G.S.T. is inclusive in the offered rates.

3) INCOME TAX:- It will be deducted as per rules at the applicable rate

4) SECURITY DEPOSIT:- Upon acceptance of tender, the successful tenderer shall deposit such additional
sum which together with earnest money already deposited at the time of submission of tender in favor of
DY,CAO,CFA & BO,BTPS,ANPARA (if the amount exceeds Rs. 5000.00). Such BG should be valid for the
entire period of contract plus three months after the expiry of such contract to form the initial security deposit
within two weeks after the issue of LOI. OR 10% of the payments shall be deducted as security money from
the running bills of the contractor.

Page 16 of 27
5) TIME OF COMPLETION:- The agreement for the above works will be executed initially for 12 months
and can be enhanced for 03 months as per requirement on the same rates, terms & conditions. For un-
satisfactory work, the agreement can be terminated after giving a notice of one week. In case of termination of
agreement, the earnest money and security money initially deposited may be forfeited

a) If found that work is not progressing satisfactorily or is not likely to be completed within the stipulated time,
because of failure of the contractor, in case of any irregularity on the part of the contractor ; the Nigam may
impose the penalty as specified and or forfeit security deposit at specific amount as penalty. The UPRVUNL
management/Engineer of Contract shall have the right for termination of the contract after a notice of one
week in writing and to award the work to any other agency at the risk and cost of contractor.

b) On cancellation of the contract in full or in part, the Engineer of Contract shall determine what amount, if
any, is recoverable from the contractor for completion of works or part of the works. In determining such
amount, credit may be given to the contractor for the value of the work executed by him up to the cancellation.

c) Any excess expenditure incurred or to be incurred by the Nigam for completion of the work or part of the
works, excess loss or damages suffered or may be suffered by the Nigam as aforesaid after allowing such
credit; shall be recovered from any money due to the contractor on any account and if such moneys not
sufficient, the contractor shall be called upon in writing to pay the same within 30 days.

d) The Engineer in charge of Contract shall on such cancellation have right to get the incomplete work carried
out by any means on the risk & cost of the contractor.

7) ENGINEER IN CHARGE OF CONTRACT:- Dy. CAO, CFA & BO, BTPS Anpara will be Engineer in
Charge of the contract. Ordering Executive Engineer of the work/service unit will be the Engineer of Contract.
He shall allot the services to the indenting user unit for execution of work as and when required/indented. The
user unit shall be responsible for execution, time frame, quality and bill verification, thereafter and shall be the
Engineer in charge of Contract.

8) ENGINEER’S DECISION: -To prevent disputes and litigation it shall be accepted as inseparable part of
the contract that in matters regarding material, workmanship, renewal of improper work, interpretation of
contract drawings and contract specifications, made of procedure and the carrying out of the work; the
decision of the Engineer in charge of Contract shall be final and binding on the contractor and in any technical
question which may arise during the contract, the Engineer of Contract’ s decision shall be final and

9) AWARD OF CONTRACT:- The purchaser does not pledge to accept the lowest or any tender and
reserves the right to accept the whole or any part of any tender as he may think fit without assigning any
reason thereof, No tender should be deemed to have been accepted unless such acceptance is notified in
writing to the tenderer by the purchaser.

10) SECURITY MONEY RELEASED : -The security money shall be released after 03(Three) months of the
completion period of the agreement but if the contractor fails to perform the work successfully or discontinues
the work before completion of the period or the agreement work is discontinued by the department due to poor
performance; the security money shall be forfeited.

a) The Overhauling work shall have to be started same day after issue of date of start failing which the penalty
as per clause will be imposed. Overhauling of unit may declared any time and the contractor will have to
mobilize the manpower by calling men in night or holidays.

b) Depending upon the volume of the work, the contractor may have to deploy manpower in shift as per
directive of site engineer/ Engineer of contract.

Page 17 of 27
c) The contractor may be required to deploy sufficient manpower to simultaneously start work in both unit as
per site requirement and complete all of them in minimum possible time as per instruction and satisfaction of
Engineer of Contract.

d) All documentary requirements for timely issue of gate passes to the labours/ vehicles engaged for execution
of the work shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor. The contractor shall have to ensure that the
vehicle/vehicles engaged by him has/have valid papers regarding registration, insurance etc.

12) PROCEDURE OF DOING WORK:- Separate work indent on the basis of agreement will be issue the
engineer in charge of contract for carrying out the work. The work shall have to be started by the contractor as
per the instruction of Engineer-in -Charge or his authorized representative at any time on working day, on
holiday or after office hours, shall be confirmed by post dated indent. The indent will indicate the date / time
of start of work, details of work and scheduled time of completion of work as per contract.. The total time
allowed by the Engineer -in -Charge will be final & binding to the contractor He has authority to stop the work
whenever such stoppage is necessary to ensure the proper execution of the contract. He shall also have
authority to reject all works or part there of and give necessary direction to carry out work again to his
satisfaction. No claim whatsoever on this account will be entertained. In case the contractor fails to do the
extra / substituted work, Engineer-in-Charge will have the right to get the work done through another agency
at the risk & cost of the contractor.

13) INSPECTION OF WORK:- Time to time inspection will be done by the Nigam representative/Engineer
of Contract if work is not found up to the mark, the same has to be done again without any extra cost. A
separate instruction and work register in duplicate shall be maintained by the contractor for the works being
carried out by him. He will also obtain the signature of the authorized representative of Nigam issuing the
instructions to carry out the different works. Finally the register will be submitted along with the running bill
for record in the office of the Engineer of Contract. The register shall also be signed by the contractor. The
works which are not of regular nature one indent will be given by AE concerned to carry out such works.
However, the working priorities will be intimated by the Engineer in charge of Contact separately. Details of
the work executed by the contractor will be maintained in his own register and will be checked by concerned
JE/AE of the division during execution of work and after work these registers will be the property of Nigam.

(a) The contractor shall comply with the provisions of all labour laws applicable. in particular comply with
provision of the contract (Regulation & Abolition Act, Minimum Wages Act. Workman's Compensation Act
etc.). He shall also comply with the provisions: and revision made thereof of The Factory.

(b) Act/Rules, the Contract Labour Act, the EPF Act/Rules. The' contractor must prepare all required
statements/registers etc. and keep record of them as per provisions made in the related Act/Rules and shall be
bound to produce whenever demanded so.

(c) The contractor shall at all time indemnify the ATPS against all claims, damages or compensation under the
provisions of payment of wages act, 1936, Minimum Wages Act, 1948, Employer's Liability Act, 1938, The
Workman's Compensation Act, 1923, Industrial Dispute Act, 1946 & the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 or any
modification therein or any other law relating thereto & rules made there under from time to time or as a
consequence of any accident or injury to any of his labour.

(d) The contractor shall prove to Engineer of contract from time to time that contractor has taken out all the
insurance policies related to his labour & have paid the necessary premiums for keeping the policies alive.

(e) The contractor shall be fully responsible and bound to comply with the provision of the labour laws in
force in the state of Uttar Pradesh or any amendment there of which may be passed time to time by the
Competent Authority.

(f) The contractor must pay wages to his labour at a rate not less than the rates prescribed/revised time to time
as per UP Govt UPRVUNL rules and photo copy of payment sheet shall be submitted latest by 07th of the
subsequent month without which contractors bill for payment shall not be processed. The contractor shall keep

Page 18 of 27
attendance and leave record on prescribed Form No. 12 & 14 and shall produce monthly along with running

(g) The contractor must maintain attendance of his laborers as per provision of factory rules. The contractor
will also be required to submit photocopy of payment sheet of each month of the subsequent month along with
proof of deposition of EPF contribution failing which his bill for subsequent month may not be processed and
payment may not be released and if this condition persist for consecutive two months, then action as deemed
fit against the contractor shall be initiated which also include termination of the contract.

(h) If any liability at any stage is created due to non-compliance of above Acts/Rules, then it will recovered
from contractor's pending bill or security lying in this division or any other division of ATPS or at any project
of UPRVUNL and/or by the other legal means.

(i) If labour is engaged by the contractor on National Holiday, the wages for the same day shall be paid by the
contractor as applicable

15) SAFETY RULES:- Contractor shall have to comply with all the provisions of safety rules. A penalty of
Rs.200/- per day per head shall be imposed, if the workers of contractor are found to be working carelessly and
/or in violation of use of proper protection equipment. Against violation of any other clause, penalty of
Rs.500/- per violation (minimum) shall be levied. In case of repeated violation of very serious nature resulting
in any serious accident or direct losses to the corporation/ threatens to cause severe consequences, higher
penalty rate may be imposed including suspension/termination of the contract.

16) COMPENSATION:- For any accident of the contractor’s labour, contractor has to pay compensation to
the labour as per factory act/Labour act/as per workmen’s compensation act. Department/Nigam will not be
responsible for any such payment what so ever.

17) BEHAVIOUR:- The behavior of the contractor or his workers should be good with Nigam’s officer/staff.
For any misbehavior of the contractor’s workers, the contractor has to remove that worker from the site at once
and the loss due to misbehavior incurred, if any, has to be recovered from the contractor’ s bills. For the
misbehavior of the contractor, the Engineer of Contract reserves the full right to cancel the agreement at once
without giving any notice to him.

18) CORRESPONDENCE AND NOTICES:- “The Engineer shall ordinarily correspond with Tenderer
/Contractor at the address furnished by the Tenderer /contractor. Any notice to be sent to the Tenderer
/contractor by the Nigam shall be sent on the address of the Tenderer/contractor furnished by him during
tender or as intimated by him. As such, notice so sent shall be deemed as good, service and any time required
to commence shall be counted from the date on which the notice should have been served on the Tenderer
/contractor in the ordinary course”

19) MINIMUM WAGE:- Contractor will have to pay the Wages and holidays etc. to his workers as per
Minimum Wages Act and other Labour Laws.

20) DAMAGES DUE TO NEGLIENCE:- In the event of any damage occurring to any work, property of
Nigam or any person due to negligence on the part of the contractor or his labour, the contractor shall be solely
responsible and must reconstruct, repair and make good any such damages at his own expense to the full
satisfaction of the Engineer of contract. No claim shall be entertained for idle labour due to strike, lock out etc.
beyond the control of Nigam All suitable precautions will have to be taken by the contractor to avoid any
accident / Miss-happening etc.

21) JURISDICTION: - All legal proceedings in connection with contract shall be subject to the territorial
jurisdiction of local courts at Sonebhadra (UP)

21) ARBITRATION:- All cases of disputes or disagreements between the parties arising out for the
settlement of the differences, the matter shall be finally settled by the Arbitrator appointed by the Chairman/

Page 19 of 27
Managing Director, UPRVUNL & the disputes will be dealt in accordance with provision of the Arbitrator &
Conciliation Act, 1996.


a) Contractor must have produce list of manpower with EPF no allotted to them for issuance of Gate Pass.
b) Contractor will have to submit list of man power hired and EPF No allotted to them. Contractor has also to
produce acknowledgement copy of submission of form-02 & Form-05. In case contractor has not submitted
these forms, he has to submit undertaking that he will submit these documents within one month.

(c) Contractor must deduct EPF amount of their hired manpower and should have ensured to fill form-13A
after completion of work.

(d) Contractor has to submit form-3A & Form-6A duly attested by Executive Engineer of concerned division
in the office of welfare officer after each financial year.

(e) Contractor shall have to produce copy of annual return filed with EPF department at the end of currency
period and proof of depositing service tax (which is paid by the Nigam along with his monthly bills, if required
separately) to the concerned department. If the Contractor fails or neglect to observe or perform any of his
obligations under the contract, it will be lawful for the UPRVUNL to forfeit (either in whole or in part at its
absolute discretion) the security deposit furnished by the Contractor. No Interest shall be payable on such
deposit. Payment shall be done only after submission of these documents.

33) GENIUENITY OF DOCUMENTS:- If, after agreement for the work is made, it comes to the knowledge
of the undersigned that fake documents have been used to obtain the contractor, or, if it comes to knowledge
that the concerned contractor is involved in mafia activities, or, that the concerned contractor has intimidated
the concerned tendered or stopped them from participating in the tender process, then in that case, the project
management shall have the right to terminate the contract and the loss to the projection account of the same,
shall be the responsibility for the concerned contractor and action for re tendering for the concerned work shall
be taken

34) All other terms & conditions shall be as per Form-A (General condition of contract for the supply of plant
and the execution of works) of UPRVUNL.

dk;Z vuqcfU/kr gksus ds i”pkr %

(i) lafonkdkj vius }kjk fu;kfs tr Jfedkas dh vius ewY; ij dh x;h nq?kVZ uk chek ls lEcfU/kr vfHkys[k
vfHk;Urk dks izLrqr djsaxsrnksijkUr dk;Z lEiknu ds fy, lafonk Jfedksa ds xsV ikl cukus dh laLrqfr dh

(ii) lafonkdkj vius fu;kfs tr lafonk Jfedks@dkfeZdks dh U;uw re etnwjh dk Hkqxrku izR;ds ekg psd }kjk
gh djxs sA psd }kjk Hkxq rku u djus dh n”kk esa fuxe }kjk vuqcU/k lekIr fd;k tk ldrk gS ftlds fy,
lafonkdkj Lo;a mRrjnk;h gksxk A ;fn lafonkdkj }kjk fu;ksftr lafonk Jfedksa }kjk U;wure etnwjh
Hkqxrku u fd;s tkus dh fyf[kr f”kd;r izkIr gksrh gS rks mulafonk Jfed@Jfedks dks lafonkdkj }kjk
de Hkqxrku dh x;h jkf”k dks lafonkdkj ds chtd ls dkVdj mi Jek;qDr] fiijh lksuHknz ds ikl Jfedks
dks Hkqxrku fd;s tkus gsrq tek dj fn;k tk;xs kA

(iii) lafonkdkj vius fu;kstr lafonk Jfedka@s dkfeZdks dh etnwjh ls mlds etnjw h dh 12 izfr”kr /kujkf”k
bZ0ih0,Q0 dVkSrh ds en esa dkfeZdks ds va”knku ds :Ik esa rFkk 13-61 izfr”kr /kujkf”k fu;ksDrk ¼lafonkdkj½
ds va”knku ds :i eas Lo;a ds /ku ls vfuok;Z :i ls dVkSrh dj nksuksa va”knku dh /kujkf”k
(12+13.61=25.61 izfr”kr) pkyku ds ek/;e ls lgk;d deZpkjh Hkfo’; fuf/k vk;qDr {ks=h; dk;kZy;]
okjk.klh ds i{k esa tek djsaxk rnksijkUr gh chtdks dks ikl fd;k tk;sxkA

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(iv) Lafonkdkj dks vfUre Hkqxrku o ?kjkgs j /kujkf”k dk Hkqxrku rHkh fd;k tk;sxk tc og mi Jek;qDr
dk;kyZ ;] okjk.klh o lgk;d deZpkjh Hkfo’; fuf/k vk;qDr {k+=s h; dk;kyZ ; okjk.klh ls bl vk”k; dk
izek.k&i= fy[kok dj yk;sxs fd lEcfU/k lafonkdkj ds fo:} u gh fdlh izdkj dk dksbZ cdk;k ns; gS
vkSj u gh dksbZ okn muds dk;kZy;@U;k;ky; esa yfEcr gSA
(v) lafonkdkj lafonk Je ¼fofu;e ,oa mRiknu ½vf/kfu;e 1970 o lifBr m0iz0 lafonk Je ¼fofu;e ,oa
mRiknu½ fu;ekoyh 1975 ds fofHkUu izkfo/kkuksa ds vuqikyu esa fuEu vfuok;Z dk;Zogh Hkh vo”; lqfuf”pr
¼d½ o;Ld lafonk Jfedkas dk jftLVj izi=&12 izLrqr djaxs sA
¼[k½ lafonkdkj vius fu;kfs tr dkfeZdks dh ,d ifa tdk vo”; cuk;saxs ftles izR;sd dk iw.kZ v|ru fooj.k
vyx&vyx i`’Bks ij izi=&13 ds izk:i eas vo”; Hkjdj j[ksaxsA
¼x½ dkfeZdksa ds lsok;kstu dkMZ izi=&14 ds izk:i esa cuk dj dkfeZdksa dks nsaxs A mDr dkMZ dh ,d izfr os
[k.M ds vf/k”kklh vfHk;Urk] dkj[kkuk izcU/kd o dY;k.k vf/kdkjh dks vo”;d miyC/k djk;sxAs
¼/k½ lafonk Jfedksa ds ukfeuh dk izek.k&i= izi=&16 i.w kZ :i ls Hkjok dj nsxsaA
¼M½ lafonk Jfedkas ds etnwjh dk Hkqxrku izi=&17 ij gh djsxsA
¼p½ etnwjh iphZ izi=&19 ds izk:Ik esa cuk dj izR;sd dkfeZd dks etnwjh Hkqxrku djus ds nks fnu iwoZ
vo”; nsaxsA
¼N½ izR;ds lafonkdkj o’kZ ds 30 twu o 31 fnlEcj ds iwoZ vius QeZ dk vyx&vyx vf/kokf’kdZ fjiksVZ
izi=&24 ds izk:Ik esa dk;kZy; mi Jek;qDr fiijh lksuHknz dks rFkk ,d izfr dkj[kkuk izcU/kd o dY;k.k
vf/kdkjh vuijk rkih; ifj;kts uk vuijk dks vo”;d izsf’kr djsaxs rkfd iz/kku fu;kts d }kjk Hkh okf’kZd
fjikZsV fu/kkZfjr frfFk 15 tuojh ds iwoZ mDr dk;kZy; dks izsf’kr dh tk ldsA

Page 21 of 27

(On a non Judicial stamp of Rs.-100/- plus Re.1/- revenue stamp)

1. Tender invited by
2. e- Tender Number

3. Name of Work

4.Name of the Tenderer

(Name of the Firm)
In consideration of U P Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd., having treated the tenderer to be eligible
person whose tender may be considered, the tenderer herby agrees to the condition that its offer shall
remain firm & valid for Four Months w. e. f. the date of opening of Part-II of the tender bids. The
tenderer also agrees to the condition that if the tenderer does withdraw his proposal within the said
period of four months or during the period of execution / completion of the work, the Earnest money
deposited by him, may be forfeited to the U P Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd., at the discretion of
the latter.


Place: Seal & Signature

Name of Proprietor/Authorised Person -----------------------------------------------

Name of Firm ----------------------------------------------------------

Address of Firm ----------------------------------------------------------



Page 22 of 27
¼10 :i;s ds ukWu&twfMf”k;y LVSEi ij½

eS-----------------------------------------------------------------firk dk uke-----------------------------------------------irk----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------dk@dh fuoklh “kiFk iwoZd c;ku djrk@djrh gWw fd%
1- ¼d½ eS QeZ eS0-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------irk----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
-dk@dh ,dek= Lokeh gwa rFkk blesa esjk@esjh dksbZ lk>hnkj ugha Gsa
¼[k½ eS0-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------irk----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
gekjh ,d lk>hnkj QeZ gS rFkk eS bldk@bldh vf/kd`r izfrfuf/k gWw ftlls lEcfU/kr ikz f/kdkj&i= eS viuh fufonk ds
vyx ls izLrqr dj jgk gWawA

¼x½ es0-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------irk-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------gekjh ,d jftLVMZ dEiuh gS rFkk eS bldk@bldh vf/kd`r ifz rfuf/k gWaw ftlls lEcfU/kr izkf/kdkj&i= es viuh
fufonk ds lkFk vyx ls izLrqr dj jgk gWAw

2- ¼d½ m0i0z jk0fo0m0fu0fy0esa esjk@ejs h@gekjk dksbZ Hkh fj”rsnkj dk;Zjr ugha gSA
¼[k m0iz0jk0fo0m0fu0fy0esa esjk@esjh@gekjk@gekjs fj”rsnkj dk;Zjr gS@gS ftldk@ftudk fooj.k fuEuor gS%
uke---------------------------------------------------------------------------- firk dk uke -------------------------------------------------------------------
inuke---------------------------------------------------------------------- foHkkx dk uke ----------------------------------------------------------------

3- eS@ge vius fu;ksftr lafonk Jfedks@dkfeZdks dh U;wure etnwjh dk Hkqxrku iRz ;ds ekg psd }kjk
d:Waxk@d:Waxh@djsaxs A esjs@gekjs }kjk pd ls Hkqxrku u djus dh n”kk es fuxe }kjk esjk@gekjk vuqcU/k lekIr fd;k tk
ldrk gS ftlds fy, eS@ge Lo;a mRrjnk;h gWwaxk@gksxsA

4- eS@ge lafonk Je ¼fofu;e ,oa mUuewyu½ vf/kfu;e] 1970 o lifBr m0iz0 lafonk Je ¼fofu;e ,oa mUuewyu½ fu;ekorh
1970 ds leLr izkfo/kkuks dk leqfpr :I ls vuqikyu d:Waxk@d:Waxh@djsaxs rFkk vuqikyu u gkus s dh n”kk esa fu;kstd }kjk
esjs@gekjs fo:} dh x;h dksbZ Hkh dk;Zokgh eq>s@ges ekU; gksxhA

5- esjs }kjk fufonk esa tek fd;s x;s lHkh izi= fof/klEer ,oa oS| gSA iiz =ksa esa fdlh idz kj dk eSuhiqys”ku ugha fd;k x;k
gSA eSuhiyq s”ku dh n”kk esa vFkok voS| izi= tek djus ij eS Lo;a ftEesnkj gxw k ,oa foHkkx esjs f[kykQ tks Hkh dk;Zokgh
djsxh eq>s Lohdk;Z gksxkA

fnukad---------------------------- gLrk{kj
QeZ ds izfrfuf/k dk uke o eqg

nks lk{kh ds gLrk{kj ¼uke o irk lfgr½


Page 23 of 27

(This affidavit has to submit only in the case character certificates has expired and Firm Proprietor/Partners have
applied for making Characters Certificate in that case Proprietor/Partners will have to submit affidavit on Rs.
100.00 in the following format.)
(On a non Judicial stamp of Rs.-100/- plus Re.1/- revenue stamp)
I/we have applied for making of Character certificated and will submit it within 03 month from the date of issue of
LOI.Failing to submit valid character certificate within due time UPRVUNL will be free to take any action against
me/us and LOI& agreement may be cancelled.
Place: Seal & Signature
Name of Proprietor/Authorised Person ---------------------------------------
Name of Firm -----------------------------------------------------------

Page 24 of 27

fufonkdkj }kjk fufonk izi= ds lkFk tek fd;s tkus gsrq izek.k&i=
1- eS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------uke iez djrk gWa fd esjh bl QeZ vFkok ,slh dksbZ Hkh QeZ ftldk eS
lgHkkxh@ekfyd gWw vFkok esjs Lo; dk fuxe ds vkokl la0-------------------------------------------dk fdjk;k vkSj fo/kqr “kqYd ekg---------------------
------------------rd dk tek fd;k tk pqdk gS rFkk blds iez k.k gsrq lEcfU/kr vuqj{k.k [k.Mksa ¼fo/kqr tkuin vuqj{k.k [k.M&f}rh;]
fo/kqr tkuin vuqj{k.k [k.M&prqFkZ½ ,oa fo/qkr vuqj{k.k [k.M&r`rh; ls izkIr vns;rk iez k.k i= layXu gSA
2- esjh bl QeZ vFkok ,slh dksbZ Hkh QeZ ftldk eS lgHkkxh@ekfyd gWw vFkok esjs Lo;a ds uke ls vuijk rkih; ifj;kstuk
esa dksbZ vkokl@tehu u rks vokafVr gS ,oa u gh ifj;kstuk ds fdlh vkokl@tehu es eS voS/k :Ik ls jgrk gWawA ;fn
mijksDr izek.k&i= esa fdlh izdkj dh vlR;rk ik;h tkrh gS rks foHkkx esjk orZeku vuqcU/k lekIr dj ldrk gSA
fnukad ---------------------------------------
QeZ ds izfrfuf/k dk uke o eqgj
uksV%& dzekad 01 ls 02 esa tks ykxw u gks mls dkV nsaA

Page 25 of 27

QeZ@Bds snkj }kjk ;g izi= foHkkx }kjk fuxZr fufonk ls vyx dj Hkkx&1 ds lkFk tek fd;k tkuk
lqfuf”pr fd;k tk;sA
1& ¼v½ QeZ dk uke %------------------------------------------------------------------
¼c½ ekfyd dk uke %------------------------------------------------------------------
2& ¼l½ firk dk uke %------------------------------------------------------------------
¼n½ lk>hnkj dk uke 1&--------------------------------------------------------------
3& LFkk;h irk&
1& edku la0& -----------------------------
2& xkWao@ekgs Yyk& -----------------------------
3& Mkd/kj & -----------------------------
4& Fkkuk & -----------------------------
5& ftyk& -----------------------------
6& fiu dksM+ la0 -----------------------------
7& Mob. No./nwjHkk’k la0& -----------------------------
4& i=kpkj gsrq irk& ----------------------------------------------------------
vf/kd`r izfrfuf/k

Page 26 of 27

PRESCRIBED VIDE G.O. NO.A-1-5256/X-15(1)-1962, DATED 05.12.63

(Applicable to State Bank of India and other Scheduled Bank for Guarantees without deposit of securities upto prescribed




Anpara Thermal Power Station

Anpara, Sonebhadra (U.P.)

(For the Chairman & Managing Director of UPRVUNL)





Incorporated under the Indian Companies Act having its registered office

at……………………………………….………………………./ a firm

registered under the Indian Partnership Act and having its business office at


………..Son ………………………………………………………………………………………………….resident of


....carrying on business under the firm’s name and style of



Son of………………………………….resident of


Partners carrying on business under the firm’s name and style of






1. ………………………………………………………………….which is an unregistered partnership firm

(hereinafter called the Tenderer) has/have in response to your tender notice against Tender Notice No. T-02/MMC-

II/SD/BTPS/2021-22 for issue of Agreement for the work of Preparation of Monthly Accounts having

programming confirming to the accounting relevant in the Nigam on computer along with Providing Computer

Operator, Computer, Printer, UPS and their Consumables, Work of monthly provision of all inwards supplies &

services bills & computation of GST TDS & Income Tax and Work of Preparation of Monthly GPF trust Accounts

having programming confirming to the accounting relevant in the Nigam for a period of one year as contended in

the offer submitted/intended to submitted by Tenderers letter


And whereas the Tenderer is required to furnish a Bank Guarantee for the sum of Rs……………….as Earnest Money

against Tenderer’s offer as aforesaid, duly pledged for payment in the name of DY. CAO,CFA& BO,BTPS ANPARA

Anpara Thermal Power Station Anpara Sonebhadra (U.P.) And whereas

we………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(Name of

Bank) have at the request of the Tenderer agreed to give you this Guarantee as hereinafter contained.

Now therefore, in consideration of the promises we, the undersigned hereby covenant that, subject to Clause(c), below the


tender of the tenderer shall remain open for acceptance by you during the period of validity as mentioned in the tender or

any extension thereof as you and the tenderer may subsequently agree and if the tenderer shall for any reason back out,

whether expressly or impliedly, from his said tender during the period of its validity or any extension thereof as aforesaid,

we hereby guarantee to you the payment of the sum of Rs. ……………………

…………………………………………………on demand notwithstanding the existence of any dispute between the

Chairman & Managing Director of UPRVUNL and the tenderer in this

Page 27 of 27

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